...for the children of the earth

Monday 20 June 2022

21st June 2022: Sun enters Cancer/Solstice, 23rd Venus into Gemini


Hi everyone!


We’re in the final throes of the solar month of Gemini and our solar twins have been happy to be travelling...somewhere...anywhere will do even if it’s just in the mind after a long holding period of doing so much inner work in stillness.  Personally I’ve been fully engaged with hunkering down since the Full Moon with the planetary forces of change releasing from the body consciousness. Little sleep as the subconscious awakens just as the conscious seeks rest.


The past week of transformation:  The Full Moon completion plus...

Yes, there’s plenty more to do as you may well have realised this past week. The last couple of days big heart release/upgrade with Venus/heart in a growth opportunity/challenge with Saturn in Aquarius.  The Aquarian Moon joined in for a guaranteed release of old karmic ties, contracts from within the heart, from the memory banks. Maybe releasing some old heart pain. 


Full Moon and the Aries team giving the body workers a release, workover, upgrade:

The OOB Moon in Capricorn last weekend coming with the Full Moon in Sagittarius offered release along with new perspectives even as it fired up our physical bodies/masculine warrior Mars in Aries, activating Chiron spiritual warrior ‘wounds’ assisted by Jupiter in Aries raising the consciousness and Pluto, Lord of Death in Capricorn helping us to shut the door on the past.


Mercury still in Gemini moving direct and out of shadow:  Plenty of ideas, solutions on tap!

We’re still in Gemini season in many ways as Mercury, ruler of Gemini continues his journey through his home sign helping us to balance our dual carriageway minds, our masculine/active and feminine/receptive mental impulses.  We can get stuck in the indecision or take heart and allow the right choice to emerge from our heart centre.  Partnering with the divine mind! Ongoing patience with ourselves in waiting for the answers and guidance with faith in the divine.


Venus joins Mercury in Gemini after Solstice:  

Heart and mind on same page offering potential for harmony...up to us!

Venus, our heart ruler, will be entering Gemini just after the Equinox helping us to accept unification of our heart energy with the powerful divine energy of love as our guiding force for growth and expansion as spiritual beings in a physical existence.


Apologies for error in last update:  The Great Attractor is at 14 degrees Sagittarius not Gemini.  Truly, I can only say I was so ‘addled’ that I posted Gemini degree, in fact the degree of my own natal Sun.


21st June: Sun enters Cancer/Solstice 7.14 pm AEST

...home is the middle ground, the shoreline!

Until 23rd July

Honouring our emotions, the past and releasing ‘the overwhelm’!
We now enter the Solar month of Cancer, ruled by the Moon and with that the powerful emotional field of the subconscious, memories, the divine mother. 
Dreamland is now on line!
Our sleep time, night time, nap time and meditation time offers rich rewards in the month of the Moon power of Cancer.  Our memory banks offer up images, messages and reminders of the past as well as potential futures, timelines of choice for the way ahead. Emotions are bigger than Ben Hur and are our indicators of what needs resolution.  Staying focussed on the future ‘dream’/vision is the way!
Finding our place of belonging, emotional security and belonging:  The key!
This is the month where we feel the urge to find our place of belonging, the ancestral knowledge, heritage and power within our beings to guide us.  Sorting through the mixed emotions of past/present/future will be the key.
My barometer for understanding big emotion is recognising the ‘irrational’ arising from some unknown source is that this is coming from memory. 
Home is where the heart is:  
The emotion of Cancer energy is beyond physical buildings but on earth is our manifestation of security and comfort!
With homelessness a big and growing issue now in the forefront of our world news and leaders, this is a month when potentially with both Mercury and Venus in Gemini we find solutions to Cancerian issues of emotional security and finding a home, resolving issues of homelessness. When both heart and mind are in the sign of problem solving with a focus on emotional security, magical solutions may well appear.   
Finding the balance:  Survive and thrive!
The economies are under pressure as they collapse from over development and focus on the global market economy driving growth and expansion.  The need for rebalancing the world from a spiritual/ethical perspective is with us all. It starts with us as we attend to the basic needs of us as humans on earth.  We are challenged to rise in consciousness when meeting basic survival needs is not being met.
Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsNeeds?
What is the meaning of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of psychology explaining human motivation based on the pursuit of different levels of needs. The theory states that humans are motivated to fulfill their needs in a hierarchical order. This order begins with the most basic needs before moving on to more advanced needs.

The June Solstice:  Midpoint of the solar year...a turning point!  
Call in the magic!

In esoteric traditions, the Solstice and Equinoxes are considered powerful days which open the doorway to cosmic consciousness and to the power of the light of the Sun and the power of ‘light’ consciousness in our expansion and growth.
The ancestors developed ceremonies which honoured and saluted the Sun as the source of power for the earth and humanity.  It was seen as a magical day, a portal offering mysterious and miraculous change. So be it.
June Solstice Mid Summer for the Northern Hemisphere:
The June Solstice is traditionally honoured according to the early traditions of the Northern Hemisphere being the day when the light returns to the earth, the longest day of the year.  It honours the return of the light. It most Northern Hemisphere countries it marks the first day of Summer.
June Solstice Mid Winter for the Southern Hemisphere:
In the Southern Hemisphere, the June Solstice honours midwinter when the light darkens bringing the shortest day and the longest night of the year.  After Midwinter Solstice the days start to get longer.

For astronomical information regarding June Solstice:
23rd June:  Venus enters Gemini 10.34 pm AEST
...divine reunion!

Until 20th July

I look in the mirror and what do I see?
We’ve got 4 weeks to take some time out to really see into our hearts and to acknowledge the best of ourselves with loving acceptance.  No need to shy away from our shadow side which challenges us with the unknown, undiscovered, unaccepted, unacknowledged. 
Time to regain our Gemini confidence, our ‘chutzpah’, our Magician!
We may have been so busy in digging up ‘the dirt’ on ourselves that we’ve lost our confidence in our spiritual essence which uplifts and carries us beyond the burdens of life.
Our heart is speaking:  Are we listening? 
Tune the dial to hear the messages from our higher consciousness.  
Reclaiming our divine self: 
Higher consciousness offering guidance!
A time when our divine heart opens to us with love and compassion for our heart energy which is hurt, damaged, carrying unevolved pain, grief or anger from the past.  We are very much working with the past and emotions as the Sun travels through the sign of Cancer. However, Mercury/mind and Venus/heart both in Gemini doing the balancing heart and mind act for a few more weeks will be guiding us to stay balanced while we negotiate the ‘closets’ of the past in the Cancer Sun.


Golden Oldies:

‘True Colours’ Justin Timberlake from movie ‘Trolls’ with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC7JrE1s4rM


‘True Colors’ Phil Collins with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvF71I5cklA


‘Little Grey Home in the West’ with words/sheet music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12ihN4blCcE for the Sun in Cancer


‘Homeward Bound’ Simon and Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMu_1IT4A9w




Upcoming Dates:

28th June: Neptune Stationary Retrograde at 25 degrees Pisces 27 at 5.54 pm AEST
29th June:  New Moon in Cancer at 7 degrees 23 Cancer at 12.52 pm AEST



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Yes, I know it’s the month of Cancer but crabs aren’t so cuddly so chose the squirrel symbol for us embracing each other and releasing the worry warts of any emotional insecurities and overstrung nervous systems recovering from Gemini solar month and the galactic Full Moon in Sagittarius.


Emotional security needs first and foremost:

However, let’s not forget the crab who scuttles sideway to escape the sometimes overwhelming emotions which threaten to engulf the psyche and wash us out to sea. 

Finding our home, place of safety is paramount for the crab’s survival so this next month we’ll be putting our emotional security needs front and centre comforting ourselves in the nurturing presence of the divine mothering energy of the earth and ‘our family’ past, present or growing into the future.


Honour the emotions, listen to higher guidance and allow solutions to magically emerge:

We are in a magical time on earth where we are experiencing in ourselves and seeing in others the growth and expansion in cosmic consciousness, the divine creative power within us all. We focus and harness our creative power!


Love and blessings to us all as take to the shoreline with the willingness to be the mediator between our conscious/land and unconscious/ocean worlds bringing out the best of ourselves as we continue in this very powerful time of karmic resolution on earth. We are divine cosmic creators.  It’s our choice.




from the chair...straddling worlds


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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