...for the children of the earth

Thursday 5 July 2018

5th July 2018 Chiron stations retrograde, 8th July Mars goes out of bounds

Hi everyone!
Hope you managed the heavy duty energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn on 27th.  Of course, the full moon impacts us for 3 days either side of it coming to fullness and its influence flows on for the 2 weeks following until we reach the next New Moon.
We’re travelling under the Cancerian Sun...our boat is sitting on the shore!
It’s been a heavy duty purification time for so many of us across the planet as our spiritual embodiment proceeds apace even as we may feel pinned down with lack of physical movement in our lives.   All in good time.  First things first and that means our physical bodies need to be aligned with our divine selves if we are to proceed, expand and grow this lifetime. It’s a watery emotional time for many of us as old buried emotions are released and old illnesses and wounds come to the surface. 
Our ‘history’ is coming to the surface and manifesting:
Whilst our cells and beings are being cleansed, purified and released of the trappings of the past, the burdens of personal and collective karma and attachments to old aspects of identity, we may have been laid up physically as all manner of old ailments, injuries, wounds or illnesses rise up from within us.  Only way to release these energies...resting and allowing.
Last weekend:  
Did you have a heart stopping moment? sudden insight?  Mercury in Leo in square to Uranus in Taurus
Mercury in Leo squared off to Uranus in Taurus last weekend so our communications manager now travelling in Leo heart energy got a bit of kickstart from the higher mind energy of Uranus in Taurus.  It could have manifested mentally with new information coming in.  It could have given you some heart fluttering moments as our hearts were opened up.  

My new information hit me with the out of bounds planetary info, some heart fluttering, heart opening moments about my life.  Along with that my whole internet connection got knocked out.  It is now fixed as of today.   Uranus rules technology.  I took the opportunity to have total rest for 4 days, no brain work, astrology etc.  Much needed. I always feel that when something breaks down such as this that a big change is in the air.  And it is...for all of us!
5th July:   
Chiron turns retrograde 2 degrees 25 Aries at 2.46 pm AEST
Into the healing labyrinth!
Until 25th September enters Pisces retrograde
Until 18th February 2019 enters Aries direct

This is going to be interesting as Chiron goes retrograde for the next few months.  Chiron  will be dipping back into Pisces from end of September so we’ll back in the emotional waters of the collective unconscious for about 4 months until Chiron finally moves into Aries for the next few years. 

Cleaning up some loose threads:  Unfinished business!
Chiron is our Centaur of healing and a guide to clearing those old spiritual wounds we’ve brought in with us this lifetime.  In our natal charts, our personal blueprint for this lifetime, Chiron indicates what we’re healing spiritually this lifetime accessing our inner healing power.  As we access that healing power, we offer this healing to others.  Whatever we heal in ourselves, we have the potential to offer healing to others.
For all of us:  Focussed on healing issues of our divine self!
We’ll be covering some old ground around issues of identity, recovering our fire, drive and passion and healing our physical bodies until September.
We’re recovering the strength and courage to believe in ourselves, back ourselves and through this energy bringing immense healing to the resistant forces we’ve been carrying around for far too long. Complexes, neuroses and embedded false memories must go!
Yes...it’s okay to be me!  In fact it’s fantastic to be me! I’m fully alive!
Retrograde energies:  
For all planets...backwards and forwards can be tiring!
When planets are preparing to ‘station’ either direct or retrograde, they slow right down with the slowest time right at the turning point.  This slowing down intensifies the energy of the planet and how that impacts on us depends on the sign in which it is slowing.  With so much retrograde energy happening and overlapping this year, we’re in this process of getting a little movement and then being slowed down.  So, riding these waves of go, slow down and stop is the key to our progress this year.  Remember, Saturn in Capricorn’s mantra...small steps.
The past week:    When you’ve got your doubting face on, dragging your heels, drained of energy, know that this too shall pass! 
With the Chiron ‘stationing retrograde’ in the sign of Aries this past week you may have felt a deep exhaustion as Chiron weighs down the Aries energy and slows it right down.  

Let’s remember that Aries gives us our fire, drive and life force and rules our physical body.  This slowing of energy will stay for a while as we start feeling Jupiter as he slows right down preparing to turn/station direct next week on 11th July.  We cannot force anything this year...in case you didn’t know.
Dragging our heels but still moving forward:
Chiron in Aries is offering immense opportunities for physical healing and clearing of the blockages which have drained our energies this lifetime.  With Mars, ruler of Aries going out of bounds during this next stretch, the focus is very powerful and very much focussed on potential for healing with new consciousness, new ideas, new directions and new discoveries. 
Tough times, easy times:  
It’s life on earth...growing and expanding!
The power of positive psychology finds that those who know that tough times will move on and keep going are those who are going to feel more fulfilment in their lives.  Those of us living the life of divine wisdom don’t need to read a psychology book to know this information. 

What are the three main pillars of positive psychology?
The Three Pillars: Positive Psychology has three central concerns: positive experiences, positive individual traits, and positive institutions. Understanding positive emotions entails the study of contentment with the past, happiness in the present, and hope for the future.
Founder of positive psychology: Martin Seligman
So...put aside the doubts every day!  We have to stay on the job as the onslaught of release continues. Keeping our focus and talking our way through the ‘doubtful’ face syndrome will help.
8th July to 25th September:  
Mars out of bounds...off the planet finding solutions and courage!
Assisting us with Mars retrograde journey will be Mars travelling out of bounds during the time when Chiron is retrograde in Aries.  It’s a gift!  Out of bound planets bring new information, new knowledge and evolve consciousness beyond our present understanding.

The new consciousness will relate to our physical bodies, our fire, drive and life force.  New information becomes available to us which may offer amazing healing potential of our physical bodies and possibly even new ‘cures’ offered up scientifically. 

Of course it’s all potential that is there for us to access and as a grass roots movement in energetic and spiritual healing, the new discoveries may well emanate from us lightworkers at ground zero as we manifest healing resolution in our bodies.

With this energy, we’re being offered the potential of new courage, fire and drive as Mars ‘out of bounds’ is very much our brave warrior who takes the ‘leap of faith’ when required without fears, doubts and insecurities.  Mars ‘out of bounds’ gives us faith in ourselves and backing ourselves.
Here’s an interesting article on out of bounds planets and meaning in natal charts.  Short and simple.
This ephemeris is a guide for checking birthdates for out of bounds planets.
Golden Oldies:
‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwLEqespmHA with lyrics...Aries courage...Sing to ‘self’ 

For healing Chiron in Aries retrograde energies and accessing fire, drive and physical energies with Mars out of bounds.

Upcoming Dates:
10th July Venus moves into Virgo
11th July: Jupiter stations direct at 13 degrees 20 Scorpio

13th July: New Moon in Cancer Partial Solar Eclipse 20 degrees 41 minutes Cancer at 12.47 pm AEST

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!  We’re gathered around the Aries fire even as sit under the Cancerian rays of the solar month.  Beat the drums!

We’re really starting to feel the energies of the upcoming eclipse vortex which will seriously kick off at the New Moon in Cancer on 13th July.  Being a solar eclipse we can expect changes to start manifesting in our physical world from that time on, with a regrouping, new info coming in at the Full Moon 2 weeks later to bring us focus, direction and alignment and then on to the last eclipse for this year.

Next stop on the transformation train is Venus, our heart energy moving into the sign of healing, Virgo.  And then a bit of a boost we’re seeking as Jupiter finally stations to go direct on 11th July.  Just remember he’ll still be on 13 degrees Scorpio until the end of July so the healing energies of Scorpio are still in full intensity.  However, expecting some lift off as this is Jupiter’s last movement forward over the same degrees...3 times lucky!  We’ll find out just how much we’ve released. Reminder that Jupiter rules hips and thighs so this may have been the focus over these past months.

One of our number has been receiving the astro update from me with sections highlighted in different colours.  If you have been receiving this, could you please let me know.  Initial investigations indicate it’s not at my end. Thankyou.

Love and blessings to us all as we ride the energetic waves of inner change, accepting the quiet and still times as a necessary part of our healing process and the spiritual embodiment process of recalibration of our ‘bodies’.  Cell memories are very much to the fore this month as we clear and reclaim ourselves. 


from the chair...accepting retrogrades

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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