...for the children of the earth

Friday 1 July 2022

28th June 2022: Neptune Retrograde, 29th June New Moon in Cancer

Hi everyone!


Well it’s been a constantly changing landscape for years but it just keeps ramping up the energies as new energies arise to knock us off our feet and make us face some buried ‘home truths’ or rather ‘buried unresolved memories’.


Solar month of Cancer:  Let’s revisit the past!  Unfinished ‘business’?

We are, of course since the Solstice, in the Solar month ruled by Cancer and that means we are experiencing the past, memories, ancestors, childhood home and current home and place of belonging.  The Moon has full sway in this time. 


Are we carrying the world on our shoulders? 

Since the Full Moon in Sagittarius it’s been a series of rolling strikes to our energies with the Solstice and then the 24/6 6/6/6 stargate activating and releasing ‘the beast’ within and the demons of sabotaging memories.

Waves of energy rolling in triggering release:

Activated by the cosmic forces, esoteric and physical, the waves of light and cosmic power keep coming, releasing us from unevolved energies from the past.  For many of us it’s been incredibly painful on many levels and difficult to stay the course.  For some, it’s triggered a healing crisis.


From 6/6/6 portal and on:  Major activation of electromagnetic field! Whew!

The past few days following and through the 6/6/6 portal of love, the sun has activated the electro/magnetic field with extra huge disturbances opening the atmosphere and cracking open the earth’s magnetic field. The impact for many of us has directly affected our physical bodies and our lives with electrical surges in the nervous system, the cerebral neuralgic system with ongoing impacts on our other physical operating systems.  I’ve been out for the count big time. 

Technological and power supply problems?

This activity impacts the electrical power circuits to our homes and has been depleting the available power from time to time. 

I’ve had big problems with my computer and just keep clearing the system and needing to reboot the modem.  Even then I’ve lost connection to streaming my favoured on line network.  Spent enough time on it already so will wait till ‘the field’ settles before I go further. Never happened before. These energies are once again ‘unprecedented’.


For further scientific information on solar activity and magnetic field:





26th June to 1st July:  Moon out of bounds

Home is where the heart is!

From 9 degrees 35 Gemini to 6 degrees 27 Leo

Here we go again...up, up and away! The Moon will be moving through Gemini then Cancer before it leaves OOB in Leo on 1st July

This energy can take us to new heights as the Moon moves through the quantum field of no time/no space where we can access the past, present and future.


28th June Moon enters Cancer, at 9:53 p.m.

(28 June, 9:53 p.m. - 1 July, 10:40 a.m.)

As it moves through Cancer, home of the past and memories we’re provided with an opportunity to drop off some karmic/ancestral ‘baggage’ and get the bigger picture of what’s possible.  With homelessness and families such a big focus in our world community this is the perfect opportunity to visit to dream in and envision the bigger picture of solutions for all.

This will be an especially powerful energy this time around with Neptune stationing in intensity in Pisces, his own sign and forcing us to a standstill in our physical need to be active and relying on our small mind to solve problems.

Cosmic solutions will be offered during this time as we rise above the emotional turmoil of past trauma and panic.



28th June: Neptune Stationary Retrograde  25 degrees 27 Pisces at 5.54 pm AEST
...time out!
Until 3rd December

Time out!
Feeling a little drained of energy?
Keeping heads above water with the potential overwhelming emotions arising from the collective unconscious!
Neptune has been sitting on 25 degrees since 19th May as he moves very slowly. 
However, for the past week and for the week after he ‘turns retrograde’ we’re likely to feel sapped of physical energy. He won’t move from 25 degrees Pisces until 9th August when he moves back to 24 degrees.  The intensity of this stationary degree will flush out collective/Pisces emotions.
Reviewing spiritual expansion and growth:  Clearing up the loose ends!
The next 6 months is the review time where we go over the past 6 months to check our progress spiritually.  We’ve been doing some massive clearing of the Pisces ‘victim consciousness’ and all imprisoning energies from our ancestral cell memories. 
Are we willing to experience the depths to rise above the pull of past patterns?
Our releasing from ‘the slave matrix’ and energies that carry the memory of being ‘locked up’ in institutions such as prisons, hospitals, asylums has been ongoing and intensifying as things on the earth in physical reality come to a head. Pisces rules spiritual evolution with hopes and dreams as well as the collective unconsciousness, retreat, victimhood, institutions.
Cosmic energies become available to us as we make the commitment to leave past victimhood behind us even as we face present forces in the world which seem to be dragging us into past powerlessness. With Saturn retrograde in Aquarius until October there is much structural reworking and upgrading in our personal lives as well as politically and economically.  Everything’s in process. We just need to heal the old emotions.
The next 6 months:  A time for accelerated and expanded spiritual growth!
The next 6 months is a time where we may feel held in stillness and recovery as the world keeps turning and spinning with new issues and problems.  We are learning to access our mastery of past pains and continue as spiritual masters in a physical world.  Information that has been denied to us is being released and for those of us who signed up to this intensive soul work, take heart.
Artistic development for healing power: 
Cosmic inspiration leaves a calling card...will we accept this opportunity?
Neptune in Pisces is the home for the visionary, the artistic, the dreamer where inspiration can arise in a new birthing energy beyond previously experienced.  With the clearing of old saboteur energy within, we can now access new hope and promise of creative gifts as yet either undiscovered and/or unexplored.  Artistry is the power of communication at the highest level of evolution as it communicates with symbolism.
Sabian Symbol for Neptune’s retrograde period:  Our blank canvas awaits 
This shows being able to see, or to accept, when it’s time for people to move on or to part from each other. They need to “Go Ahead With Their Different Projects” – their focus has changed and, quite possibly, they’ve parted ways. There’s a picture here of new beginnings. People will have their own response to situations – not everyone will react in the same way. It can be a good idea to direct some energy into your desires or projects at the time of the new moon. Light a candle and state your intentions with honesty and love.
Diversifying. Applying talents in new directions. People splitting up and splitting off. New opportunities and potentials. Divorces. New jobs, directions and destinies. New eras.
Not giving emotional support. Feeling split off and alone. The fear and loathing of separation. Failing relationships. Overthrowing the old too quickly. Fickleness.

Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


29th June:  New Moon in Cancer at 7 degrees 23 Cancer at 12.52 pm AEST
...uprooted and free

A crazy ride:  Uprooted, deconstructed, revamped and looking for...?

Our comfort zone, security blanket and safe hiding place has been revealed as an illusion which is defeating our growth and expansion. Our global foundations are being disturbed in every aspect of our physical existence as core beliefs, rules and laws are being challenged and reviewed.


New Moon rebirth:  Finding our safe house, our refuge

As our homes, our personal foundations are cut adrift from the status quo,  the cosmic forces are urging us on to meet the ongoing challenges of growth and expansion from this new moon and onwards. 


In a world of insecurity we greet the New Moon in Cancer: 

Rebirth in the sign of emotional security, home, nurturing, mothering and core safe refuges.  Is anywhere ‘safe’ in the wider world any more?  It seems not. The oppressive patriarchal energies of past times appear to be reasserting power and control at the expense of equity, divine justice and love. 


Karmic justice, divine justice will be done:  Saturn in Aquarius in charge! 

We need to remind ourselves that we are a spiritually expanding consciousness and being reminded of what needs attention and release in order for us to continue in the power of love and truth. Saturn as Lord of Karma is taking us down the path of karmic uplift to the Aquarian vision and ideal as we put our accounts in order and rectify imbalances.  Good karma/dharma is our vision and goal.


Finding the divine mother within and without:

A huge proportion of humanity is going through experiences which are shattering their safe world with destruction by war, governments, economies and societal and cultural mores and values. The shortfalls of governments and systems to provide for the nurturance of those who are in need of medical, emotional and economic support is increasingly in evidence as the imbalances of our world grow exponentially.


Justice growth and expansion of feminine power:  Jupiter setting the tone for truth and justice and balancing home and government

The big one at this New Moon is expansive Jupiter in Aries challenging the New Moon/Sun in a growth square of opportunity for us to access higher wisdom, truth and justice.  With the shadow feminine energy Black Moon Lilith sitting one degree from the New Moon we can foresee the uprising rage of the feminine energies emerging in a rebirth with calls for acknowledgement of the feminine aspects within and without. We are rebalancing our world at every level of our being, personally and globally.  


Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Cancer and for the ongoing lunar month  

Sabian Symbols: CANCER 8


This Symbol often signifies attempting to be or do more than one usually can, which can end up causing a leap ahead in abilities and possibilities. Being innovative can lead to bigger and better things. However, someone trying to be more than they really are ever capable of being may find that it’s often difficult to disguise the attempt, as other people usually see through the ruse. However the effort of trying to advance may be appreciated and rewarded with their abilities taking leaps ahead. Projecting into the future a higher sense of being or forward thinking into a more intelligent, successful, higher form of life.
Emulation of higher forms. Procreation and having babies. Parading and being on parade. Dressing up. Popularity competitions. Operating on a sexual level. Outfits and uniforms.
Pretending to be what one is not. Sublimating one’s instinctual (or animal) needs to maintain a dignified, straight front to the world. Showing off. Deception.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


Golden Oldies:

'The Mother Inside' by Deva Premal and Miten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwCI6a-HW00


Let It Be - The Beatles (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIV73iG_e5I



Upcoming Dates:

5th July:  Mars enters Taurus

5th July:  Mercury enters Cancer


14th July:  Full Moon in Capricorn at 21 degrees 21' Capricorn at 4.37 am AEST

18th July:  Venus enters Cancer  at 11.32 am AEST


19th July:  Mercury enters Leo at 10.35 pm AEST 

20th July:  Chiron Retrograde at 16 degrees 26 Aries

23rd July:  Sun enters Leo


28 July: Jupiter Stationary Retrograde
29th July: New Moon in Leo at 3.54 am AEST


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

On the beach with our ‘family’ holding each other spiritually as well as allowing our inner mother to offer us the nurturing and comfort, wise advice and counsel about our process and way forward.


Our safety net is our absolute faith in ourselves as ‘divine’ beings of immense creative power choosing our next step, allowing past unevolved memories to leave and move on as we reach for our star of destiny.


We are driven by our soul work and desire to fulfil our greatest potential this lifetime in an expression of magical creative power and impetus.


Sorry this is late but I have been taken down by the electromagnetic energies in the nervous/neuralgic system this past week.  I am just making an effort to finish this off today.  Hope you’re all ok.


Love and blessings to us all as access our ‘magic shoes’ of power which will carry us home...to ourselves and emotional stability within as our world crumbles and breaks apart with environmental, economic and social challenges.  From chaos comes growth.



from the chair...trusting divine power


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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