...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 1 July 2020

30th June 2020: Jupiter conjunct Pluto, 2nd July: Saturn moves retrograde into Capricorn, 5th July: Full Moon Capricorn Solar Eclipse

Hi everyone!

We are sitting in the midpoint between eclipses, the New Moon of a week ago and the Full Moon of 5th July. It may feel like we’re at a standstill but esoterically we’re hurtling through the vortex of major change.  Maybe you’re feeling some ‘motion’ sickness, churning stomach as for so many of us there’s uncertainty about the future.

On the sandy shoreline...Cancerian memory lane
I’m walking along the shoreline with my inner children/childhood memories as we experience together past times of fear, pain, struggle, frustration, despair insecurity, grief, anger or disappointment.  We’re discovering and removing any ‘chains’ of the past. Relationship issues of all kinds are being unravelled, especially those issues with mother/family/childhood foundation.

Where is the joy in our world today?  Finding the small pleasures
We’ve been taken out of our comfort zone, confronted by the removal of what once brought us joy and pleasure.  We’re down to ground zero challenged to re-discover the simple pleasures of life as we sort through the past.

Keeping focus on soul completion/destiny
I’m at a key point this time around. I feel it is like this for many of us in these times. All I  do know is that I wish to complete soul work this lifetime...to my satisfaction. Fulfilment of destiny calls us on through any challenges.

On the Mercury retrograde ghost train: Clearing unfinished business next 2 weeks...collecting lost fragments
Some of us may be going through strange visitations, dreams, recollections with childhood/past life/other reality energies during this intense retrograde/eclipse energy. This doesn’t have to be a ‘bad trip’ as we may be finding some heart opening/softening moments rediscovering past joys and/or reconnections. 

Mercury rules the mental body, respiratory and nervous systems so joining the dots, any or all of these systems may be involved in the releasing. re-capturing process. 

Mercury will be moving out of retrograde on 12th July, a week after the full moon. All good.

30th June:  Jupiter conjunct Pluto 22 degrees Capricorn...stripped bare...ready for more makeover
Effective from 19th June to 10th July
This is the second of three meetings this year between the biggest planet in our galaxy and the smallest ‘planet’/dwarf planet whose astronomical status keeps him in an identity crisis that has little bearing on his astrological significance.  Pluto as Lord of the Underworld, Life, Death, Rebirth and transformation has a phenomenal power of astrological significance.

Jupiter expands all consciousness, one of the two big planets affecting societal factors and social growth. 
Pluto has the impact of an unexploded bomb, a potential for huge transformation at a deep level of the Capricorn psyche, the structures and systems which underpin and support us.  Pluto rules big money, ‘the gold mine’ where money comes from sources outside income. The Capricorn rulership applies to the bones of our body and of our society/government. 

A Golden Ticket?  Who knows!
The actual meeting of these two earlier this year brought financial support from the government to those in need in this year’s crisis.  I’m speaking here of Australia although other governments did the same to support the infrastructure.

Jupiter is generally a lucky energy and meeting with Pluto may manifest some good fortune coming through.  Maybe worth a little ‘flutter’, an investment in good fortune and in the universal forces of support and abundance.  Not just about money.

2nd July:  Saturn moves into Capricorn retrograde at 9.36 am AEST...in sight of the finish line!
Until 29th September stations direct at 25 degrees Capricorn
17th December:  Saturn moves into Aquarius
Tying up loose karmic threads:  Wizard power!
In this coming week Saturn, continuing his retrograde journey, takes us back into his own sign of Capricorn where we’ll be tying up loose ends and unfinished karmic business until 29th September when he moves direct. Then we’ll get some idea of how far we’ve progressed.

The power of three:  Let’s get this done!
Saturn is joining Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn until December.  This trio continue to bring major and widespread change to the economic, political and social systems and structures across the world.

Three heads are better than one
These next 6 months we’ll be making serious inroads with deep societal changes we need to make to clear the decks in preparation for the Aquarian energies birthing in December.  That’s when Jupiter and Saturn, the big social planets kick off the rebirth of the unique perspective of Aquarius. New ways of solving old problems.

For the next 6 months: Research, analysis, expanding parameters for new learning
The three wizards will be guiding us in a forensic study, systematic needs analysis of ‘gaps’ in the current system including our own personal world.  The focus is systemic change, Capricorn ‘stuff’.
Our objective:  Unmet needs in the world cry out for new services, products which may call to our gifts, talents, interests, inclinations.
Don’t limit thinking with economic limitations as these may lift as we approach the end of the year.  As we present the case for funding support for these services, we may be surprised if doors open from December.

Pluto the forensic investigator
Jupiter the teacher/student
Saturn systematic, exacting

Saturn demands we keep focussed, committed to the task at hand and keeps us on track achievement of our ambitions, clearing obstacles one by one.  Saturn’s rewards appear at the end of the long haul.  Maintaining our faith and focus is of the utmost during this time even as we meet obstacles on our path.

The physical body, health, recalibration
Capricorn rules the skeleton, joints...the  infrastructure
Capricorn rules knees...surrender to karmic completion
Jupiter rules hips/life direction and thighs/childhood memories
Pluto rules life/death sexual organs

With Mars going into Aries long term/6 months there’s a spiritual/fiery healing on offer to our physical vessels.  There may well be a feeling of being ‘on fire’ from time to time as healing crises bring things to a head, to be released. 

Healing crisis: When things may get worse before they can get better.  It’s a bit like bringing a pimple to a head to release the toxins.
Many of us are currently in a healing crisis this year as our whole physical constitution undergoes a recalibration of consciousness right down to the cellular level and DNA.  Many of our number have passed on.  They have completed all they can. Others are holding in hope of renewal.

5th July:  Full Moon in Capricorn Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse 13 degrees 38 Capricorn 2.44 pm AEST

Ambition is not a dirty word. We need it to carry us on.
The Full Moon rises over a castle, a symbol of Capricorn ambition, a structure reflective of our world of power and authority and its manifestation. It could be an image of a spiritual place like a church, temple or monastery, a place of retreat. Capricorn gives us the ambition to achieve and never give up.  It tests us at every level to become ‘the best’ that we can be, whatever that means for us.

Negotiating a perilous climb to the top!
Capricorn is the earth, the goat whose nimble footed cautious strategic moves gets it up and down the most daunting and perilous cliffs.  That’s what we’ve been learning for the past two years and intensely so this year of 2020.

Full Moon’s bring endings, completions:  What’s coming to a head?
balloon burstingNow the final eclipse in the Capricorn/Cancer series of the past 3 years offers us a chance to let go of huge karmic burdens, a backlog of hard work/struggle, the failures, the fears of success.

The Eclipse energies will be lending their power to us:  Sudden release!
Most of all, it’s the perfect time to really break through those barriers of conditioning which have held us hostage to the old paradigm of the status quo. We have all been held, pinned down, limited by benchmarks and frameworks for success based on power and authority determined by money and status. 

Benchmarks of old ‘false’ morality are ready to fall...stay open to freedom
With Mercury retrograde in Cancer squaring off to Mars and Chiron in Aries, this Full Moon offers a release of the spiritual ‘wounds’ of our warrior self, our fire and drive, the masculine energy which urges us to take action which helps us speak up, speak out.

The benchmarks which have held us back from being our true selves without losing love without being rejected are ready to drop away.  We can no longer be held to ransom by fear of being rejected.

There may be some moment, incident occurring at this full moon which could trigger the release of fears or blockages within.  We may suddenly find our voice and speak up without fear of reprisal or rejection.  

From this full moon a new sense of our divine ‘I am’ is being birthed.  From now, new connections, soul connections will grow and expand.

Revelations and insights, visions old and new...eclipses bring new revelations so stay tuned
With Neptune in ‘navel gazing’ retrograde as is Mercury. Dreams will play a big part in visitations from the past as the full moon plays the themes of success/failure throwing open our imagination to potentials beyond our limited thinking and mindsets.

These revelations will be especially so at the full moon this week, doubly so in an eclipse which conceals then reveals.  Eclipses are revelatory and we are totally in the eclipse vortex. 

Be prepared to face, experience, discover whatever arises at the full moon, 3 days before and after it comes to fullness.

Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse

Note that since it is a penumbral eclipse, it can be hard to see, as the Moon will only be a bit fainter.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Capricorn:  From Lynda Hill http://www.sabiansymbols. com/
The Full Moon:  Capricorn 14
This Symbol shows learning from the past, seeing the beauty and meaning inherent in ancient civilizations, their monuments and cultures. Some things never fade; they stand as reminders of ancient eras, bringing messages to us. Information and revelations may be found in these reminders (the “Remains”) about the stability and longevity of the foundation of your society, or possibly some other society, distant in time or space. You’ll find satisfaction in things that are not so much superficial display, but those things that represent the longevity and stability of the foundation or backdrop of your society. The trick is not to get stuck in the past or become unchangeable or unbendable. Anonymous immortality. Things carved in stone or concrete. Permanent records. Laws. Inscriptions and writings. Museum pieces. Relics. History and who writes it. Clues from the past.
The Sun opposite the Full Moon:  Cancer 14
This Symbols shows that you may be looking for some help or spiritual guidance, but it may be difficult to find through the usual channels. As we become more enlightened there is a greater ability to see spiritual truth in unexpected places. There needs to be a trust and courage that your inner wisdom is in touch with the higher truth. The ‘Vast Dark Space to the Northeast’ is often the direction one looks for this spiritual guidance and looking towards that direction in the sky can bring an influx of creative and spiritual energies. Further, this symbolizes the desertion of native people’s by their governments. The degree of Sirius. American Indians and native peoples that have been left in the dark. The need to have faith in the future. Seeing truth. Stargazing. Navigation. Vast arenas.
Golden Oldies:
‘We'll Meet Again’ Hayley Westenra & Vera Lynn  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBX16iBQ0rI For the retrograde planets
And for Dame Vera Lynn who gave hope during WW2 with her voice and songs...thankyou

‘Fine Life’ from ‘Oliver’ with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpIolqJZPfo

‘I want to be me’ Brian Mendoza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id2pOUntJIA

Upcoming Dates:
12th July: Chiron retrograde  at 9 degrees 26 Aries
12th July: Mercury direct 5 degrees 30 Cancer

21st July New Moon in Cancer at 3.32 am AEST 28 degrees 27 Cancer
22nd July Sun enters Leo

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Our quest continues in this year of limitation, lockdown and restriction.  We live within the natural laws of restriction, cosmic laws.  We do not control day/night, the weather, the seasons, the ocean tides, currents or global winds. We live within the cosmos bound to its rhythms. 

Finding our place in the world this year has taken on a whole new dimension either working within, against or outside the powers of government. It is our call for how we respond to social, economic or government changes.  Our soul knows what is right for us and our personal evolution in how we respond to and negotiate the challenges of this year.

I trust that we are all playing a role in the expansion of consciousness on this planet as we negotiate the landscape in this stupendous year of challenge. 

Love and blessings to us all as we carry on holding the torch of mastery to light our way.
I’m finishing this update in the darkness of a hospital room so excuse any  weird or missing bits. 


from the chair...holding my torch

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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