...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 29 May 2018

30th May 2018 Full Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury moves to Gemini

 Art:  Photorotic
Hi everyone!
Are we flitting and flying under the Gemini Sun or are we feeling a little weighed down by some heavy duty energy?  It’s a a bit of both as we lift up, drop down and focus on maintaining equilibrium and divine faith in the process.
We’ve been flying in the Gemini Sun but the New Moon in Taurus is our guiding lunar light and we’re in the lunar cleansing process of the Scorpio Full Moon from just a few weeks ago. Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs and with Scorpio it’s all or nothing demanding major letting go.
We can expect some uplift this week with the Full Moon in Sagittarius closing the door on the intensity of the Scorpio Full Moon cleansing/purification process.  Of course it will continue as we’re committed to raising consciousness and raising the roof on our lives and this planet.
Feeling like you’ve ‘lost your mind’?  We’re in the release of mindsets!
Meanwhile, the Gemini Sun has been highlighting our Mercury energy as the ruler of Gemini shines a torch on our mental body, our nervous system, calling us to release duality consciousness from within our mental body.  This is just one reason many of us have been feeling somewhat lightheaded, dizzy, confused in our thinking and feeling ‘out of focus’. 
Planetary forces all supporting release of neural patterning from the past:
Mind you, there’s a whole stack of other planetary aspects reinforcing the resolution of these energies of duality and mental processes which are detrimental to us accessing divine truth and clarity.   Mars in Aquarius is just one as Mars rules the head and the masculine energies so Mars is getting a work out to shift the old patterns of ‘masculine’ based thinking into the Aquarian higher mind consciousness.
Uranus in Taurus and Chiron in Aries:  A whole new direction!  
A new game plan emerging!

We’re all ‘tacking’ in a new direction and we don’t know yet what that is.  We may have had glimpses, ideas, possibilities, dreams or potentials over the years but they have seemed somewhat illusive and dreamlike beyond our reach.  Well, we’re now approaching the realisation of at least one of these divine potentials. We’re in the waiting game as we wait for our own readiness energetically to receive that new knowledge.  Meanwhile, we’re aligning with the energies of the Taurus ruled World Tree, as above so below, realigning, regrouping and renewing.
Uranus in Taurus is bringing in the lightning like electrical charges to our physical bodies and the earth itself, sending charges through our neurological systems in clearing the old physical energies with the higher consciousness of the new mental energies.
We’re being restructured and going through the ‘death throes’ of releasing past attachments
Saturn and Pluto on the job in Capricorn!  
Breaking down, releasing karmic bonds and old benchmarks!
Meanwhile, we’re adjusting our thinking and letting go of what we’ve been doing in our lives so we can make room for some new exciting directions.  When i say ‘letting go’, I mean energetically as we can’t just walk out of a job if it’s paying the rent/mortgage etc.  We need the infrastructure in place to support us and while Pluto and Saturn are both retrograding in Capricorn, we are being restructured, dying off to old ‘structures and systems’ of thinking and being which once supported us. We’re deconstructing the old walls of resistance!
Jupiter’s still in the Scorpio graveyard helping us release, re-energise and access the golden phoenix of regeneration:
At the same time, Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius is still back tracking in Scorpio, sign of death/rebirth until July when he turns direct at 13 degrees Scorpio.  We are in the graveyard of life releasing the ghosts and spectres which have held us back from living in our divine truth this lifetime.  The voices of the past echo through our beings asking for resolution and release.  Burying ‘the dead’ can take time as we honour the past with love and compassion.
Let’s remember that Jupiter offers expansion of consciousness so his journey in Scorpio is helping us mine our rich inner knowing to access the pure gold alchemical energies of transmutation and the discovery of our inner ‘gold’ of untapped talents and gifts.
30th May:  
Full Moon in Sagittarius at 8 degrees 10 Sagittarius at 12.19 am AEST
The doorway to new wisdom and knowledge:   Accessing the truth of the past and leaving!
The Full Moon always brings ending, completion and the potential for release and resolution of the ‘old’ so we can start preparing the ground for welcoming the next new moon.
Resolving the old memories:  
Release of old consciousness!
Sagittarius rules higher consciousness, spirituality, philosophy, divine truth, wisdom, expanding of knowledge through learning, discovering and willingness to accept the breadth of earth and humanity.  Foreign places, cultures, peoples and experiences are significant learning modalities for Sagittarius. 
Evolution of consciousness on tap:  
Full Moon opening up to North Node of Moon in Leo!
This Full Moon is bringing our previous knowledge bank relating to any or all of the above areas into focus as we are called to release those emotional energies brought to light by the Full Moon memory bank.  The moon rules memories and the past and at the Full moon it’s in full light exposing the buried memories and ‘secrets’ we’ve been carrying within our unconscious. What knowledge will arise from the great golden book of Sagittarian wisdom and memory bank?
This positive trine between the fiery Sagittarius full moon and the planetary North Node of the Moon at 7 degrees Leo is a promise of upliftment to all of us as the planetary consciousness calls us to access the power of the Leo energies of being our ‘divine child’, our original self and our creative powers. 
Mars, Pandora meeting with South Node of the Moon at 7 degrees Aquarius:
Meanwhile, Mars is sitting up close, 4 degrees Aq. to the South Node of Aquarius getting raised in consciousness as the asteroid Pandora at 8 degrees Aquarius opens us up to the locked in memories of planet earth. 
Let’s remember the myth of  Pandora with hope being the one abiding energy which stayed with humanity whilst the evils of pain, suffering and war were set loose.  We’re freeing these energies and sending them into the Leo light of love and the Sun.
The Gemini Sun sits directly opposite the Sagittarian Full Moon:  The signs of education, teaching and learning!

This whole planetary line up at this Full Moon is releasing those energies which are blocking access to the esoteric knowledge we are seeking in our growth and expansion process.
Whilst the Gemini Sun is guiding our butterfly gathering of pollen...’data’ energy, the Sagittarian Full Moon is releasing untapped sources of wisdom whilst letting the old paradigms be revealed and released as needs be. 
At Full Moons, the Moon and the Sun work together in balancing the partnership of our conscious and unconscious beings, guiding us to taking action which is guided by divine inner forces of our true selves.  Every Full Moon helps us to grow and learn.
Grand Water Trine:  Jupiter, Neptune, Venus
We are sailing on the oceans of divine possibility and divine love!
Hearts open to the broader landscape of love and its divine expression in our lives and on earth!
Venus in Cancer brings us home to our heart energy
Neptune in Pisces continues to expand and elevate our emotional consciousness in the ocean of collective experience
Jupiter in Scorpio takes us deep into the recesses of our emotional wellspring of untapped life force
We are sailing home across the sea!
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Sagittarius:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The Full Moon:  Sagittarius 9
This Symbol shows being able to lend a hand to those who need it, whether they are youngsters or not. It pictures situations where someone needs to assist those less able, experienced or indeed, less evolved, to overcome difficulties and to rise up and learn to cope, learn or understand. You may find yourself as either the experienced or the inexperienced or possibly finding the mother within you guiding your own inner child. It can also show someone caring for elderly relatives or friends. Whatever it is, one needs to have a sense of patience, caring and understanding. Lending a guiding hand to others is very important. The inner child. Training. Careful consideration of other's failings. Helping others to help themselves. Stewardship. Supervising parents. Handicaps. Alzheimer’s. Slow progress.

The Sun:  Gemini 9
This Symbol implies the ability of being able to take aim at something and achieving a bull’s eye - straight at the target. You need to be sure of what you want; that your aim is true, arm yourself and go after what you want. Your situation is one that requires skill, focus and knowledge of local conditions. There is no need to just rush forward hoping for the best, as this will only leave you feeling inadequate when you do find something. Compose yourself for a moment and realize that you have the ammunition and the sure marksmanship before taking aim and committing yourself. Make a strategy. Hit the target. Being armed and ready. Getting to the point. Accuracy and strength. Sending a message true and clear. Skills and confidence. Warriors.

30th May:  Mercury moves into Gemini at 9.48 am AEST...from confusion to clarity?  Up to us!
Until 13th June
Harnessing the power of Mercury in Gemini:  Scattered or focussed?
With Mercury moving into Gemini within hours of the Full Moon we’re being given a great opportunity to clear the cobwebs of our mental energies. it will require us to get focussed, to choose just one direction, area in which to put our energies. 
Be aware of the propensity for hyper nervous energy:  Grounding is the key!
Gemini is a multi-tasking energy and with its ruler Mercury entering this realm of limitless ideas we need to be aware of letting this energy spread ourselves over a whole range of possibilities and getting mentally rattled.
Choose one project, idea, plan at a time:  Bring it to earth...into reality!
With the current planetary line up it is important that we explore the potentials in our energy field and all the ideas which may start popping up all over the place, but to get focussed on maybe one for implementing any new possibilities.  Remember, Mercury rules communication and commerce so lots of ‘butterfly’ interaction, social networking is probable, especially under the Gemini Sun.
Be aware, flexible and open to new ideas: 
This can have the effect of liberating ourselves from constricting mental forces or bogging us down with mental overload. We need to be aware and to choose as the energies are changing dramatically, albeit slowly on the broader playing field with the slower moving planets. Look to changing patterns in the broader society as a guiding force for finding your place, new needs emerging and how you can fit into this broader picture. 
Lauren Gorgo’s latest message: ‘Coming Unbound:  liberation & the new earth’ 29th May 2018

Quote from above message:

As we become accustomed to our multidimensional vision we are moving into the “reorientation to new life phase” (discussed in many reports past) while learning to adjust our optical lenses to see the new.  We are phasing out the old reality program and refocusing thru the ascended earth hologram at the physical level of life…aka, all around us…which is where the new reality will eventually (and finally) come more into focus.

In other words, our physical eyes are being rewired with new circuitry to receive and transmit new synaptic impulses to perceive the higher hologram in the world around us.
This has the effect of temporarily pulling our external vision inward, blurring worlds, making it difficult to focus on things in the physical realm for the time being…it can also create tremendous eye fatigue, sensitivity to light, headaches, difficulty reading/comprehending, and even mental confusion as our higher vision comes online. Tho this has been an ongoing preparation since the Mystical Merger completed at the Easter/Equinox, it seems to have intensified…it is nevertheless a transient experience, a process temporary to our rewiring.

This extensive optical rewire is a major part of our neurological remapping (discussed in last report) and central nervous system upgrade required to operate at the new level of (plasmic ) light-body intelligenceit is also very much related to the ongoing tension at the back of the head (occipital lobe where image to information conversion takes place), dizziness & vertigo and spatial challenges.  As always, this too shall pass.
Golden Oldies
‘In the Arms of an Angel’ Sarah McLachlan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SiylvmFI_8 for the Sagittarian Full Moon
‘We are Sailing’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRIAoqrNayw for the Grand Water Trine coming home to our divinity
Upcoming Dates:
14th June:  New Moon in Gemini Supermoon 22 degrees 45 minutes Gemini 5.43 am AEST
18th June:  Neptune turns retrograde 16 degrees 30 Pisces Until 24.11.18

That’s all folks!
Hugs all around!

We’re travelling down the good red road of enlightenment and the only compass we have is divine guidance...the best compass in the universe.  There’s never been a more important time for us to listen to our own divine self, our guiding star, our personal GPS taking us forward. We are the seekers of divine truth and wisdom and nothing will stop us.

We’re going beyond the societal benchmarks of ‘right and wrong’, ‘good and bad’ which doesn’t mean we’re breaking the laws in place at a human level, but identifying our own inbuilt judgements and criticisms of ourselves and others which of course takes us out of divine alignment and unification. 

We are coming into wholeness and acceptance of ourselves with love and compassion. And as we do for ourselves, we naturally broaden our perspective on the world and humanity. More and more people are joining us on this esoteric journey in the belief that we are creating a better world which runs on the power of love.

Love and blessings to us all as we travel our personal pathways to power, joined in the spirit of adventure, curiosity and a love of life on earth!


from the chair...carried by love

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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