...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 23 August 2022

20th August 2022; Mars enters Gemini, 23rd Sun enters Virgo


Hi everyone!


It’s been a big fiery volatile month in more ways than one with the solar and lunar energies of Leo driving us through the Lion’s gate change process while the Sun has been activated with solar flares, storms, solar winds stirring the magnetic field.

The image is captured on 20th August as a result of solar activity an aurora showcasing a field of sunflowers in Dakota.  Appropriate for the month of Leo. 


Along with the solar activity the Schumann resonance has been highly active with peaks and troughs registering resonances from the electromagnetic field. Our physical bodies may well have been feeling the shake, rattle, roll!


Surrendering to our star of destiny in divine faith: Bodyworkers wearing the star of courage!

Blog Archive 2013 — Art House DallasThe impact of the physical disruptions to the planet and cosmos have effectively kept us on our toes or maybe on our backs.  Personally, particularly over the last week it’s been difficult for me to keep my eyes open and my legs holding me up.  We travelled through an 8/8 stargate on 17th August!


A mini ‘dark night of the soul’

For bodyworkers, the universe is bringing a strong message of change to our physical beings as we travelled this period of enforced stillness with a sense of ‘dark night of the soul’. Nothing to do but surrender to the divine forces of our destiny, supported by our star of courage and faith! 


Planetary gear changes: Staying attuned, adaptable and trusting the process

We’re already into a week of planetary gear change with Mars having moved into Gemini on 20th August.  The Sun moves into earthy Virgo on 23rd followed by Uranus turning retrograde on 24th and Mercury into Libra on 26th along with an 8/8 stargate. 

The week culminates with a New Moon in Virgo on 27th August.  Trusting the Virgo energies will help us ground some of this jumpy energy and bring magical Virgo healing power of balm after the storm.


The Schumann resonance 

“Every second, a multitude of pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field. Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” Eric Thompson  SR Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.



The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.[1]


From 20th August to 25th August:  Moon is out of bounds in new consciousness!

From 8 degrees Gemini to 6 degrees Leo 





20th August: Mars enters Gemini at 5.56 pm AEST

...fired up for the dual carriageway!

Until 15th March 2023

Mars is action man and Gemini is the balancing act of the dual carriageway of the mind!

Mars, all fire and drive, is in for the long haul in the sign of mental agility, ideas and communication.  Look out everyone!  This could stir the pot of possibilities in our lives as we expand our curiosity with the fire and drive to find answers, solutions to ongoing problems. 


Balancing time in the fast lane and the slow lane!

Gemini offers problem solving potentials provided we don’t caught in the nether world of indecision, caught between two choices. Balancing time in the fast lane and the slow lane!


Potential healing in our hands and minds!  Mind/body connection!

Gemini rules the nervous and respiratory systems as well as hands, arms, shoulders while Mars is connected with the blood, blood flow, pressure.  This energy could fire us up to overdo, overstretch, to think big but forget to pace ourselves.


Talk can be cheap but Mars calls for action...a clear mind and heart!

Gemini is the quick thinking advertising guru and adept in the trading environment of the market place.  Mars is our ego and our divine ‘I am’ so an opportunity to elevate ourselves with self talk in the best possible way. The social milieu is Gemini territory where new connections can be made which support/enhance our ventures.  No room for overinflating the ego yet we need to make our claim for our place in the world with confidence and truth.


Mars Retrograde:  Breathing space from 31st October to 12th January

Time out is not something Mars or Gemini energy will take easily. This will activate our minds, our mental body and nervous constitution so we will really need to make ourselves take time out to rest from all the new excitement. Mars in retrograde brings a rest period for review and recovery.


However, we are likely to be saved from ‘overkill’ of our bodies and minds with breathing space offered thanks to Mars entering retrograde from 30th October/25 degrees Gemini to 12th January, just over 2 months to  regroup, review, reconsider our progress since we entered the fast lane of the dual carriageway since 20th August. 


With the Sun in Virgo:  Mighty Mouse takes to the airwaves!

Initially we are going to be feeling the push to do more physically but it might be a little like Mighty Mouse with the Sun in Virgo until late September.  

Our energies will be tempered by the healing focus of the Virgo purification manifesto which demands we consider details and clear the backlog. Virgo Sun will force us to take time to consider our options.  It will be earthy, practical and a pruning of unnecessary and outdated threads of past behaviours, beliefs or emotions.  Apply this to our physical body, environment and work.


Art:  ‘Hands’ Elena Ray


23rd August:  Sun enters Virgo 1.16 pm AEST

...simplify and purify, sort and sift!

Until 23rd September

Virgo is the sign of healing and divine ‘calling’:  Time to tune in and clear the decks!

Virgo is ruled by both Mercury and the Centaur Chiron which gives a unique perspective on our healing processes and spiritual ‘wounds’ embedded in our bodies.  Many in the medical and healing fields carry a strong essence of these energies.  Mercury brings insight and messages and Chiron guides the healing process physically.  


Sign of divine ‘calling’:  Clear the decks of the past and open to the new direction!

Virgo rules everyday affairs including our work in the world. It is the sign where we give service to others.  It is not about servitude or making ourselves ‘small’ in some self effacing manner and false belief in the attainment of spiritual perfection.  


It’s all about finding the joy of life:  Purify and clear first and find our hidden treasure!

Virgo is about purification of ourselves, our lives, our subpersonalities within as we bring ourselves to find the essence of our true selves this lifetime. With clarification of the extraneous we find our divine essence and the joy of deliverance into our divine calling.  Our divine calling is something we can offer the world, unique to us, our story, our path and helping others on their way.

The hermit chooses to walk alone, independent of society:  The search within!

In the Tarot, Virgo is represented by The Hermit Card, Number 9 which represents completion of the journey which has been undertaken by us on our ‘hero’s journey’, our soul search for truth, wisdom and our divine freedom. 


Trust and faith in the quest for insight, understanding and truth:  The holy grail of divine creative fulfilment of potential!

The Hermit carries just one lantern to guide his/her way seeing only one step ahead and trusting that the road will unfold as he trusts the road to support him and guide him.  The desire for discovery of the hidden secrets within the self is the driving force carrying the hermit forward.

New Moon in Virgo coming up on 27th helping us to plant the seeds for our new directions of divine calling.



Golden Oldies:   

What can our hands to to offer something to the world?


‘Hands’ Jewel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfsS3pIDBfw for Mars in Gemini and the Sun in Virgo


‘Hands’ Jewel Just the lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rGlqV79xFA



Upcoming Dates:

25th August:  Uranus stations retrograde at 18 degrees 55 Taurus

26th August:  Mercury enters Libra

27th August:  New Moon in Virgo at 4 degrees 04 Virgo at 6.17 pm AEST 



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


We’re now in the solar month of Virgo, ruler of small animals and pets and who better to represent the Virgo sensibilities than the mouse whose gifts include close discrimination of the situation, a capacity to take in a big picture with small details at a single glance and a capability to escape tricky situations with quick thinking lightning speed action. 


There are so many famous mice in our stories from books to movies to cartoons.  The mouse is a wondrous creature who has inspired so many to capture and present the particular challenges, gifts and talents of the mouse.


Never underestimate a mouse or the power of Virgo capacity to be reserved while discerning what’s going on with analytical precision and natural psychological insight.  We are all being called to bring forth these skills in the coming month even as hothead Mars pushes the buttons to get moving.  Divine timing, divine order...when I’m ready Mars!


Love and blessings to us all as we go forth with our badge of courage and our divining wand of Virgo power held aloft to guide our way. 




from the chair...held by the harvest


It's all about love
Divine Reunion 

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