...for the children of the earth

Saturday 23 May 2020

20th May 2020: Sun enters Gemini, 23rd May: New Moon in Gemini

Hi everyone!

In the final rays of the Taurus Sun we are called to rest on our luxurious carpet of divine abundance, of growth and plenty, of hope and promise of renewal of our rich earthly resources. We’ve had weeks, months for some of us, living in a state of chronic stress, on alert, on tenterhooks and activated by all our survival mechanisms. 

Fight, flight or freeze syndrome: ‘Outed’!  Almost done and dusted!
In Australia, the bushfires started rampaging through the country from August 2019 and continued into February/March 2020.  With fires and smoke, many of us have been in the ‘lockdown’ of high alert for months. The pandemic energies were rolling in from January, with the whole of humanity challenged to release major cellular memories and karmic imprints from our psyche, from our bodies.

Enforced time out, rehabilitation, detox for all: 
The past month of the Sun has brought all these energies to a physical culmination, maybe temporary, as the most earthy and dense of the planetary signs, the sign of Mother Earth, has brought us down to ground zero, the bottom line of our deep seated, buried history. 
In choosing spiritual freedom, we let go of conditioning, addictive behaviours based on neediness to be powerful and loved.

The road to freedom:  Learning to lighten the load!
Feeling in crisis, frustration, grief, anger or irritation, has brought up old fears, doubts, insecurities, unhealthy addictions and attachments which have been effectively flushed out of our bodies and from the earth herself.  She’s been getting some time out from the neverending pounding of billions of feet across her surface. The negative memories from our history are just that...in the past.

Time for some creative solutions:  As the old releases, the new wave of possibilities streams into our consciousness!  We are wide open to the new!
We’ve all been in a major confrontation with our primal demons, a global healing resolution which clearly is opening the doors to new ways of being and living on the earth.  We cannot go on as we have done.  Too many people, over consumerism can only result in Mother Earth going into her own replenishment.  In this year of the crisis of responsibility, the energy of Capricorn, we all need to accept our role and what we have to offer in the future. Innovative, unique problem solvers all welcome!  We’ll be coming up with possible solutions, our role in the future as we progress through 2020, ready for December kickoff!

There’s been a lightening of the planetary energies in some ways after Saturn moved into Aquarius and Mercury moved into Gemini...both air signs...last week.
This week we’ll be welcoming the Sun and New Moon in Gemini with half of the major planetary energies in air signs.

21st May: In the dark of the moon...the wise owl, the guide!The Sun is now in Gemini, joining Mercury and Venus, mind and heart in the sign of choices, the smorgasbord of possibilities, communication, ruled by the air and all life which connects to the air energies.

In the dark of the moon: Mostly a Taurus Moon until 22nd May 11.36 pm AEST. However, we are in what's called 'the dark of the moon', the time of release of the past lunar month, year as we head towards the New Moon in Gemini on 23rd May AEST.

Although the Sun is bringing in light to our mental energies along with offering clearance in our airwaves, nervous systems, the Moon is in Taurus until 22nd May 11.36 pm AEST. The Moon is always an indicator of the past, the emotional energies and the ancestors and in Taurus it's working on our physical bodies and the body of Mother Earth. clearing a lot of old psychic energies locked into our memory banks and the memory banks of the earth herself.

So, much spiritual/psychic energy surfacing and maybe adding to frustrations, disappointment, despair, fear, grief, anger...whatever...all that and more. Better out than in!

I constantly remind myself that 'this too shall pass' and we can re-stablilise. We're in the whole release process up to the birth of the New Moon in Gemini on 23rd May at 3.38 am AEST.

The Owl is a perfect totem guide for the dark of the moon as it negotiates the darkness, the undercover world of the unseen as we release the locked in.trapped energies from the earth.
It's a bird, it's an owl....it's Super Owl!

20th May:  Sun entered Gemini 11.49 pm AEST...antenna up!  
Are we listening? 
Until 21st June
Butterflies, birds and bees:  Taking to the airwaves!
Gemini is an ‘air’ sign which rules communication, travel as well as the duality of the mind, the masculine/feminine energies. All animals who travel the airwaves are associated with Gemini, the birds and flying insects such as bees and butterflies who go from flower to flower gathering food, pollen, spreading the pollen to give new life.

Welcome to the deer totem, just one of the Gemini energies! 
The deer is regarded as totem of the astrology calendar for Gemini time by the native American people.  Its highly strung, sensitive, nervous energy picks up all manner of information from the environment as part of its survival mechanism. It can take off in a flash at the first sign of trouble.  The antler of the deer are like receptors even though used as weaponry by male deer.  In reindeer, both male and female have antlers. 

Finding inner/outer balance in information overload time:
Because it’s one of the dual signs, it calls us to bring balance as we open our minds to masses of information, people, places and ideas.  It’s a big data gathering sign which amasses knowledge by connecting to a variety of sources.
The mind and nervous system can become overloaded with so much information which requires sorting and sifting.

In this time of limitation, lockdown we’re all looking for some stimulation to ignite the spirit:  Gemini can ignite with ideas but overload is the danger!
Gemini energy calls us to get out and about, to socialise, to network.  We’re needing to pace ourselves with this energy coming in joining Mercury, Venus and the North Planetary Node all in Gemini....messages galore! 

Too much mental stimulation can take us into a mental muddle, addled thinking. 
The need to step back and be still requires awareness and attention to ourselves and how we may be going into spin out.
Discrimination and time out for resting the mind is the essence of surviving mental spin out and coming back to our focus for our energies and life direction.

Time for evolution of our minds, mental consciousness:We are evolving mental consciousness, so we need to be aware of the many 'voices' within and without, the restless resistant voices of the unresolved memories, the reflections, projections from the outer world. Time out will help us to connect to our divine mind and bring clarity and strength.

The deer asks us to choose the path of gentleness trusting that our divine instincts will take us on the right path.

23rd May:  New Moon in Gemini at 2 degrees 04 Gemini at 3.38 am AEST...potential plus
North Node of Moon:  29 degrees Gemini
We’re all gathering in the light of the moon, socialising spiritually if not physically.  The urge to connect and interact with others will be a driving force in the next couple of years and this new moon is the first in Gemini since the planetary north node moved into Gemini.  It’s setting the agenda for us all.

Sun and Moon: 2 degrees Gemini...coming together at last!
A new lunar month and the Sun and Moon give birth to a whole new impetus for this lunar month and for the upcoming eclipse energies which kick in with the Sagittarian full moon on 6th June. Sudden and dramatic changes in the coming weeks, months. Think positive and let the traumas and fears subside and depart...for good!

United we stand strong in mind, heart, body and spirit: Setting the intention and focus!
The unification of our duality is front and centre as the Gemini twins are called into harmony and equilibrium.  Mind and heart energy will be rebooted at this new moon as Mercury and Venus meet on the same degree, 20 degrees Gemini. The New Moon gives birth to a new impetus and it’s up to us to decide, make up our minds how and where we will invest our energies, our focus and our way forward.

Planetary energies at the New Moon carry through the whole lunar month until the next new moon: 
There’s so much planetary interaction at this new moon we may well feel everything’s being re-aligned across all the energies.  We could feel pulled in many directions all at once but essentially, it’s about getting all our planetary ‘voices’ to come together as one voice, a choir of song united in focus, synthesising the diversities and conflicts to become an organic whole. 

It’s a universal makeover with a particular focus on our mental evolution and balancing of heart and mind.

Mercury and Venus: 20 degrees Gemini...mind and heart heading in the same direction!  Finally!
Mind and heart getting a reboot, a kickstart a reunification in the harmonising energies of the New Moon in Gemini.

Throughout this month we’ll be checking in between mind and heart to ensure that they’re on the same vehicle, heading in the same direction, attuned to oneness and our divine vision and mission.

Even though Mercury moves into the sign of Cancer on 29th May for an extended stay, the ongoing balance of heart and mind will be a ready reference until the birth of the New Moon in Cancer/Solstice on 21st June.

Neptune:  20 degrees Pisces
...offering a spiritual uplift, a beacon of light to our heart/mind Vespa travelling duo!
Dropping the emotional baggage!
Squaring off to the Mercury and Venus is Neptune in Pisces challenging the heart/mind combo to reach for the sky, to enter the great ocean of spiritual consciousness and fly with Neptune’s pilot light shining the way.

The collective unconscious has been a sea of teeming emotions surfacing from our collective banks, flushing out all the memories, doubts, fears, insecurities, grief, pain and suffering from past times on our earth.  The distrust and paranoia of so many across the planet is a testament to the collective release of our history of oppression, the imbalances of power on the planet.

‘Finger of God’ formation:  
The promise of Libran ‘balance’, equity and divine justice for our masculine ‘warrior’ selves! 
A working out of the ‘missing leg’ of this formation which is in Libra, opposite Chiron.  It is through our choosing peace, we will find peace.
Mars:  6 degrees Pisces...our fire, drive, masculine warrior washing clean in the Pisces ocean.
Chiron:  8 degrees Aries...our masculine warrior is healing the spiritual ‘wounds’ of the past
Uranus:  8 degrees Taurus...awakening and evolution of our physical bodies, the earth and our true values, divine love

Saturn:  1 degree Aquarius...our Saturn authority wizard is guiding our Gemini New Moon/Sun in karmic release and the way forward!
In a flowing trine to the Sun/New Moon in Gemini...three is good company in divine energies!

Who’s driving this spaceship? Saturn!
Gemini astronauts in the guiding light of Saturn, accessing the higher authority in the cosmos
Saturn is asking us to align with our divine authority if we choose to take charge of our energies, to come into balance, harmony within and without.  As we do, we align with our divine power, the powers of cosmic magic and physical manifestation.

Tandem travelling retrograde:  On the mountain trail...backtracking and double checking
Jupiter:  27 degrees Capricorn Rx
Pluto:    24 degrees Capricorn Rx
These two are continuing to ‘work over’ the systems. structures in society along with out own benchmarks, social conditioning and patterns of behaviour that perpetuate these systems.  

The balancing of individual needs against societal powers is up to us starting from the personal and expanding to the transpersonal.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon/Sun:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

New Moon/Sun:  2 degrees Gemini
Gemini 3
This Symbol speaks of enjoying the finer things in life; luxury, big estates, good food, beautiful gardens, a fabulous social life and mixing with the elite of society. This implies enjoying the rewards of self confidence and authority that you and others have developed and achieved. This does not make you greater or better than others, but the work you've done entitles you to a little luxury, comfort and prestige. Are you relaxed and comfortable enough to be able to sit back and join in with others and enjoy it all? A loving of tradition. Cultivation of beautiful forms. Symmetry of form shown at its best. Gardens. Statues and fountains. Good food and bottles of wine. Polite society. Politics.

Golden Oldies:

‘Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive’ Bing Crosby and The Andrews Sisters with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qk9o_ZeR7s

Johnny Mercer and the Pied Pipers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3jdbFOidds

‘Take me in’ Snatam Kaur  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fSPxu2e7iM

‘High Hopes’ Frank Sinatra with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S94Bh3Qez9o

Upcoming Dates:
29th May:  Mercury enters Cancer
2nd June:  Mercury enters shadow retrograde

6th June:   Full Moon in Sagittarius Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse at 5.12 am AEST 15 degrees 34 Sagittarius

18th June:  Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer
21st June:  New Moon in Cancer Annular SOLAR Eclipse 4.41 pm AEST 0 degrees 21 Cancer
21st June:  Sun enters Cancer/Solstice

30th June:  Jupiter conjunct Pluto 22 degrees Capricorn
2nd July:  Saturn moves into Capricorn retrograde

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Here we see the present reality of our world with so many of us still cocooned waiting for our souls to be reborn into a rebirth, a manifestation of the butterfly energy.

The picture off the butterflies amassed is the future potential once we emerge from our cocoon, from our time of transmutation of inner changes and physical renewal. 

At this New Moon, let’s focus on the potential within us individually, as a society, to come to clarity despite the external confusing forces, to return all the time to one pointed thinking. 

It may take some time as we’re heading into eclipse season following this New Moon with the first in the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse series kicking in at the Full Moon in Sagittarius on 6th June. 
Sudden unexpected changes to our world...let’s make them positive!

We’re not quite finished with the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses as two more in June/July which will plunge is into completion through the second half of this year. There will actually be two lunar months of Cancer with two New Moons in Cancer taking us through late June/July and into August. So plenty of focus on home, emotional security and sudden unexpected changes.  Get the Gemini mind on board to bring in wonderful changes for the better.

Nevertheless, this New Moon in Gemini is the sign of things to come, the way ahead if we can but harness our minds, evolve our mental consciousness into a more cosmic picture beyond our physical reality and perception of physical reality.  Gemini offers imagination and a direct line to cosmic energies if we so choose.  It’s all up to us.

Love and blessings

from the chair...birthing my ‘Bambi’

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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