...for the children of the earth

Saturday 28 July 2018

23rd July 2018 Sun moves into Leo, 26th July Mercury retrograde

Hi everybody!

I wrote this update back on 15th July but have been taken off the internet gameboard since 17th July  and have only now been reconnected this morning. It’s been a battle royal trying to get service with my phone and net reconnected caught between National Broadband Network and my provider with neither taking responsibility.  Finally they sent me a new modem and I had a friend’s son, an Aquarian no less, install it for me.  It’s been very stressful as I am quite isolated.  All grist to the mill and part of this eclipse Full Moon passage. 

So, I’m posting this update as it’s all very much relevant!
F. Moon update coming through as well. Directly after this!

Finished with Cancerian sun but still with the Cancerian moon energy:
The last rays of the sun setting in the sign of Cancer, solar month of accessing the past, memories, ancestral connections and roots, childhood and all the energies of mothering.  The Cancercian lunar energy is still with us as it kicked off the arrival of the eclipse passage with the New Moon last week.

A call to find the power within:  Releasing blocked rage and anger!
We’ve been called to nurture ourselves through this time as the New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse activated us to access our power from deep within.  If you found yourself in power struggles with others, within yourself then you were feeling this activation of our ‘Pluto Power’ as Pluto faced off to the New Moon in Cancer.  This energy set the agenda, the theme for the eclipse passage so we’ll continue working with our power in new ways.  

Pluto activating our inner power to breakthrough ‘system’ blocks!
Pluto power is not always a pretty picture as it can bring up long buried energies suppressed by the establishment, the system and long held conditioning mentally, emotionally, spiritually and yes...physically in the body! 

We’re finding our true power and how to manoeuvre through life with this newfound power. It may feel like we’re on shaky ground and with Uranus in Taurus earth energies are nervy.

Removing the bars of our inner ‘prisons’:  Removing the prison guards!
We’ve powering our way out of the prison of consciousness which has kept us down, held us in, prevented us from us expressing our true selves in the world. How many lifetimes have we been ‘treading on eggshells’ as we have taken on the anger and grief of others in some kind of belief that it is our role to ‘turn the other cheek’?

If you’ve always been the one to take offence and not take a stand because you didn’t want to get into a ‘fight’, to apologise for something which wasn’t your responsibility, to swallow words when they needed to be spoken...then look out for this Full Moon in Aquarius release of the pressure valve!

Upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius Total Lunar Eclipse:  Emotional breakout, breakdown, evolution and revolution!
The upcoming Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius is going to complete the jail escape with a planetary line up that is destined to break the bars of consciousness as we head to the stars!  Aquarius is not the least bit interested in being politically correct or diplomatic if it’s going to infringe on the accessing of independence and spiritual freedom.  This is the energy that can bust us wide open to see those unconscious control energies that are limiting our freedom and independence. It’s time to take off the masks!

The revelations and insights will just keep rolling in so if you’re getting some ‘shocks’ of realisation just take care to nurture and allow.

23rd July:  Sun moved into Leo at 7.00 am AEST...here comes the SUN!  Divine love on tap!
Until 23rd August 2.08 pm AEST
Let the sun shine!  It’s Leo time and the Sun is ramping up our light!
Leo is ruled by the Sun, the most powerful planetary object in our world, the energy that lends light to the growth of life on earth. Worshipped by the ancients along with the Moon, they understood the power of the seasons and the seasonal changes as essential for sustainable living.

Claiming our divine child:  Our creative light power is ignited!
Astrologically, Leo represents our divine child within, the innocent who is without the burdens of conditioning and societal rules, regulations and acceptable behaviours.  Leo is our wild child...if we can but allow that child to come forward and be itself.

Calling in the pure gold light of divine love:  
 Igniting our inner love and light!
The Sun is our divine, pure creative essence expressed in the wider world and this month the focus is on generating and activating the light power we hold within the centre of our being with Mercury and the North Node of the Moon adding weight to the significance for focussing on this golden light to carry us through the Full Moon eclipse which will be bringing major planetary releases of suppressed life force.

How these memories are released is yet to be seen but I do know that focus on the Leo Sun, Mercury aligned with the North Node is giving a clear message for our pathway to higher consciousness and evolution.  Magnetic North is regarded as ‘true’ north so think of the north node as the way forward as we acknowledge and let go of the past.

Heart activation:  Open heart to receive and upgrade with the light!
Leo is the ‘path of heart’ bringing courage and strength to enliven our life force. Bringing pure gold light up the spinal column with strengthen the body with the Leo light force.

Physical alignment with our divinity:  Heart open and light on!
In medical astrology Leo rules the physical heart and the blood circulation so plenty of alignment with blood pressure, the health of the blood and the pumping of life force which keeps us going.  For this reason, it’s important that we take care of stress reactions in our body during this time as the heart is being activated with big light energy.

The Solar Eclipse in August, the last for this year, is in Leo so this solar month is particularly significant this year with the Sun playing a powerful role at the Full Moon in Aquarius this week.

26th July:  
Mercury retrograde at 23 degrees 27 Leo
Time to access the inner light messenger!
Until 19th August stations direct at 11 degrees 32 Leo
6th September:  Mercury moves into Virgo
A reminder about retrograde ‘stations’:  
 Mercury on 23 degrees for about 6 days!
Stationary on 23 degrees from about 23rd to 29th July
Mercury, one of our main planetary movers/shakers is almost at a standstill from about 23rd July to 29th July which means the energy intensifies, messages are pouring in if we can be still enough to listen and turn off the mental chatter. Prepare to return to ‘the past’!

The Leo labyrinth calls our minds to the light!
There can be an urge to ‘get a grip’ on our mind, our conscious mind during this time as we try to cling to familiar ways of thinking, mentally processing and engaging.   However, this is just the time when we have to drop all the games of the lower mind, the egocentric self that feels as though it’s dying or going mad, getting addled. 

Feeling muddle-headed as we enter the labyrinth!
Embracing the muddle headed feeling is actually the way through the Mercury retrograde process, through the labyrinth, as we get in touch with new thoughts, ideas and emotions beyond our well worn track of regular thinking.  Leo is all creative power so creative ideas and solutions will be presented during this period of time. Creative inspiration on tap!

Re-covering ‘the past’:  
Adding to the Cancer New Moon memory recovery process!
We’re going over ‘old territory’ and as we know during Mercury retrograde periods we can reconnect with people, places, memories, events, projects from the past.  In 3d energy, communication systems can break down between people, travel, appointments, events, planning.  We need to keep the radar working.

Leo opens us up to our divine inner light:  
It connects us to our inner essence!
Leo is the light of the Sun and Mercury’s retrograde journey is calling us to the inner light of our own divinity, to build and strengthen the light coming from within. Mercury rules our mental body, respiratory and nervous systems so it’s especially important that we work with the golden light filling our minds, brains, head, lungs and these other systems if we are to harness the full power of this energy during this amazing period of accelerated inner growth.

What a great Sabian Symbol for this retrograde time!  Building the light within!
Interesting that I had already chosen the above image of the meditating figure before I looked up the Sabian Symbol.  I love it when they match up so clearly with the essence of the planetary message.

Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s retrograde journey: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Leo 24
This Symbol shows a ‘Hindu Yogi’ sitting in contemplation, concentrating on inner spiritual attainment. It implies a desire to contact spirit and to be in touch with one’s body, often through the practice of meditation or yoga. This is a wonderful degree of spiritual striving, however there could be a feeling of imbalance; it is as if some aspects of your life are put on hold in favor of some central issue. Being too committed to spiritual or emotional concerns can lead one to lose touch with more immediate, physical matters. However, a sense of focus on something that is very important can bring enormous rewards. Health issues. Mind over body. Body over mind. Gymnasiums and fitness. Yoga and yogis. Extreme states of meditation. Physical fitness. Total concentration. Exercise.

From 26th July to 12th August:  Lions gate portal
Comes to fullness on 8th August

The Lion’s Gate and the Planetary New Year : A New Cycle of Time and Creation
On the 26th of July, you will enter into the Planetary New Year.  This is the Time celebrated by the Ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, as the moment when the Planet begins a New Spiral of Galactic evolution in alignment with the Great Central Sun and the Divine Cosmic Heart.  It marks the opening of the Lion’s Gate Star Portal, which allows for a powerful influx of Light Codes that will shape the form of experience in the coming year.  These Light Codes will lift you into another level of evolution and experience if you allow this process, but if you are not aligned or you are in a low frequency of anxiety and fear, you will simply continue to create at this same level again.
Beloved Ones, be open to this grand influx of powerful Light and Blessings that is coming to you as this Star Portal begins to open on the 26th  July, and culminates on the 8thof August on the 8/8, and then closes on the 12th of August.  Here is a “window” of Light and Opportunity for each one of you to step up and into a new level and phase of your personal evolution on Earth..

From Lauren Gorgo:  
‘8:8 Lions Gate and the hidden doorway’
Opening paragraphs:
The tide is rising to another major culmination point as we move into the annual Lion’s Gate passage (7/26), followed directly by the full (blood) moon/total lunar eclipse in Aquarius (7/27)…and with Mercury turning retrograde to boot. 😬
Where the first partial/solar eclipse acted as a somewhat aggressive activation/trigger point for the triad, the second (lunar) eclipse will serve as a release point…releasing the karmic bylaws that we have lived by for multiple incarnations.  This is the really deep, lifetimes-old stuff that has kept us bound to the wheel of reincarnation and we now have a solid opportunity to lay these illusory storylines to rest. For good.
Golden Oldies:
‘Thank you for loving me’ Janet Basco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxNpffN2BG0  song to our divine spirit, inner Sun

‘Beagle Bay Dreaming’ Kerrianne Cox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfN8W77Xh-A finding our way ‘home’

‘Here comes the Sun’ The Beatles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgiQD56eWDk Leo Sun, Mercury retrograde in Leo

‘Time after Time’ Cyndi Lauper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdQY7BusJNU for Mercury retrograde back to the past

Upcoming Dates:
7th August:  Venus enters Libra
8th August:  Uranus turns retrograde 2 degrees 34 Taurus until 6.1.2019
8th August:  Lions Stargate portal culminating point

11th August:  New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse 18 degrees 42 minutes Leo at 7.57 pm AEST
13th August:  Mars enters Capricorn retrograde 

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re travelling through the eclipse energies, washed by the New Moon in Cancer solar eclipse which is still in process coming to a culminating turning point with the Full Moon in Aquarius Total Lunar Eclipse on 28th July.  Astrologically it promises a major release of energies from the current Aquarian South Node and Mars ruler of our physical body, masculine fire and drive both major players in this total lunar eclipse release process.

Take heart from the light of the Sun in Leo, Mercury our winged messenger in Leo and the power of the Lion’s stargate portal open and pouring in light energy as we approach the Full Moon which will be active from about 3 days before to 3 days after it comes to fullness.

Love and blessings as we take in the Leo light to dry up all those tears, shed and unshed which surfaced at the New Moon in Cancer and the inner ‘rage’ which was released from deep within us.  The release is ongoing. The revolution is very much underway in this eclipse period!

I’ve been off line for the past week:  Doing the eclipse makeover! 
This is coming out to you later than I had planned as once again the universe has knocked me off the net and no phone line either for the past week whilst I heal and rest.  It’s been a welcome and much needed retreat as so much is happening energetically and I needed total time out from all activity.  I feel a little like the footy team in Thailand, anaesthetised so I can travel through the birth canal.  Interesting that I’m caught between the National Broadband Government and my provider with the National operator not getting the job done!  Conflict without reflecting my own inner resolution of conflict. 

What’s been happening for me:  Spiritual healing in the body
I’ve been working with Tendonitis in the groin, without doubt in my opinion, a manifestation of the spiritual healing release of old memories thanks to Jupiter in my 2nd house since late last year.  Jupiter’s virtually at a standstill at present on my South Node at 13 degrees directly opposite my Moon/NN and square to my Pluto in the 12 house.  All just a few degrees from my Chiron in Scorpio.  I include this information for those interested and as a reinforcement of my faith that all disease/illness and pain is a manifestation of memories in the body.  The source is spiritual.  I’m trusting that this pain which has been with me for so long will start to alleviate once Jupiter moves on to 14 degrees just after the Full Moon in Aquarius this week. Meanwhile, I can only rest and allow the healing to take place if the healing is to occur as I totally surrender all everyday affairs to my divine self.

It’s interesting that the Sabian symbol for Jupiter stationing at present is:
Scorpio 14
For me, It’s not just about my lines of communication with the world beyond me but about the connections happening within our being, mind, heart, body and spirit as we come into divine alignment with the release of energies which are of other times and places.

I know that many of you are working with all manner of aches, pains, illnesses across the planet and my heart is with you in this mammoth process of transcendence at all levels of our being, the body being our last stand in releasing the dense energies within. 

Trusting that everyone is taking similar care of themselves as the stresses on our whole being can take their toll on our health.

from the chair...drawing upon Leo courage and strength

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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