...for the children of the earth

Monday 22 July 2019

23rd July 2019: Sun enters Leo


Hi everyone!

Waiting, waiting while the ‘undercover’ work continues:  Calm and confidence!
We’re at the tail end of the solar month of Cancer, waiting on the shore line, the Cancerian territory for our boat to be lifted by the tides of change, the direct movement of Mercury.  He’s on the Cancerian sands and is just about to turn direct at the very beginning of August, just over a week away after the Sun’s entry into Leo.

Profound changes happening within...and for some ‘without’!
Meanwhile, some profound changes are happening in our world as many of our number are finally breaking through the impasse of past behaviours, mindsets, emotions. social conditioning and ancestral karmic implants embedded in the cell memories.

Something has come to a head:  We’re past the ‘use by’ date!  Now what?
This past solar month of big Cancerian/Capricorn energies acting upon each other in the solar and lunar eclipses has brought the conflicted energies of the past home/work, mother/father, childhood/adulthood burdens and ‘baggage’ to a head.

Past months of endings and completions:  Full Moon culmination!
That Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse brought something to a head, to a conclusion, to a turning point, to an end and for some it meant the culmination of their lives on earth.  Their work is over for this lifetime.  And more and more of us are packing our bags, dropping the baggage and getting on the next train out of the 'old town' heading for new vistas.

What do you want?  When do you want it?   Divine timing has things in place.  
We focus on our readiness to accept our divine mastery!
For others, we were pushed to make a decision, make up our mind, to be resolute and determined to continue on despite the chaotic world of change and conflict in the wider perspective.  We have more to do and we need the ‘equipment’ of a strong inner light of divine faith, hope and spiritual strength and courage along with healed hearts, minds and yes...physical bodies.  We need the inner resources and clarity to continue. 

I believe they’re going to start coming through in these coming months from August as we prepare for new directions, opportunities and enactment of even new ‘missions’ which have been awaiting our attention.

Here it is! The partial lunar eclipse from Stonehenge!  
'One small step....one giant leap' Yes!
Last week, we took a bite of the full moon with a lunar eclipse which seemed a fitting way to celebrate the landing on the moon 50 years ago. That moment was a significant turning point in time when we were given images of our beautiful earth hanging in space, fragile and floating in an ever spinning world of cosmic forces. 5 billion people around the world watched the whole experience and brought a mass shift in consciousness.

That space expedition was instrumental in the creation of a whole range of new technologies which we utilise today in our everyday world. It brought a massive turning point in technology as well as in the thinking of the world.

Maybe another mass shift in consciousness is at hand. 
It’s irrelevant if people subscribe to the conspiracy theory that the moon landing didn’t happen.  If something happens in our minds, it becomes ‘reality’.  That’s how it works.  If you feel something is a conspiracy, I suggest you look to what possible motivation is there for conspiracy. That’s my benchmark for keeping an open mind.  If it adds to the ‘power’ of a person, group or nation then it could be so. 

Trust, Accept and Surrender:  We’ve got this!
Let's trust that the mass shift in consciousness is happening like a never ending tide of change washing over the planet.  As more and more people look to the cosmos, the skies and the earth and marvel at the immensity of our lives and our place in the universe, we access the big picture and get in touch with what one person can offer with a unique signature and mission.  'One small step and another, another and then....one giant leap' Yes!

Going for gold,..clearing the backwash until end of July!  
Burning our bridges as we leap on and on to the light!
From 20th to 22nd July:  What’s been happening
Mental makeover: Sun met Mercury...a reboot!23 degrees Cancer
With the Sun and Mercury in a meet up today, our mind manager is being rebooted with some light relief from all those memory banks locked into the mental body. Just pull out those memory threads of repetitive phrases that have our minds landlocked in 'history'. 
Mercury still doing the retrograde shuffle until the end of July so plenty of time to make the mind up and clear the backwash of the past.
Heart clearance: Venus facing off to Pluto...a bridge!
21 degrees Cancer/Capricorn
The heart's memory banks are being opened up, cleared, transformed and released from past hurts, pains, rejections, wounds. grief, anger, disappointment or fear. 
It's a bridge from Pluto the dark Lord of Transformation in the karmic sign of Capricorn across to our heart power of Venus in the sign of the past, of history, the ancestors, childhood and the mother/divine mother. Take the hand being offered by Pluto as he offers release if we are ready to step onto the bridge of reclamation of our heart power.
It’s time:  Many small steps become the leap of faith!
It's time...we're on our way to greeting the Sun in Leo on 23rd, just 2 days away followed by Venus moving into Leo just 5 days later on 28th July. Get ready for August and clear the decks. Prepare for a new leap of faith in the physical if you're not already leaping into a new life right now.

23rd July:  
Sun enters Leo at 12.50 pm AEST
At the filling station for light!
Until 23rd August
Closure on the solar month of Cancer: Welcoming the light of renewal! 
Our canoes are in the shallows close to the shore and we’re watching the Sun as it closes down the solar month of Cancer and opens us up to the energies of Leo.  The Sun is in its power in its home sign of Leo, bringing more light into every aspect of our lives and alleviating the heaviness of our inter dimensional travels of this past month/past year.

Light relief from our rescue work:  Emotional uplift on the way!
We’ve been like St Bernard dogs on rescue missions, reclaiming ancestral, childhood and lifelong fragments of memory which have been seeking resolution.  We’ve been called to travel to some dark places, straddling worlds, rescuing pain, heartache, grief, worry and fear which have been lost and wandering the astral realm.

Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual releases and uplift!
As the memories released, many of us have been experiencing intense physical challenges as the buried emotions and traumas were brought into our consciousness. We’ve cried, screamed, shouted, sung and drummed the past pain out of our systems.  Our physical bodies are undergoing healing and liberation into wellness.

Welcoming the solar month of Leo!  Here comes the Sun and it’s big!

Leo rules love, romance, creativity and children:  And...the joy of life, divine fulfilment of your light!
What’s on your bucket list spiritually for this lifetime?  I’m not talking about bungy jumping, white water rafting or any of the adventure experiences promoted as ‘bucket list’ possibilities. That’s the tip of the iceberg of what lies deep within you.

Time to turn on your ‘heartlight’!:  Tune in to the heart and listen!
What regrets, disappointment, lost opportunities, hopes and dreams are awaiting reclamation?
I’m talking about what lies deep in your heart, the yearning for something that has seemed just beyond your reach. What will turn your heart light on right now, beyond your present expectations, beyond your vision in terms of what seems possible?

A time of reclamation of lost hopes and dreams: 
Journey to the heart of ‘darkness’?  Yes!
I suggest that the entry of the Sun to Leo at this time is offering a new pathway to JOY!  This is just the beginning of a profound time of change...of heart, of direction, of focus as we tune in to our VALUES.  In our ‘heart of darkness’ we find the buried thoughts, emotions, passions and joys which we put aside in some belief it was too late for us or we missed or misused opportunities. 

What about romance?  
We see another’s spirit and we fall in love ‘spiritually’...and then we complete our ‘contract’, the eyes are opened, it’s over.
How many people have said to me that they’ve never had the experience of ‘falling in love’.  And of course ‘falling out of love’ goes with that.  This is one of the key areas for Leo energy reclamation as we look through the conditioned responses perpetuated by society.  

What’s wrong with ‘falling in love’ and ‘romance’?  

Will you travel the road of love with me for a while?
From the observation and experience deck, it would seem that disappointments and pain from relationships come from our belief that relationships are supposed to last a lifetime.  For some they do.  Evidence suggests that for most people, relationships are just part of the growth process of spiritual expansion and learning about ourselves and love.

'Take my hand, I'm a stranger in Paradise!'
Romance opens our hearts and it’s not just about intimate partnerships as it governs beauty, joy, magical possibilities and accessing higher spirituality and divine love.  

We can’t hold onto this experience but once we’ve tasted a moment of romance, it stays with us forever as a magical moment in time.  The opening of the heart is a gift and needs to be valued as a precious resource upon which we build ongoing joy.

What about our deep longing for creative expression? Deep in my heart I long for...step onto the ‘path of the heart’...open to divine love!
The joy of creativity, play and childhood also calls us to reconnect with those dream projects which ignite the divine child within our hearts.  We’re bringing back to life those aspects of ourselves lost in the past as we travelled the treadmill of social convention confined within the benchmarks for success in the dominant ideology. Whether you were shy, scared or confident, the child awaits.

Leo:  The show must go on!  
‘Let me entertain you!’ and ‘Put on your dancing shoes!’
‘There’s no business like show business’ and Leo asks us to create our own ‘show’ and create some fun and laughter in the world. Leo is the celebration of life that comes from our inner lights shining so as we put aside false modesty, false pride and false images, we return to childhood and the fun of play and getting together with other shining lights.

What is still waiting for you to retrace your steps and revisit that hope, that dream that was put aside.  Awaken the magic again. It’s time!

Note from me:  Length of updates
My updates have been quite long in recent months.  I’m hoping that you read them on a needs basis.  I write the words I’m given from spirit and although I have questioned their length from time to time, I am reassured by the words ‘you don’t know who is reading the words’.  

I have a mailing list and many of that list send on my updates to others.  So I never know who is reading them.  You could be a long term spiritual advocate and traveller, knowledgeable in your own right or you could be a ‘newbie’, just opening to the wider understanding of the nature of reality and life on earth.

I trust my inner voice and go with that guidance.  I also feel that this is such a humongous year of change that we’re being pushed and guided to reach as many people as possible as more of our number turn to spiritual understanding and guidance.

I suggest if it’s all too much, the headings and images get to the bottom line.

8/8 Lions Gate 2019 : Complete Embodiment of the Soul as we enter the 2019/20 Creative Cycle
The Sacred Year begins on the 26th of July, with the planetary New Year, and is preceded by the celebratory "Day out of Time" on the 25th of July.

Golden Oldies:
‘You light Up My Life’ Debbie Boon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3ssmH8vjf4 for more romance, love and joy
‘Here Comes the Sun’ The Beatles Tribute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgiQD56eWDk  for more hope in the light, rebooting creativity!

‘I am the light of my soul’  Sirgun Kaur & Sat Darshan Singh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e11zx5TzRxo  for boosting the inner light

"May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You" Snatam Kaur, by Mike Heron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8eoEv1tnTU for a blessing of the light
‘The Song is a Very Magic Fellow’ Donovan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9dtdtyi0kA  for the inner child
Upcoming Dates:
28th July:  Venus enters Leo
1st August:  New Moon 8 degrees 37 Leo at 1.11 pm AEST
1st August:  Mercury stations direct at 23 degrees 57 Cancer

11th August:  Jupiter stations direct at 14 degrees 20 Sagittarius (GA)
12th August:  Mercury enters Leo
13th August:  Uranus stations retrograde at 6 degrees 37 Taurus
That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! We’re at the festival of light! 
We’re welcoming the Leo Sun and all its light power into our lives.  
We are the light!

After this past week, month, year/s, we’re at a big turning point now and the Leo Sun brings the first new light and hope to us all, the promise of better times ahead, at least on the personal level, if not yet manifesting in the giants of government, systems and the power brokers of the planet.  They are the most resistant to changing ‘the rules of play’ and are burdened by their size, attachment to the status quo and their power base.

For us ‘little people’ at grassroots level, we are making changes in our lives that are creating a new way of living from the ground up.  Revolutions happen at a deep level when the masses go about changing and adapting their lives to accommodate their needs and desires in alignment with their values. That’s all of us changemakers. 

Love and blessings to us all as we ramp up the light power within, realign with our values and deepest spiritual desires and go for gold! On our way to the New Moon in Leo on 1st August when we start a new lunar month, say goodbye to the lunar month of Cancer and start kicking up some gold dust!

from the chair...aligning with my heart light

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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