...for the children of the earth

Thursday 24 May 2018

19th May 2018 Venus entered Cancer, 21st May Sun entered Gemini


Hi everyone!

I don’t know if it’s ‘better late than never’ but I’m sending this update out anyway as a ‘catch up’ and it’s not even Mercury retrograde!  Like many of us I’ve been seriously challenged to work with these big energies which have been rolling in over the top of us.  It’s a universal energy and for me and many others it’s been impacting us personally in light of our natal ‘blueprint’.  So, if you’ve been going through a healing crisis then keep trusting that nothing lasts and the turning point is coming when the time is right.

Goodbye to the Taurus Sun and solar month:  Spotlight still on planet earth!
We’re been travelling in the energies of the New Moon in Taurus, getting accustomed to the gear changing of Uranus moving into Taurus and Mars moving into Aquarius.  It’s an adjustment period but I’m feeling it’s going to be a little easier to work with Uranus in Taurus despite being a fixed earth sign and therefore the most dense of energies...hardest to change.  But then, it gives us time to ground any sudden shakeups which come in with Uranus. It’s slow moving so the changes are slower giving us time to integrate.

Personal and universal changes:  A gear change to shift our perspective!
Many predictions are around that Uranus in Taurus will bring big earth changes and that may well be the case but I prefer to keep the focus on the personal energies as we can do something with them even if ‘earth changes’, economic, political or social changes impact upon us.  With Venus in Cancer, we’re seeking emotional security and a sense of belonging so our home, homeland is especially important at this time.

What’s been happening:

After some dramatic gear shifts, we’re adjusting, realigning and moving on!  Growing our ‘trees’!
Activation of the earth memories by Uranus entering the sign of Mother Earth and charging the earth’s body with lightning strike awareness.  It’s like the earth is opening up and divesting itself of the memories within its body as well as within our own physical vessel.  This calls for healing of core wounds as Chiron sits on 0 degrees Aries, sign of our ‘I am’ essence.  We’re clearing up all those memory banks which have masked our true selves.

Getting down to the ‘core’ wound and finding solutions, the bottom line: 
Mars, ruler of our physical body and ruler of Aries has been squaring off to Uranus as he entered Aquarius the sign of higher consciousness.  So the planetary energies are working with us in this discovery tour as Jupiter travels through the sign of ‘uncovering the truth’, 007 energy and surgery.  Once we start uncovering the core wound for healing this lifetime, we’re weeding out all the other wounds that have emanated from this ‘core wound’.

The investigation and getting down to the bottom line for resolving the core wound of ‘self’!
Chiron’s entry into Aries at least for a few months until September puts a clear focus on the wound we’re carrying in relation to our identity, our divine essence, our ‘I am’ energy.  How many years, lifetimes have we been asking ourselves ‘Who am I?’ and getting myriad responses as we are composed of so many different ‘identities’ this lifetime and as well, the sum total of other lifetimes and realities.  We’re being called to root out those attachments karmically, energetically which are not aligned with our own personal ‘tree’ which needs strong roots drawing on the purity of our essence without the burdens, conditioning or baggage of the past.

19th  May: Venus entered Cancer at 11.10 pm AEST
It’s a heart warming homecoming!
Until 14th June
Home is where the heart is:  Encapsulating the Venus in Cancer energy!
Venus is our heart energy and Cancer rules emotional security, home, place of belonging, the mother, childhood home and ancestors.  Put all that together and you may get the picture for our heart focus until mid June.

The planets are aligned for us to find our hearts and feel like we belong:
What perfect timing we get with the planetary changes as Venus brings our heart home to the power of love and to plug into these newly galvanised earth energies of Uranus in Taurus and Chiron in Aries.  Who am I and where do I belong?  fits beautifully into this whole energy of our hearts returning to a place of clarity. 

There’s always clearing the way to reach the purity of the essence of love:
We might have to clear a few shadows as we choose the power of love and accept ourselves boots and all, ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’, release the judgements and criticisms of ourselves and others as we keep choosing to live in our heart energy, our evolved consciousness of love.  Cancer energy can bring up old fears and insecurities from heart ‘pain’ from the past. 

The ancestors are with us, healing and growing, supporting and loving:
Cancer rules the past and can also offer us great support from ‘the ancestors’.  They are supporting us, growing with us, learning from us as we step into new and expanding consciousness.  Sometimes I hear my family from the other side saying ‘What’s she doing now?’ and I have a laugh to myself and explain what’s happening.  We’re all learning.

21st May:  Sun entered Gemini at 12.14 pm AEST...joining the dots!
Until 21st June
Flitting and fluttering across the social spectrum:  It’s a cocktail party!
Gemini is all about communication, connecting with others and connecting the threads of understanding in our minds. Gemini is the consummate data collection agency as we feel the need to access connections with others, collecting the bits and pieces of understanding from a variety of people.  Lighten up!

This is not about deep and meaningful discussions even though Jupiter in Scorpio is calling for deep connection to the wider world.

Gemini, the twins, ‘the lovers’:  Divine reunion!  Unification with the self!
Gemini brings in the duality and awareness of separation from others, from within ourselves.  All dual signs do this in different ways.  For Gemini it’s about bringing our two ‘sides’ together, our masculine and feminine, our outer and inner selves.  Knowing when to take action and knowing when to ‘allow’ is the key to living in harmony and rhythm. We’re all ‘on it’!

Polarity consciousness:  Coming out of the closet!
Polarity consciousness seems to be to the fore in many different ways at present as people get in touch with what’s meaningful and resonant to them and are more willing to express this out in the world. 

Communication with others is two way:  Listening and speaking...the exchange is the thing!
It’s such a great opportunity to love and accept and respect others for their expressions of opinion, to be inclusive rather than combative.  We’re all learning from each other big time and Gemini solar month sets us up for the exchange of ideas without going into polarised reactions.  We are entitled to our feelings, emotions and thoughts and to express them if needed.  Holding back words can be damaging to ourselves.  The call is not to take things personally.  What people say is not about you. It’s a learning experience about others. 

Golden Oldies
‘Coming Home Again’ Rachael Leahcar https://www.vevo.com/watch/rachel-leahcar/coming-home-again/AUUV71200057 for Venus in Cancer
‘There’s a bluebird on your window sill’  Wilf Carter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlJ0UwHN3gc for Sun in Gemini
‘If you Want to Sing out, sing out’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzy1O3NOE4s Gemini communication time
‘Thank you Stars’ Kate Melua https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5jGUDIaqAE  for divine reunion, divine love
Upcoming Dates:
30th May:  Full Moon in Sagittarius
30th May:  Mercury moves into Gemini

That’s it folks!

Hugs all around!  Birds of a feather flock together and that’s just what we’re all doing even as we inhabit different regions geographically and yes...esoterically.  We can’t get away from our intrinsic nature as earth beings this lifetime.  We might carry the DNA of the cosmos but this life we are here on earth and we’re being asked to own this earth and do all we can at a personal level to be loving and kind to each other and to the earth and it’s all energetic forms from animals, plants to rocks, soil and water. 

With the Gemini Sun our inner ‘birds and butterflies’ our creatures of the air are asking us to celebrate the expanse of the sky even as we ground ourselves in the soil of our divine mother earth. Let’s not forget that our winged messenger, ruler of Gemini is in Taurus until 30th May, so plenty of messages coming through for us all if we’re listening. We’re flying towards the Full Moon in Sagittarius on 30th May along with Mercury moving into its home sign of Gemini.

Love and blessings


from the chair...held by spirit

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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