...for the children of the earth

Saturday 27 August 2022

24thAugust 2022: Uranus stations retrograde, 26th Mercury enters Libra, 27th New Moon in Virgo

Hi everyone!

Uh oh! Knock knock! Mrs Mops calling!   Wake up everyone!


Get the magical implements:  

Broomsticks, staffs, wands and magical intent and motivation!

We’ve got some cleaning up to do with our magic broomsticks, wizard staffs and fairy wands.  No stress, no struggle just armchair travelling with our medicine bags of knowledge as we travel through the dimensions of time finding lost fragments in pain, suffering, grief, fear, despair, bereft of hope and optimism.


Virgo medicine: Cleanse and purify with ease and grace...inner work!

Our medicine woman, Madame Virgo is in charge showing us how to do undercover Virgo work of cleansing and purification without fuss and fanfare.  She is the ultimate ‘cleaning lady’ who is helping us pare away the flotsam and jetsam of our inner lives as she brings us the new broom. 


Our greatest asset is our intuition, gut instinct, spiritual connection to self and cosmic ‘support services’!

After the last few weeks of intense solar activity,with the electromagnetic field shaking out the fears, doubts and insecurities which have been buried deep within our bodies, we are coming into more peaceful energies at least with respect to the solar fire burning out the old cell memories. 


Make the most of the breathing space from the solar electro magnetic challenges:

The solar storms have settled for the time being and the Schumann resonance has dropped back to more reasonable levels of disruption. However, with our Virgo senses we need to remain alert to changing forces and adapt accordingly to get us through.


24th August:  Uranus stations retrograde 18 degrees 55 Taurus 11.54 pm AEST...discovery tour

Until 22nd January 2023

An acceleration of our spiritual growth and expansion: Fast tracking consciousness!

Into the lavender labyrinth of Taurus where Uranus energies are tamed and tempered by review and renewal, time out from some of the intense physically disruptive energies which have been impacting us all globally.  Our Wizard Guide awaits.


It’s an inner journey of discovery for ourselves and an opportunity to find some innovative solutions to the physical challenges which Uranus has wrought upon us in the past 5 months. Challenges of money/work/income, comfort and physical security including the physical body/health.  Taurus is our physical body, Uranus is our higher mind.

Uranus rules neuralgic system, lower legs,ankles and Taurus rules the neck, throat,voice/


Taurus is our comfort zone, Uranus is the renegade rebel who kicks us out of our soft beds!

As we enter the inner journey of self discovery and revelation, the Taurus journey and brief focusses our attention on values and self-worth the basic and essential sources of nourishment for our soul and for fulfilment of our creative potential for our physical lives on earth. Remember to take a light! 

The answers lie within:  As within, so without!

The introspective journey of Uranus in Taurus offers up unusual and possibly out of the ordinary insights into our heart’s desires,  what brings us joy and a sense of excitement and discovery in life.


Personal note on this late posting to you:

The stationing of Uranus brought me to a standstill with Neuralgia in my back which demands I stay still, rest and release.  I was pushing things a bit when this kicked in so couldn’t do anything for a couple of days. All connected to vertebral column, brain, pituitary gland/ascension point at base of skull and third eye.  So if this update seems repetitive or ‘scrambled’, please forgive my addled mind.



Sabian Symbol for Uranus’ retrograde journey

This Symbol shows the rising of a new place, a place to be, a new country or somewhere to strive for a new life. It implies that you can find that extra spark to create a brand new, original opportunity. This pictures the beginning of something that holds enormous potential for the future. There is much work to be done developing this into something fertile and productive. A whole new field of activity is coming to light. What you have done in the past has led you to this, but these new beginnings need to be met with a fresh sense of purpose and possibility.
Enormous potentiality emerging. Sudden eruptions of talent or fields of endeavor. New trends and ways of being. Atlantis and ancient underwater cities. Foreign nations.
Continually seeking ‘new worlds’ – not finding a place and cooperation in the existing one. Moving on constantly without finishing up with the old. Fickleness.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com



26th August:  Mercury enters Libra at 11.13 am AEST

...beauty and balance, heart and mind!

Until 23rd September

Finding the balance:  Of mind, in communication, with the self and other

Mercury, ruler of our mind body enters the dual sign of justice, peace, love and partnership.  Mercury’s been working on our mental body through the nervous and respiratory systems in the sign of earthy Virgo, healing the physical implants within those systems.


Maintaining the vision and goal of peace and love:  The goal is in the process

In Libra, the challenge/opportunity will be for us to think twice before getting into conflicted thinking within ourselves and/or in relation to others.  Libra wants justice and equity in the name of peace. Sometimes at any price.


However the drive for justice and feeling that we’re on the side of right can lead to disputes. The Virgo awareness and observational skills with self analysis of ourselves and situations will assist us to engage with any issues of justice and equity which may arise.


Opportunities for resolution of inner conflicts, conflicted thinking and battles with the psyche

Libra desires peace and love and in the context of current planetary forces at this New Moon we are well supported to find love and peace within and in partnership.  The key will be reminding ourselves to step away from competitive urges driven by the ego’s desire to win at all costs and apply our Virgo skills of analysis, sorting and sifting.


Listen to the heart:  Keep choosing love, beauty, harmony and peace

Libra is ruled by Venus so we have a ‘headstart’ on the mind balancing act of indecision if we keep returning to the heart and listen, letting it be in the front seat of our spiritual vehicle. Mars in Gemini is a headstrong energy pushing us into action when we’re not ready.  Temper the mind.



27th August:  New Moon in Virgo at 4 degrees 04 Virgo at 6.17 pm AEST

...heal and restore!

Our inner Virgo hermit, wise seeker of inner knowledge waits for us!
Taking our staff of earth power we continue on the road to enlightenment, truth and wisdom with the New Moon offering the seeds of new growth.  Virgo’s earth energy carries a powerful potential for manifestation as we align with the lunar energies.  Open up to options, make up your mind and you’ll do it!
New Moon/Sun in challenging square to Mars in Gemini...easy does it! 
A growth opportunity for our inner Mighty Mouse of Mars to stop the fight with the mind and mental energies as we accept and surrender to the gentle Virgo power. The urge to ‘overdo’, to ‘over give’...don’t.  Give over!
Venus in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius:  Squaring the Karmic Nodes
A big karmic Grand Cross offering release from the karmic burdens of humanity and the earth itself.  Venus is bringing Leo sunlight to our hearts with the opportunity to flush out the hard work and struggle energies of Saturn in Aquarius. 

Be open to sudden, unexpected and innovative solutions!  New ideas...be open!
With Uranus sitting up close to the North Node in Taurus, we can expect the unexpected which may well be an insight as Uranus is sitting in retrograde station.
Uranus is our higher mind consciousness and we need to trust that any sudden wake up calls are taking us on in growth and expansion.  
Sabian Symbol:
This Symbol implies strong feelings of another level of awareness around you. Your rational mind is, at times, being overshadowed by intuitive thoughts and feelings. Your imagination or spirituality is showing a clearer path to understanding and knowledge. Equipped to see the invisible, you penetrate into the mystical levels of life. There may be messages to bring back into your waking consciousness. This can show a creative, attuned mind that can perceive subtle phenomena, shifts and changes in the environment. Tap into your clairvoyance, but don’t be thrown off track by it
Creative fantasies. Fairy tales. Seeing things or just imagining them? Fantasizing about people or experiences. Attuned minds. Seeing entities. Fairies. Nature spirits.
Confusion or lack of true perspective. Time wasted. Being a space cadet. Losing the plot. Mental institutions. Not being taken seriously. Schizophrenia. Skepticism.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


Golden Oldies:

‘Walk hand in hand with me’ Gerry and the Pacemakers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyXRd1KXdqs Mercury in Libra


Whistle While You Work - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIwa9sPFT5I Virgo New Moon


Love Is A Many Splendored Thing (1962) - ANDY WILLIAMS – Lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OhvWIQCaUk  Mercury

Frank Sinatra - My Way (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_hJ8-ZJcgo Virgo New Moon


Upcoming Dates:

5th September: Venus enters Virgo

10th September:   Mercury stations  retrograde

10th September: Full Moon in Pisces 17 degrees 41 Pisces at 7.59 pm AEST


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Beatrix Potter Mice at Work Placemat – snowgooseandlily

Here’s all of us engaged with the Virgo working bee and loving every moment of this dedicated work of what is our divine calling.  Virgo likes us to be busy and occupied in meaningful ways with life.  It matters not if our business is related to what may be mundane or basic in the eyes of the world.  Virgo helps us to apply our energies to whatever we’re called to do with a willingness to enjoy the activity and give of our best. 


For many of us seekers on the ‘road less travelled’,  the work commitment is related to healing as the foundation stone of our evolution.  Whether it be healing, emotionally, mentally or physically, the keystone is spiritual healing ‘coming to wholeness’ which is the resolution of the self this lifetime. The unification into oneness with the divine self lifts us up to the heights of fulfilment of destiny.


The pleasure and feeling of success that comes from fully engaging in the ‘flow’, in the moment with total concentration and passionate commitment is a precious gift. Virgo offers us that joy of life. Be open and ready.


Uranus is offering up some alternative ideas, solutions with the revelation of our inner desires, untapped gifts and talents and unexplored creative pathways which can be developed in the month ahead.  



Love and blessings to us all as we harness the energies of our soul, the butterfly of transformation, and allow our inner mouse to take flight into new ways of viewing ourselves, our lives, our world.



from the chair...soul journeying


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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