...for the children of the earth

Thursday 20 January 2022

18th January 2022: Full Moon in Cancer, 19th Uranus direct, North Node to Taurus 20th January 2022: Sun enters Aquarius

Hi everyone!

The new theme:   Limitations and boundaries...raising divine consciousness

The Sun in Capricorn is continuing to highlight issues of authority and authorities aided by the challenges of Saturn, the planet of limitation still travelling in the sign of ‘divine freedom’ and humanitarian focus, Aquarius.  


Awash in the emotional climate of the collective purging and clearing

Since Jupiter moved into Pisces at the end of December 2021, a whole new dimension has been opened up by Jupiter, the planet of expansion in Pisces, the sign of unlimited, boundless existence. We’re awash in the emotional climate of the collective purging and clearing so we can maintain our individual essence and ‘boundaries’.


Our conflicted world:  Expansion and contraction?...finding the balance!

No wonder the conflicts between expansion and contraction, of limitation and restriction seem to have come to the fore along with issues of justice, truth and wisdom which are Jupiter’s terrain.

Of course these issues have been ongoing since the beginning of time but now we exist in a time with more people on the planet than ever before, a pandemic of widespread illness which has served to explode ongoing issues of borders, walls, laws along with ‘authorities’. 


Finding ‘home’, our comfort zone: 

Those in ‘leadership’ positions whether at home or work know well that ‘we can’t please all the people all the time’ and it is the responsibility for individuals to find their own comfort zone where they can live and feel as secure as possible in our challenged world.


Seekers of safety and security, a better life:  We all want to belong in a loving home, family and homeland

And millions of people have been attempting to do just that at risk to their own lives and families crossing oceans and borders to find themselves held in ‘prisons’ for years on end with no resolution in sight. And the pandemic has highlighted these issues of a global community where families are kept apart by borders. And yet our rich, powerful and privileged citizens of the world continue to demand special treatment, to use their particular status and power to bypass the rules and laws imposed on the everyday people


In the global lie detector test:  We’re all getting a reality check

Well we’re now in a time where the playing field is being levelled and will continue to do so as the mechanisms of our modern world, technology continues to expose the behaviours and words of all in what seems to be a major ‘lie detector’ screening of all.



The past week:  
Disturbances all over...our pilot boat is being tossed about

The Sun
The Sun is continuing its activation of the magnetic field with disturbances and magnetic storms stirring the magnetic field of the earth and our metabolism.
The Moon:  out of bounds
Out of bounds:  From 14th to 18th January
From 12 degrees Gemini, through Cancer to 5 degrees Leo
Apologies for my last update re moon out of bounds times and dates as I posted 2021 dates...well, we are in retrograde Mercury 😉.
The moon's now in Cancer and the Cancer Moon brings big emotional energies for us all and the earth. If you feel like the emotions are more than usually over the top we can only trust that the Sun and Moon will move on through these days and the upcoming Full Moon in Cancer on 18th.

Earth and water:  Volcanic explosion from beneath the ocean impacting weather stations across the world and bringing Tsunami warnings across SW Pacific ocean and lands.  A manifestation of expansive Jupiter in Pisces perhaps?



18th January: Full Moon in Cancer at 27 degrees 51 Cancer at 10.48 am AEDT

...where is ‘home’

Full Moon in Cancer opposite Sun in Capricorn:  Balancing act of private/public worlds

In this climate we are delivered into the week ahead with a Full Moon in Cancer, sign of home, the homeland, emotional security, ‘the mother’, childhood and the ancestors facing off to the Capricorn Sun, sign of government, authority, public life, success, ambition, structure, walls and limitations sitting side by side with Pluto, Lord of death and transformation. 


It’s the ‘home/work’, private/public dichotomy up for examination and a huge emotional release. It brings up the distinction between private home and global village.


Full Moon completion:  Closing the door on the past

Any imbalances within us that are diverting our energies from our present timeline of this life possibly draining our energies into the karmic commitment and soul work of the family, ancestors, our homeland is up for release.

Releasing damaging benchmarks:Pluto is a big player at this Full Moon standing with the Sun on the same degree in Capricorn offering a huge release from old issues of conditioning and belief engendered by family, heritage, schooling or society.  These are the benchmarks that limit our individual expression of who we are.


The universal call for a sense of home and for emotional security:

The concept of home brings up different images for us all as we tend to equate it with the place where we feel emotionally secure.  This can relate to our private home/childhood as well as the global homeland. The fact is, too many people in the world haven’t experienced the comfort of a secure or happy childhood home whether because of issues within the family and parents or within their homeland.


In the global pond, our homeland of earth where those rich in ancestral resources are equipped to maintain balance

So it is time for those of us who have benefited from a safe, secure childhood with loving, caring parents and personal homeland can draw on inner resources to bring forth the visions and dreams to support the world. We all have something to offer the world and to those less equipped to deal with life’s challenges.  


The physical/emotional body connection:  
Frog cleansing time!
Cancer rules the stomach and can affect the digestive system so stay tuned to the intake of food, fluids and allow body to release old emotional energy and to digest new information. 

In native American wisdom, the frog is the reminder of cleansing emotionally and of course of transformation from one state of being to another...tadpole to frog!



Sabian Symbols:
Full  Moon CANCER 28
This Symbol implies that you may find yourself bridging the gap between situations or people that are inherently foreign to each other or previously unknown and unexplored. By bridging the worlds between people, you invite richness into your life and the lives of others that may not have been possible if you’d stuck to your culture, your ethnicity, your own side of the tracks. It is your deeply felt understanding of both situations and the respect with which you are held in both situations that makes their mutual acceptance possible. This is about opening your heart to find the rewards that are waiting.
Challenging or going against the status-quo. Bringing in new intellectual elements Or a natural, earth-based attitude to stuffy environments. Clans, tribes. New lovers. Foreigners.
Upsetting people with alternative behavior. Choosing people who won’t fit in. Ignoring tradition. Judging people by social standards. Prejudice. Barriers. Rebellion. details
This Symbol shows being able to take in a lot of information, to be social, yet have some time alone. The “Large Aviary” has a lot of citizens, all buzzing around, all interacting and full of life. There is a lot of chattering and flitting from one thing to another going on and while there is no harm being done, perhaps, sometimes, there’s nothing much really being achieved. Is this because there is a level of mental confusion happening? At the least there is likely to be a feeling of brotherhood and not being alone, in fact, finding time alone can be difficult.
Clairaudience. Many inner voices. Lots to say – little content. Communicating only in the immediate environment. The Internet. Bird songs. Confined spaces. Psychic. The media.
Mental confusion bringing a lack of discernment. Chattering, not doing. Gossip and intrigue. False sense of freedom. Abandoned living spaces. Caged birds.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

19th January: Uranus Direct at 10 degrees 49 Taurus  at 2.25 am AEDT

...the world tree holds us!


Travelling the Uranus labyrinth:  Now ready to emerge!

The past few months we’ve been doing some inner awakening around comfort living on the earth and being challenged to review, revisit our values and attitudes towards earthly abundance and the provision for us all. Issues of poverty consciousness have been brought back into our psyche whether emanating from our individual situations or the wider perspective of the collective. 


Innovative solutions have been percolating within: 

The pandemic has served us well in challenging our natural innovative, creative beings to negotiate ‘lockdowns’, economic and financial shortfalls with loss of work, business and income. The earth has become even more challenging on the physical level above and beyond widespread illness. We’ve had to look to alternative solutions for ourselves individually and collectively. 


So, the good news:  Uranus is birthing us out of the labyrinth with solutions!

We’ve been ‘percolating’ ideas with our navel gazing period and are now going to start discovering the solutions which have been frothing away inside of us.   So, hang about everyone and trust that Mother Earth is here, has always been here and is offering up her divine abundance for us all. 


19th January: True Node enters Taurus 29 degrees at 5.50 am AEDT

...green grass of home!

The balancing act of past and future!

Our planetary guidance system for karma and evolution: 

The planetary karmic nodes shift every two to three years and are the signs where eclipses will be occurring for that time. The whole planet is impacted by the nodes as an evolutionary guide to our way forward for growth of new consciousness.


Heading North as we release old attachments from the South!

The North Node is always our guiding light but we continue to work with the opposite node,the South Node in a balancing act.  The South Node is our ‘go to’ energy where we are in familiar territory and can get ‘stuck’ if we don’t consciously move towards the north node in our mind, heart, bodies, spirit and life on earth.


The South Node in Scorpio remains very relevant to our growth as we dip into and out of the Scorpio energies of life, death and transformation.  As we stay focussed on bringing in the Taurus energies of the abundance of Mother Earth, issues of the past may arise as a counterbalance of what has been.  


I’m sure we’ll be more than happy to leave behind the deep emotional memories of Scorpio’s history in humanity.  Scorpio rules intimacy and sexuality so we may find old issues around these areas may surface in our physical bodies, Taurus energy.  Issues of self-worth and value may arise as we embrace Taurus love.


Golden Oldies:

‘The Rainbow Connection’ Kermit the Frog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS5fTzMP_mg   Full Moon in Cancer

‘The Rainbow Connection’ with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNM6R6QV9vo


‘Being green’ Kermit the Frog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4ZxxHbJGbY

It's Not Easy Being Green - Kermit the Frog (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swuF4bEshdI


‘Green green grass of home’ Tom Jones & Englebert Humperdink with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knkZ33vL-70

Full Moon in Cancer, Planetary Nodes moving


Upcoming Dates:

20th January:  Sun enters Aquarius

24th January:  Mars enters Capricorn

26th January:  Mercury Retrograde enters Capricorn


29th January:  Venus stations direct 11 degrees 05 Capricorn



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Are we the lily pads or the frogs?  Both, finding ourselves at home in our bodies and finding our own personal lily pads, our inner security zone in the global pond.


Here we are at home, or working on it, feeling at home with ourselves, community and environment.  The ongoing release of emotional insecurities is with us for the next couple of weeks as we continue with the heart/mind review and inner journey of Venus and Mercury. 


Trusting that the Sun’s move to Aquarius and Uranus, ruler of Aquarius moving direct will pick up our spirits into the cosmic vision of what’s possible and prepare us for the New Moon in Aquarius, Chinese New Year on 1st February. 


Meanwhile we’ll continue to tread the Capricorn boards when both Mars and Mercury enter Capricorn in the final week of January bringing us into alignment with our personal authority in the masculine energies, physical body and the mind. 


Love and blessings as we negotiate this week with all the spiritual knowledge, power, divine love, truth and authority we can muster as we work with ourselves and offer what we can when we can to others who are feeling dispirited. Sun goes into Aquarius on 20th and will post separately...so much happening.




from the chair...resting


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

20th January 2022:   
Sun enters Aquarius 
Hi everyone

In frog cleansing time...rest, relax and allow

Ongoing volatile energies with Uranus still in intensity after turning direct, overall adjustment of us all to the planetary nodal shift to Taurus/Scorpio and still emotionally cleansing post the Full Moon in Cancer.

This is a very short update as I just couldn’t complete it with all that’s going on with the planets and the earth. 

However, just reminding you in case you were not aware that we are in very volatile changing energies especially over the past week with Mercury ‘stationing’ and then turning retrograde which turns everything upside down in our mind and in communication, travel, appointments, commerce, agreements. While it stations for those few days, the energies are intense and call us to be still and grounded as confusion, accidents and breakdowns can occur.


It has been doubly so with Uranus ruler of technology also stationing in Taurus at 10 degrees.  Uranus sits on this degree for quite a few days. With Uranus and Mercury both stationing, I’ve had a really challenging time with the computer, modem and connection as ever since the Volcanic eruption and tsunami I’m needing to reboot everything each day.  Is this possible I wondered. Well I know that weather stations across USA and Europe registered the volcano and the eruption of gases so I can only imagine that it was all of the above combined.  Geomagnetic storms did affect short wave radios at one point in Australia last week so that’s in there too. 


Taurus is Mother Earth and Uranus wakes us up: 

Are we surprised at the huge volcanic eruption last week on Tonga?  Sun in earthy Capricorn, all physical structures including human body, earth’s body, human and natural structures on the earth are all in focus.

Scientists believe something shifted deep in the earth, maybe the tectonic plates or possibly a landslide which triggered the volcano’s eruption. 


Pluto, ruler of the underworld and everything underground currently travelling in Capricorn governing the structure and landscape of the earth was close to the Sun finally meeting at the weekend when the Sun shone its light into and onto Pluto. 


More earth changes possible with the nodal shift:  Nodes and eclipses in Taurus/Scorpio next 18 months (not 2 to 3 years as in last update)

With the planetary nodes now in earthy Taurus opposite watery Scorpio, we may well be experiencing an increase of earth changes over the next 2 years with Jupiter now expanding the oceanic waters of Pisces in a huge cleansing of the earth and humanity.  There’s more but will write more in bits and pieces regarding our time from now to 2024 when Pluto moves out of Capricorn into Aquarius.



20th January:  Sun enters Aquarius at 1.39 pm AEDT

...rising to the cosmic solar power!

Until 19th February

Stairway to heaven?  A step up to the higher mental perspective!
The Sun entering Aquarius will feel a little like our ‘stairway to heaven’ taking us out of the huge emotional energies of the Jupiter in Pisces immersion which has added to any feelings of drowning in a sea of futility.  It’s all been and will continue to be about surrendering old emotional energies which have felt like dragging us into the collective history of oppression, confinement,slavery and victimhood.


Time for some emotional detachment:  Look up to see your star of destiny!

Aquarius is a sign ruled by the mental energies and offers a capacity to detach from emotions, to take a mental perspective on the bigger picture.  It will give us a chance to step out of the collective emotional energies of Jupiter in Pisces and the personal/familial emotional energies of the Cancerian pond.

New perspectives and innovative solutions and discoveries:

Aquarius offers new perspectives and innovative solutions to our mundane affairs and problems.  Along with its ruler Uranus in Taurus now supported by the planetary nodal shift we are likely to start seeing new inventions, scientific breakthroughs across the board but particularly relating to the earth and its capacities for abundance on all levels for humanity.

Being and living as a divine human:  Commitment to humanity’s growth!
Aquarius is humanity along with our hopes, our destiny and our individual spiritual freedom. We are so focussed on our physical freedoms as the first line of focus for our actions.   However, Aquarian freedom is freedom of our spirit through accessing our higher mind and harnessing our mental powers and energies.


Seeing and accessing our star of destiny:

In the Tarot, Aquarius is represented by the Major Arcana card ‘The Star’  and is always a positive energy of accessing fulfilment of divine potential by connecting to our star of destiny.  It’s about freedom and choice and backing ourselves to manifest that potential in our physical world. Taking positive action to harness the mind and focussing our energies on spiritual fulfilment.


Spiritual ‘charity’ begins at home:  Starting with us as individuals and moving across all humanity

Aquarius offers us the world of spiritual service to humanity as we allow ourselves to be uplifted in owning our divine power, unique gifts and special attributes that can be fulfilling for ourselves and for all. Aquarian focus is offering humanitarian principles in ‘freeing’ humanity in whatever way we can and according to our particular talents and skills.


Upcoming Dates:

24th January:  Mars enters Capricorn

26th January:  Mercury Retrograde enters Capricorn


29th January:  Venus stations direct 11 degrees 05 Capricorn

1st February:  New Moon in Aquarius, Chinese New Year...Tiger!


That’s it folks! Hugs all around!  We’re keeping our lights shining...somehow!

I’m trying to keep up with the updates while doing this huge detox myself with hardly able to eat much in last couple of weeks what with the digestive system having a crisis of overload and then this past week revisited from childhood daily migraines for 3 days which I have now cleared. I look to the interpretations of the planets in Astrology for insight into what’s happening to me.  It always helps knowing that ‘this too shall pass’ and right action for me to take. I listen to the body first of all.  Big life learning. 


Love and blessings to us all as we maintain the faith in ourselves as divine creative beings of vision and love.

Trusting we’re all holding as best we can and surrendering to divine love, divine will and the higher consciousness to take us through this transformation.


from the chair...resting





It’s all about love

Divine reunion


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