...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 27 June 2018

27th June 2018 Mars retrograde, 28th June Full Moon in Capricorn, 29th June Mercury moves to Leo

Hi everybody!

Whew!  What a Solstice!  Felt more like a Full Moon in some ways as we reached the solar turning point of the year.  Time stood still in more ways than one as Jupiter slowing right down in Scorpio, preparing to go direct on 11th July added to the emotional stillness even as the emotions running deep brought forth old energies and release.

Neptune in Pisces:  Upgrading all emotions and emotional patterns!
Neptune in Pisces is also in the picture with more slow emotional release and upgrading continuing as Neptune working with Jupiter in Scorpio intensity is opening the floodgates of buried emotions and drawing them into Neptune’s cosmic energies. 

Sun in Cancer:  Seeking home, safe refuge and soul ‘family’!
We’re awash with it all especially with the Sun in Cancer which is drawing forth all those ancestral memories about place of belonging and desire for soul love.
We’ve gathered in our seal colonies on the rocks taking time to have a break from all the intensity of the potential overwhelm.

What’s been happening:  Letting go is empowering!
There's been a kind of stillness this past week or so emanating from a number of planetary energies holding us in abeyance.  We're hanging suspended by the cosmic forces as immense 'undercover' energetic change and growth is happening within.

The light of the Scorpio moon from 23rd to 25th June added to the ‘death throes’ of letting go process from the Solstice. We've been releasing old energies preparing for the next phase of the moon, the Full Moon in Capricorn on 28th June.

Meanwhile we're experiencing 4 retrograde planets:
Neptune in Pisces...just turned, holding, dead slow
Jupiter in Scorpio...in a holding degree, dead slow
Saturn in Capricorn
Pluto in Capricorn...always dead slow

And Mars has been travelling very slowly as he approaches his retrograde journey which begins on 27th June. As Mars is one of our main movers, we're getting the go slow sign...just in case you didn't know.

Chiron in Aries also slowing preparing to go retrograde on 5th July
From 6th to 24th June:  
Mercury has been out of bounds...mentally addled?
Mercury has been out of bounds from 6th to 24th June and that has been giving us a huge mindshift which added to the ‘retrograde’ slowing down/standing still energies. We’ve been gathering new consciousness, new ideas and this energy could have left us confused and lacking clarity as we’re being upgraded mentally.

Take heart in knowing that the greatest growth and change occurs in retrograde periods. It's a big makeover and we're shifting and changing all the time. How we emerge will be a surprise and an exciting revelation to ourselves!  Watch this space!

27th June:  Mars turns retrograde at 9 degrees 13 Aquarius...here we go...cosmic explorers!
At 7.04 am AEST   Until 27th August   6 weeks in Aquarius and 4 weeks in Capricorn
13th August: Retrogrades into Capricorn
27th August: Stations direct at 28  degrees Capricorn 
11th September: Moves into Aquarius
More slow down, regrouping, realigning and releasing: 
Mars has gradually been slowing down as he approaches his turning point for his retrograde journey. It’s a big year for slowdowns as on top of Mercury’s 3 yearly retrogrades, we have Mars and then Venus travelling the retrograde road.

We’re in a year of divine alignment:  Marking time is making progress!
We need to remind ourselves that we are in a year of re-balancing, a 2 universal year which calls for anything out of balance to be readjusted.  The fact that all 3 personal planets are travelling the retro route this year just reinforces the fact that our primary focus is and will continue to be the rectification of so much within our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits. 

Physical re-alignment and reclamation:  Divine healing on offer!
Mars is our fire and drive, our masculine warrior active energy and ruler of our physical body.  For many of us it’s been a year of challenges as we cleanse and purify all that is not aligned with the truth of our current existence.  It’s ongoing and it calls us all to continue to make the commitment to completing this process to our satisfaction.

Let’s get physically charged:  Divine physical healing is on offer!  
Are you ready to accept this potential and step through this doorway!
Mars retrograde journey puts the focus on the physical body and clearing out all those old threads of memory, unresolved ancestral wounds and genetic ‘diseases’ which have been holding us in abeyance.  With Mars starting his journey in Aquarius we know much of this trip will be a cosmic upgrade of our mental and neuralgic operating system as Aquarius activated the higher consciousness of the mind re-connecting the neural pathways for an upgrade which will impact on our physical vessels.  I’d expect some physical evidence to start manifesting when Mars moves into earthy Capricorn, particularly on his forward journey.

26th July to 19th August:   
Mercury retrograde...adding to the inner ‘makeover’ but still moving forwards!
Mercury and Mars are our shaker/movers and when they are both in retrograde we’ll be doing some serious inner reclamation, reflection, regrouping and reviewing of our lives, our direction in life in terms of our thinking and our action in the world.  It doesn’t mean we won’t be active but more that we’ll be working with what we have underway, in the pipeline. 

Mercury turns retrograde in Leo just 2 days before the Full Moon in Aquarius Lunar Eclipse which adds to the impetus to plug into the outer limits and consciousness beyond our present thinking. This is a powerful time of innovative and inventive solutions manifesting for us all!

8th July to 25th September:  Mars out of bounds
We’re off the planet exploring new consciousness physically!  What a spiritual set up!
Assisting us with Mars retrograde journey will be Mars travelling out of bounds during part of the retrograde period.  Out of bound planets bring new information, new knowledge and evolve consciousness beyond our present understanding.

The new consciousness will relate to our physical bodies, our fire, drive and life force.  New information becomes available to us which may offer amazing healing potential of our physical bodies and possibly even new ‘cures’ offered up scientifically. 

Of course it’s all potential that is there for us to access and as a grass roots movement in energetic and spiritual healing, the new discoveries may well emanate from us lightworkers at ground zero as we manifest healing resolution in our bodies.
28th June: Full Moon in Capricorn 6 degrees 28 minutes Capricorn at 2.53 pm AEST
Art:  Michael Karcsz
Our Wizard guide and authority awaits:  Saturn in the driving seat for this Full Moon!
Saturn’s up close and personal with the Capricorn Full Moon and as Saturn is Capricorn’s ruler the energies of the Full Moon carry a powerful message of emotional release from the burdens of the ‘old order’, the benchmarks of the patriarchy, tradition, the status quo.

Saturn, Lord of Karma activates the Full Moon release valve:  He’s our guide!
Saturn is the Lord of Karma so karmic release is on offer as the Full Moon lights up our subconscious and untapped emotional energies which are ready for a reveal and a release.

Time to break out!  Barriers of conditioning go when we cut the ties!
Full Moons always bring things to a head, a completion, a culmination so whatever turns up in the psyche and in the consciousness, just know that it’s an energy/memory seeking resolution.

We’re safe:  Just let go!  Surrender the old ways and be in the light!
The Cancer Sun in opposition to the Full Moon offers the bridging energy of the light of emotional security within ourselves, the outstretched hand which says ‘just let go’. 

Feel the fears and laugh at them!
As we feel the waves of old insecurities and doubts we come to recognise the illusion in which we have been living, the old paradigm that sets benchmarks outside our own personal frame of reference. 

Claim success as a personal paradigm of truth:  
Capricorn rules worldly success, the attainment of respect, reputation and acknowledgement!
These benchmarks are not about us and our essence.  In particular, the benchmarks of success as set out by society bring many people down as they do not align with our personal truth. 

Dominant paradigm: 
Success is money, power, position and influence!  Hard, work and struggle bring success! Really?
Capricorn benchmarks operational in our world are largely based on money, power and social position in society. The dominance of Western Capitalism and free enterprise has tipped the scales of justice against those people who work in humble positions or careers, who are on low incomes, who hold little of the dominant power ideology in the world. It’s not about bringing down Capitalism. It’s about reframing our values in regard to work.

New paradigm: 
Success is doing what you love, being supported by the ‘universe’!
Chasing money and power does not bring spiritual fulfilment.  Our primary goal needs to be personal joy and satisfaction for doing what we love and feeling motivated by the desire to contribute to the world. 

Claim respect and acknowledgement for self, your life!  Own your success as a human being!
The balance will be restored as more and more of us claim our success as human beings who choose love, understanding, creative fulfilment and supporting the growth of ourselves and others in the world.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Full Moon:  Capricorn 6
This Symbol shows being able to get past obstacles, to continue pushing forward even when events or people stand in your way. Sometimes, however, you may not know where you’re heading – is this the usual path or are you heading off onto a new one? One that’s more mysterious? You may feel as though you’re on a path that is difficult and mysterious. You may need to prepare for a journey into the unknown; it’s likely to be an important journey, one of destiny, but at times you may not know where it is leading to. Learning to be well prepared is part of the trick, as is the need to create some safeguards before continuing into the unknown. Preparation for paths unknown. Getting past the past. Tenacity, stamina and energy preservation. Things to consider before moving deeper. Thresholds. Entrances.

Saturn:  Capricorn 7
This degree implies disseminating information or knowledge; there are messages and they are coming from a deep source, or, from a place of authority. Still, it can be difficult to know whether it’s always the truth that is being spoken or that’s coming through. Look carefully for the signs - is it truth that you are being fed? With such power in one's words, we have to be careful about what we say as well as what we hear. This energy can be used for the good of all involved, or it can just lead people astray. Something to watch out for is blind acceptance of things you see or hear. This is a very powerful degree. Hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion. Channeling and medium ship. Having insights that transport to a higher level. Empowerment. Translations. Prophets. Messages. Veils.

Sun:  Cancer 6
This Symbol speaks of building or decorating a 'Nest' somewhere that is safe and comfortable. Although there is a good feeling about the future and new life coming, perhaps there is an inherent danger that you will not have somewhere to nest or that you could actually be somewhat expendable. Be careful not to become either too complacent or to react in fright at any sudden surprises. You could jeopardize your situation as others may judge whether you are qualified to stay where you are or are able to maintain your situation. Concerns with safety, security and a comfortable life can lead to having to move on a periodic basis Laying the groundwork for those to come. Creating a base. Interior decorating. Finding a home. Renting. Making yourself safe and comfortable. Leases. Roommates. Furniture.

29th June 2018 Mercury moves to Leo at 3.16 pm AEST...Wow!  Light and more light!
Extended stay in Leo until 6th September
Turns retrograde  26th July at 23 degrees Leo
Turns direct 16th August at 11 degrees Leo
Enters Virgo 6th September

Wow!  Turn on our inner light energy...light power in the mind!
This is so interesting that Mercury moves to Leo in the light of the Full Moon in Capricorn as we’re attempting to make sense of all the shifts and turns with all the holding patterns of the planetary retrogrades along with the eclipse energies which will be rolling in and turning our lives around. 

We may feel like ‘crazy mixed up kids’ through this time but amazing illuminations are offering us creative solutions from our higher consciousness.

The mental body is within every cell of our being!
Leo is ruled by the Sun and offers us the ultimate light source highlighting the creative force of light energy within our whole mental body and operating systems
A light influx for all mental systems in our being:
In 3 dimensional reality we tend to think that our brain is our mind and mental body but in the more evolved understandings of the mind, we know that our thought processes, beliefs and understandings are held within all of our body.  This is not just a makeover for our brains although it may feel like just that.

Breathe, relax, realign:  During this period, if you’re feeling stymied, all knotted up because you are blocked from proceeding, breathe, relax and take note of what needs to change. It’s all about re-alignment and getting a new perspective.

Plenty of incoming messages during Mercury retrograde time:  
The emphasis this time is on creative inner processes!
Mercury rules communication, travel, commerce, the mental body, nervous and respiratory systems.  When it travels retrograde it indicates these areas may be impacted.  How it affects us is an indicator of our current state of consciousness and where we need to shift our perspective.  For example, if you’re pushing the barriers in commerce during this time, you may find dead ends, stumbling blocks and ‘no go’ signals indicating that the path you are following needs re-thinking. 

Mercury retrograde is our higher consciousness GPS system:  
Be aware, listen, take note, adjust course!
In Mercury retrograde we’re a work in progress and especially in the current energies there’s not a lot of support for launching something entirely new. However. if there’s something which has been in the pipeline in the psyche for a while, it may well start coming into form and into reality.

Golden Oldies:
‘From a Distance’ Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLPj2h0N3bU for Capricorn Full Moon on top of the mountain!

‘The Never Ending Road’ Loreena McKennitt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EaghjDbetg with lyrics

‘Can’t Keep it In’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb_03LP55Lc for Mars retrograde

Upcoming Dates:
5th July: Chiron stations retrograde in Aries
8th July:  Mars goes out of bounds

10th July Venus moves into Virgo
11th July: Jupiter stations direct at 13 degrees 20 Scorpio
13th July: New Moon in Cancer Partial Solar Eclipse 20 degrees 41 minutes Cancer at 12.47 pm AEST

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 

Here we are wishing, hoping, praying and invoking!

We’re coming home to ourselves and our spiritual hopes and dreams coming into physical manifestation.  We couldn’t be in more powerful energies than these next few months.  We need to be like the otters and seals in the flowing energies of the divine feminine ‘allowing’ those hopes and dreams to emerge from within.

On our way to the New Moon in Cancer with a partial solar eclipse which promises an activation of the change process in our lives.  It will put the focus on our emotions, home, family, memories and will bring changes in our emotions about where we want to live, where we belong.  It will play out in the ensuing weeks. 

Love and blessings to us all as we take care of ourselves in the best way possible at any given moment.  If our radar is on and antennae extended, we’ll be fine as we negotiate the big changes ahead.  It’s all good.


from the chair...floating and ‘waving’

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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