...for the children of the earth

Thursday 28 May 2020

29th May 2020: Mercury moves to Cancer, 2nd June: Mercury into shadow retrograde

Hi everyone!
Flying in the light of the Gemini Sun and now in the vortex of eclipse energy as from the New Moon energy which ushered in the next couple of months. 
Our spirits flying with our feet still on the ground:
Our spirits are feeling the need to lift off from the incredibly dense energies which have been holding us for this and last year.  But we need to remember that with a number of planets in retrograde, we are treading old grapes, old pathways and revisiting old memories, old conditioning from the past.
Staying the distance with the release process:
There’s a craziness in the air and many of us are not necessarily feeling aligned with the flock at this time as so many old imprints, emotions, thought patterns are being flushed out of us, our minds, hearts, bodies and spirits.  The bottom line...it’s all spiritual healing, part of the process.
In the confusion of the eclipse energies:
Eclipse energies have this impact on us all as new information is revealed and we can’t necessarily sort out all the information while we’re being tumbled through myriad memories surfacing from all humanity.
What is the pathway for spiritual evolution:  
Gemini Sun, Venus and North Node!  From duality to unity!
The whole planetary history of earth demonstrates our consciousness.  It’s all been about power, powering over, ego driven by the need to be ‘right’ to be superior to others, to compete against others and to be a ‘winner’.  

What is a winner in our current world? 
Our planetary evolution is focussed on unifying duality within and without...quite a brief for us all at this time! 
It’s important to remind ourselves that Gemini energies put the focus on the duality of our psyche and our lives on earth.  Spiritually, for our own evolution, the call is for unification, rather than division.  This is the perfect benchmark for our own intuitive responses to the happenings in our world.
Nothing is very clear at this time:  
We are working at clearing through these old miasms of past oppression, of fear, doubt, insecurity!
With so much political focus and chatter going on, the current tendency is to choose ‘sides’ like backing football teams.  However, our propensity for backing our opinions, beliefs, ideas could well be misguided at this time as we are acting out from the past, from memories, from old spiritual ‘wounds’ surfacing.
We are experiencing individual needs and desires of the individual and societal demands through the lens of our memories and other realities. 
My personal benchmark for when things emerge from the past is having an irrational reaction or observing what seems to be an irrational reaction in others. When aware of these reactions, we can process them in current consciousness and come to a new understanding in present time of our lives here and now. 
29th May:  Mercury enters Cancer 4:09 am AEST
...a long walk on the seashore
Until 5th August
18th June:  Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer until 12th July
Mercury is our messenger, ruler of our mental body:  Profound messages coming in! 
He rules communication, transport, making connections and the collection of information, joining the dots and disseminating information.

Mercury in Cancer:  Bringing in messages from the unconscious, from the past!
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, a highly psychic, intuitive energy once it works us through the emotional energies surfacing from the past, the ancestors, past lives, history. 

Straddling the two worlds of the unconscious and conscious:
Cancer, the Crab, finds home on the seashore, the shoreline, straddling the two worlds of the earth, the conscious world and the ocean, the unconscious.  With a propensity for connecting with both worlds at any time, usually in an empathetic, emotional sensitivity, the Cancerian focus is directed towards receiving the messages being channelled in by Mercury, our messenger.

Our airwaves are open and receiving...receiving what?
We’re already travelling with a focus on the Gemini energies of channelling information from a variety of sources.  Our discrimination regarding the source of our information is particularly relevant during the next couple of months as Mercury has an extended stay on the beach.

Home, family, ancestors, nurturing, mothering, emotional security:  Commerce?
Mercury rules commerce and commercial transactions so I imagine we’ll be feeling a greater focus on the monetary affairs associated with any or all of these areas.  There may well be a need to re-frame, re-work agreements, contracts, financial affairs in relation to the above.  Homes?  Homeless?  Costs?  Accounts?

2nd June:  Mercury enters shadow retrograde 5 degrees 30 Cancer
We’ll be travelling this part of the beach again once Mercury turns direct on 12th July.  Whatever information is flowing in between now and 18th June will be revisited from 12th July to 26th July.  This time is getting us used to tuning in to the two dimensions opening to us in the Cancer energy. 

18th June:  Mercury retrograde until 12th July...Calling the cosmic home!
Mercury retrogrades at 14 degrees Cancer, the degree of the fixed star Sirius and opposite Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra.
With the ongoing eclipse waves we’ll be receiving some very cosmic messages during this upcoming retrograde period. 

We are already in a time of big galactic energies:  
Eclipses and galactic messages...Time to phone home?

Beyond our time and space: Finding our inner 'ET' ;)
With the planetary nodes now in Gemini and Sagittarius, it’s a good time to look to the stars, to raise our vision to a picture beyond our earthly world. With the world in so much chaos and confusion there couldn't be a better time to explore our cosmic 'roots' and connections to other realities and dimensions beyond our limited experience, mindset and knowledge.

For many years I've been posting messages from guides and teachers who mention other realities, 'alien' worlds and other dimensions. I have connected to other dimensions unknowingly until I became aware and my sight was opened by myself and some profound messages.
Quotes - E.T. phone home. 
I have called on these other dimensions of higher consciousness for years to assist me in the healing process of my physical body which brought me to the understanding of spiritual healing, the core 'dis-ease' within me. These other dimensions are my friends and family as much as those on earth.

We are entering a time astrologically of awakening to galactic origins, cosmic roots and other dimensional realities. The upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 6th June is the opening doorway to this information. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be sitting 1 degree from the big cosmic energy of The Great Attractor.

My experience is that these other 'life forms' are all around us, unseen except those of us who seek connection to them.   Many people on earth feel their connection to star families, recognise their role as ‘starseeds’, beings who have existed in other realities as well as earth and who chose to be here at this time for the evolution of earth and humanity’ consciousness.  This may or may not resonate with you. 

I invite all to open minds and hearts to these more evolved realities and feel the vibrations rising within.
ET...phone home!

The Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s entry to Cancer:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
This degree is particularly significant as the New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse of 30th May will be on 0 degrees Cancer and will be activating this Sabian Symbol for the lunar month and indeed for up to 6 months until the next series of eclipses comes in.

Cancer 1
This Symbol implies a time of dropping the old whilst adopting the new. To 'Lower an Old Flag and Raise a New One' marks real turning points in one’s life. Something is changing, possibly dramatically, and the transformation should be taken seriously. Something that once was useful or valuable is, or has, ended and something brand new is beginning or emerging. There should be a symbolic gesture or expression of this change of allegiance. It may help to run any new ideas or plans up the "flagpole" to see if anybody salutes. You’re could change countries, professions, relationships, etc, as these are very significant times. Changing loyalties. Turning points in obligations or duties. Announcing new standards. Letting go of old allegiances and taking up new ones. Divorces, marriages, shifts.

2nd June:  Venus returns from out of bounds...a renewal of heart consciousness has been occurring!  Venus, ruler of the heart, love and money!
At 14 degrees Gemini
Venus has been travelling into new consciousness, gathering new information and knowledge, all while she is travelling retrograde.  So, it’s been back to the past, into the cosmos and other dimensions beyond our knowledge and experience this lifetime.

As a ruler of our heart, Venus has been working with bringing our ‘split’ hearts into oneness.  Just as Mercury is bringing ‘in two minds’ energy into unity, so Venus is bringing a profound healing to our heart consciousness.

We have been accessing our cosmic heart connection and new ways of being while revisiting past emotional connections and experiences.  Once Venus returns to current reality, we will start getting some sense of what has changed for us as we discover new ways of approaching old heart issues, problems, concerns, wounds.  

Venus will still be in retrograde energy until 25th June before she turns direct at 5 degrees Gemini, so plenty more discoveries, twists and turns but we can hope that our hearts have accessed new ways of feeling and being.

‘11 Common Starseed Traits And How To Tell If You Are One’     https://soultruthgateway.com/blog/11-common-starseed-traits-and-how-to-tell-if-you-are-one
Golden Oldies:
‘Stranger on the Shore’ Acker Bilk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jzx664u5DA&list=RD7jzx664u5DA&start_radio=1&t=19  music for strolling on the shore
‘A Summer Place’ Andy Williams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTnEk9JhVQc for Venus and Mercury, one heart, one mind
Upcoming Dates:
6th June:   Full Moon in Sagittarius Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse
18th June:  Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer
21st June:  New Moon in Cancer Annular SOLAR Eclipse 4.41 pm AEST 0 degrees 21 Cancer
21st June:  Sun enters Cancer/Solstice

30th June:  Jupiter conjunct Pluto 22 degrees Capricorn

That’s all folks! 

Hugs all around!

We might feel we’re all in separate trees and struggling to make sense of what’s happening in our world with the confusion likely to continue for a while yet.  Spiritually, we are all together sorting out personal issues and memories so we can come into clarity within ourselves and reaffirming our focus and direction.

Trusting that all is well and in a positive future with all of us making the commitment to building a vision, at least a bigger picture vision of an evolution of consciousness for all.

Twice as many bird species as before? | Earth | EarthSky
Love and blessings to us all as we work through despair, frustration, irritation, confusion, grief, fear, anger or conflict.  We will return to the power of love!


from the chair...processing crabby duality

It’s all about love
Divine reunion


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