...for the children of the earth

Friday 12 August 2022

12th August 2022: Venus enters Leo, Full Moon in Aquarius

Hi everyone!

Are we all feeling the cosmic forces of realignment which have been inundating us for the past couple of weeks since the beginning of the Galactic New Year on 26th July?  It’s been an intense couple of weeks particularly from the New Moon in Leo which brought in a huge influx of planetary aspects challenging us to grow and expand beyond our comfort zone. 
Accessing our magical lunar powers:  Building our new world with cosmic focus and vision!
The collapse of our planetary ecological structure is and will be ongoing pushing us to the absolute edge of our security zone and challenging us to employ our innate creative powers of manifestation as we work with the divine feminine energies of holding and envisioning our transformation.  
Feeling the changing landscape:  The need to keep the light alive and shining within!
We’re in the month of Leo, solar power and heart activation of divine love and divine creative energy which will be the driving force of living in the years ahead.  Those who have gone to the limits of their lives and have completed all they can do will be released and restored to the soul bank of energetic reunion.
Farewell to 3 famous earth angels: 
Thankyou for your gift of love in service to all!
In the past couple of weeks we said goodbye to three prominent earth angels who gave over and above in their lives shining the light and the way for millions on the planet.  I am speaking of Archie Roach, Judith Durham and Olivia Newton John. How interesting that these angelic songbirds completed their life journeys in the Lion’s Gate energies.  Their passion, love, generosity of spirit and creative truth spoke to us all.
Archie born of the sign Capricorn with a Scorpio Moon bringing truth to the light. Judith born in the sign of Cancer Sun/Moon with a dominance of planets in Leo/6 including Venus and Jupiter. Olivia born in the sign of Libra. Cancer Moon with her Venus/Pluto also in Leo.  Born to shine for all, to lead by example.
Generosity of spirit:  The guiding force for earth angels...all of us!
Their role was in the public eye and yet we remember them for their courage, strength, commitment and love demonstrated through their service through ill health, pain, suffering and loss.  Their lights have been powerful and their voices in song carried this vibration to all. They gave lifetimes of service uplifting the hearts, minds and consciousness of audiences around the world.
12th August:  Closing of the Lion’s Stargate
We emerge from this year’s energies of the Lion’s Stargate, the upgrading of cosmic consciousness with the flushing light of purification and renewal clearing our energetic memory banks.
Mercury in Virgo is playing a key role in light downloads through our nervous respiratory systems helping us to clear the heart consciousness of Venus travelling through memory lane in Cancer.  Interesting that she moves on 12th as we emerge from this powerful period of upgrade setting the agenda for the next galactic year.
What new directions, impulses and missions will be coming in for us this year?  Venus in Leo will restore some passion for our path of heart ably assisted by the Full Moon in Aquarius

12th August: Venus enters Leo at 4.30 am AEST   

Ignition of passion and love!

Until 5th September

Our creative spirit awakens:  Time for some fun and laughter!

Venus as ruler of our heart power now finds herself in the light of the Leo creative power and child like joy.  This is a call for love as romance and passion, fun and frivolity without expectation of tying ourselves or others to anything beyond the joy of life.


It’s child’s play!  

This is the kind of energy that makes us leap out of skins with the sheer power of heart opening to our creative presence on this earth.  This is the joy of the child and its creative spirit opening with curiosity and imaginative expressions.


It’s time to awaken and utilise the creative powers lying dormant within us

Leo is the guide for keeping our inner light shining and attend to its maintenance whatever we may be doing in our lives.  We don’t have to be rich or famous to be a shining light.  It’s all happening within and our vibration of light and love extends out into the world.
We rise up from the heaviness of these past years and bring forth the joy of our heart!
Tune into the heart and find the joy that’s needing to break out from the dense energies of these past years and then to express this joy in some creative form.  We’re needing it personally and for all at this time.  We need to raise up our unique signature to express our emotions, experiences, perspectives in some creative form.  Yes...romance is needed in our mundane world...keep it light! 
We create from every aspect within us whether consciously or not as every emotion, thought and action manifests in our world.  Conscious creation emerges when we utilise the higher heart, mind, body and spirit.  The higher consciousness within us may seem to come and go but it is always waiting for our call to work with it as co-creative partners. 


12th August: Full Moon in Aquarius 19 degrees 21 at 11.35 am AEST 

Let’s reach for the stars!
  Creating Wonder-full!
This is our opportunity to bring together in partnership the creative heart power of the Leo Sun and the innovative mental cosmic power of the Aquarian Moon.  They’re opposite in the sky offering us to walk the tightrope of balancing heart and mind, inner and outer aspects within us to bring forth something wonderful!


Balancing personal and transpersonal:  Passion and perspective!

The Leo Aquarius continuum is about balancing the personal and the transpersonal, the fire and the cosmic air. Leo is passionately engaged consciousness and Aquarius is detached from the Leo dimension.

Leo engages with personal love and Aquarius accesses transpersonal love of humanity.


Evolution of emotions:  Rise above the whirlpool of the past for clarity!

In Aquarius we can get a chance to evolve our emotions, perhaps the greatest challenge of our human dimension. The Moon is all about emotion and a Full Moon in Aquarius gives us the chance to really examine our emotions from a higher perspective.

Karmic understanding on tap and a push of destiny!

This Full Moon is being supported by Saturn in a reboot of our cosmic authority bringing forth karmic threads for release and elevation of Saturn from burden to dedication and commitment spiritually. The challenge of Leo Sun in opposition calls us to bring in the light as the squaring off to powerful trio of Mars, Uranus and North Node guarantees a shift!


Full Moons bring culmination, completion, turning points!  In the leap of faith freefalling!

Mars/Uranus/North Node in Taurus 25/18/17 degrees  still hanging together since their meeting on 29th July and now squaring off to the Full Moon/Saturn in Aquarius and the Sun in Leo.  The impact is likely to be physical/Mars with sudden breakthroughs and insights along with the releasing powers of a culminating Full Moon. The North Node is aligning us all to the planetary focus of Mother Earth in Taurus making the shifts universal. We’re in this together.  


Mars in Taurus in positive flow with Pluto in Capricorn: 

Physical transformation!  Surrender to love!

We’re transforming the masculine memories held within from other times and places, releasing those bonds with outdated systems and governments that have kept us in the patriarchal mindsets, emotionally tethered to inequitable and/or oppressive behaviours. We’re evolving our inner masculine consciousness.

We’re all being stirred in the body, earth and humanity to leap out of the comfort zone.  It’s leap and/or be pushed!


Sabian Symbols:

Full Moon:  AQUARIUS 20
This Symbol brings solace, comfort and joy to those who need help. “A Large White Dove” brings messages, possibly ones you’ve been waiting for for some time. You may need to resolve your situation by relying on peaceful messages that come from your spiritual center. They should be offered with gentleness and without malice. It can indicate either being seen as a savior or one who needs saving as you will at times be the one “Bearing a Message” at other times receiving it. Whichever side you’re on, there can be relief once you’ve been able to assimilate the message that’s being revealed.
Blessings delivered; all is well. Celebration. Somebody who brings blessed relief to others. News. Announcements. Issues of hope and salvation. Birds. Spiritual messages.
Sticking with the assumption that things will never improve. Refusing solace. Shooting the messenger. Not being content no matter what’s said. Depression.
The Sun:  LEO 20
This Symbol shows the need for people in society to regularly indulge in ceremonies, rituals or initiations that bond people together. You may feel the need to get back to natural elements, responding more to your intuitive feelings than rational structure. People enjoy coming together to revere and respect both the natural environment and others in their society. The ways of cultures, ancient and new, can provide a wonderful platform for performing rituals, whether spiritual or social. This degree can show a desire to return to nature and reveling in the larger picture. There is, also, a need to show respect if you go into traditional acts of other cultures.
A sense of spirit. Ritual and worship. Sweat lodges. Native traditions = spiritual refreshment. Ceremonial dances. Vision quests. Fasting. Drums. Baptisms of fire.
Egoistic responses leading to narrowed perspectives. Losing sight of why rituals are performed. Cult worship. Sunstroke. Losing identity in one’s own culture.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Golden Oldies:

Olivia Newton John - Stronger Than Before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhETFMAje00


‘I’ll Never Find Another You’ Judith Durham/The Seekers with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILCx0oEUbIk


‘They Took the Children Away’ Archie Roach with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3FPc72ntY0


The Seekers - A World of our Own (with lyrics)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REZrGZe4xac




Upcoming Dates:

20th August Mars enters Gemini

23rd August:  Sun enters Virgo


24th August:  Uranus stations retrograde at 18 degrees 55 Taurus

26th August:  Mercury enters Libra

27th August:  New Moon in Virgo at 4 degrees 04 Virgo 6:17 pm AEST


Art:  Alessandra Placucci 

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re in freefall!  Holding to each other energetically as we reach for the stars, the Moon and the Sun to access our true creative powers, our heritage as travellers in the light.

Our inner children are urging us on to reclaim our world with the power and authority of divine wisdom and love of beings working consciously to evolve ourselves and humanity.


We’re still in quite the process of huge societal change forcing us all to consider creative solutions for the way we live, to consider priorities with respect to our lives and to be open to new ways of living and being in the world. 


New ‘missions’ will be emerging as we proceed becoming more evident as the planetary and societal changes impact on our personal lives. The big societal shifts will come firstly at the end of this year when Jupiter moves from Aries to Pisces and then back to Aries for 2023. In March 2023 Saturn and Pluto change signs.  Will write further on this later on.  


Love and blessings to us all as we reach for our star of destiny, our guiding light to creative fulfilment this lifetime.  Aquarius is pivotal in providing the insights we need to find our way beyond mundane limitations and ‘muggle mind’.  Unique is the key for us all.



from the chair...on the job


It's all about love
Divine Reunion


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