...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 26 July 2022

25th July 2022: 7/7 Stargate, 26th Galactic New Year, 29th New Moon in Leo, Jupiter Retrograde

Hi everyone!

Pacing ourselves with rest, nurturing, recovery, renewal:

Well here we are laid out resting and allowing ourselves to surrender to the light and energy of the Leo Sun assisted by our magic messenger Mercury.  After another intense week of planetary shifts and changes along with spikes of energy in the magnetic field, fires and floods, wars and diseases appearing and escalating across the earth. 


Holding the energy for ourselves, humanity and the earth:  Holding light!

If you didn’t believe that we are undergoing a mammoth growth challenge for humanity and the earth, you’d have to admit that something is big afoot. 

We’re all heaving and tossing in the throes of the change processes emanating from every sphere of human activity in our physical world. Change we must if we are to survive. 


Physical challenges in the world enacting shifts in consciousness!

So it is we enter another big week of challenge and opportunity.  As never before we are being asked to enact free will to decide, to choose, to focus and to align with the higher path of elevated consciousness.  Our little muggle ego selves of ‘I want’ can no longer exist in a world which is in a spin.  None of us can escape the impact of the imbalances existing in the world. It’s now or never for us to sit up, stand up and acknowledge our own powers as energetic beings.


24th July:  Moon goes out of bounds

From 24th July to 29th July
From 9 degrees 02 Gemini to 6 degrees 12 Leo

The moon moves into the Quantum field and expanded consciousness in Gemini guiding us to drop the mental barriers and naysaying voices in our minds which are holding us back from elevating to cosmic consciousness.


The Moon will move into Cancer 26th July welcoming the Galactic New Year and guiding us with the Moon energy of the birthing process, the mothering energy of Cancer. Remember, the past/history/memories play a huge role when the Moon is in Cancer.  Let’s make our trip to the outer limits a positive growth and expansion as we drop off remnants of the past, fragmented aspects of history we hold within us.


The Moon will return from OOB at 6 degrees Leo just after the New Moon in Leo births on 29th July at 5 degrees.  We’ll have some time to gather in the ‘lost child/ren’ from other realities, times, places who are seeking resolution in the light.



25th July:  7/7 stargate

...travelling cosmically on the road to victory!

Carrying the energies of 2 and 5 which indicate our focus for this day which is the balancing act of 2, partnership with self/others, divine partner and the 5 which is all about growth and expansion through the change process.


Another 7/7 stargate which can offer us the cosmic power of the charioteer travelling on the road to spiritual success and victory providing we harness the energies of duality, travelling in balance and harmony.


25th July:  ‘The day out of time’  

July 25th is called “The Day Out of Time“, since it is the culmination of the 13 Moon Calendar year originated from the Mayan science of time – it closes 13 moons of 28 days = 364 days. In this sense, the day out of time is the extra day, the 365th day, the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar.
As a day free of time, it’s said to be charged with spiritual energy and with an atypical opening of energy portals, which allows a more intense connection with the spiritual world.
It’s compared to the 31st of December of the Gregorian Calendar and, as so, it’s celebrated by people of all cultures who recognize the importance of a natural reckoning of time.

26th July:  Galactic New Year 

As we grow and expand in consciousness, we become more aligned with the galactic calendar.  Of course we are still earthlings but we are constantly growing in understanding and acceptance of our place in the bigger picture of the cosmos, of other realities, dimensions, time and space.  The revelations of the James Webb telescope offers a huge leap in consciousness for all as we open our beings to our cosmic essence.  


The galactic year, also known as a cosmic year, is the duration of time required for the Sun to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. One galactic year is 230 million Earth years.

26th July:   Opening of the Lion’s Gate

'A layer of energetic opportunity peaks on August 8 called the Lion's Gate. This is when the Sun is in Leo and the star Sirius moves closer to Earth and aligns with Orion's belt. This portal opens every year between July 26 and August 12 but August 8 is considered official activation day.'
August 8
'The lion's gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up, numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart previously explained to mbg. "This creates a powerful portal of energy, which is potent for manifesting," she adds.'

29th July:  New Moon in Leo 5 degrees 39 Leo at 3.54 am AEST

...birthing new creative power!

A New Moon in Leo:  Rebirth of our creative spirit and divine light essence!

This energy is above and beyond our ideas about ‘identity’ as Leo symbolises our inner sun essence, the light within that is brought out into the world to shine.  We all carry this light power of creativity and this year with our backs to the wall across the planet, our lights are ignited with a whole new power of awakening. It is time to open our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits to the power within.


Awaken light beings!  Our creative cosmic power is being awakened by cosmic light!

The awakening is brought to us at this time via the power of lightning striker Uranus sparking our Mercury mind manager in Leo.  Our mental bodies and powers are being kick started into a higher gear of light energy and creative activation.  Squares are challenges to grow.  Knowledge is power!


Uranus/Planetary karmic North Node/Mars 19/18/15 degrees in Taurus

Squaring off to Mercury 18 degrees in Leo


Mars, warrior self, physical body being aligned with Mother Earth...surrendering to divine will!

Our active/masculine principle and ruler of our physical body is being awakened with close proximity to the North Node our evolutionary direction and Uranus is sending in lightning bolts of realisation right into our physical beings.  Of course, this is being assisted by the solar activity and on and off activation of the planetary electrogeomagnetic field.  We’re feeling it physically.


Venus, ruler of our heart healing painful memories of identity with expanded knowledge!

Venus, our heart energy is in Cancer is feeling all the heart energy of the divine mothering energy, finding comfort and nurturing within the intergalactic energies of our cosmic homeland. She’s processing the spiritual wounds of identity, the earthly self memories of the Centaur Chiron whose healing powers are being expanded by Jupiter sitting with him. Venus 12 degrees Cancer squaring off to Chiron and Jupiter 16/8 degrees Aries 


Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Leo setting the agenda for the next lunar month

This Symbol speaks of being prepared to integrate the conservative and the new, the young and the old and the tried-and-true with the more innovative. You may find yourself faced with choices around these issues. Although both camps hold promise and reward, it is the best qualities of both that is the proper compromise. Even though your habits may be ingrained, there comes a time when you are faced with issues from another perspective. If something or someone is “Confronting” you, remember that often what confronts or bothers us about others really shows issues that have to be examined about ourselves. It may be time to smarten up your act!
Conservative inertia being challenged by the constantly changing. Learning to let one’s hair down. Issues of age and what one is capable of. Renovations. Ideas challenged.
Denying the duality within oneself. Being afraid to get out there. Afraid of age or being usurped by younger, more vital energies. Envy, fear, jealousy. Adversaries.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


29th July: Jupiter Stationary Retrograde 6.37 am AEST 8 degrees 43 Aries

...inner expansion! 

Until 23rd November

A major spiritual knowledge expansion is on offer:  Are we ready to say yes!
Inner expansion does not refer to increasing in physical size often attributed to over indulgence which can be the way of Jupiter if we are still inhabiting a world solely aligned with the physical.  Jupiter is so much more than these common explanations of people gaining weight by over eating. Jupiter offers the power of truth, wisdom and knowledge!


It’s time to allow our inner wizard to show us the way through the labyrinth!


Are we ready to be courageous and enter the labyrinth?

Retrograde planets always take us back to the past to review ‘unfinished business’ and for that reason they demand that we step into the labyrinth which takes us to the centre of our inner being in a soul searching period of time. Time to find answers, solutions!

Jupiter in station on the New Moon: Open to the mystery of life!

Interesting that Jupiter enters his retrograde journey just a few hours after the New Moon reinforcing the focus on our willingness for us to discover and reclaim our true identity as cosmic beings first and foremost. Light Jupiter’s bonfire within and burn off the lies we tell ourselves.


All learning and growth depends on ‘readiness’ and that is unique to each person. 

We may all be aspiring to evolve consciousness but we can only do that at our pace and according to taking in the knowledge and then utilising that knowledge in physical existence. As we increasingly open to the truth within and acknowledge our divine self, our inner cosmic self, we grow in confidence in our inner power of manifestation.  We recognise the power of cosmic energy to create in a whole new way.  We grow in power.  


Jupiter invites us to step off the worldly merry-go-round and into the labyrinth!

Jupiter offers knowledge, education and a heavy dollop of justice with our willingness to embrace truth...the truth of who we are, the truth of our history, the truth of our place in the world as a spiritual teacher, healer, lightworker, wayshower.


It’s all about healing, coming to wholeness as an entity this lifetime here and now.  Finding the truth of our origin, legacy and power.




The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter’s retrograde journey really sets the agenda for maximising the growth opportunities with inner spiritual work.


Sabian Symbol for Jupiter’s retrograde journey:

This Symbol shows the ability to focus, take in insights, analyze meaning and draw conclusions from the available information. It is likely that the whole picture is there in front of you, but you may need to interpret its meaning. With a little concentrated effort, you will be able to see things very clearly. There is the ability to observe things that others may miss. Try really tuning in and looking within for answers as you have the ability to see them with just a bit of focus. What is your unconscious mind trying to tell you? Is your gaze wide enough or too narrow?
Looking ahead to see the signs. Flashes of inspiration. Tuning in and looking within for inspiration. Creative, inner visualization. Aura readings. Penetrating the mysteries. Clairvoyant abilities. Being a seer.
Confusing literal meanings with symbolic messages. Always looking this way and that, but not at the center, for answers. Getting lost in the big picture.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com 
From Celia Fenn: 
Lions Gate 2022 : Transformation and Expansion in a new Cycle of Space/Time



Golden Oldies:

Rhydian Roberts - The Impossible Dream (With Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjpXlAvvOSk 

‘Who I was born to be’ Susan Boyle with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeiPu0tMbXc 



Upcoming Dates:

4th August Mercury enters Virgo

8th August Lion’s Gate

12th August Venus enters Leo

12th August Full Moon in Aquarius 19 degrees 21 at 11.35 am AEST

12th August Closing of Lion’s Gate


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


We’re going into another powerful week of change and transformation of our light bodies with ongoing awareness of the need to step forward with our cosmic powers, energetic powers beyond our everyday earthly realities. 


The awakening of our minds to shift from over thinking and allow our hearts to heal our old identity issues while activating the higher heart energy of unconditional love for ourselves has become an urgent need for all.


We cannot solve problems the old way which has brought us worry, fear, anxiety, doubt, anger, resentment and low self-esteem.  We must claim respect for ourselves more fully as cosmic energy workers.  We don’t know it all and we can’t afford to be arrogant about what we do know. We need to be open to changing course, direction, hopes and dreams and to be ready to accept our incoming new missions in life in response to the changing challenges and needs in the world. 


Love and blessings to us all as we answer the call for new ways on the earth and be open to our inner cosmic voice of truth, love and guidance.




from the chair...filling with light


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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