...for the children of the earth

Monday 8 July 2019

8th July 2019: Mercury stations retrograde, 9th July Chiron stations retrograde

Hi everyone! 
We’re travelling in the solar, lunar light of the month of Cancer, ferrying ourselves and the ancestors across the water!  Greetings earth angels, warriors of divine justice, balance and love!

Intensification of the energies!
The energies are ramping up but I know I don’t have to tell you as so many of us are experiencing some intense changes within us, humanity and on the earth. Our sensitivity to the density of the release of the suppressed memories surfacing from the earth and earthlings.

Our mission coming into more focus:  Conduits for divine resolution!
We are stardust, cosmic citizens, inter dimensional travellers and conduits for the release of these suppressed energies.  They come from within our memory banks from lifetimes in other dimensions and timelines. 

Evolution of our physical consciousness:
We are creating a huge release of unevolved consciousness from the dark times on earth, in the universe.  Our lower chakras are working overtime to release and uplift these unresolved energies into the higher heart, mind and spirit and thus evolve our physical vessels into a new form.  As we do this we are acquiring new physical bodies which are spiritually healed.

Ancestral focus for the lunar month of Cancer: 
The New Moon Eclipse in Cancer marked a significant turning point in our long term process of creating an enlightened life on earth this lifetime. It’s awakened the ancestors who are seeking energetic resolution through our work as inter dimensional travellers. Our ancestral supporters are right with us.  We’re all working together with ‘family’ from this and other times and places.

The Solar Eclipse of the New Moon:  
Awakening our consciousness and expanding abilities as mediums, conduits for resolution!
Whether you are aware of this or not, I imagine most of you are aware of the experiences occurring in your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. 

As we develop our awareness of our environments on all these levels of existence, we develop our ‘mediumship’, our ability to connect with interdimensional energies from other times and places.  We may not be consciously seeking these connections but this ability develops as we reach for light in our lives.  It becomes our ‘job’, our mission to clear and enlighten others in the earth and other dimensions.

Eclipse energies:  A vortex in the quantum field...no time, no space and interdimensional doorways!  
Welcome to ‘sliding doors’!
We’re midway between the New Moon in Cancer, solar eclipse and the Full Moon in Capricorn, in the eclipse vortex of change and transformation on a huge scale.  

Immense karmic resolution is available at this time as we shift energies from fear, pain, suffering, guilt, blame, anger, disappointment, grief etc. etc. into divine love!!!

Our focus:  Balance, harmony, divine love and forgiveness!
Within the eclipse vortex, there is no time or space and our experiences are more often than not leaking in from other dimensions seeking resolution this lifetime. You may have been experiencing fuzziness in the vision, spinning in the head and balance. 

This can be an indication that we are in contact with other realms. It is our choice how we handle this but love, mercy and forgiveness across the board as we practice loving kindness to ourselves here and now. We don't need to know all the stories. Just do it. Love and peace.

7th/8th July: Mercury and Chiron 'in station'...be still!  
Time to go ‘undercover’!  Awakening our inner detective!
How interesting that in this first week of the New Moon energy that we have both Mercury and Chiron stationing retrograde preparing us for an inner growth spurt and accelerated healing of our inner fire, our ‘I am’ identity along with clearing the cobwebs that are blocking the light of the Sun, our Sun.

Clarification and insights on tap:
Retrograde planets bring the call to be still, listen within, regenerate, renew and allow the spiritual acceleration of expansion and growth which is the gift of retrograde energy.

These retrograde times bring massive spiritual expansion and growth which does not manifest fully in the physical until the planet/s move direct in motion. Even then, it is when they complete their shadow journey that we realize just how much has changed during this time of inner work.

Retrograde news from ‘the tracks’:
6 planetary engines off the tracks!  They’re in for an upgrade!
Once Mercury and Chiron turn retrograde, we’ll have 6 planets in retrograde motion as they will be joining the retrograde brigade of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces! 

Life does go on regardless of retrograde planets.  It just means slowing down and taking time to make the most of this powerful time of inner growth, insights, guidance and expansion.  You can huff and puff all you like but you will not break through with ego, the small mind but through the intensity of the inner voice of stillness.

We’re actually on the fast cosmic train! Whoo hoo!

Retrograde timeline for change:  1st August to 4th October
1st August:  Mercury stations direct at 23 degrees Cancer
11th August:  Jupiter stations direct at 14 degrees Gemini
11th August:  Uranus stations retrograde at 5 degrees Taurus
18th September:  Saturn stations direct at 13 degrees Capricorn
4th October:  Pluto stations direct at 20 degrees Capricorn

8th July:  Mercury stations retrograde, 4 degrees 28 Leo, 
9.14 am AEST
The journey begins!
Until 1st August
19th July:  Retrogrades into Cancer
5th to 11th July:  Mercury stationary on 4 degrees Leo
A new light road: A bird calls, a cat waits...a messenger of the air and one of Leo!
Mercury is our messenger, our mind manager and rules communication in our everyday world, our ‘trickster’ who helps us join the dots in our understanding of our world. Our two handy tour guides are waiting for us to accept the next leg of this year’s tour through some profound eclipse energies.  Anything could happen!  We’re on the Leo path of heart!

‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!’
Image result for filling person withlight images
He’s going on in inner journey into the light of the Leo Sun, at least until 1st August so our focus for this next few weeks will be accessing and growing our ‘inner’ light, our inner pilot light.

Lightening up the mind:  
‘I’ve come in for a refill!’
We’re going to be taking time to regenerate our mental energies and mind power with the spiritual light of the sun. Close the eyes and draw light into head from crown and draw up light from earth star.  Fill all chakras and the heart!

Regenerating our exhausted beings with light power!
Many of us have been feeling depletion of energies this year as Saturn and Pluto trawl through Capricorn in retrograde motion triggering the nodal connections and challenging the release of the old benchmarks of society and reaching for the nurturing within as we evolve our consciousness on all levels but a special focus on the physical body/life.

Into the retrograde labyrinth of discovery and exploration:  Call in the forensic investigator!

Mercury is curiosity plus!  He wants to know and learn and expand his knowledge....indulge him and call in your inner Sherlock Holmes!  

Our Mercury messenger is happy when bringing messages.  But for now it’s our inner communication which is demanding our attention.

Negotiating the everyday world during Mercury retrograde:
Where am I?  What did you say? I say?
The problem we can experience in Mercury retrograde is ‘addled mind’ syndrome as our mind is getting re-wired and we have difficulty thinking clearly on the everyday level.  More often than not this can be why we get appointment times timetables, meetings confused and generally lacking clarity in our thinking processes.  Our everyday concentration is ‘off’ which can lead to accidents IF we fail to harness our minds.

Take extra care with commercial ventures, agreements:  Clarity eludes everyone!
It can also bring confusion relating to commercial ventures, documents, sales, agreements, contracts, travel arrangements, tickets etc., as Mercury rules these areas of our commercial world.

Mercury retrograde time:  Time stands still!   No, you’re not late!  
Divine timing, divine order, all is well!
Adding to the confusion is the sense that nothing is happening and that time has stopped.  Well, seeing how this retrograde happens during the eclipse vortex, this sense of timelessness is a prevailing force, even though we may be feeling the urgency of the White Rabbit ‘I’m late for a very important date!’
Managing any sense of panic or fear re taking action or having to wait, call in ‘divine timing, divine order’ and ‘Que Sera, Sera’, ‘What will be, will be’. I also suggest you keep in mind Thumper the Rabbit who is marking time for us all, keeping the rhythm and the beat and with optimism, hope and joy!  

Yes, I’m late, I’m late with this update:
True to form I’m running behind with this one as Mercury stationing plus the Schumann Resonance hitting 110 Hz and maintaining at 100 Hz has knocked my socks off, taken the stuffing out of me...and every other analogy of like kind.
Sabian Symbol From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
This Symbol shows situations that tend to be rock solid, steady and established. You may find that the natural structure of your situation is, on the one hand, carefully developed over time (there is a history here), but it's right on the edge of a deep chasm. There seems to be no going back; forward is the only way out and the solution may be to ‘jump into the void’. It may be a lonely journey, but you could find new depths of experience that others could only imagine. Still, situations may look unchanging with your back against the wall, but time may tell a different story. The choice: taking chances or standing still. Old structures and deep hazards. Doing a "Geronimo". Extreme sports. Risk taking. Great heights. Waterfalls. Monuments. Giant leaps of faith required in order to move forward.
9th July: Chiron stations retrograde
5 degrees 56 Aries, 9.39 am AEST
Releasing the ‘wounds’!
Until 13th December
Pepe le Pew is our guide for this inner journey:  Finding me!
Aries is the sign of our ‘I am’ our original self and ruler of our masculine warrior, fire and drive. Our masculine ego is undergoing an extensive long term renovation and make over as Chiron carries us through some long term deep healing processes of our masculine ‘ego’ and how we activate that energy in the world.

Healing our inner ‘charisma’:  Power without pretence!
Pepe carries the totem energy of the skunk and encapsulates the energy of our Aries warrior self..confident, powerful in the world and very sure of his attractiveness to the opposite sex. 

When the false ego is confronted, it shatters!
The shadow side of Pepe and the masculine warrior energy is overpowering ego which can’t take no for an answer from anyone.  It encompasses a puffed up sense of importance based on the belief that we are without any weaknesses, vulnerabilities, human shortfalls and are always ‘right’.  Time for the truth!

We face our true selves, look in the mirror and say ‘You is kind, you is smart and you is important’!
Image result for you is kind you is smart you is important gifWe all need our ego on board as our ego is the driving force that can take us into the world to achieve and to be fully present to ourselves and others in our most powerful presence.  However, we need that ego aligned with our higher consciousness, our divine spirit.

 Many of us have taken on the spiritual ‘wounds’ of others this and other lifetimes.  We’ve stepped back when challenged, felt overwhelmed by the confidence and power of others, submitting to their opinions, words or behaviours in the belief that they actually are more powerful. Time to bring our ego home to truth, love and our unique spiritual power!

Healing the spiritual ‘wounds’ of the ego and self-esteem:  Reclaiming our fire power!  
Reclaiming our pure confidence and self-esteem!
Related imageThis is what we are healing now, bringing balance and karmic justice to all, whether the disempowered energies of this or other times and places or to those who are puffed up with the false ego and the bullying energy which seems to be increasingly evident on the planet. It’s always been there.  It’s just now we can see it and for those of us seeking a life of joy, love and equity, we need to be careful not to be step back when we have the words to speak.

Bring the disappointments, guilt, shame, blame or criticisms into the light of acceptance!
Our inner ‘Pepes’ are called to the labyrinth of the Aries fire for a journey of healing discovery and reclamation of our powerful spiritual self stripping away the layers of false pride and ego which have been tripping us up and dropping the false modesty and memories of disempowerment.  These aspects need healing love and acceptance.

Chiron, the spiritual and physical healer:
Chiron is a slow moving Centaur and rules healing of the spiritual and physical, currently travelling through Aries, the sign which brings us back to our original selves this lifetime. It’s a perfect time to truly find ourselves, all of us!

The skunk meaning places the emphasis on being distinct. It symbolizes the importance of being who you are and living authentically without caring about other people's opinions. When the skunk spirit animal appears to you, it's to help you build up your self-confidence.

Sabian Symbol for Chiron ‘station’ from Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
This Symbol often shows a positive nature that knows how to find ways out of situations by creating creative solutions. Don't become too concerned with one side of issues in the material world, even if you feel boxed in with no way out. Don’t have all your eggs in one basket. You have the ability to simply look around with a more objective eye and apply simple, active solutions - there are always ways out of dilemmas. Look for the light and head towards it. Refusal to surrender to frustrations. Thinking outside the square. Illuminated solutions. Understanding the borders of one's activities. Looking for stability. A strong discharge of energies

Golden Oldies:
‘Que Sera’ Connie Francis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoyVtUZHs54  Divine timing, divine order, divine destiny...trusting
‘I’m late, I’m late’ the White Rabbit ‘Alice in Wonderland’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOLpCWlsCjw  Mercury retrograde ‘panic’
‘I have confidence’ Julie Andrews ‘The Sound of Music’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV-6qbUHVww  Chiron in Aries
Upcoming Dates:
17th July: Full Moon Capricorn/partial Lunar Eclipse
19th July:  Mercury retrograde enters Cancer
That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 
All aboard the cosmic fast train! 

Thumper is our guide, train driver and timekeeper beating the retrograde drum of hope, joy and optimism as we enter this powerful journey fast tracking spiritually for the next month or so. We’re in for a massive cosmic boost. 

Our cosmic vehicle is carrying us on through the eclipse vortex of the quantum field...no time or space with accompanying retrograde planets...all 6 of them!  This is pure time travel!

The key for managing what seems to be a massive slow down in our physical world is knowing that huge changes are happening within us activating our inner powers of manifestation

Venus and Mars won’t be going retrograde this year which indicates and expansion of the heart and fire and drive in the physical body is very much on the healing agenda with access to the inner healing power of physical healing with light energy.  Take a seat everyone and enjoy the ride!

Love and blessings to us all as we jump aboard the fast train and take some time out to relax and allow the universe to bring to us our divine destiny!


from the chair...enjoying the ride! 

Thumper and Flower
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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