...for the children of the earth

Friday 15 May 2020

13th May 2020: Mars moves to Pisces, Venus turns retrograde in Gemini, 15th May: Jupiter turns retrograde in Capricorn

Hi everyone!

Here’s the second instalment of this week’s changes: Mars, Venus and Jupiter
We might be on the Saturn in Aquarius collective ride of our life exploring the cosmic airwaves, but our personal beings, mind, body and heart energy are very much focussed on our individual lives. The three ‘personal’ planets, Mercury, Mars and Venus are all in mutable signs, signs of adaptability.  The opportunity for personal evolution is high!

The individual in or against society:  Our choice...a global detox!
Our personal selves are undergoing huge changes this year as ‘the individual and society’ come into focus, the juxtaposition of personal growth and expansion in relation to social growth and expansion.  Our ‘addictions’, dependencies and ego attachments to collective beliefs, values and attitudes are being revealed, exposed thanks to the lockdown.

Monkeys reaching for the stars!
Our higher consciousness beckons.    We’re evolving our ‘monkey minds and hearts’ and in so doing uplifting the whole of the societal and collective consciousness. 
Where do we fit in this big picture?  This year is offering new realisations and awakenings to us all as we learn new ways of being, living and growing into the powerful energetic cosmic beings that we are.

Personal power? Divine power?:  Our source manifests in our physical life!
Everything we do makes a difference in the world, no matter its source as consciousness, no matter its original motivation.  Everything on earth and in the cosmos is about ‘power’ and how we translate that in our belief system.  How we build power, how we structure it, our basis for feeling powerful.

13th May:  Mars enters Pisces 2.17 pm AEST
Mars has time out in the hot springs!
Until 28th June
Our fiery warrior:  Time out!
Fiery Mars isn’t especially happy taking to the great watery Pisces ocean so we’ll take him into the hot springs where he can have some time out from the battle, the warring, the anger and the conflict in the world.  He’s able to relax and let all the burdens of the fight just melt in the waters of peace and harmony. Mars is ruler of our physical body, our warrior self.
Mars rules the head so ‘head stuff’ can be released during this time.

Mars experiencing and evolving  emotional energies of the collective:
Mars in Pisces gets in touch with the collective unconscious, the emotional energies within the collective which could dampen his fire and drive.  At the same time we’re being offered the higher spiritual vision of our physical bodies and our warrior selves as Pisces activates the visionary.

Make the most of this time...relax, let go, unwind and surrender!
This time may be a blessing, a tempering of our energies as we calm down the masculine ego, the fight or flight syndrome. We are learning about the mass consciousness we hold within our physical body, freeing the memory banks as we relax.  We need to take this time so we are prepared for when Mars is reactivated when he moves ‘home’ to Aries at the end of June where he’ll be until January 2021.
The physical body recalibrating, ascending in consciousness:
Our physical bodies are healing lifetimes of battle, of war, embedded memories of earth’s ancestral history which has been built upon war and fighting.  It’s not an easy brief for us to change this pattern and our attachment to this mode of ‘winning’.  As we experience the old emotions, we let go. It’s the higher perspective.

Potential for big healing, clearing old consciousness:  
Personal and collective healing...all possible...pandemic panic easing? 
I’m wondering how the pandemic energies will be affected by this immersion of our physical bodies into the unconscious collective energies of Pisces.  Pisces is regarded as one of the energies carrying collective illness of a fluid and/or spiritual nature.  Expansive Jupiter in Capricorn has made this a global de-structure, giving it political power and emphasis.   Interesting to see what will happen to our physical bodies during this time.

Our drive is directed onto our physical/spiritual healing:  
We won’t fail if we take the right steps for us personally!
Mars wants to ‘win’ whatever it takes.  However the Piscean pandemic energy is changing everything. Whatever the pandemic means to you is relevant to us as individuals and to our call for evolution of consciousness.  How we respond is right for us.  After all, Mars is our ‘I am’ divine self, our divine identity!

13th May:  Venus stations retrograde at 21 degrees 50 Gemini at 4.45 pm AEST...into the heart!
Until 25th June:  Direct at 5 degrees 20 Gemini
Art:  Rassouli ‘Revealing the Self’
Unification of the heart:  
Coming home to ourselves...love and acceptance!
Venus takes us into the labyrinth of exploration of our hearts, a journey to the past to help  us find unification, peace, harmony and divine love within us just as our Gemini mind is being awakened by Mercury.  

Gemini is a dual sign, represented by The Lovers Card in the Tarot, coming into divine union of the inner masculine/feminine.

Here’s an opportunity for coming into harmony and peace with ourselves:
This is going to be an interesting one but nevertheless promises a resolution of old conflicts, warring memories of the inner heart, masculine/feminine polarity.

These heart breaks may have played out in our lives in relationships of all kinds, disappointments, loss, grief, fear, despair. doubts, insecurities, feelings of unworthiness.  This is about all ‘relationships’...with ourselves first.

Heart and mind both travelling in Gemini:  Mercury reaching out, Venus reaching in!
The exploratory journey of Venus in these next weeks at this time in tandem with Mercury also travelling in Gemini offers the promise of unification of heart and mind, a coming into oneness of the mental and emotional bodies.  Mercury, our messenger may well be bringing in messages to the centre of our heart.

Accelerating potential for spiritual expansion of the heart:  
Hearing the voice of our heart...new dimensions calling!
Mars is taking a back seat for a few weeks, healing the physical body, fire and drive in the Pisces waters giving our hearts a chance to really feel into the deep love within us, reconciling our differences and accessing a new beauty, a new vision of how life can be.  

A retrograde is an inner spiritual acceleration opening the doors of our minds and hearts to higher consciousness, a new vision of ourselves and our place in the world.  Plenty of messages from our higher consciousness will be coming through if we open to feeling our hearts, opening to our deeper yearnings for the experience of love beyond previous experience.

The Sabian Symbol for Venus’ station: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
This symbol sets the agenda for Venus’ retrograde journey until 25th June.  Naturally, the beginning stages of the ending of ‘lockdown’ in many parts of the world could well be likely in the coming months.  The return and embrace of the simple pleasures of life is most certainly already happening and possibly building in value and importance in these coming months, taking us on to new potentials.
Gemini 22
This Symbol shows the need to regularly celebrate life and its bounty and harvest. When the work’s been done, achievements have been made and there is a sense of security and 'Harvest' in the air, it is time to celebrate with one another. Gathering people together, there is a need to get back to a simple, conservative level of enjoyment. There's a sense of being in tune with seasonal rhythms and taking some time out to enjoy and de-stress. The feeling of a healthy heart and a healthy mind, while taking a break from the struggles of providing, can bring joy to everyone. See if you can take time out to celebrate and to enjoy your relationships, friends and environment. Celebrating the warmth and providence of the Earth. The joy of nature's harvest. Joining others to celebrate. Rhythmical or seasonal adjustments. Dancing. Barns and dance halls.

15th May:  Jupiter stations retrograde at 27 degrees 14 Capricorn at 12.32 am AEST...a pause!
Until 12th September
Seekers and crusaders awakened to truth and justice in ‘the system’:
Jupiter is the crusader, the seeker of divine justice, freedom, truth and wisdom.  He’s been travelling all year in the sign of ‘the system’, the status quo, tradition, structure which govern the rules, laws and the structure of the system.

‘Easy Rider’ meets the power brokers of the world:  Collision or collusion?Dennis Hopper: Easy rider | The CLog
The expansion of government power and focus on maintaining physical and financial security has been a global expression of Jupiter’s expansive energies as he calls everyone for an uplift and expansion of consciousness.  In what ways have we bought into the system?

Integrating the physical and spiritual:  Awakening the spirit within!
It hasn’t been easy for him travelling in earthy ambitious Capricorn which is currently so strongly based on the power of money, consumerism and economic interests.  That’s the world we’ve created.  With the contraction of this economic basis of our world, we are being forced to re-examine new ways of growing and living.

Temperance:  Ongoing balance of ‘us and them’!
Jupiter’s ‘easy rider’ is learning to temper the wild adventurous freedom loving side with the inner growth. It’s all about the expansion versus contraction energies of this year. When does compromise become a dirty word? 

Time to ‘fess up to our own complicity in creating our world:  
We are players in the whole societal game...needing to ‘belong’!
With so many realising who holds the reins of power, there’s been a big waking up to what controls our world, what we eat, wear, think, feel, believe and how we spend or invest our money.  All advertising appeals to our base instincts, the need to be loved, accepted and to belong. It’s all conditioning for us to be working with the family, the community, the society.  That’s how society keeps going. 

Acceptance of our role in feeding the world power base opens up our own consciousness to new ways of thinking, feeling and acting!
Our call is to find where we fit in this whole interdependent world, society, community, family. Once we accept the ways in which we are ‘addicted’ to societal norms, keeping up appearances, being ‘cool’, we are in a position to deal with the inner bonds which hold us to the group mind. We are part of society and we need the support of society but we also need to take responsibility for our own behaviours if we are going to take on the world.  We’ve all been ‘feeding’ the power base of consumerism which controls the world.

Good time to choose our new pathway:  
War and conflict or peace, harmony and love...energy follows focus

In our history it’s only when individuals or groups went on strike, stopped adhering to the social or economic rules that the powers were awakened.  That has been the way of the past, through uprising, revolution and war, the combative war-like way of confrontation.  

Maybe this will continue, given that Mars, God of War will be in his own sign of Aries from June to January 2021.  We have the capacity to say no in a direct manner.  We have a legal system. But we also have the power to exercise economic choice and utilise our inner powers of manifestation. We can give energetic support from a distance.

From now to 12th September: 
All ‘undercover’ work...growth and expansion within leads to expansion without! 
Where do we send our energy?
I like to think there is a better way aside from direct confrontation and war if we can but put our energies into energetic work with our innate creative spirit, building our power through this time of inner expansion. At this time, our greatest source of power is investing our energies in ourselves as aware, creative beings knowing where we put our attention, our focus, our being.  Everything’s an illusion, a physical creation manifesting from the minds of the masses.

How many of us can imagine a new world, envision a different way of living and then back it up with right action?
Jupiter is interested in spiritual evolution, the evolution of consciousness through ‘higher’ learning, whether academic, religious or spiritual.  He dips into all spheres of understanding including the spiritual warrior on the pilgrimage to the top of the mountain.  However, his mountain of achievement is very different to what Capricorn energy has become in our world. Achievement is based on building money, power and success through the status quo, the economy and global capitalism.

Sabian Symbol for Jupiter’s retrograde ‘station’: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter’s station seems to capture the present spirit of the collective with a lot of information coming forth from mainstream media along with social media.  This symbol sets the agenda for Jupiter’s retrograde journey until 12th September 2020. 

Capricorn 28
This Symbol shows being able to take in a lot of information, to be social, yet have some time alone. The “Large Aviary” has a lot of citizens, all buzzing around, all interacting and full of life. There is a lot of chattering and flitting from one thing to another going on and while there is no harm being done, perhaps, sometimes, there's nothing much really being achieved. Is this because there is a level of mental confusion happening? At the least there is likely to be a feeling of brotherhood and not being alone, in fact, finding time alone can be difficult. Clairaudience. Many inner voices. Lots to say - little content. Communicating only in the immediate environment. The Internet. Bird songs. Confined spaces. Psychic. The media.

Golden Oldies:
‘Be’ Neil Diamond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxKbehhiwoE Mars in Pisces

‘Two Different Directions’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUdd8TnFXMg  Mercury in Gemini 

‘Only Love Can Break a Heart’ Gene Pitney https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J_QoDrNhNo&list=RD5J_QoDrNhNo&start_radio=1  Venus Rx in Gemini

‘Two Faces Have I’ Lou Christie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJGfpmmTxac for Venus retrograde in Gemini
‘The Long and Winding Road’  The Beatles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjdf_w1JcSQ Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn

Upcoming Dates:
20th May:  Sun enters Gemini
23rd May:  New Moon in Gemini at 2 degrees 05 Gemini 
29th May:  Mercury enters Cancer

That’s all folks!   Hugs all around! 

We’re getting a good soaking and relax if we can but allow it to happen. Our physical bodies are ready to release old toxic energies we’ve gathered from the collective unconscious, from history, from the past and now we’re taking time to release and renew in preparation for the second half of this year which promises more ongoing changes.

On our way to the Sun in Gemini and a New Moon in Gemini so working with Venus, Mercury and the planetary north node in Gemini makes it very clear we need to steady the polarised mind, heart as we wash away the collective victim consciousness in the Pisces waters and travel the cosmic star light with Saturn in Aquarius. 

Are we ready for the ‘100th monkey’ to tip the balance of consciousness?  It’s up to us to invest the energy and vision in the new world and convey our insights and creative ways of thinking to others.  We are the ‘creative think tank’ who can inform the masses as we send out our images and thoughts into the airwaves...telepathically!

Love and blessings to us all as we negotiate these tricky times, allowing each other to work things out for ourselves.  It’s all good as long as we stay focussed on being true to ourselves and living in love. Take care of yourselves.  These planets stationing retrograde can be totally draining, exhausting.


from the chair...not working from home

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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