...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 15 May 2018

15th May 2018 New Moon in Taurus, 16th and 17th May Uranus and Mars change signs

Hi everyone! 

The universal staircase of humanity’s ascension:
It’s an ascension stairway in the light of the Taurus Sun guiding us to become the earthlings carrying the starlight within.  We’re all here travelling in consciousness towards a greater vision, sometimes even beyond our wildest dreams but somehow or other we’re holding to this vision. 

Changes are happening:  We need to look for them and accept it’s happening!We wouldn’t be seeing the changes, even small ones on planet earth if it wasn’t for this growing community of lightworkers across the planet.  It may be difficult to recognise these small steps forward as sometimes we fall over, stumble, fall back to acknowledge old wounds we’re carrying within our spiritual beings.
We're peeling off layers of conditioning, control and embedded memories. It can take time as we honour old aspects of the self, feel the 'pain' and let it go.

We’re letting go of competing against others:  It’s a solitary journey!
We’re not in a race or competition to get to the top of the staircase.  Some of us doing some heavy duty lifting, slashing and burning of the undergrowth spiritually may seem to be at the bottom of the staircase in the physical world.  We’re doing what we’re called to do this lifetime in terms of our divine blueprint.

We have so many benchmarks in our world that have been assumed as ‘right’ and the only way to go that we don’t know that they’re embedded in us until we’re challenged by a different point of view, way of life.

Everyone on earth is doing the clearance...aware or not!
It’s my view that whoever is on the earth is ‘doing the clearance’ even when in our eyes they seem to be wallowing in the depths.  What about our homeless people, people with disabilities, dementia, drug addicts and yes our angry terrorists.    

They’re all doing ‘something’ here on earth and are being washed with the energy of the divine love, forgiveness and compassion as those of us who are consciously working energetically are bringing it in.

We don’t know about each other’s soul journey let alone our own soul learning.  As soon as we ‘look down’ on others we join them where they are whatever state of being that is. Yes, the call is to bring higher consciousness into the physical but we start with the unseen forces within us and in the earth, the cosmos before the densest energies can be impacted.  We are energy!  It’s an unseen force which is being cleared and healed for every one of us.

What’s coming in:
It is in the light of this knowledge we’re entering into another profound and dramatic change process on earth this week.  It will impact across the social, economic, physical and spiritual dimensions.  Time to let go of that benchmark ‘good and bad’ and the competitive systems of measurement which keep people down and oppressed.  Time to acknowledge all as seekers of love and truth even if we don’t agree with their rhetoric or actions.  How much can we love our fellow human beings and the earth itself?  It’s ahead of us as we drop the barriers to unification.

15th May: 2018 New Moon 24 degrees 36 minutes Taurus  9.47 pm AEST
Heaven to earth!
Calling on the power within to bring forth our new ‘babies’ under the New Moon in Taurus!
Well this one’s going to open the doors for physical manifestation! 
With the New Moon in Taurus connecting in very nicely with Pluto, accompanied by Black Moon Lilith and Mars in Capricorn, we’ve got a guaranteed release on offer if we’re prepared to accept and open to receive as we let go of some worn out energies.
Renew, re-dedicate and re-focus:  To earth and all who live here! Abundance for all!
The Capricorn energies reinforce the call to refocus and rededicate to our particular pathway forward to access our divine potentials for attaining material success along with divine alignment in the wider world.  Whatever is blocking us is waiting to be cleared and released into the light.  We just have to keep reminding ourselves to go on and not to fall back into any sense of failure or lack of self-worth.  Taurus energy is calling us to feel good about ourselves and our value to ourselves and to the wider world.
Taurus rules:  
Values, self-worth, gifts, talents, earning capacities and personal resources
That’s quite a brief coming in with this New Moon and the whole host of Taurus energies accompanying and supporting us as we birth into this new lunar month backed up by the knowledge of self we’ve been acquiring for the past weeks, months, years with the planetary energies which have been clearing and purifying our ‘essence of self’.
Uranus in Aries, the stumbling block, awakening us to the stairway to liberation!
The only stumbling block could be getting over Uranus in Aries squaring off to Mars/Pluto/BM Lilith in Capricorn, breaking us out of the status quo, off the escalator of the treadmill.
Assisting the birthing process over the stumbling block is Venus and the asteroid Pallas Athena in Gemini so keeping focussed on the warrior goddess heart energy will help Uranus get over himself with some degree of ease and grace.  Is that possible?  Worth a try!  Venus is the ruler of Taurus so a significant player in this new moon birthing energy.
Awaken to the beat of the heart of Mother Earth:  
Taurus rules the physical body, ourselves and the earth!
Time to plug into the power house of the ‘divine earth’:  Listen to to her heartbeat and let the heart beat to her rhythm!
If we’re not aligned with the divine earth energy, the higher consciousness of the earth which is needing release within each of us, we’re going to be awakened to it big time when Uranus moves into Taurus the day after this New Moon. 

Put on your Taurus boots and get boot scooting!  
Time to sing, make music and dance, dance, dance!
This New Moon calls us to take time to tune into the earth and hear her messages as we walk on the earth, hold a crystal, a stone or enjoy the fruits of the land as we sit down to her bounty to eat.  Whatever reminds us of our physicality will be good for us whether hugging a tree, a loved one, making love, dancing, singing, beating our drum, playing an instrument, painting a picture, exercise, marching, running, skipping.  I could go on but I’m sure you get my drift.  Bit of boot scooting would be very Taurean!

Coming down to earth: 
Gently does it! We're safe!  The New Moon brings earthly comfort
Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature

With the New Moon in Taurus, we’re starting to feel some degree of grounding all that fire energy that's been keeping us tense, jumpy, edgy and nervous.  It feels like that out of control hot air balloon has come down to earth...gently.

Take this energy in and allow the earth to hold us this week as we start grounding all the electrical charges and fire energies which have kept us walking on hot coals in the 'firewalk' of courage.  When Uranus moves out of Aries into Taurus in the next 24 hours we’re going to be given the opportunity to hold the electrical charge and channel it through our physical bodies.

At the New Moon in Taurus:
7 important planets/planetary points in Earth signs: PhysicalIn Taurus: Mother Earth
Mercury...grounding mentally, nervous system, breath
In Capricorn: Climbing the mountain of respect
Mars...grounding physically the fire and drive
Saturn...maintaining, staying on track
Pluto...discovering and releasing attachment to status quo

3 points in Fire signs: Spiritual, fire and passionIn Aries: Identity, 'I am'
Uranus...electrical wake up to the true self
Chiron...healing, resolving identity issues/wounds
In Leo: Light of the Sun
North Node...planetary focus and direction at this time

2 in harmony in Water signs: Emotional                                                           
Jupiter in Scorpio...transforming deep emotions
Neptune in Pisces...elevating emotional consciousness


1 planet in Air sign: Mind, thoughtsIn Gemini: Unification of duality masculine/feminine
Venus...uniting the duality of the mind and heart

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon/Sun in Taurus:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Taurus 25
This Symbol shows that there's lots of room to move in this situation and many things are in their rightful place. You are part of something important, but you are only a small part or something much larger. As everyone works together, you will be able to create a useful and lasting result that will eventually benefit the whole community. The question is: are you in a balanced state of work and play? Although there is probably a lot of work that needs to be done, fun needs to be given its priorities as much as work and duty. Paying attention to appearances. People living in peace. People taking to the streets. Gardens and gardening. Work of few for the pleasure of many. The need for maintenance.

16th May: Uranus moves into Taurus 
at 1.16 am AEST
Earthing the bright ideas!
Until 7th November 2018
Uranus to Aries retrograde Nov 2018 to March 2019
Uranus to Taurus March 2019 to July 2025

Earthing the electrical charge of Uranus:  Our higher minds opened to new power on earth!
Taurus is the comfort zone of earthly abundance liberated by the power of love, Venus, Mother Earth. This is going to shake up the comfort zone in many ways which will be manifest quite differently to what we’ve been experiencing with the Uranus in Aries energies of these past years. We’re being awakened to Mother Earth’s potential and our potential as earthlings with new ideas and powers.

What’s been happening with Uranus in Aries since 2012
All that dramatic sudden awakening about who we are has been hitting us in relation to our ‘masculine’ fire, drive and action in the world.  The makeover has been relentless in challenging us to let go of those old ways of expressing our fire and drive in the world.  The old ‘masculine’ expression in the world, survival of the fittest has been releasing the ghosts of warriors from the battle fields of the past.

Uranus brings higher consciousness and leading edge thinking:  
Are you ready to welcome it?
So this next few months is a great opportunity to get in touch with the higher consciousness of Uranus which will be awakening us to our true value, our abilities, our gifts, our personal resources and to our physical place here on earth.  We are entitled to a divine existence and we are creating it.

Brilliant opportunities to access divine growth potential on earth!
Taurus rules our physical bodies, moneys earned and earning capacity as well as our values and self-worth. Put that package together and you can see that we are in a dramatic learning curve with respect to identifying our gifts and talents, owning them, backing ourselves with our worthiness to be in the flow of Taurean divine abundance.

As we align with Mother Earth and higher consciousness, we are destined to bring in new ways of living, being, healing and loving of ourselves and of others. Taurus is Venus ruled, the heart of Mother Earth.  We can’t lose if we follow this heart energy.

Awakening and releasing of those old energies of resistance!
We are being awakened to this ‘package of prosperity’ within us and setting forth on a whole new path of adventure and discovery.  Taurus is slow moving energy and Uranus is dramatic and electric, guaranteed to break down resistances held within us and within our physical bodies.
Are you willing to accept the gifts offered by Uranus which could blow your mind, heart, spirit and body with excitement and leading edge changes?  Just say it and it will be so!  Be excited...very excited!

Six months to ground the electricity and the new ideas pouring in:
We get a taste of this energy for the next 6 months until early November when Uranus goes back into Aries until March 2019.  So we’ve got a bit of readiness to ground this new energy and get used to working with it before it’s long haul of 6 years from March next year.  When it goes back into Aries it will be a bit of a clean up of any energies resistant to us expressing our true identity, our ‘I am’. 

16th May: Mars moves into Aquarius at 2.54 pm AEST
Finding your star of courage!
Until 27th June when Mars stations retrograde at 7 degrees Aquarius until 27th August

Time for some miraculous transformations!  Choose divine courage and find your star!
Mars is coming into a whole new energy, an uplift to the stars, to the higher consciousness of Aquarius.  How totally perfect that our warrior self moves into Aquarius just after Uranus, Aquarius’ ruler changes signs. 

Let’s get cosmic, let’s get physical and divinely fiery!
This energy has a very physical manifestation as Mars is ruler of our physical body as well as our fire, drive and courage.   Anything could be possible in these amazing energies as the higher consciousness is brought into our physical being and Mars is ignited by new courage and faith in his capabilities, strengths and desires. 

Let the fire of cosmic connection ignite divine desire...bring it down to earth!
This is life force ignited and charisma re-instated if we but allow this to happen.  We need to maintain the faith in the process and work with it, calling in whatever ‘miraculous’ shifts are possible.  Let’s remember that ‘miracles’ are the manifestation of the Saturnian discipline, focus and dedication to just keep going in divine faith.

Be excited:  
New ideas, insights and possibilities being birthed in our earthly existence as we access the innovative and unusual as Aquarian starwalkers.  Prepare to be surprised and delighted and get ready to run with some of these ideas if they’re ringing bells!

16th May:  Uranus meets Mars...a divine reboot of courage, fire and drive!  
Dancing boots on and take to the starwalk!
5.04 pm AEST  2 degrees Aquarius
Mars, our fiery warrior of courage energy came into challenge with Uranus during the New Moon rebirth as they both squared off in Aries/Capricorn, the final degrees.  They were finishing off ‘old business’ of the old warrior energy that’s been running us for so long.

Now, we’re getting an uplift to the higher vision of Aquarius, a physical rebirth which promises a miraculous healing of the old angers, hurts, failures, defeats which our warrior within has been carrying for so many lifetimes.  Time to be resurrected from the battlefield of death and humiliation. 

Golden Oldies:
‘The Colors of the Wind’ from ‘Pocahontas’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8rU2CK_1FI   for Taurus New Moon, Mercury, Uranus

‘Shake, rattle and roll’ Bill Haley and the Comets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B7xr_EjbzE  for Uranus in Taurus

‘Mother I Feel You’ Windsong Dianne Martin  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIqVg8CM1Gg  Mother Earth Taurus, sing a long chant

‘Sing a Song’ The Carpenters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LYekeK0HWo  for all the Taurus energy and the music within us and the earth

Enya – ‘May it be’  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8u4VLk0iTI  Mars in Aquarius (with lyrics)

Upcoming Dates:
19th May: Venus in Cancer
21st May:  Sun enters Gemini

30th May:  Full Moon in Sagittarius

Hugs all around!  
We’re tribal beings and we’re all connected by earth’s glitter ball dance hall!
We all want to belong, to be affiliated with our soul family, the like-minded others who totally ‘get us’ and accept us boots and all. It’s all about love and the unification with ourselves and with our ‘mob’.  Our wider family is all of humanity, all of the cosmos but we’ve had so much trouble accepting those energies which are not aligned with where we are in our development of conscious.  But we can still hold the intent to love and accept all wherever they are and open our hearts to ‘loving from a distance’. 
We don’t have to get up close and personal with everyone.  Sometimes we want to do this with our birth families but it isn’t always necessary to go back in to try to resolve karmic connections from other places and times which we are replaying with our families this lifetime.  We just need to find and recognise the wound within us and heal it.  These are old leg ropes that hold us back from being our divine selves this lifetime. 

The concept that we have to be ‘the Partridge family’ is a societal construct which is constantly being challenged. Whatever we do in consciousness we do for our birth families energetically.  We can be the leaders in consciousness and growth to healthier ways of living beyond co-dependency and enmeshment if we choose to accept our capacities and our divine calling this lifetime. 
Love and blessings to my ‘inner circle’ of close companions and to the circles of connection which extend out and beyond across the earth and the cosmos.
from ‘the chair’...walking with my tribe
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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