...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 24 June 2020

18th June 2020 Mercury turned retrograde in Cancer, 21st June: New Moon in Cancer, Sun enters Cancer/Solstice

Hi everyone!
We’re flying with the Gemini energies towards the Solstice and the New moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse on 21st June, a midpoint of the solar year.  It signifies a turning point. 

The year of marking time and balancing:
Once again I’ve been taken out of action having fractured/broken my left arm on 31st May. My right leg seems to have collapsed in sympathy leaving me in hospital, rehab to follow, out of action for quite a few weeks.  See message below for more update on my changing state.

Two steps forward, one step back:  Retrogrades!
So I didn’t get the Sagittarius Full Moon eclipse report out to you.  Without doubt, this year is very much 2 steps forward, one step back, marking time.  We are all in some way or another engaged in the dance of life in the 2020 energies...balance and grounding.

We are all in the huge transformational changes for the planet and humanity.  And we’re only at the midpoint of 2020. However, we’ve made it so far in such a year of turbulence and disruption, riding these energies as best we can. 

Just as the powerful eclipses of December 2019/January 2020 have been the driving force  for change this year, the next two eclipses on 21st June and 5th July will carry us through to December 2020.  What a powerful year we are living, witnessing history being released and creating anew.

18th June:  Mercury turned retrograde in Cancer at 14 degrees 46 Cancer at 2.58 pm AEST
Retrograde in Cancer until 12th July

The Fixed Star Sirius sits on 14 degrees Cancer
Mercury retrogrades at 14 degrees Cancer, the degree of the fixed star Sirius and opposite Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra.

14th June:  Mercury meets Sirius at 14 degrees CancerEffective from 14th to 22nd June
Mercury our little messenger meets the fixed star Sirius for a reboot from today. Sirius is regarded as the esoteric home of the ascended masters, for many it is viewed as the great central solar sun, the Sun behind our Sun.

This potent time when Mercury is in virtual stillness is when we are offered messages from beyond our consciousness. Joining with Sirius, the brightest fixed star in our sky, the celestial messages will be a gift to clear the old clogging mindsets and mental body.

As we close our eyes visualise the third eye opening and bring in the electric blue light of Sirius we clear the nervous system and the mind.  Mercury is in shadow retrograde until 17th when he turns retrograde until 12th July. He'll be on 14 degrees when he turns which sets the tone, mood and energy for the whole retrograde period.

The Mercury Retrograde agenda this time around:  The bottom line...joining the dots
Mercury is the messenger, rules communication, travel and commerce, the mind, mental body
Cancer rules the past, family, childhood, ancestors, place of emotional security and belonging.
Retrograde periods take us back to the past, recovering, reviewing, re-collecting, re-discovering, re-membering.

Joining the dots:
We’re in the time machine esoterically even as we stretch our legs on the Cancerian shore or lie on the sand surrendering to the experience.  The universe is offering us  the time and space to call in lost fragments of our history, our family’s history, ancestral or planetary history which we need to build and recover our spiritual power this lifetime.

Something from the past re-surfaces:  Time to clear the backlog of unresolved energies
This is a time when we may connect to gifts, talents, projects, hopes, dreams and ventures which we may have put aside in the past.  They may hold promise of commercial promise.  Yes, there could be the re-surfacing of old issues, problems which have come around again for resolution.  Similarly, people, places, events from the past/’past lives’ may come in offering an opportunity for reconnection, resolution, laying ‘ghosts’ to rest.  Keep an open mind as we are very much in the eclipse vortex where anything can change in a moment as the sudden and unexpected become the order of the day.

Remember:  Retrograde periods are times when physical action is constrained whilst spiritual growth is accelerated.  It’s up to us to make the most of it.
Delays, glitches in communication, technology, travel, commercial dealings are working for us, not against us. 

Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s retrograde journey: 
An interesting symbol to set the agenda for Mercury’s retrograde journey considering Mercury rules, commerce, contracts and agreements.  Travelling in the sign of home, emotional security, family and the mother suggests a focus on homes, financial affairs, mortgages, rentals, debts, business. It seems to me that there may be a reckoning in one or more of these areas.  Housing, homeless, refugees are a few of the societal areas which may be addressed.
Cancer 15
This Symbol implies situations of overindulging, overextending, over committing or overspending. This can be through doing anything to extremes. There can be a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, but there must be a return to more down to earth matters or work. It’s a good idea to enjoy your good fortune, and you may be feeling like your needs are met in many areas of your life, but do be wary of going too far in your quest to be satisfied. Periodically, you may need to curb indulging for a while in order to digest what you’ve taken on, otherwise waste and ill health could result. Communal cohesion through indulging in the senses. Satisfied hunger. Consumerism and its benefits and risks. Having had enough. The right of people to enjoy their lives. Diets.

21st June:  Sun enters Cancer/Solstice at 7.44 am AEST
We’re coming home...one step at a time
Until 22nd July
The Sun moves into Cancer marking the Solstice, a turning point for the solar year, a time celebrated across the world with festivals welcoming the seasons.

Taking refuge:  Within...heart, mind, body, spirit...at home with ourselves
Astrologically, our attention turns to our place of belonging, our safe place.   This has been the focus for us throughout the past two years with the Cancer/Capricorn Planetary Lunar Nodes and eclipses, shifting and evolving our planetary consciousness to grow and expand. 

The Tipping Point: 
Sitting on it as we arrive at the Solstice, New Moon, Eclipse
Unsettling and dramatic events have been forcing, demanding a re-set of our values, beliefs, traditions and attachments.  These changes have been playing out in the areas of work/home, the family/societal benchmarks.  It’s all been a balancing act, a re-balancing of that which has been out of balance. The Cancer/Capricorn home/work focus continues.

Now...more to go: From now to December:  Home is where the heart is
As we reclaim the power of the home and the family, create new ways of being together, relating to each other with loving acceptance, we’re building a new world based on loving kindness. Even as we continue to see the shadow side of human nature and the inequities, it’s up to us to observe, feel the pain if needed
take appropriate action if needed and stay focussed on our goal.

The Solstice
The longest and the shortest day of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is the longest day, midsummer solstice and the Southern Hemisphere has the shortest day.  Solstice means ‘to apparently stand still’ referring to the sun appearing to cease movement as it changes direction.

Esoterically, the feeling that time is standing still opens the portal to other realities activating our intuitive gifts and capacities. It’s a time to be open to receiving messages from the spheres, to recognise that other dimensions are on the move.

It’s our call to be discriminating in our responses to unusual experiences, calls for help. When we stay in the light, ask for assistance from the angels, masters, higher forces of love and light, we can perform enormous services to those who are trapped in the grey world of the astral plane. 

21st June:  New Moon in Cancer Annular SOLAR Eclipse 0 degrees 21 Cancer 4.41 pm AEST
Coming home, finding our ‘roots’:  The eclipse vortex activates!
A new lunar month in the sign of home, family, divine mother, the past, memories and the ancestors.  We are continuing travels across timelines, dimensions and realities as the energies ramp up, urging us on to pace ourselves, trusting as we release attachments to old aspects of our identity.

A safe place, refuge and a comfort zone:
This our focus for the next two lunar months with two new moons in Cancer giving extra impetus and focus to our emotional wellbeing, security with some wobbly energies helping us to throw off more of our karmic commitments, completing karmic contracts as we align with the truth of ourselves in this lifetime here and now. 

Creating new paradigms for living:  Clearing the extraneous from life
The challenge/opportunity for us all is to maintain faith in the evolutionary process and in ourselves to find that place of stillness within as the world spins, turns and somersaults in all manner of convolutions. Humanity is undergoing a humongous change in values, beliefs, needs and desires as the economic and social fabric of society is being ripped apart.

Setting the planetary agenda and focus for next 6 months:
The New Moon/Sun is only 2 degrees from the planetary north node at 29 degrees Gemini indicating the power of change imminent across the planet. Our karmic evolutionary contract for humanity is being activated big time with the focus on family/home adding to the Gemini focus of socially connecting across the neighbourhood.

The New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse:
Visible:  South/East Europe.  Much of Asia, North in Australia, Much of Africa, Pacific, Indian Ocean
Solar Eclipses bring sudden, unexpected changes in our physical environment or situation.  These changes may manifest any time from the New Moon right through for the next 6 months when the next eclipses kick in.  These changes are likely to occur within the Cancer ruled areas of home, family, emotional security, reconnecting to the past, ancestors. We are being awoken to our base line for security, feeling safe, nurtured and nourished.

All details of the annular solar eclipse worldwide times:

Sabian Symbols for the New Moon in Cancer:  From Lynda Hill http://www.sabiansymbols. com/
The New Moon and Sun:  Cancer 1
This Symbol implies a time of dropping the old whilst adopting the new. To 'Lower an Old Flag and Raise a New One' marks real turning points in one’s life. Something is changing, possibly dramatically, and the transformation should be taken seriously. Something that once was useful or valuable is, or has, ended and something brand new is beginning or emerging. There should be a symbolic gesture or expression of this change of allegiance. It may help to run any new ideas or plans up the "flagpole" to see if anybody salutes. You’re could change countries, professions, relationships, etc, as these are very significant times. Changing loyalties. Turning points in obligations or duties. Announcing new standards. Letting go of old allegiances and taking up new ones. Divorces, marriages, shifts.


Enlightenment & the New Earth Server:  Lauren Gorgo

Update on my Mercury retrograde/Venus retrograde healing journey:  From hospital boot camp
Since writing the above, I was moved to another hospital mid mountains for rehab with the right leg to get me walking on 15th and now needing surgery for pinning bones in my arm I’ll be moving to another hospital at the bottom of the mountains, then back to the first hospital at the top of the mountains for recovery.  Then probably back to rehab mid mountains hospital. I am totally in the Venus, now Mercury retrograde labyrinth. I am Gemini Sun so a perfect time to be doing the backwards/forwards clearing up unresolved energies, unfinished business.

I am writing all this as it’s a perfect example of how retrograde planets can impact us. Round and round we go clearing the backlog.
Interesting that Gemini rules arms, legs as well as respiratory/nervous systems.  I know of a few people in my family/friends/acquaintances who have broken bones during this past month or so...balance.

I don’t know when i will get the next update out.  Will write when I am able.  Quite difficult with one hand.

Golden Oldies:
‘On the beach’ Chris Rea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnytyaMfA3w  Mercury retrograde in Cancer

‘Smile though your heart is breaking’ Nat King Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X7mEmT7JWs&list=RD_X7mEmT7JWs&start_radio=1&t=28

‘Home is Where You’re Happy’ Willie Nelson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVnpBDHHITQ

Upcoming Dates:
23rd June:  Neptune stations retrograde 20 degrees 58 Pisces
25th June:  Venus stations direct at 5 degrees 20 Gemini
28th June:  Mars enters Aries

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re gathering on the shoreline,  preparing for our homecoming over the next couple of months...the beginning of the end to this tumultuous year.  Like it or not, we’re here for the long haul.  Trusting we’re all negotiating the challenges of living in a highly volatile topsy turvy world. 

Holding the balance:
As we live out our stories in our lives, reinforcing mindsets which support our belief systems, such belief systems are being challenged at every turn. Keeping an open mind and heart is our greatest test in a world where so many are offering the promise of truth.  In finding the truth in our hearts, we are more likely to come to peace and hold peace for others as they work through their challenges.

Love and blessings to us all as we find our place of peace and harmony, keep seeking our comfort spot as a reprieve from the disruptions across the world. 

from the chair...resting, renewing and regenerating

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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