...for the children of the earth

Sunday 5 June 2022

3rd June 2022: Mercury stations direct, 5th June Saturn turns retrograde

Hi everyone!

I’ve been in the tight grip of the ‘stationing’ of Mercury and Saturn!


Here’s what’s been happening for many of us body workers in the planetary  brief:

Well we birthed ourselves into the new lunar month of Gemini on the 31st May, our first step out of the intensity of the eclipse vortex of transformation and then were immediately thrown into the Mercury/Saturn stationing energies of intensity. We are continuing the processing and release of the karmic burdens of the earth and humanity in our commitment as spiritual warriors of the light and crusaders of change.


Venus in Taurus:   Massive processing of planetary energies through our hearts/heart chakras!

Venus in Taurus has been undergoing her own ascension to power process as Mercury took the back seat while Venus took over the driver’s seat. I was not alone in experiencing this intensity in the heart chakra as many sought medical guidance for some relief from anxiety and stress in the heart chakra. 


Take care of signs from the body, from our hearts and rest when needed:

It’s an energetic upgrade of our hearts to do the spiritual clearance with the heart rather than working it out through the unevolved old patterns of mental problem solving.  I started experiencing this heart challenge/upgrade in January this year and have been very aware of dropping the burdens of the planetary/ancestral memory banks.


Watch where you walk, how you move and stay present to now:  ‘Be here, be now’

Mercury at a standstill continues to demand that we stay present to the here and now, stay focussed on the current timeline and maintain awareness of moving ‘robotically’ on automatic pilot.  Our mind is still travelling across timelines and other dimensions even though the Moon returns from out of bounds today in Leo.  This is why people have accidents, trips, slips, falls during Mercury retrograde periods.


Slow and gentle all the way:  The past week of being off line mentally and emotionally

Moon out of bounds in Cancer
travelling the quantum freeway of no time or space,. Memories galore for experiencing, owning, releasing and the opportunity to lift our energies around emotional security issues, childhood. home.
Physical body:  Cancer rules the stomach and digestion
Releasing from the digestive system...don't overload it.
Mercury, our mind manager at a standstill preparing to change direction  forward on 3rd at 6.00 pm AEST.  Intensity of the addled mind syndrome...nothing makes sense as we thread our way through the mental body, sorting and sifting the threads of the old which need to go. Mercury in earthy Taurus...heart/mind connection and neck/throat.  Nervous/respiratory systems.
Saturn in his intensity standing still in Aquarius preparing to turn retrograde on 5th June. Huge karmic release as he stations.
Bones, knees, skeleton and joints for Saturn.  Neuralgic system for Aquarius.  Also, lower legs and ankles.
Let it go, let's not tarry too long in the past. 
In week 1 of the New Moon in Gemini:
Divine reunion month of June, number 6, Gemini unification of our dual operating systems.  Stay focussed on rainbow road!
Our star of destiny brings to us all we need.  Eye on that star!
3rd June:  Mercury stations direct at 26 degrees 05 Taurus at 6.00 pm AEST...emergence!

The open road of mental clarity calls us on:   Still held a little longer!
Mercury may have changed direction but he is sitting on his degree of station until 9th June as we continue to unravel the threads of the old memory banks held in our mental body.
Emergence from past 3 weeks of turbulence and letting go mind control:
Our mind always gets a massive makeover during Mercury retrograde and this last 3 weeks feels exceptionally challenging coming during the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse vortex energies challenging us to do some final reckoning and release.  Scorpio power is relentless in its demands on us to transform and evolve. 
Embracing and loving our ‘shadow’ selves within: 
Ongoing work through the Gemini solar month until the Solstice on 21st June and especially so until Mercury moves on from 9th June. 
As within so without:  Start with the self
The world stage keeps on throwing up challenges for us all whether with respect to governments, laws, ethics, planetary disasters, war, chain of supply with respect to energy sources and food.  Trading and the economy is in a state of change too.
How these global changes impact us personally is where we are called to work with the energetic powers of spiritual change within and without.
Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s stationing degree:
Sets the direction for our forward movement when Mercury gets moving on 9th June
This Symbol indicates having talents and skills and crafts that reflect one’s culture or abilities. Don’t underestimate yourself and do only what you think others believe you are capable of. These very limitations are telling you of hidden talents and skills that you probably just take for granted. There is something very worthwhile on offer here, don’t wait for passersby to stop and pay attention. Others may think you’re more talented and special than you realise. Get out and show your talents and abilities.
Older, wiser elements of society making offerings to younger, less integrated. Worthy skills. Handicrafts. Artifacts of the tribe or clan. Quiet determination to succeed.
Looking down on those that seem less fortunate. Underestimating the true worth of one’s job, hobby or craft. Bickering over money. Sweat shops and slave labor. Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

5th June: Saturn Stationary Retrograde 25 degrees 15’ Aquarius at 7.47 am AEST...labyrinth!

Until 23rd October

Checks and balances for our karmic evolution and upliftment:

Saturn is a slow moving planet taking 2 to 3 years to move through a sign.  He’ll be in Aquarius until March 2023 when he moves into Pisces.  He rules Capricorn and thus structures and systems in our physical world societally and thus impacts on us personally.  He, like Jupiter, brings social change and transformation.  It’s a global impact.  Challenges and changes in authority.


Not a lot of ‘outer’ movement putting the focus on inner growth:  Intense station degree!

He’s been sitting on his degree of ‘station’ 25 degrees Aquarius since 19th May and will remain on this degree until 22nd June. That’s when he gets moving retrograde until 23rd October. 


Retrograde periods offer rapid spiritual growth and development and with Saturn the focus is on structure of our physical existence.  That includes the body, responsibilities and authority, our personal authority as well as authorities in charge of structure such as governments.


Saturn, Lord of Karma is our indicator of our karmic commitment this lifetime:

In Aquarius we are learning from Saturn to release the karmic imprints and contracts we have undertaken at a soul level which we no longer need to carry as we reach for the humanitarian ideals and hopes, the cosmic consciousness of Aquarius. Aquarius helps elevate our emotions and to detach from the 3D whirlpool of consciousness and arise to encompass divine love.

Community and friends, hopes and dreams:

Aquarius rules community and friends where Saturn has been travelling for the past year or two putting the focus and awareness of our need for community and its support systems.  Very much in evidence here in Oz with the fires of 2019, pandemic pressures and the floods where communities rallied to support their local families while the Federal and to some extent State governments were left wanting. 

Stationing at the same time as Mercury puts focus on clearing the mental body, letting go the old mind control patterns and allowing the heart to open to the love and flooding the mind with the power of love.


Sabian Symbol for Saturn’s retrograde journey sets the focus for the next few months:



This Symbol shows the need to pick up problems and diagnose what might be wrong whether it’s mechanically, physically, spiritually or emotionally. The “Car” can be a car, or it can be your body; your earthly vehicle, and it may need some “Testing” to see how it’s coping with life’s pressures. Perhaps you need to use some type of gauge on your emotional reactions. There is often a need to take a more intuitive or psychic approach to problems, although an objective or inventive view will also bring results. Figure out any malfunctions so your life can proceed in a smoother, more efficient manner. Performing necessary checks and balances to ensure your life is working properly are part of the everyday maintenance of society.
Testing vehicles for roadworthiness. Breakdowns and the need for repair. The need for good batteries or to have them charged. Oil, petrol, grease. Finding out what’s wrong.
Causing distress by constantly analyzing things. Bad health. Lack of water or not looking after one’s self. Breakdowns from lack of care. Missing vital signals.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


Golden Oldies:

‘From a Distance’ Bette Midler with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLHE9jrb_N4





Upcoming Dates:

14th June:  Mercury enters Gemini
14th June Full Moon in Sagittarius at 23 degrees 25 Sagittarius at 9.51 pm AEST
21st June:  Sun enters Cancer/Solstice
23rd June:  Venus enters Gemini



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Releasing the old ‘shadows’ from within:  Butterflies be free in the light of the New Moon!

In the aftermath, the afterbirth of our New Moon as it were with ongoing releases for this week and on to the Full Moon in Sagittarius on 14th June and thence to the June Solstice, the midpoint of our solar year on 21st June.


Mercury will free up on 9th June when he moves forward again and we’re likely to experience more mental clarification.


We will feel the emergence from the eclipse portal more fully at the Sagittarius Full Moon which has a galactic connection with the galactic centre, the black hole at the centre of our Milky Way at 27 degrees Sagittarius. 

Love and blessings to us all as we negotiate challenging times for the planet, for ourselves.  Maintain focus on the hopes and dreams, hold to optimism and faith and continue working with the energetic powers of love and light.



from the chair...being uplifted


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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