...for the children of the earth

Thursday 7 July 2022

5th July 2022: Mars entered Taurus, Mercury entered Cancer


Hi everyone!


We’re in the Cancerian energies of ‘homecoming’ symbolised by the seals and their mythological association with coming home to ourselves and our place of belonging. The story of the selkies as captured in the movie ‘Secret of Roan Inish’ will offer revelations as will the book ‘Women who Run with the Wolves’.


Overwhelming and needing the spiritual fire of hope:

Here in Australia on the eastern seaboard we’re really experiencing major flooding once again in NSW

where I think many are really turning into seals to survive.  For quite a few it’s the third of fourth flooding of their homes this year.


Spiritual burnout: Need for renewal of spirit...surrender!

The exhaustion for humanity and the planet is on all levels of our being regardless of our circumstances as we are all experiencing the connectedness of quantum reality.  When we’re emotionally and physically exhausted by the challenges we keep going fired by our spiritual energy.


Yet now it seems our spiritual energies are needed more than ever to maintain faith, hope and optimism that the cosmic energy within and without and our alignment with divine power and higher consciousness will lift our spirits and carry us on. 


Releasing the past and renewing faith in the future: 

In the throes of the Cancerian energies of the divine mother and coming home to ourselves we are immersed in the lunar exploration of the past, recovering and renewing the emotional wellspring that has been damaged in past times.


Travelling through the Cancerian month:  

Finding our inner place of belonging and emotional security

The sign of Cancer is our place of refuge, our zone of emotional security and comfort. It seems that we are increasingly being bombarded by traumatic and shattering events in the world, our world which challenge the very ground on which we have based our beliefs and our faith. 


Cancer rules the past:  

We need to remember that we are reliving history and offloading old memories as we experience present dramas!

Emotional insecurities are being triggered everywhere from natural weather events to acts of despicable destruction in war with the anger of war.  Increasing numbers of the homeless, hungry and dispossessed are evident in all nations including those the wealthy.  Illness and disease continues to ravage the masses.  We are all being affected, feeling it one way or another.


I’ve been very challenged the past couple of weeks after suffering a reaction to the huge spike and ongoing action of the electromagnetic field as my nervous and neuralgic systems triggered a weakness in my eyes.  Neuralgia is one of the offshoots of damage from shingles! I’ve had to rest my eyes from any close work on the computer.  Lot of shut eye.    


The hero's journey:  The hero leaves home to find the home within


5th July:  Mars entered Taurus at 4.04 pm AEST

...grounding, affirming love and prosperity!

Until 20th August

Clearing the head:  Our ‘hothead’ can now get some rest

Our masculine warrior Mars now takes time to rest from all the fiery inflammatory energies of Aries as he moves into a safe place on Mother Earth.  He takes refuge with the Tree of Life from which he can draw sustenance. Time to relax and reaffirm the earth as a place of safety

where Mother Earth provides for all that we need. Music is important during this time.


Maintaining the dream and building the vision:  The good life

It will be interesting to observe ourselves and others as we draw on our faith in the cosmic power of Mother Earth and our connection to the power of love and prosperity consciousness to carry us forward.  We are being tested in every way as to our commitment to mastery of the past wounds by maintaining our focus on the dream of a prosperous life.


Contributing to the beauty and harmony of the earth:

Mars in Taurus is our opportunity to incorporate the physical power of Taurus building our vision in whatever practical way is possible.  Taurus is ruled by Venus and in astrology Venus rules love and money as Taurus is our resource bank of self-esteem and love.



Mars rules the physical body and the head

Taurus rules the neck, the throat, the voice


5th July:  Mercury enters Cancer 4.25 pm AEST

Get the cosmic vision with Mercury

Until 19th July

Balancing emotionally and mentally:  off the dual carriageway to the seashore

Mercury moves out of the duality of Gemini and now faces the potential challenges of walking the sands of Cancer working with the unconscious and conscious minds, balancing the emotions and the mind in a balancing act which accommodates and integrates both into oneness.


Memories awakened: 

Embrace the positive resources gifted by the ancestral memory!

With Mercury in Cancer we are likely to experience the opening of the memory banks held within our mental body.  We will need to harness the positive power of Mecury in Cancer with our willingness to communicate with ourselves and others about the emotions.


Get the cosmic vision with Mercury: Past, present and future!

Mercury in Cancer can give our minds understanding of the emotions and to sort them out, past, present and future. With Mercury out of bounds in the quantum consciousness for this whole period of time, we are being offered choices of our future hopes and dreams as we drop off the old timelines which have brought pain and suffering.


From 6th July to 20th July:  Mercury out of bounds in Cancer

It’s choices all the way so be still and hocus, pocus focus on the vision and harness the essence of the creative power within the Cancerian energy.  Daily affirmations


6th July:  Sun meets with the fixed star Sirius

...a reboot, a rebirth!  

Make a wish and believe!

Sirius is the brightest fixed star in our sky.  Regarded as the esoteric home of the ascended masters...those who enlightened and attained mastery in our earthly physical dimension. 
The Sabian Symbol for this degree seems especially appropriate for humanity and the earth at this time.  Surrender to the cosmic forces   within and without as we continue our earthly journey.
This Symbols shows that you may be looking for some help or spiritual guidance, but it may be difficult to find through the usual channels. As we become more enlightened there is a greater ability to see spiritual truth in unexpected places. There needs to be a trust and courage that your inner wisdom is in touch with the higher truth. The ‘Vast Dark Space to the Northeast’ is often the direction one looks for this spiritual guidance and looking towards that direction in the sky can bring an influx of creative and spiritual energies. Further, this symbolizes the desertion of native people’s by their governments.
The degree of Sirius. American Indians and native peoples that have been left in the dark. The need to have faith in the future. Seeing truth. Stargazing. Navigation. Vast arenas.
‘Staring into the void’, a lack of purpose or a feeling of abandonment. Losing faith. Being deserted by government. Exploitation and abandonment.
From 10th July to 14th July:  Moon out of bounds...into the quantum field of no time, no space
From 9 degrees Sagittarius to 6 degrees Aquarius
Tricky time will be when the Moon enters Capricorn 13th just in time for the Full Moon in Capricorn on 14th July,Perfect timing for dropping off the old status quo benchmarks and human laws and rules which go against divine law and justice.



Golden Oldies:

‘She carries me’ Jennifer Berizan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCcaYr3JB6Q




 Upcoming Dates:

14th July:  Full Moon in Capricorn at 21 degrees 21 Capricorn

18th July:  Venus enters Cancer  at 11.32 am AEST



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!  On our way to the Full Moon in Capricorn


Are we finding ourselves or feeling lost and alone?  I’m feeling very challenged to rise up spiritually and pulling out all the stops to surmount the physical, emotional and mental challenges of my life.  I am well aware that many are continuing in their comfortable lives with barely a whisper of challenge facing them.  However, I know every one of us is affected by the quantum energies of challenging and changing consciousness. 


Generally I write for the ‘body workers’ who are experiencing the physical challenges of a changing consciousness within the physical vessel.  We have created circumstances which are here to push us to strive spiritually for a new way.  Let’s all just keep swimming with the seals, resting on the rocks when possible and maintaining the vision of us dreamers who bring new inspiration for ourselves and all.


Love and blessings to us all, every one of us of every situation because every of us can make a difference as we embrace the power of love and light as the ultimate source of sustenance for us as cosmic beings.  




from the chair...staying afloat


It's all about love
Divine Reunion  

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