...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 2 July 2019

2nd July 2019: Mars enters Leo, 3rd July: New Moon in Cancer, 4th July: Venus enters Cancer

Hi everyone!
Well the sea looks calm and the sky is filled with magical light!  Let’s remind ourselves of that as we enter the eclipse activation of the New Moon this week.
Straddling the conscious and unconscious:  The Shoreline!
We’re already walking the shoreline of the solar month of Cancer, walking in the footsteps of the ancestors, being attuned to the memories of other times and places whilst reaffirming our place of belonging here on earth.
Welcome to this July:  Never a better time to accept the new pathway!
This week we begin a new lunar month with the arrival of a New Moon in Cancer. It’s offering an emotional rebirth and the potential for setting course in a whole new direction with respect to emotional, financial and physical security. 
Huge potentials for release of the old and acceptance of the new!
The eclipses of this July are offering a huge release of energies which have been holding us in the past, in the ancestral patterns of attachment to mindsets, emotions and experiences from other times, places and people.  It’s time for the resistant memories to be cleared...eclipse time!
Securing a new foundation for our lives: 
Are you ready, willing and able?
Emotional security and the insecurities which keep us from feeling ‘safe’ within ourselves will be at the top of the agenda. That’s our goal and focus for July!
As the universal love grows stronger, we’re feeling the pushback from the controllers of the status quo, the power brokers!
With ongoing global chaos and power paradigms still running the show, we find a general unease and feelings of insecurity surfacing in those who are not operating within the old paradigms.  
It seems like the more we choose love and equity for all, that the old forces are getting bigger and bolder as the battle of the bullies takes front and centre stage in the wider arena.
Having faith in our ‘undercover’ work: No wavering, second guessing this month!  Spiritual confidence!
July will throw up old fears, angers, insecurities for us to dismiss.  Every time we get a negative thought or emotion or experience we need to get onto it, feel it, see it and then choose to let it fall away with the old pathway of karmic burdens and self-sacrifice.  The path of freedom calls!
This month, remember the message of the rabbit...fight, flight or fear...OR fertility!  Rabbits of power, influence and courage will be a guiding force in my update today and this month as we face the fears and do it anyway!  Bugs Bunny, our first rabbit guide to help us through July...sassy and confident!
Mars has been travelling in Cancer since 16th May:  What a physical and spiritual cleansing!
Mars, ruler of our physical body, fire and drive has been languishing on the shoreline recovering his life force while he’s allowed the waters of the divine mother to cleanse and purify him spiritually and physically of the past memories which have held him back.

It’s not been the most comfortable place for Mars as he’s all fire and his fire has been calmed, even feeling doused by the watery emotional elements of Cancer. Our spiritual surfboard has been holding us steady as we learned to trust, accept and surrender to the emotional release.

Our get up and go has been undergoing a cleanse:
Memories which have been holding us in the past as well as ancestral karmic imprints have been undergoing a clearance in the body and in our spirits. This is just one of the reasons many of have been feeling that our ‘get up and go’ has well and truly gone!  It hasn’t!  It’s just been in a healing process and will be returning with a whole new vigour and strength that comes from our heart centre.

Help is on the way this week, this month!
First of all it’s Mars, our fiery warrior moving into the sign of the Sun, of light, of passion and showing us the path of heart.  Then we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2 weeks later.  Guaranteed change.
2nd July:  Mars enters Leo at 9.19 am AEST
Heart fire and courage!  
Feel the love!
Until 18th August

Mars is getting fired with love, passion and the joy of life!
Mars is our fiery warrior and he now enters Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun, our most powerful planetary force!  Leo is the path of heart the way of living from the truth of our divine heart and divine light of spirit.

Mars rules our physical body, fire and drive:
Trusting that the Leo sun light will charge us with more physical strength, the strength that comes from the heart and offers support for our physical evolution of consciousness. How perfect that Mars will carry us through what could be a very wobbly month, emotionally and physically. 

Braveheart is here!   Courage and strength firing hearts with confidence and power!
Mars in Leo is going to fire our spirits and keep our inner flame alive while we negotiate the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse change process and potential challenges which could de-rail us!

In July:  
Still serious business with some Leo heart light to shine our way!
We’re likely to be immersed in the change process of rebirthing some old hopes and dreams, new consciousness for the next stage of our journey this year, this lifetime for many of us. Jupiter in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces is bringing us the visions, old dreams are on tap!  Put this together with the Leo drive and passion and whoosh!

Creative solutions on offer:  Listen to the creative urges which offer JOY!
Many of us are standing on the edge of new lives and working through the karmic obstacle course on what seems like a never ending challenge of strategy in order to get our brownie points and manifest mastery!  Be open and receptive and allow the New Moon to bring in the joy of reunion.
Mars in Leo will offer some light relief...if we can accept some light relief and some FUN!

3rd July:  New Moon at 10 degrees 38 Cancer at 5.16 am AEST
Total solar eclipse!
Art:  Temple of Conception, Rassouli
Birthing into the eclipse vortex!  A New Moon, a new era!  Into the eclipse vortex!
New Moons bring change and eclipses bring big changes.  So it is we enter this lunar month where the focus is on home, family, mother, family and a new era for establishing emotional stability in our lives.  It’s Peter Rabbit!  He comes from a loving home, loving mother but he breaks the rules and seeks new vistas!

Birthing and backing our focus on moving on from past blocks to a new direction!
This New Moon offers something above and beyond as we kick free of those karmic ties and ancestral karmic imprints which have had such a grip on us.  The Full Moon in Capricorn on 17th July will finish the job!  Peter Rabbit shows how to find a new direction...new, unique and breaking the old status quo of the treadmill! 
Under the fence?  Over the fence?  Around the fence?  Through the fence?

Birthing a new foundation for our ‘home’, our  place of inner security!
Cancer rules the place where we find a deep foundation of security, of feeling at home with ourselves and our world.  It’s not just a building or a family, relationship or a nation. This New Moon challenges us to find ‘security’ though finding our unique pathway.

Stepping out of the global chaos into our ‘safe place’! 
In a time of global chaos and disruption where the ‘old order’ is being dismantled, seemingly by ‘the old order’, we need a strong place within us which finds the spiritual reassurance to know that all is well and that we are held in the safety and love of divine truth and divine will.  

Birthing a new connection: Our inner mother and the divine mother!
Cancer rules the mother and mothering and relates directly to our childhood experience of our mother and our childhood home.  Spiritually, it connects us to the ‘divine’ mother, the nurturing energy of unconditional love

Finding and healing the ‘lost child’:  
Peter Rabbit returning from his adventures receives forgiveness from this mother and is welcomed home!

Planetary energies at this New Moon:  
All is forgiven!  Come home!  
Divine reunion with lost fragments of the self!
It’s a planetary play off of big planetary forces challenging us to release those energies which are attached to the status quo, the old order, benchmarks, dependencies and attachments which have us in a stranglehold of mindsets, memories and emotions accrued from societal conditioning.

The Capricorn planetary team:  
What we’re evolving in consciousness through release  of patriarchal damage!
The old order, the patriarchy, the system, the matrix, the societal benchmarks for success and power in the world.
Major players at this time with Saturn, Pluto both  retrograde and the South Node of the Moon carrying old ways of being, what we are evolving in consciousness.  Yes, it’s systems, governments and big institutions and human structures.

The Cancer planetary team:  
What we’re evolving in consciousness through acceptance of divine mother love!
New Moon, Sun and North Node in Cancer calling us to evolve consciousness in the energies of Cancer, the nurturing mothering energy of home, family and our place of belonging.  It’s working with ancestors and ancestral memories in evolving from a focus on the Capricorn power systems manifesting through the current structures of success, money and power in the world. 

The New Moon:  
Setting our personal agenda for home, family, and ancestral release in the next lunar year!
Our current direction for evolution is the focus on accessing power through the nurturing energies of the divine mother, home, family and a place of belonging.  

Our energies are being focussed on the personal situations in our lives.  We’re seeing our lives within the broader ‘political’ and global lens and found the institutions and laws of the land have left many people, homeless, disempowered and in poverty. 

A Total Solar Eclipse at the New Moon:
The solar eclipse coincides with the time of the New Moon.  Solar eclipses occur at New Moons and astrologically signify the birth of a change process where the sudden and unexpected can arise in our ‘outer’ lives, our lives ruled by the Sun.  The Moon is at its lowest point of shine at the New Moon and yet that indicates that with the eclipse, something emerges from the ‘shadows’ from the subconscious in an unusual way.  We seem to  suddenly ‘see the light’ as the Sun hides and then reveals some essential piece of information we need to move on.

The Astronomy:
When and where the eclipse is visible worldwide:
This total solar eclipse will be visible from small parts of Chile and Argentina just before sunset. Some regions in the Pacific and in South America, including locations in Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay will see a partial solar eclipse, if the weather permits.

Watch the eclipse live:

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon and Sun:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
This Symbol pictures being light-hearted, enjoying life and taking on the attributes of others in order to entertain and amuse. Laughter is said to be the best medicine and employing a light attitude can be useful to relax and get things back on the right track. It can be fun to look at life from an objective viewpoint and caricaturing others can cause us to laugh at the seriousness of life. However, perhaps someone is not 'being real'; using masks to hide what's really going on in their life. Or, perhaps they’re playing the fool when the situation needs a more seriousness. This degree often shows the ability to take on the personas of others. Exaggerated responses. Wanting to entertain. Show business. Putting on a face. Making fun of people. Impersonations. Lampooning. Life imitating art. Comic performances. 

4th July:  
Venus enters Cancer at 1.17 am AEST
We enter the heart of the divine mother...home!
Until 28th July
Venus rules the heart, values, self-worth, innate gifts and love:
In the sign of Cancer, our attention is drawn to how these energies are supporting us in feeling safe, secure and yes...fulfilled at a heart level.

What do I need to activate to bring my heart joy and fulfilment?
Venus in Cancer will be activating awareness of unmet ‘needs’.  I’m not just talking about the physical aspects such as home, job, money, income or even health although these arenas may become our focus.  It’s actually the feeling of uneasiness, the ‘divine discontent’ which will underpin any feelings regarding these areas of our lives. 

‘Home is where the heart is’:  Your ‘bolt hole’/burrow is within!
The sign of Cancer is naturally cautious and manifests any subconscious insecurities which can send us scurrying back to the burrow. We can hide away from the world in our little safe shell or step out when called to do so.

Fulfilling needs, hopes and dreams!
We’ve been on quite a journey in our lives setting out from home for the big wide world, explorers and discoverers of our own destiny and fulfilment.  Some of us were idealistic, filled with hopes and dreams fuelled by our soul mission.  We just knew we had some real purpose in our lives.

A tricky start?  Where are you now?
For many, even a tricky and challenging start in life has been fuel for the spiritual force within to find a place in the world which fulfils their sense of safety and security, a place of belonging. Many in the world have been satisfied with a home, a job, an income and a partner and family.  This meets our basic needs but within us is a place that calls us to a fulfilment of our creative abilities beyond everyday mundane reality. 

Yes, we fall in love and that works if we maintain the spiritual connection. But, for more people, our urge for stimulation, excitement and passion takes us out of the domestic comfort. We need growth and the sense that we love our lives as individuals, as creative beings.  Good time to explore some creative options...find out what turns you on to life.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
Image result for maslow's hierarchy of needsMaslow’s hierarchy of needs delineated a clear pathway of evolution from fulfilling basic needs of shelter, food and security on through needs for affiliation, esteem and finally self-actualisation. 

This is a good time to consider where you on this symbolic representation on Maslow’s model.

Many in the world are like the rabbits in ‘Watership Down’, losing homes and loved ones, desperately seeking new shelter.

Many are homeless, hungry and many are feeling disempowered, beaten by the heavy handed governments and powerbrokers who still seem to have so much control of the earth and humanity.

I invite you to consider your place, seek some perspective of your situation, give thanks for your blessings and do what you can utilising your innate and unique gifts and talents in offering divine love, acceptance, forgiveness, mercy wherever and whenever you can.


Golden Oldies:

‘Mother I Feel You’ Windsong Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIqVg8CM1Gg

‘Ancient Mother’ Sacred Earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kMVc7NsiFU
‘Ancient Mother’  Robert Gass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rYw8C8GhlY

‘Divine Mother’ Sacred Earth  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uSV9nqNHPw

Upcoming Dates:
8th July:  Mercury stations retrograde at 4 degrees 28 Leo
8th July:  Chiron stations retrograde at 5 degrees 56 Aries

17th July:  Full Moon in Capricorn partial lunar eclipse
19th July:  Mercury retrograde enters Cancer
That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!
Thumper’s sisters sit amongst the flowers in divine communion with each other and nature.  They are at home on Mother Earth.
Bambi explores his home with his woodland friends with Thumper the wise rabbit as a guide and friend.  He learns to feel safe and loved.

It’s our choice whether we collapse into the fight, flight or freeze energy of the scared rabbit or whether we choose to live in a family of love and acceptance where our old fears are dissipated by the sheer power of being one of a family where the power of divine love is the guiding force.

Love and blessings to us all as we enter this powerful time where anything becomes possible as we throw off the old chains and accept our freedom.


from the chair...rebooting my sense of humour

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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