...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 13 June 2018

13th June 2018 Mercury moves into Cancer, 14th June 2018 New Moon in Gemini, Venus moves to Leo

Hi everybody!

In the light of the Gemini Sun!
We’re in the throes of a hectic month astrologically with plenty of planetary shifts and turns but we’re looking to a lighter time in some ways, despite Mars turning retrograde this month and despite all the eclipse energies taking us into the vortex of change energy in the coming weeks. As we drop off the 'burdens' we didn't even know we were carrying, we'll feel like we’re flying!

Retrograding Mars, Mercury, Venus:  Body, mind, heart review!
At the end of the month Mercury turns retrograde for 3 weeks and in a few weeks time it’s Venus who turns retrograde.  So our personal planets, Mars, Venus and Mercury are really putting the focus on reworking, slowing things down just a little so we can catch our breath, harness our energies and refine our focus.

Keep taking little steps forward:
With Saturn in Capricorn, it continues to prove that little steps are supporting our growth and expansion as the steps we take now will expand exponentially with Jupiter moving into his own Sagittarius in November.  Small beneficial returns now will burst into life as we come into this November magic.

Maintaining balance and focus: Stay in the hub of the wheel!
Meanwhile, back at ground zero, it may feel challenging to launch our balloons, set our butterflies free and feel like we are progressing.  It’s important to remain focussed on the balancing process of this universal 2 year as huge karmic core wounds are being released and we continue backing ourselves in small ways to express our commitment to our divine calling. 

What’s been happening:   Rage releasing!  The primal ‘scream’!
Past two weeks: Volatile and intense! Release time!We've been sitting in some tense volatile energies kicked off by Uranus going into Taurus and Chiron into Aries in recent weeks, Mother Earth is opening up to release core wounds carried in her body. It's happening for us all on a daily basis since then. The ground feels shaky and destabilised and people may well be feeling jumpy and hyper sensitive.

Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn:
20 degrees Effective 5th to 7th June

The opposition of Venus in Cancer to Pluto in Capricorn opened us up to the past and maintaining stability and the status quo. Cancer rules the past and memories so Venus, ruler of our heart energy has been activated with memories and the past as Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, sitting in opposition, was bringing up anything buried within our physical being as well as within Mother Earth.

Volcanic activity reflective of our own volcanic forces within:  Rising!
As our earth has been releasing the fire and smoke of the volcanic eruptions, so too we are releasing the locked in suppressed emotional energies held within our hearts and our memory banks, These energies are our core wounds when we've been separated from pure love and life force, when we felt disempowered, blocked off from expressing our emotions, held back by the benchmarks of the status quo, the system...whatever.

Sun met Mercury in Gemini:  
Rebooting of the mental body and nervous/respiratory systems!15 degrees 
Effective 5th to 7th June
Jumpy energies with a reboot of our mental body as Mercury, ruler of our mind meets with the Sun in Gemini so awareness of nerves, respiratory system, breathing as we release old memories of fear, panic, flight or fight syndrome.  This energy is with us for a little while as Mercury moves into Cancer which is concerned with emotional security and Mercury can bring up the old memories of edginess.

Advice: Stay aware, don't poke a rattlesnake when they're rattling, listen and hear others. Witnessing is a powerful healing remedy as people feel heard and acknowledged for releasing their pain and heartache as they break down the walls blocking them from true connection to themselves and others.

13th June:  Mercury moves into Cancer at 5.59 am AEST...we’re coming home to ourselves!
Until 29th June
Reclamation and reunion with place of belonging, home and family:
Cancer is all emotion and ruled by the Moon which takes us back to the past, back to the memories as our Mercury mind body opens up to connecting with those memories.

Mercury our telephone switchboard and travel guide:  Be open and accepting!
Mercury is our communications manager and travel guide as he calls us in to reconnect with those memories buried and forgotten from past times.  This is not about ‘good or bad’ but about revelations which inform our understanding, the reunification of our dual minds and bringing an acceptance to our feminine energies held within the subconscious.

Incoming messages for our expansion and growth:  Let the memories emerge!
Cancer rules the home, mother and family and that includes ancestors so we need to be open to Mercury’s messages coming through from the ancestors and from family members whether in the physical or in the ‘other’ realms.

At the New Moon:  Mercury squaring off to Chiron...accessing and releasing old spiritual ‘wounds’!
Within a day of Mercury moving into Cancer we have the New Moon in Gemini which is all about divine reunion of our dual mental energy and opening up communication channels. What kind of wounds?  From our ‘history’ which includes ancestral and for us very old souls it can come from anywhere throughout time and space.

Cancer rules the stomach and often manifests in digestive issues, taking in food as so much emotion is held within the digestive system. When we’re emotionally processing we may eat more or eat less depending on our constitution.  We may feel ‘picky’ with food so it’s important to only eat what feels right to us at the time. An overloaded emotional body can create problems when overloaded with food. The body is always our indicator so we need to listen to it ...from an evolved perspective. 

14th June:  New Moon in Gemini Supermoon 
 22 degrees 45 minutes Gemini 
5.43 am AEST

New Moon, new potentials:  Divine marriage and reunion on tap!
It’s a New Moon and we’re out in the dark of the moon planting seeds for fresh beginnings, new possibilities which may have been swimming around inside us for some time but lacked form and readiness to emerge until this time.  You know what they are.

New Moon in Gemini:  
A lunar month focussing on self love, acceptance and balance!
A New Moon births the energy of the next lunar month and is our guiding light for focus in terms of our ‘inner work’ with the unconscious, the past and with accessing the richness of the esoteric and magical dimensions of the unknown.

Sacred marriage:  The Gemini lovers unite in balance and harmony!
Gemini is one of the dual signs and brings the message of divine reunion of our masculine/feminine energies within each of us. Our duality of consciousness is clearly evident in the way we engage with the world.  

How much do we take action and how much do we spend time reflecting and in self-analysis.
We need both modalities working together to find success and fulfilment in the world.

Numerous options emerge from the Gemini mind: 
Reflect, ruminate and consider!
It’s a good time to consider our options because the Gemini lunar month will be throwing up all manner of possibilities and ideas from deep within the psyche.We don’t have to act on them all as with the approaching eclipse vortex of change energy, anything could happen.  Mercury’s ruler is fast acting, impulsive and impetuous but now being in Cancer gives him more awareness and cautionary advice. Collect, gather, reflect, analyse and join the dots!

The urge to connect, gather and network:  A Gemini brief!
Gemini brings the desire to seek points of connection with like minded others, gathering all the data for learning and expansion of our minds. 

Inspiration and messages from within:  Listen and be open!
At the same time, being a lunar month much information and making connections can arise from meditative and contemplative practices, just listening to music as messages of divine inspiration can just drop into our spiritual ‘letter boxes’ if we are relaxed, open and receptive.

At the New Moon:
Mercury in Cancer squaring off to Chiron in Aries:
Freeing the butterflies from constricting forces of old memory!

Liberating the spiritual ‘wounds’ of our divine ‘I am’!
A most significant connection occurring at this New Moon gives indications that it’s an opportune moment for liberating those memories which have been keeping us locked into confinement and restriction. With Mercury in Cancer, they’re likely to emanate from sources which are ancestral, childhood home, the ‘mother’, mothering or the female ancestral line of the family.

I am who I am:
Dysfunctional complexes we’re carrying from other times and places are within our memory banks and now is the time for a big release and reclamation of our Aries fire and drive, our inner masculine energies which have been seeking a voice. seeking a way to express themselves in a safe powerful way beyond the energies of the old paradigm of the warrior syndrome.

Lighting up our centre of power!
It’s time to reframe the ways we express our power as emanating from within and beyond the belief that power comes from outside of ourselves. Our fire power is within and we’re lighting it up and growing that light within as we free the old resistances and conflict we’ve been carrying since time began.

Physical body:
Gemini rules the respiratory and nervous systems, hands, arms and legs
With Mercury, ruler of Gemini squaring off to Chiron at the New Moon we may feel releases from the Cancer ruled digestive system as well as clearing of the breathing, lungs and nervous system.  We never know exactly what will happen as everyone is different and we clear our systems in whatever way suits us.  It’s not ‘one size fits all’ so it requires us to develop our intuitive knowingness and listen to our bodies.

Sabian Symbols for the New Moon in Gemini:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Gemini 23
This Symbol implies a situation of people sharing their space, living together and cohabitating as they grow and mature. Situations are likely to be full of potential and promise for the future. The spirit may not be quite ready to fly on its own and still be in need of the "mother" – or the company of siblings and friends - to sustain, protect and nourish. The time for independence will come, and probably soon, however it may be too soon to break out on your own. Know that you will be able to rise up and leave and venture out on your own. Although there can sometimes be a feeling of being alone and neglected, there is still a sense of safety. Integration of spirit, soul and body. Discovering a new sense of being. Being high up and detached. Nests and tree houses. Sibling rivalry. Working at getting along. House mates.

Sagittarius 23
This Symbol shows finding a new way of life, a new country or nationality, or new place to live and raise a family. It shows the possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. Whether you are an “Immigrant” or someone looking to move onto new territory, you need to be prepared to venture out into new adventures for the promise that’s offered. Once you’ve “Fulfilled the Requirements”, you can move into this brand new life and reap the rewards. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one's thoughts and ideas - be receptive to this new way of life and you'll learn much. Reorientation of self. Learning new languages or customs. Passing tests (or not). Asylum. Immigration. The Statue of Liberty. Papers. Qualifications. Refugees. Laws. Borders.

14th June:  Venus moves into Leo at 7.53 am AEST
The joy and passion of the heart!
Until 10th July
Light of my life, light of my heart:  Be bright within and shine!
Within a couple of hours of the New Moon in Gemini, Venus moves into the sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, our most powerful source of light and nourishment. Venus is the ruler of our heart energy and in Leo is being invited to expand in the light of our own being, owning the joys of our heart and expressing that joy in the world.

A call to creative passion:  Let’s throw off the trappings of the past and get into our heart’s desires!
Venus rules love and beauty and seeks to bring harmony and joy into our being.  In Leo, we have the fire and passion of the Sun and our divine sunlight calling us to shed the skins of conditioning and societal benchmarks and come into our pure creative life force. As we plug into the power of the primal forces of our creative power, a whole new influx of light power and energy is flowing through to us as we clear away the ancestral debris of heaviness and confinement.  Don’t be surprised if your creative inclinations bring forth painting, words, music, dance relating to the ancestors, the memories as we honour their release and liberate these memories to bring in a whole new impetus.

Ignition!  Heart awakening!
A heart starter as Venus squares off to Uranus in Taurus
Be heart centred and gentle with self and others!
Sure we’re in the purification process and it’s ongoing but Venus in Leo is here to help us access this amazing energy and when it comes into Leo it connects with our lightning striker Uranus who awakens our hearts to higher consciousness, leading edge possibilities and innovative urges in the creative sphere.

Just be aware that the physical heart could receive an upgrade with this energy as Uranus is in Taurus, the physical body and mother earth so go easy and be aware of any fluttering or unusual energies in the heart.  This is such a heart opening we need to be very aware of any sudden changes in the heart energy, blood pressure etc. and seek medical advice if concerned.

Golden Oldies:
‘Stop the World and let me Off’  Patsy Cline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V3veD7lFs0  off the karmic wheel of the old paradigm of ‘love’

‘Hope has a Place’ Enya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaFNlrb1u68 for divine reunion with our inner ‘lover’ with lyrics
‘Calling All Angels’ Jane Siberry & K D Lang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRUErh47sao divine reunion Gemini N Moon
With lyrics

‘Calling All Angels’ Jane Siberry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tatx5-Eskc4 Lyrics on screen

Upcoming Dates:
18th June:  Neptune turns retrograde
21st June:  Sun moves into Cancer/June Solstice

26th June:  Mars retrograde at 9 degrees 13 Aquarius
28th June 2018 Full Moon in Capricorn Full Moon 6 degrees 28 minutes Capricorn at 2.53 pm AEST
29th June 2018 Mercury moves to Leo at 3.16 pm AEST
That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Our butterflies are flying free as we connect with the dark of the New Moon energies and connect with our soul tribe across the planet. They are out of the cocoon and spreading their wings, finding their beauty, soul and joy of life on earth. 

We're now in the Balsamic Moon phase of the month, the darkest time of the lunar calendar and a time for releasing so make the most of the energies of letting go as our butterflies sit in the shadows readying to awaken with the New Moon!

The New Moon is opening the doorway to the upcoming eclipse energies kicking off with the next Full Moon so we know from here on we’re in an ongoing change process...in case you weren’t already in the loop with this.  The eclipse energies break down barriers of time and space and we can access those energies which need to be released, reclaimed and re-loved!

Before the Full Moon in Capricorn Eclipse kicks in we meet with the Sun in Cancer on 21st June, the June solstice, mid point of our solar year...an esoteric doorway into other realities.  Spooky eh? Smile All good...time to talk, chat and reconnect!
Love and blessings


from the chair...balancing my butterflies

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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