...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 12 January 2022

14th January 2022: Mercury stations retrograde

 Hi everyone!

The Sun still shining in Capricorn awakening our senses to ground our energies into the earth even as humanity wobbles through these new energies of feeling out at sea on our new ship Jupiter.  We’re contemplating the vista of change.


January:  Ongoing clearing and preparing the groundwork for New Year!

Many of us may feel awash in the emotions of collective release and cleansing but this calendar month we are still completing 2021 as we adjust to 2022.  The New Moon in Aquarius, Chinese New Year in more ways than one, is a starting point for  new year. 1st February Year of the Tiger.


The walls of Saturn’s structures being challenged:

The walls of Saturn are still in play even as Saturn continues to move through Aquarius.  Individual challenges are varied and yet so similar as we are challenged to release our old beliefs of ‘right and wrong’ and come to new understanding of our oneness.  Finding common ground is the key. Divine law is our only barometer of what’s happening. Actions carry consequences.


Jupiter’s brief for justice and equity leveling the playing field:

Jupiter is very much associated with truth, justice and equity and seeks to bring us to an understanding of divine truth and justice.  As individuals and groups seek to maintain their sovereign right to ‘freedom’, concepts of freedom are up for discussion as our world feels the weight of the growing populations of humanity. Yes, we are earthlings learning to learn, evolve and grow in consciousness.


The week ahead:  Here we go!

Ongoing gear shifting for 'personal' planets:
This week we'll continue riding the waves of change as the personal planets of Venus retrograde, Mars moving out of bounds and Mercury slowing to turn retrograde on 13th will offer new consciousness and healing.  The Moon also out of bounds from 11th to 15th Taurus through Gemini will also turn emotions upside down, inside out so we can uplift with release of the old.

If we haven’t dropped the‘guards’ and let go of the fear driven risk management already, this week we’ll be preparing preparing the groundwork which will carry us into the big release at the Cancer Full Moon on 18th January. 


The personal planets in summary:  

Wild cards with gear changes in hearts, minds, bodies and spirits

in Capricorn still retrograde treading through our personal history in relation to the Capricorn benchmarks of success and acknowledgement in the ‘public’ sphere and all social and familial benchmarks.  We’re getting in touch with our hearts and reclaiming our feeling of success, our drive for success in spiritual terms.


Mercury in Aquarius slowing down preparing to ‘station’ and turn retrograde on 14th.  High mental and nervous energy may accompany his slowdown/changing directions a couple of days either side of the 14th January.


Mars in Sagittarius moving out of bounds, out of current reality, carrying us forward with his crusading brief and assisting our physical bodies to align with Sagittarian spiritual truth and justice. However, as he moves out of bounds this week, we need to be aware that Mars is our warrior and could still be activating old warrior behaviours within us.


Moon and Mars out of bounds: Keeping our heads above water

When planets move out of bounds, they are in new territory and may feel like aspects of ourselves are losing control as they are ‘out of control’, outside the usual boundaries.  Also may feel like a retrograde period as they encompass all timelines.  Clearing the past, finding the future.


11th to 15th January:  

Moon goes Out of Bounds...emotions are the wildcard! 

4 degrees Taurus to 22 degrees Gemini

New emotions, old emotions are likely to surface from within the physical body and then from within the mental body when the moon moves into Gemini on 13th January.  Be open to the new feelings that are emerging at this time as Venus reveals our heart consciousness.  Mind/Mercury and body/ Mars will be in the loop too with the potential to evolve old consciousness into new ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
13th January to 11th February:  Mars Out of Bounds
...our old warrior takes to the cosmic consciousness beyond current realities!
From 23 degrees Sagittarius 
Potential healing resolution of our fire spirit and physical bodies as old war wounds of the masculine within us are released in the higher conscious of the out of bounds Sagittarian dimension.  Sagittarius is the crusader, the one who ‘rights wrongs’ and this has been an ongoing source of war and separation forever as us humans continue to claim we know right from wrong. 
We’re all still learning to evolve this consciousness as long as there is divine injustice and conflict on the planet. Of course these issues are always front and centre as the old status quo governed by Capricorn’s walls, structures and boundaries are in play.  We haven’t yet learned how to change these human borders that divide rather than unify.  First, we need to embrace inner unity individually and thence societally.

14th January:  Mercury stations retrograde 10 degrees 20 Aquarius at 10.51 pm AEDT

...into the labyrinth

Journey into space and time:  
Cosmic solutions are revealed as we take to the stars!

Mercury now joins Venus in the retrograde journey, the first one for this year.  They may be in different signs activating different energies but the fact that they are both retrograde at the same time for the remainder of January indicates the simultaneous makeover of heart and mind as they visit the no time, no space zone of past/present/future.


Walking out of confusion into clarity:

Mercury’s journey ‘to the past’ is assisting us with the problem solving mind from a cosmic perspective as he begins this journey at 10 degrees Aquarius.  He’ll be backtracking into Capricorn, where Venus is travelling even though they won’t be meeting during this period. Aquarius is the higher mind governed by Uranus offering lightning strike inspiration.


Keeping calm and allowing the nervous tension to dissipate:

Mercury rules our nervous and respiratory systems as well as arms and legs and Aquarius rules the neuralgic system, the cerebral energies.   With Mercury travelling in the sign of sudden insights and breakthroughs we could well feel our whole nervous system and mental faculties are playing tricks on us as our whole world turns upside down. 


Let’s talk our way through this time:  Positive powers of communication to the self!

As ruler of communication, travel and commerce Mercury suggests we use positive self talk during this retrograde time as the world continues the talk fest of collective release.


Rediscovering past projects, ideas, people:  

Reclamation of our positive creative minds with Mercury the Magician guiding our way!

Retrograde periods in Mercury can bring up old ideas and possibilities from the past which we have put aside for any number of reasons.  Those potentials may re-emerge.  Anything from the past can come forward including past discarded projects, people from the past and of course it’s all about the memories. 


The call for Mercury in retrograde is getting in touch with the inner magician and the message that ‘we create our own reality’.  Our choice.


Embrace the breathing space:  

Time out everyone...rest the mind, open the mind to visions and dreams from beyond our present world!

Time to slow down, contemplate, get breathing space and time for reflection as we come to peace with the past, come to terms with our life as it’s been so we are strengthened to go on and prepare for new endeavours.  We are being given time and space to create our new world.


Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s journey to the past:  Setting the agenda and theme for the journey. 

He will be going back into Capricorn and then returns to Aquarius with his emergence.

This speaks of noticing those moments of “Inspiration” that come through you and act to move, inspire, propel or goad you into changing your life. Taking time out, having a “Silent Hour”, even if it’s just five minutes, can regularly bring you new ideas, solutions and breakthroughs. You could find that despite racking your brain there has been no rational guidance. Slowing down and opening up to the message of your inner inspiration can bring huge shifts in your life. The rational mind can be noisy and interfere with the flow of intuition. A new inspiration is coming, one that may change your life. Be still and listen!
Welling creative power. Inspiration = breathing in the spirit. Coming to terms with reality. Spiritual awakenings. Quiet moments. Meditation. Intuitive awareness. U-turns.
Exclusion of others. Obsession with one’s self or objectives. Being a hermit. Hearing voices that confuse. Feeling trapped. Dropping things too quickly. Being fickle.Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Mercury’s journey

26th January:  Mercury Retrograde enters Capricorn

4th February:  Mercury stations direct at 24 degrees 23 Capricorn

15th February:  Mercury returns to Aquarius


Golden Oldies:

‘Time after time’ Shirley Bassey with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f95TZGvsnVE for Mercury retrograde


‘Turn, turn, turn’ The Byrds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKP4cfU28vM


‘Look what they’ve done to my song, Ma’ Melanie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r44Ach4mXE4&list=RDIZ52lk9wjZI&index=2 

Releasing the Capricorn benchmarks with Venus


‘Look what they’ve done to my song, Ma’  Melanie with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx_WQGp7YJg



Upcoming Dates:

18th January: Full Moon in Cancer   27 Cancer 51' 10,48 am AEDT

19th January: Uranus Stationary Direct 10° Taurus 49′ 

19th January:True Node Rx enters Taurus

20th January:  Sun enters Aquarius


That’s all folks!   Hugs all around!


Our inner goats are a little bit shaky in the storms of change but their natural ability to maintain a steady footing on the earth is holding them in safety and the surety that they have the skills and knowledge to negotiate changes in the weather.


Well we’re experiencing those changes on all levels of our being and across humanity as the world travels through this first calendar month of 2022.  I tend to see the New Year beginning at Chinese New Year with the New Moon in Aquarius as the first calendar month of the year is a beginning in one way and a winding up of the previous year. 


This month, the planetary energies support this process as we adjust our perspectives in the societal energies of Jupiter in Pisces feeling like we could sink or swim in the collective emotions. We’re experiencing a collective cleansing of our emotional/physical bodies.


With Venus retrograde in Capricorn taking us back to the past and clearing up any unfinished business relating to the heart, our place in the world and maybe old wounds as well reclamation of lost aspects of ourselves which we need to carry us on. 


Success and ‘failure’ as related to societal norms may well be a part of this reclamation.  Where did we disappoint ourselves, fall short, feel guilt, blame...whatever. What was the source of these feelings?  Time to review, renew and reclaim our humanity with love and compassion.


Love and blessings to us all as we head to the Full Moon in Cancer on 18th which promises a huge release of ancestral memories as the Moon faces off to Pluto sitting with the Sun in Capricorn.




from the chair...retrograde to kid country


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Helen, for all your expansive and wonderful sharings.
