...for the children of the earth

Monday 8 August 2022

4th August 2022: Mercury enters Virgo, 8th August Lion’s Gate

Hi everyone!

Travelling through the Lion’s Stargate: In the process of transformation!

We are travelling through the Lion’s Stargate energies since its opening on 26th July, going through the process of deep change and transformation thanks to the planetary forces and the energies within the Stargate.


The New Moon in Leo on 29th ushered in planetary aspects which are rolling in overlapping each other intensifying with a  profound turning point for all.  They’re offering a human and planetary shift in direction.  We’ve been working with with these aspects through July, now coming to a head following the New Moon.


Uranus, Mars, North Node meeting 18 degrees Taurus: Let there be light!

These energies come to fruition and intensity from the New Moon in Leo and will colour the coming week/s.  The promise of new light on old situations is in the melting pot and will be presented to us personally and globally possibly dramatically depending on whether we need a wake up call from the universe. Our natal birth template will be the indicator of this happening.


Our personal natal chart is an indicator for what is happening to us:

Whatever happens personally has much to do with our personal blueprint, our natal chart for this lifetime as it may be directly impacted by the transiting planets adding to the impact of the universal chart on our lives. Just remember that if you’re feeling the hard yards you’re right in the loop of power for the planet and humanity.

Any planets in your natal chart from 17 to 19 degrees in fixed signs...Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius will be directly affected.

Reminder: The New Moon energies are playing out for the whole lunar month until the next new moon.



1st/2nd August:  Uranus, Mars and the Karmic Planetary North Node meet at 18 degrees Taurus

There’s been a huge build up by astrologers about this aspect which is very much out of the ordinary not having occurred for more than 300 years.  Yes, it signifies a turning point for the planet and humanity which will emanate from the awakening at this time.  How that flows from here is yet to emerge but we know it concerns our current evolutionary direction in Taurus, Mother Earth.


I look for indicators in terms of what appear to be sudden shifts in attitudes, policies and behaviours of individuals, groups and of course the powers that control economies and nations. We are being forced to attend to our homeland!


Just to put a positive spin on this whole line up, it’s worth considering the Sabian Symbol for this degree.  It’s our choice where we put our focus.


The Sabian Symbol for the meeting of Mars, Uranus and the Karmic Planetary North Node 


This Symbol shows the rising of a new place, a place to be, a new country or somewhere to strive for a new life. It implies that you can find that extra spark to create a brand new, original opportunity. This pictures the beginning of something that holds enormous potential for the future. There is much work to be done developing this into something fertile and productive. A whole new field of activity is coming to light. What you have done in the past has led you to this, but these new beginnings need to be met with a fresh sense of purpose and possibility.
Enormous potentiality emerging. Sudden eruptions of talent or fields of endeavor. New trends and ways of being. Atlantis and ancient underwater cities. Foreign nations.
Continually seeking ‘new worlds’ – not finding a place and cooperation in the existing one. Moving on constantly without finishing up with the old. Fickleness.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


4th August: Mercury enters Virgo at 4.58 pm AEST

...deep healing to mind and body!

Until 26th August

Mercury finds clarification of the mind:  Communication channels are open!

Mercury has come home to one of his residences in Virgo, the sign of healing which offers up to us clarity of our divine ‘calling’ our place where we give of ourselves easily as we draw on our inner passion for our life’s work.  When we are plugged into this energy we are constantly renewed and invigorated by cosmic power.  Cleanse and purify all systems as this the job of Virgo...purifying the body!


Cracking the codes:  Breathe in the light into our nervous systems...bring the messages! 

Mercury rules our mental body, communication and our nervous and respiratory systems. With Virgo an earth sign, we are presented with opportunities for cleansing and purification in our physical bodies via the breath work, lungs, sinuses oxygenation the whole body with particular attention to the nervous system.


We’re hot wired to the cosmos: 

The nervous system as communication central...fast, direct! 

Our nerves carry cosmic communication in a very direct way. They connect every part of the human body with messages from the brain. It’s our choice to take the higher path the path to cosmic consciousness, the path of divine reconnection to evolution of the body along with the mind, heart and spirit. 


7th August to 11th August:  

Moon goes Out of Bounds

From 8 degrees Sagittarius to 6 degrees Aquarius
A heads up for these days to know we’re travelling in the quantum zone of no time, no space. New consciousness is opening to us and allowing us to release and flush out the old damaging baggage from the memory banks.
Physical and financial security issues can be released and reframed while the moon travels through Capricorn. 
We’re changing the mundane perspective to the magical reality of Capricorn manifestation of hopes and dreams.  Think cosmic!

8th August: Lion’s Gate Portal  8/8/8

The 8/8 Lions Gate, the Sacred Year and the 8 Points of Light
Posted by Celia Fenn on 17 July 2022
88: Opening the Cosmic Floodgate
From Lauren Gorgo
I have included a quote from the message found at this link:
88: Opening the Cosmic Floodgate

The 8/8 Lion’s Gate is officially upon us, the first stargate portal following the Galactic New Year when starborns receive their new ascension assignments for the following calendar year.  This gateway is an extremely potent “master DNA” activation portal where we have the potential to open to higher levels of consciousness around our Soul origin, planetary mission, and galactic gifts & talents.

Aptly named “Heaven’s Gate”, the 8:8 (Golden Gateway) is facilitating our earthen entrance into the nirvanic realms this year, thereby escorting the first ascending wave out of this world (of separation) to rejoin the multiverse.

The Lion’s Gate portal is a yearly cosmic gateway to the higher frequencies of the unified realms, but we must be ready-willing-able to leave the underworld/shadow world (karmic life/suffering contracts) behind to utilize its full (superconductive) potential.  For those prepared, the incoming activation/light codes are aimed at exactly that…at assisting us to release the body from the fallen realms (from hell, essentially) to reveal our natural frequency state⇾ the authentic vibration of Home.

To support/push us to reach this (highest) potential, we are moving thru significant activations, awakenings & (star) DNA upgrades thru the Aquarius full (super) moon (8/11) which also supports & assists the collective (by proxy) with embracing the collapse of the Piscean age and welcoming the incoming Aquarian Age.

This means powerful waves of change are upon us…potentially disruptive (but purposeful) energies designed to rapidly remove what is no longer in energetic alignment with our selves, lives, the planet, and the Aquarian Age at large.  When these expired timelines collapse we can no longer uphold the (karmic) contracts of the past and we are all being shaken out of our comfort zones as a result.

Golden Oldies:


Ella Fitzgerald - Stairway To The Stars  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9zsf7reJTo




Upcoming Dates:

12th August:  Venus enters Leo

12th August:  Full Moon in Aquarius

12th August:  Closing of Lion’s Stargate


20th August:   Mars enters Gemini

23rd August:  Sun enters Virgo



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


I’ve been laid up since the New Moon in Leo working with my physical body, the light and the higher consciousness continuing on my journey of divine healing on all levels.  It probably seems like an impossible dream to any who know me or my circumstances of long term health but I will continue working with my scientific/spiritual experiment with faith in the powers we hold within once we can get past the human mindsets of limitation.


Mind you, I had a big dip during the week listening to the scientist James Lovelock and his prediction for the future.  I am of his mind yet am still confronted by the barbarism cruelty and ignorance manifesting in humanity. I can only hope that all our focus and commitment is making a difference to our lives and thus for all.


I know many of you are doing the same within your lives and I send you love as we stretch our vision our dreams and our perspectives beyond the mundane world presenting at this time. I’m just grateful for my legs still working and walking just to the kitchen and back.  No distractions.  My gratitude is for my cosmic connections to the higher ideals and visions. I’m still here.



Love and blessings everyone. Through this powerhouse month of 8/8/8 S stargates and on. I’m sure we can do this providing we never give up and follow our star of divine destiny and call in to us all that we need when we need it.  That’s abundance!




from the chair...lit up in stargate


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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