...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 12 May 2020

11th May 2020: Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius, 12th May: Mercury moves to Gemini

Hi everyone! 

The Taurus Sun is helping us to ground and diffuse some of our frustrations at the limitations now being imposed on us at least in our physical lives.  We are really being brought to focus on what really matters to us, our base values.

Mind, body and heart:  Mercury, Mars, Venus...in a gear change!
What a strange time ahead of us in these next few weeks with our personal planets Mercury into Gemini, his home and firing the mental body while Mars moving direct takes to the Pisces ocean, home for collective unconscious.  Meanwhile Venus, our heart energy turns retrograde in Gemini, the sign ruling the mental body, duality and ‘the twins’ of masculine and feminine.

Social planets, Jupiter and Saturn:  In a gear change!
At the same time, the big ‘social’ planets, the ones governing societal energies are both shifting into a retrograde journey, re-treading the grapes to ensure a fine wine of the  best vintage.  In social terms it means a review of the huge changes which society has been undergoing from governments/Jupiter in Capricorn to communities/Saturn in Aquarius.

Expansion of world powers and activation of cosmic authority!
Governments have expanded their powers as Jupiter, planet of expansion, has been travelling in the sign of governments, systems and economic power brokers.  Meanwhile, Saturn, now in Aquarius, sign of cosmic freedom and community is calling  us to contract and focus our energies on mastery of cosmic forces and universal principles and laws.

11th May:  
Saturn stations retrograde 1 degree Aquarius at 2.09 pm AEST...cosmic mastery!
Until 29th September:  Saturn direct 25 degrees Capricorn 
Saturn is getting us to some cosmic navel gazing:  Keeping us on track!
Saturn is the planet of restriction and limitation.  In the Tarot, Saturn is the final of the Major Arcana, The World Card. The Earth is our home and it is ruled by the cosmic and spiritual ‘laws’ which apply to the universe. We are cosmic and earthly citizens.

Learning to ground our cosmic knowledge:  On ‘L’ plates!
We are in a huge cycle of change learning about dual citizenship, cosmic and earthly.  How do we bring this dual citizenship into our lives and align with the principles which apply to being a physical being as well as actualising our cosmic powers of immense energetic creativity. 

Cosmic alignment as we accept the power of unseen energy!
We are being aligned to more advanced principles of life and how that evolves into more cosmic powers beyond our present limited views of reality.  For most people, if you can’t see it, touch it, smell it or taste it...it can’t be ‘real’. For good reason we are attached to our earthly bodies, experiences, lives on earth. 

Saturn teaching us the principles of cosmic manifestation:  Abracdabra!
We are undergoing a huge paradigm shift from earthly views of ourselves to cosmic  alignment and mastery. When we align with Saturn as a powerful force for manifestation, we accept the vital energies of commitment, focus, perseverance and patience.  Now he’s travelling in Aquarius, the cosmic force offering idealism, hopes and dreams. 

The retrograde space ship:  
Discovery tour to uncover our cosmic connections, the galactic consciousness and star knowledge within all of us!

The retrograde takes us back to past times, galactic, cosmic times, other dimensions, other realities where we have understanding, access and power in these energies. Let’s not forget that Saturn is Old Father Time. so timing is everything.

As we accept the power of our energy within ourselves and understand that all we focus on is adding energy to that focus.  Negative focus has as much energy as positive.  This is what so many of us are learning at this time. 

Focus:  Reconnecting to cosmic gifts, galactic history, ancestral roots, hopes and dreams!
Make the most of this time of Saturn in Aquarius, reconnect to the innate gifts of manifesting energetically to Aquarian hopes and dreams, especially during his retrograde time. 

From 2nd July:  Evaluating our infrastructure
When Saturn returns to Capricorn on 2nd July travelling retrograde, we’ll have an opportunity to evaluate our infrastructure in terms of our earhly existence. preparing new groundwork for when he turns direct on 29th September.   

From now to 19th December:  Preparing for our new platform for 2021!  Accessing new knowledge, evaluating, examing our infrastructures!
Saturn won’t get back into Aquarius until 19th December where he’ll remain until December 2021. This time might feel limiting physically but is so incredibly valuable to us galactic beings of such energetic power to reclaim these powers and put in the discipline of awareness, practising and learning to change our lives on earth to the cosmic way.

Our dedication during this time will manifest in our physical reality once he moves into Capricorn in December.  it’s a long journey with Saturn. We need to be firm in our commitment and faith along with buckets of patience if we are to break through the current impasses of the collective imprints.

Sabian Symbol for Saturn’s retrograde ‘station’: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
This symbol applies to the whole retrograde period until 29th September.  Looks like more of the same in some ways but this is new and exciting energy as the cosmic imprints are opened, cleared and accessed. Looks good!

Aquarius 2
This Symbol shows the need to withstand “Storms” and things that whip up unexpectedly. It can show sudden flashes of inspiration, intuition or clairvoyance – those aha! moments. It can be thoughts and emotions that erupt from out of nowhere. They can be brilliant or unstable (or both). You will likely find that you are suddenly tested or taken by surprise. Inner strength and stability are put to the test but you learn a lot from your experiences. The effect can be quite liberating, although there can be an initial shock. Thunderstorms clear the air after an extreme buildup of energy. There can be a sense of awe and wonder at the power of natural events. Sudden visitations of natural wonder. Breakthrough moments. A break in tension in the atmosphere. Thunder, lightning and electricity. The Tower card. Being a lightning rod.

12th May:  Mercury moves into Gemini 7.57 am. AEST  
From shadow boxing to peace within!
Until 29th May

‘Two different directions, two different points of view’:  Acceptance of ambivalence within!

Mercury moving into his home sign is activating our mental body, our mind power along with our nervous and respiratory systems.  This could clear the sinuses and lungs or it could find us in the crossfire of our duality, our polarised mind.

Resolution with a conflicted world without as we come to terms with our own inner conflicts:  
We have a chance to bring in some new ideas...listen!
There’s such a huge battle going on across the earth between governments and individuals activated by this whole pandemic energy.  I’m not getting into right or wrong but observing the changes happening within and without for us all as we come to terms with our situation from the individual, national or global.

Too much mental activity with little opporunity to ground and earth these energies:
There’s a lot of words being spoken, expressed by everyone.  It’s been information overload.  No wonder there’s confusion. Mercury in Gemini activates the ‘monkey mind’ adding weight to scattering of ideas, thoughts and energies without the grounding, active physical principle in play.  It’s all in the head. With so many people in physical lockdown or quarantine, all that nervous energy hasn’t had the physical outlet for expression. There’s been quite a build up of tensions which need release.

Harnessing polarised thinking:  Power comes with single pointed thinking!  
Our ‘monkey mind’ heading in the same direction!
Mercury in Gemini is a huge energy which can take us onto the dual carriageway where our mind comes to oneness where our active masculine ‘make it happen’ energy can work harmoniously with our feminine ‘receptive’ energy of magnetic power. 

We need both sides of our minds to work together to bring forth the best of our mental capacities and higher consciousness. Gemini calls for balance!

‘Mental as anything’?:  
Our choice to release neuroses and deal with them as best we know...letting go of confusion!
The need for inner reflection, introspection does not come easily for Mercury in Gemini so we can expect that the inner conflict, confusion, irritation, frustration is going to continue for a little while longer as the Capricorn restrictions continue in our physical world.  It’s certainly activating a lot of thought and emotion in all of us as old memories of oppression are flushed out of the system.  The nervous and respiratory systems are our release valve...breath work!  Venus retrograde in Gemini and Mars in Pisces will be helping us. 

Minds and hearts together percolating new ideas and potentials:  
One heart, one mind...new directions!
Once we calm our minds and allow it to receive higher consciousness, connecting with our heart energy as Venus in Gemini turns retrograde, we have the potential to birth something completely new, allowing it to percolate in preparation for the New Moon in Gemini at the end of May.

Golden Oldies:
 ‘Two Different Directions’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUdd8TnFXMg  Mercury in Gemini

‘Rocket Man’ Elton John  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtVBCG6ThDk Saturn retrograde Aquarius

Upcoming Dates:
13th May: Mars to Pisces
13th May: Venus in Gemini turns retrograde
15th May: Jupiter turns retrograde in Capricorn

20th May:  Sun enters Gemini
23rd May:  New Moon in Gemini at 2 degrees 05 Gemini 
29th May:  Mercury enters Cancer

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

I’m sending out this week’s updates in two posts as it’s just too much information in the one ‘serve’.  

If you’re anything like me feeling the overload of information, then you’ll appreciate that the info on Mars, Venus and Jupiter is coming through by 13th May. 

The individual and society in action!
This is such an important time to be working with the big social planets and the personal planets indicating big changes for our minds, bodies, hearts along with the reviewing process of the ‘social planets’ Saturn and Pluto both going into retrograde, re-treading the grapes of consciousness and structure.  This is the individual and society in action!

Love and blessings to us all as we connect more deeply to the cosmic airwaves and find our comsic powers in this retrieval mission of any lost, abandoned, forgotten energy, power or authority.  We are a powerhouse getting powered up!


from the chair   feeling alone and trusting all is well

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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