...for the children of the earth

Thursday 12 July 2018

13th July 2018 New Moon in Cancer partial solar eclipse

Photo:  Vanessa Leigh

Hi everybody!

Here we are in the light of the Cancerian Sun looking over her realm in the landscape...the ocean, the land and the seashore.  We’re in the land where the unconscious and the past is being revealed to our conscious mind.

Finding your park bench:  Time to rest and allow the world to go by!
Time to find our ‘place’ in the world, a place of emotional safety within and therefore without.  We’re needing reflection time...yes, more of it to really take stock, regroup, integrate and come to wholeness.

It’s the dark of the moon:  Thanks for the memories!
We’re in the light of the Cancerian Sun and now feeling the ‘dark of the moon’, the days before the New Moon arrives, the darkest time of the month and the time for release of the ‘old’ and those energies which have been holding us back from our growth and expansion.

A big doorway of change:  Never a better time to lay the ghosts to rest!
It’s not just a New Moon.  It’s a New Moon and Solar eclipse in the sign which rules memories, the past, the ancestors, home, family, mother and belonging.

Preparing for the eclipse energies:  Expect the unexpected!
Make the most of this time as we come to the entry point of the eclipse vortex which guarantees ongoing changes.  With the first eclipse this week the focus will be emotional and memory oriented so this is what is being released, reclaimed and reworked.  How this happens will be personal and may challenge our feelings of security both emotional and physical (with Pluto playing a part).
Photo:  Vanessa Leigh

Jupiter now stationing direct:  Out of the Scorpio cave of inner transformation!  
Moving on by end of week...slowly!

Rescued, safe and recovering:  Out of the cave and into the light!
Well our ‘lost boys’ in the cave in Thailand were all safely delivered into the light by the navy seals along with their coach, their spiritual teacher who taught them to meditate in their dark burrow beneath the mountain.  What a spiritual setup!  10 years a monk preparing for this experience to guide his charges through the darkness and to maintain the light within and the faith to stay alive.

Why did this cave rescue grab so much world wide attention:
People may have wondered why this incident brought such world focus and attention whilst floods and landslides were killing hundreds in Japan with many still lost and homeless.  We have these massive deaths across the world all the time and sometimes it’s challenging to take in the horror of people in pain, fear and dying.

People felt the challenge and the pull to work together:  Power to humanity and hope!
I tend to feel that this cave incident gave focus to one incident which spoke directly to the implicit understanding of the symbology of the whole experience.  The heroic efforts and application of practical knowledge and strategy dealing with the natural elements was inspiring to millions across the world and nurtured a deepening of faith in the power of humanity when we pull together.  

We need this energy to lend support to other tragedies across the world which seem insurmountable.  We have the power within.

13th July: New Moon in Cancer 20 degrees 41 minutes 
Partial Solar Eclipse 12.47 pm AEST...coming home!
Art:  ‘The Guardian’ Rassouli
A New Moon reboot of consciousness:  Coming home everyone!  
We’re safe!
The New Moon and Sun are on the same degree, ‘same page’, aligned in focus and direction to take us forward for the next lunar month.  This New Moon in the sign of Cancer is guiding us all to step out of our comfort zone by stepping into the vortex of eclipse energy being triggered at the New Moon.  We’re already riding the waves of change and have been clearing the way for the leap of faith which is being set up by this New Moon.  It’s just the starting point.

We are in the light of the divine mother energy:  
Our children, inner and outer are safe!
The image on the left from Rassouli seems to capture the essence of the current energies with ‘The Guardian’ on watch over us all deep within our caves of inner transformations, perhaps lost in the dark and feeling alone and even abandoned, unloved. 

The call to throw off the old emotional energies of the past:  
Birthing a new sense of being!
The spiritual sustenance of faith and trust in ourselves as energetic beings of immense light and power living an earthly existence is what’s keeping us alive and growing with positive expectations of our renewal and release into all new energies.  We never stop growing.

A call to reclamation of our inner ‘children’ and a nurturing life: 
We are safe!
With Mars out on a mission in Aquarius, out of bounds as well, we’re gathering and building all our inner resources of courage, faith in ourselves and an inner sense of adventure being called forth to create a new way of life and sense of belonging.

Reaffirming our faith and trust in the higher pathway: 
We are strong and safe!
This New Moon in Cancer is a test of faith and courage with the Cancerian energies cautious by nature, prone to emotional insecurity stemming from the past.  This year has been an intense year of what may have felt like a ‘battle royal’ with resistant forces within throwing up conflict, anger, resentment and all the buried disempowered energies of past times.  Time for them to go!

Pluto is directly opposite the New Moon/Sun:  A last goodbye!  
It’s make or break, do or die...we are destined to win with love!
Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, Lord of transformation, death, rebirth and resurrection so the message for this New Moon and the whole ongoing eclipse passage of the next weeks and months is very clear...do and die!

Off the treadmill of the status quo, social and familial conditioning:  It’s time!
This New Moon solar eclipse is a powerful time to set the agenda for the eclipse period of breaking out of huge karmic imprints embedded in our bodies.  Yes, we’ve been on it for a while now and there’s more to go but the time is now optimum for really breaking through blockages which have been resistant within us. 

We’re setting ourselves up for the Full Moon in Aquarius total lunar eclipse just 2 weeks away.  Aquarius freedom calls us...prepare to take to the stars and clear the way!

At the New Moon:  Powerful planetary alignments are working in our favour...emotionally and physically!  Two Grand Trines...water and earth!
Two Grand Trines are speaking in harmony to each other opening the doorways for a physical and emotional shift in our lives. 
They represent the feminine energies bringing our emotions home, releasing a whole lot of insecurity, doubt and fear as well as assisting us to earth ourselves in ‘our’ place on this planet.

A brief look at these planets and their meanings will give us an understanding of what could be on offer at this time.

Grand Water Trine:
Water energies are allowing the opening of gateways to feeling, experiencing emotions.

New Moon/Sun 20 degrees Cancer: Release of the past and birthing a new sense of home, belonging

Jupiter 13 degrees Scorpio:  Expansion and growth of consciousness through death and rebirth energies

Neptune 15 degrees Pisces, retrograde: Evolving and uplifting the emotions, accessing spiritual upliftment

Grand Earth Trine:
Earth energies activate our physical body and our world and bring in a flood of energy which may seem like a touch of magic!

Saturn 4 degrees Capricorn, retrograde:  Finding and taking our authority for success in the world

Venus  3 degrees Virgo:   Cleansing, purifying our heart energy and realigning with the earth

Uranus 2 degrees Taurus:  Accessing higher mind consciousness and divine prosperity on the earth

Into the eclipse vortex!  Here we go!  
Say goodbye to the past and hello new world!
Eclipses involves the blocking of the light and then the revealing of the light.  For this reason, they are considered particularly powerful as a time of revelation of new knowledge, insight, information.

Solar eclipses bring sudden, unexpected changes manifesting in our physical lives.  This eclipse is a partial eclipse in the sign of Cancer so the revelations, breakthroughs, changes, new directions will be focussed on the Cancer ruled areas of our lives:  Home, place of belonging, emotional security, mothering, childhood home and of course memories and ancestors!

This first eclipse in a series of 3, 2 weeks apart, is our spiritual ‘set up’ to take us through the vortex of change process.   We don’t necessarily need to make changes unless prompted to do so and if something comes in to ‘force’ a change, we just need to respond to the growth opportunity.  Eclipses are boosts to our growth to take us out of the comfort zone.

The next two eclipses will build on the energies activated by this eclipse and will take us into the energies of Aquarius, an air sign and then Leo, a fire sign.  Each eclipse will provide new insights, understandings and possibilities.

28th July:  Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius
11th August:  New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo

Astronomical information on the partial solar eclipse:

This partial solar eclipse will be visible from very few locations on land. People in some parts of southern Australia, including those in Adelaide and Melbourne, will see a very small fraction of the eclipse. A majority of this partial eclipse of the Sun will take place over the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The eclipse can also be seen from a very small part of northern Antarctica.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Cancer:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com 

The New Moon and the Sun:
Cancer 21
This Symbol speaks of talent and the ability to use it and bring it out into the open so that others may enjoy. The Prima Donna is number one at her art: she gets center stage and fills people with joy at the sound of her voice. You, too, may want to use your voice or talents to sway your audience or those listening, although you could find that others may brand you as demanding attention. You could find that your talents will be tested to their extreme, but, if you can open your heart and let your inhibitions go, then you will please your audience and fulfill yourself. Where there's a lot of voices, yours probably will be the one most listened to. Powerful voice. Emotional dramatizations. Taking center stage. Messages that need to be heard for social reasons. Commanding attention. Having control and good timing.

Pluto is directly opposite the New Moon: 
Pluto is ruler of Scorpio, Lord of the underworld and all that exists ‘underground’.  One of his domains is caves.  It seems particularly apt that the boys trapped in a cave underground have indirectly activated the wider world who are coming from all over to rescue the boys.  It’s a group effort and in some ways it’s a race against ‘time’ with the monsoon rains closing in again.

Capricorn 21
Related image
This Symbol shows working together in a cooperative venture, to know when to go and when to stop, when to take the baton and when to pass it on, and how to pace yourself so you can stay in the “Relay Race”. Each person has to contribute as best they can; some run fast, some have their own talents, some trip you up and cause you to falter. Working together, you can figure out who will help win the race and who wont. Sometimes, victory seems achievable, but you are likely to be a member of a team, with your own special task to perform. You may not be the one who crosses the finish line, but you may, eventually, share in the group effort. Just watch for when it’s your turn and when it isn’t. Shared endeavor. Knowing when to pass on responsibilities. Having to wait your turn. Inheritances. The power of surrender. Taking turns. Split second timing. Coordination.

Golden Oldies:
‘In My Life’ Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8GoKTRMMko  for New Moon in Cancer finding our place of belonging

‘Thanks for the Memory’ Frank Sinatra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhD9e2SzytY saying goodbye to the past
I think this video clip is ‘Home is where the heart is...a seat in a public space can be a good spot!’

‘My Way’ Elvis Presley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP8HO9TGkbw for the eclipse vortex of letting go and major transformation

‘Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien’ Edith Piaf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRCYEkA0_q8 lyrics in English for New Moon/Eclipse goodbye to the ‘baggage’

Upcoming Dates:
23rd July:  Sun moves into Leo
26th July:  Mercury retrograde at 23 degrees 27 Leo
28th July: Full Moon in Aquarius Total Lunar Eclipse 4 degrees 45 minutes Aquarius at 6.20 am AEST * visible in Sydney

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re swimming home guided by our seal ‘divers’ and guides bringing us back to the surface, just like the lost boys and their spiritual teacher in the cave in Thailand.

As we head into the birth canal leading into this New Moon in Cancer, we’re reminded that the Cancerian energy is the divine mother in her watery realm.  Cancer energy brings the unconscious to consciousness in the space between the sea and the land...the shoreline.

In these momentous energies we are holding our own as best we can even though many of us may feel like giving up on this whole process.  Surrendering is the way as we give over to our inner divinity, our light self and higher consciousness as we take the leap of faith into new lives.  More to come and trust it will lighten a little with Jupiter’s forward movement.

Love and blessings to us all as let the seals bring us home!  


from the chair...still floating


It’s all about love 

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