...for the children of the earth

Monday 3 January 2022

2nd January 2022: Mercury enters Aquarius, 3rd January: New Moon in Capricorn


Hi everyone!


Here we go!

We’re in the leap of faith into a new calendar year, the year of 2022 which offers new directions and visions beyond our current perspectives. We’re in the process of throwing off the distractions and ‘addictions’ which keep diverting us from our spiritual focus. 


Our Capricorn goat empowers and directs our focus:  Spiritual success!

In the Capricorn Sun, the empowering sense of potential fulfilment and spiritual success is motivating our energies towards maintenance of faith in our divine powers and recovery of such power for creating our new world.  Capricorn offers the power of manifestation which derives from that inner faith and commitment to fulfilment and faith in ourselves.


Dropping off addictive attachments and distractions is ongoing:  Cut the chains!

We cannot afford to carry forward addictive behaviours and connections which limit our inner freedom and outer independence.  It seems our popular songs of the day continue to perpetuate the concept of neediness in loving relationships rather than choice, on feeling ‘chained’ or tied down as a measure of the degree of our love.

Divine independence and freedom:   The Aquarian vision!

There is a difference between ‘neediness’ and interdependence and we’re all learning that difference in the current global climate of the long term Aquarian energies with Saturn and Pluto influences helping us to move through another year of change and evolution.

2022:  New bigger vision and release from some 2021 tensions

We’ve got a fresh perspective this year with Jupiter expanding and uplifting our spiritual vision and perspective as well as the release from the vice like grip of the Saturn/Uranus square which dominated 2021.  Economic and social change are very much the story of these two planets in challenge as indicated by previous meetings, every 22 years.  They will square off again at the end of 2022 from September into October.  So, a final reminder maybe. 


Karmic planetary nodes shifting mid January:  We’ll all be changing our ‘sails’ as our Jupiter ship of good hope tacks in a new direction!

We also have the planetary nodal change happening mid January which will shift our perspective from the Gemini/Sagittarius communication and learning perspective to the Taurus/Scorpio transformation and karmic completion related to the earth, abundance, beauty in relation to the death/dying/transformation energies of Scorpio. More on this mid month.



2nd January: Mercury enters Aquarius at 6.09 pm AEDT

’human or mouse?’ Danger Mouse!

Until 26th January

Facing up to our divine truths:  Danger Mouse is our confident guide!
It’s time for Danger Mouse to take us into the cosmic realms of Aquarius where he will assist us to come to the truth of ourselves and our world.  He’s suitably kitted with the eye patch of the heroic adventurer as he lifts our vision and our courage to release the human fears and doubts, insecurities of past humanity.


Getting the bigger picture of our divine mind and perspective:  Big innovative ideas!

This is big picture stuff where we can get some perspective of our place on earth and in the universe, our role in serving the greater evolution of humanity. It’s a huge mind clearance and uplift which will carry us to the end of January through part of Mercury’s retrograde period.


Our inner guide of higher consciousness is with us:  Listen, learn and allow...

Just as Danger Mouse is accompanied by his sidekick, the hamster Ernest Penfold, so we are accompanied by our own fears and insecurities which can bring us to pieces with seemingly unresolvable problems. 

However, our higher consciousness gives us the heads up about what we are confronting and facing up to in our own clearance of our thoughts and beliefs. Our thinking is being taken into new realms of innovation and extraordinary solutions for all of us.

Into the space hopper and off we go!

Make the most of the next couple of weeks while Mercury is in Aquarius changing our mental perspective and offering us hope for all. Once he goes back into Capricorn on 26th January we’ll be grounded again bringing our ideas together in a very practical way for a couple of weeks until Mercury takes off again into Aquarius bringing us extraordinary ideas and solutions until 10th March.


Mercury’s game plan for the next few weeks: 

14th January:  Mercury stations retrograde 10 Aqu 20'Rx 10.51 pm AEDT

26th January:  Mercury Retrograde enters Capricorn 2.05 pm AEDT

4th February:  Mercury stations direct at 24 degrees 23 Capricorn at 3.13 pm AEDT

15th February:  Mercury enters Aquarius until 10th March


3rd January:  New Moon Capricorn 12 degrees 20 at 5.33 am AEDT

...laying new foundations

The Capricorn moon asks:  Are we ready to accept success by building our new visions?

Capricorn is the builder, the busy beaver who creates and constructs the new visions based on the pure drive and ambition for success in the physical world. With Capricorn, we need to be like Dr Who...assume success and go for it.  The problem we face is knowing what success means to us and in the New Moon energy consideration needs to be applied to ‘where do we start’.  Well ‘we start at the very beginning, a very good place to start’ where we know the foundation of our new structure for success in the world.


Welcome to the ‘year of living dangerously’! Facing up to friends and foes within and without!

Venus and Pluto 22/25 Capricorn:  Clearing old buried emotions, activating the power of love

Our starting point is within us and the 6 year is offering us time to really see ourselves, own all that we are ‘the good, the bad and the beautiful!  Once we see the true picture of ourselves including all the sub-personalities, the strengths and weaknesses that we have kept hidden from our view, buried within, we have a starting point.


Finding our spiritual foundation:  Self-love, acceptance and forgiveness of ourselves

Our world has been so busy working industriously in the drive for success in terms of the status quo, the established measure of the dominant ideology of success as defined by money, status and worldly power and influence, we have lost connection with our spiritual powers, our divinity.  Now it’s time to find that inner power and authority which will be the groundswell of new life.  It starts with us, clearing the ground for new foundations.  We are strengthening our sense of self with knowledge of ourselves.


Time to lay the foundations of our new visions:  First, clarify the vision!  Warning...hazards ahead!

With Jupiter in Pisces, the issues, challenges and blessings of ‘boundaries’...where do I begin and you end?  This year we need to work on clarity, spending time with ourselves and loving our inner demons and angels with an acceptance of our spiritual brief in this lifetime as a human being. We have ‘work’ to do but first we need clearing the ground for the new.

It’s a year when we can project our emotions and images onto others as well as receive from them. As we build our sense of self we can have an easier path ahead. Owning our power, acknowledging our Achilles heel will hold us in truth.  We see ourselves in truth, we then see others.


Universal love and acceptance: The buck stops with us

Responsibility is Capricorn’s catchcry!  In the planetary re-set!

Jupiter at 0 degrees Pisces squaring off/challenging the karmic planetary nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius

With the potential for emotions to be high and possibly volatile, our primary focus needs to be on love and acceptance.  Volatile emotions may arise from repressed sources with a suddenness which could take us by surprise, possibly in relation to one on one relationships, the 6 energy of ‘The Lovers’. 

We are in for a big detoxing of these repressed emotions as they arise and release.  If it seems irrational, then chances are we’re dealing with memories.  The main thing is to own our emotions, discover their original source, own them, love them and make amends to ourselves and others if required.  Our biggest issue will be all the times we’ve stepped outside divine love and owning our humanness and divinity.

Capricorn wants to ground the visions but be very aware that we may still be locked into the old ways, the status quo of Capricorn and its perception of success.  We need to have solid personal ground in a shifting world for the year ahead.


The Sabian Symbol seems to capture the mood of this new moon planetary energy: CAPRICORN 13



Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:

This degree shows being able to focus thoughts, meditate, or to find your center. The “Fire Worshipper” can be intensely interested or passionate about something, throwing them selves into the middle of something, getting as much out of the experience, event or study as they can. You are likely to find yourself very focused, with a great passion for something that really ignites your interest. There could be a sense of danger in some respects, but also a sense of new beginnings. Harnessing your personal resources, particularly your rich inner life, can create magic. Look through appearances to get to the heart of matters.
Self-conquest. Kundalini. Reaching for a higher state of being. Incense. Questions of existence. Meditation. Fire. The meaning of life. Zoroastrianism. Hypnotic spells. Philosophy.
Overestimating personal power. Going too deeply. Playing with danger. . Obsession to the point of self obliteration. Exhausted with life. Not seeing the forest for the trees.Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

4th January:  

Moon returns from out of bounds 

5 degrees Aquarius

Back to earth and integrating all those strange dreams, experiences and insights from the outer consciousness of the past few days. Great timing straight after the arrival of the New Moon and still in the flush of hope and desire for building new ‘structures’ of stability and value to ourselves and the world.  The first week of the New Moon is the time when we’re working with ideas, possibilities and potentials.  It’s a good time to play with ideas with Mercury in Aquarius.



Golden Oldies:

‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ Simon and Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrcwRt6J32o for crossing into new year, new energy

‘Doh a Deer’ Julie Andrews ‘Sound of Music’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drnBMAEA3AM To start at the beginning,New Moon, New Year


‘Happiness is’  Ray Conniff with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFB2dk5tNqg for our terms of success spiritually


Upcoming Dates:

14th January:  Mercury stations retrograde 10 degrees 20 Aquarius


18th January: Full Moon in Cancer   27 Cancer 51' 10,48 am AEDT

19th January: Uranus Stationary Direct 10° Taurus 49′ 

19th January:True Node Rx enters Taurus

20th January:  Sun enters Aquarius



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 


We’re all Capricorn goats helping each other build a new world together and climbing our mountains to see with new vision and expansion.  In January both Mercury and Venus, mind and heart energies are travelling retrograde from mid January.  Venus is already in this process and Mercury joins her mid month. Retrogrades give us time to slow down, regroup and review, offering a period of spiritual acceleration and growth. 


Crossing the bridge and healing the inner ‘troll’!

It’s all happening within, in those moments when we’re listening to music, drifting and dreaming, imagining, wishing and hoping.  January is a month of building, building the inner dreams and adjusting to the new landscape presented by Jupiter’s move to Pisces and the nodal axis shifting focus. Yes, we’re crossing the bridge and healing the inner ‘troll’!

With so many people being given time out with illness or isolation, it’s a perfect opportunity as the planet and humanity continues to cleanse and renew. Less talk and more renewal through Capricorn contemplation offering up our personal new game plan.


The Cancer Full Moon mid month will bring major emotional clearance of the ancestral energies, DNA as well activating the power of the positives held within the ancestral heritage.  From 18th to 20th there will be big gear changes ushered in by the Full Moon followed by Uranus turning direct, change in planetary nodal focus and then the Sun into Aquarius.  Quite a powerful few days.


Love and blessings to us all as we engage with this new year with renewed hope and faith in our spiritual power, destiny, courage, strength and faith in our ourselves as energetic beings living in a physical body. We are human accessing our ‘superhuman’ consciousness.  Thus we come to wholeness.  




from the chair...still standing..just


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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