...for the children of the earth

Monday 13 June 2022

14th June 2022: Mercury enters Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!

Well we’re through the 6-6-6 portal of the 6th June a huge influx of energies clearing our ‘fields’ within our beings with the power of love.  It was a complete flush of old stories and karmic contracts held within our energy field. It came in with a rush of energy, a whoosh of a windy morning here in eastern Oz.  Pink light for the air and the earth!


Peace...at last!

After working with the gale force winds bringing light to the sky, air currents and the earth during the early hours of the 6th, I was finally able to rest and sleep. It really knocked me for 6 with a huge exhaustion and the desire to sleep, sleep, sleep even though I’ve experienced a couple of disturbing nights in the last few days. Need to stay focussed as the physical body work is ongoing.


Dissolution of the devil within with the power of love!

This portal, stargate of change ushered in the energies of 666 which in our religious books talks of this being the ‘mark of the beast’ which represents our unevolved consciousness.   However, 6 carries the power of love, balance and divine creative energy needed in the transformation of our lives with the power of the evolved mind/heart/body working together.


June 666 Portals:  Divine love on tap!

In this month of June, we have two more 6-6-6 stargates on 15th and 24th June when we can open to the power of divine love and reunion with our higher consciousness thus dissolving the threads of ‘the beast’ consciousness, the devil within one could say.


30th May to 9th June:
Mercury and Saturn stationing simultaneously in challenging square holding us in a karmic grip of mental release!

On the 9th June Mercury started moving off his stationing degree of 26 Taurus and out of the challenging square to Saturn in Aquarius which intensified the release of mental constructs and karmic imprints over a week or two prior to 9th.

Releasing the mind from that boxed in feeling!  
Out of the karmic grip with Saturn evolving our mental authority!
Mercury has been completing his journey through earthy, physically oriented Taurus bringing our focus to the karmic imprints in our physical bodies and which can keep us unconsciously stuck in old comfort patterns created by other times, places, people, experiences.  These have been getting a big shakeup with the general feeling that our mind has been addled to an extreme...more so than the usual retrograde time.
13th June:  Ready for the Full Moon flush?

Out of the Scorpio graveyard!
The past couple of days we've been taken to the Scorpio 'graveyard' with the moon doing what she does so well, digging up unresolved memories, energies which are holding us back from transformation.
Moon moved into Sagittarius today, 13th 8.31 am AEST...whew!
Heart and mind karmic release of the broken hearted mind for body workers!
As she bounced off Venus, heart and Mercury/mind both in Taurus doing the body work of physical makeover with the help of Uranus in Taurus giving us the sudden alert signals of changes happening in our physical beings. Breath work cleared heart and respiration.
With Saturn in Aquarius squaring off to the Scorpio Moon and opposing Venus, Mercury and Uranus it's been quite an intense couple of days clearing the karmic decks in preparation for welcoming the Full Moon in Sagittarius on 14th June.
In particular hearts may have been quite challenged in the past day especially as the heart has been working overtime while Mercury is still clearing the mental body in his shadow mode.  Venus is preparing for her primary role as number one driver of our consciousness at least until our divine mind is fully restored.
Looking to the following dates for indications:
15th 666 stargate
19th Out of shadow retrograde, in new territory
21st Solstice
24th 666 stargate
Mercury's on the final degree of Taurus until early am on 14th June when he moves into Gemini.  He's intensely focussed on clearing the mental body and nervous systems as he winds up this part of his journey.  He moves into Gemini at 1.27 am AEST on 14th
Full Moon in Sagittarius: 14th June 9.51 pm AEST
13th June:  Moon goes out of bounds...up, up and up!
From 9 degrees Sagittarius to 17th June at 6 degrees Aquarius
Interesting that the Moon will be out of bounds in Sagittarius for the Full Moon in Sagittarius.  With the cosmic urge to expand our consciousness with hope and optimism there’s every chance and a great opportunity as the Moon takes off for the new pathways, wisdom and understanding.
We just need to remind ourselves to ‘drop off the old’ as we expand our emotional consciousness beyond current parameters and limited thinking.  This may be the challenge when the Moon enters Capricorn on 15th June, our next 666 stargate!
Capricorn seeks physical and financial security as well aspiring to success and respect in the physical world.  These issues may arise as we reach for our stars of destiny when so often resistant forces attached to the comfort zone can emerge from within. Staying focussed on the desire for rising up to new powers and divine strength and love will carry us on the winds of change!
Art: Mariana Kalacheva


14th June:  Mercury enters Gemini 1.27 am AEST

...home is where the mind is finding the heart!

Until 5th July

Getting it together mentally:  Calling the divine mind...where are you?
Mercury’s come home to Gemini onto the dual carriageway of the mind in the solar and lunar months of Gemini where he is challenged to rise up and unite the inner ‘twins’ in harmony and love, the power of the 6th month of the year. He’s still travelling in ‘old’ territory through shadow retrograde until 19th June. That’s when we’ll find out how we’re going with the mental makeover.
The good twin and the bad twin:  
Harmonising the duelling mind with the power of love!
The good twin and the ‘bad’ twin are old images of the challenges of Gemini as we all carry these energies within us, energies which are front and centre this month with the current planetary energies and the 666 stargates of evolution of consciousness. Choosing the pathway forward all the way harnessing the positive power of creative thinking and the rising mind and mental body.
Who is driving our mind, our thoughts and our direction?  Regaining balance, peace, perspective!
Our minds have been playing a dominant role on the planet for so long that too many have forgotten and/or neglected the power of the loving mind allowing past memories embedded in our mental bodies to take control and have sway over the heart/mind balance. 
Communication, travel and commerce:  
Offering indications of our growth in mental consciousness and the power of love!
Mercury rules communication, travel and commerce so if we stay present and aware of our minds in the here and now maintaining creative focus, we are likely to see an easing of pressure in these areas as the month proceeds.  Mercury is the ‘trader’, the ideas person, advertising.
In terms of negotiation, contracts, financial affairs and agreements we can try out our new found mental consciousness as we move through June.   Are we coming from a loving place within ourselves and how are we interacting with others?



14th June:Full Moon in Sagittarius 23 degrees 25 Sagittarius at 9.51 pm AEST...hocus, pocus,focus

It’s up and away:
  Rising to the moon and the stars in galactic reunion!
A Full Moon sandwiched between the galactic energies of the Great Attractor at 14 degrees Gemini and the Galactic Centre at 27 degrees Sagittarius, we are guaranteed an uplift as long as we set our personal cosmic compass to star born and star guided!
Galactic energies:  Calling our star of destiny!  Come to me, come to me!
The magic of this Full Moon is our gift provided we follow our personal star of destiny, our heart/mind consciousness working in harmony and allowing our physical bodies to process whatever arises. A Full Moon flushes out stagnant energies...just let it go!
Sagittarius choices: 
The wild child and the wise crusader of truth!
Sagittarius is very much about evolving the consciousness of the wild, untamed aspects within through being a crusader of truth and justice.  The Centaur, half man/half horse is a challenge to balance these two aspects within and to refine the consciousness.
Gemini choices: ‘Life is a box of chocolates’!  Our choice!
The Gemini Sun brings us the light of myriad choices as for Gemini ‘life is a box of chocolates’ (Forrest Gump).  What we choose is driven by motivations driven by our desires, hopes and dreams and Gemini wants some fun! Choose as wisely as we can at Full Moon.
Saturn, Lord of Karma in Aquarius is opening up our Gemini box of chocolates at this Full Moon and showing us the full selection of what needs to go so we can fully access our Aquarian authority, hopes and dreams.  When Saturn opens a door, welcome the opportunity to throw out the ‘old’ chocolates and sample some new Gemini flavours.  Do they bring joy?  If not, they’re past their ‘use by’ date!
Full Moons:  Memories, the past, flooding emotions!  
Flying into new consciousness with the out of bounds moon!
Full Moons bring up memories and the past and flood us with emotional energy.  This Full Moon is close to the earth, a Super Moon which promises a humongous Sagittarian expansion of truth, justice, wisdom and higher learning.  If we desire the uplift, we need to allow any possible spiritual ‘wounds’ to be released easily in the light of the cosmic wisdom of love, mercy, forgiveness and compassion.
Dreams are heightened:  
Sweet dreams or nightmares or both?
Nightmares are a release of unconscious thoughts, emotions, memories which cannot be easily faced in our waking hours.  They are a gift for our growth even though they may be scary.  We’re clearing the old and gathering in new dreams at the same time.
A reboot, a rebirth of the masculine warrior:  Chiron and Mars meeting for a fiery healing!
Yes, wounds may arise concerning the identity, the masculine warrior self with Chiron and Mars meeting 15 degrees Aries.  Jupiter in Aries is expanding this consciousness in cosmic growth and wisdom. Jupiter is the crusader of truth and justice and Aries is our divine I am power of leadership.  We are evolving our inner masculine consciousness.
Heart healing around self-worth, values, financial income:
Uranus and Venus in close contact in Taurus could bring up issues of self-worth, values, capacity for earning money from work through memories held in the physical body.   Maintain awareness of heart health physically because we have just gone through last weekend a reboot of our hearts.
Resolving, releasing, healing unevolved emotions:
With Neptune in Pisces squaring off to the Full Moon and Sun we know that the challenge is for growing ourselves out of old unresolved energies arising from the collective unconscious of Pisces.  This includes releasing the victim within, the martyr within, the slave within and strengthening our spiritual boundaries by holding ourselves in the light of a balanced Sun/Moon, outer/inner energy.  The ‘missing leg’ of this powerful T square is in Virgo, sign of the healer and divine calling and divine work in the world. Keep it simple is Virgo’s motto.
Sabian Symbols: Full Moon and Sun


Full Moon: 

This Symbol shows the promise of domestic bliss or making a house into a home. The “Bluebird” brings a sense of “Good Luck and Happiness” and is a sign of good fortune, a comfortable home, and a sense that one belongs, is safe and cared for. This is the archetypal cottage with the picket fence; the vision that many have of owning their own home. It also speaks of natural, positive, good will towards the inhabitants and, probably, towards the neighbors. There is a clear omen of good fortune at your door. Love and happiness come by being warm and inviting. Respond to your higher hopes, spread love to all who enter your house or live nearby.
Promise of happiness. Cottages and picket fences. Real estate – owning or renting. House maintenance. Messages of hope and happiness. Thresholds. Welcome mats. Songs of birds.
Denying happiness or good news from entering. Feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. Thinking that buying things will make life happier.





This Symbol speaks of children having to tread carefully and watchfully. Situations are likely to come up where you may not know exactly what to do in challenging situations. If you feel like you’re on “thin ice” you may feel like you’re walking on eggshells; planning each step as you go and listening for cracks the entire time. If you don’t acknowledge changes and adjust yourself accordingly you may be at a disadvantage. Be wary of blindly rushing into anything – you may get to the point where you can’t safely return to where you began. If, however, you set out to have fun while being mindful of your environment, this could be a fun filled time with lots of shared experiences with good friends.
Skating over difficulties. Finding creative and childlike solutions to problems. Treading on eggshells. Children facing physical or emotional hardship. Parents that crack up.
Rushing out before checking that it is safe. Living for momentary pleasures. Getting away with things through naivety and childishness. Falling through the cracks.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
From Lauren Gorgo: ‘Era of Peace: unravelling the beast system’
In fact, this entire month (of 666 stargates) is presented as our extrication from the Piscean Age (of suffering) so we can move more freely & independently into the Age of Aquarius the Era of Peace.  We’ve been putting a final end to multiple reincarnation cycles and karmic contracts for this grand finale moment…the resolution of all the life lessons & learnings we’ve evolved thru with our soul groups on Earth.’
Golden Oldies:

‘There’s a bluebird on the windowsill’ Doris Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEWylKbSOdE Gemini hopes

‘A Cowboy Needs a Horse’ Sing a long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1gE4Z6M9OA Sagittarian dreams


‘Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes’ (Lyrics) Paul Simon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQFHjSSfsoo Gemini diamond consciousness


‘Back in the saddle again’ Gene Autry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5F-O_19lSI Recovering our ‘vehicle’ to take us on




Upcoming Dates:

15th June:  666 portal

19th June:  Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde

21st June:  Sun enters Cancer/Solstice
23rd June:  Venus enters Gemini

24th June:  666 portal


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 

Our inner horses, our cosmic vehicles are on the move!  Lets’ go!


Bags packed with cosmic info: On our way to the Solstice!

We’re nearly halfway through the solar year and now only 8 days away from the Solstice, the mid year point of solar change when the Sun enters Cancer.  With the Sagittarian Full Moon giving us plenty of spiritual learning to put into our cosmic notepads, we’ll be quite busy integrating and building on all this new consciousness pouring in. 


Maintaining focus, a balanced medicine shield and faith in ourselves!

The challenges from now to the Solstice will be keeping a balanced medicine shield of the masculine crusader warrior who wants to ‘save the world’ and the feminine nurturing presence of the inner love that emanates and draws to the self hopes and dreams manifested. 


Holding the dream!

We need to hold the dream, create within and develop our confidence in our divine creative powers to manifest our new paths forward which are coming forward in the coming months. Saturn in Aquarius, retrograde, is assisting us in reconsidering our options, strengthening our faith in our cosmic divine authority as creative forces for change on earth.


Love and blessings to us all as move towards the midpoint solar doorway of the Solstice, embracing the opportunities arising with the 666 portals of divine love and evolution of the devil within from other times and realities.


So important for us all to stay on track for our divine destiny and maintain the faith in ourselves as creative beings who have the power within to choose our way forward. Strength, courage and most of all love to you all.  As I felt myself wavering with these release processes I think of all of you across the world who are also throwing off the fears and doubts from the past.


Last week I had a dream that I took back my ‘stolen’ horse, my cosmic vehicle which had been drugged by horse thieves.  I took off all the golden trappings and extras in which it was draped...baggage! I brushed and restored it to its original state.  Maybe watching too much Jubilee celebrations!   Sorry this is quite a long one as I’ve been languishing and now trying to catch up. 



from the chair...re-uniting



It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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