...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 7 December 2022

7th December 2022: Mercury into Capricorn, 8th Full Moon Gemini, 10th Venus into Capricorn


Hi everyone!


Two roads:  The high road and the low road to the Gemini Full Moon!

Travelling in the Sagittarian Solar month our centaur is taking off and morphing into Pegasus, manifesting the wings to fly in the cosmic dimensions, calling us to access our inner Pegasus, our divine consciousness to fly high like the eagle. 


Contrasts and duality:   Pegasus and packhorse power...the balance!

Meanwhile, our earthly packhorses continue on their life journey carrying their heavy load of karmic commitments and soul contracts, steadily plodding on with faith in their role to deliver us to the top of the Capricorn mountain right ahead.


Scorpio eclipse energies kicking in this month:

We’re still working through so much unearthed by the Scorpio New Moon lunar eclipse of last month and is so often the case, the eclipse energies don’t start manifesting until the next month. It might have been feeling like we are going through a near death experience each night waking to each day in the depths of Scorpionic death throes.  Each day can feel like ‘I’m still here and alive on earth’! 


7th December: Mercury enters Capricorn 9.08 am AEDT
...fly high to view the top of the mountain
Until 11th February 2023

Out of the fire of Sagittarius expansion and keeping the spirit and flame alive:
Mercury already out of bounds in the quantum field now moves from the expanded Sagittarian road of hope, optimism and fiery enthusiasm which has been activating and maintaining the spirit of our inner light to keep us on the road. Hot air rises and uplifts!
To the mountain:  Envisioning the flesh and bones of a new reality
Back into some degree of physical reality in Capricorn even as Mercury,our mind continues to travel in the timeless reality of the quantum field getting us more focussed on practical realities.  Not easy in these energies.  Play with the possibilities and imagine the outcome. View the choices.
Mercury still out of bounds until 21st December: 
Returns in time for the Solstice when the Sun enters Capricorn
We may want to bring dreams to earth but we need to hold steady as myriad possibilities are presented to us regarding the how, when and where we can bring our ideas to earthly reality. We can still be caught up in timelines from the past.  After Solstice, New Moon in Capricorn when we may feel more earthly clarity.
Being our divine magician of manifestation:  Getting our ducks in a row...still with this one!  We could all use some ‘Monkey Magic’!
Mercury is the magician in the Tarot cards, the powerful trickster,illusionist and creative force which creates from within using the four elements of fire/spirit, water/emotion, air/mind and earth/body.  All the elements need to work together in harmony and in tune for the full creative potential to be manifested.   Capricorn is a powerful earthly energy which can bring things to fruition in the earthly dimension with amazing success due to its power of manifestation...working from within to without!
Mercury is moving direct even while slowing and moving into shadow for retrograde journey on 29th December
Make the most of Mercury still travelling direct even if out of bounds out of sight and we feel a bit ‘out of mind’.  We’re learning new ways of driving our mental body harnessing the power of duality in balance.  Applying our new driving skills in physical reality may take a little while until we find we have adapted our mental polarity and are utilising our right brain intuitive capacities in cosmic processes.
Keep in mind that whatever we come up with before 29th December may need tweaking and reviewing from 29th December.
Time to view the castle of hopes and dreams!
7th to 12th December: Moon moves out of bounds...choices galore!
From 6 degrees Gemini to 7 degrees Leo

8th December: Full Moon Gemini 16 degrees 02 Gemini 3.08 pm AEDT...love divine, cosmic riches!

The balancing act of the Full Moon:  Time to discover, uncover rich pickings from within!
Bringing forth the untapped hidden resources of the unconscious, the past and the memory banks can provide a rich field of previously unrecognised ideas, emotions, gifts and talents.  And in Gemini, we’re in the field of the mind and ideas galore!
Open to all sources of illumination:  Incoming knowledge, information...there is no limit!
This is the most powerful time of the month for the Full Moon when it is at its most enlightening.
This time around the Moon has just moved into the out of bounds quantum field so is more expansive than usual.  The possibilities are endless if we are prepared to consider all the timelines as sources of information and guidance.  Gemini wants to know and is curious. 
Mars is the coach driver in this discovery tour:
Mars still out of bounds, is sitting right on the Full Moon adding extra impetus and fire to our search and discovery mission with the Sagittarian Sun opposite urging us on the inner journey of a lifetime. This discovery tour has the fire and drive to lift us above the norm into the exalted imaginative realms of other realities and new inner experiences which excite and stimulate the inner explorer.  Mars out of bounds until 4th May 2023.
Venus the ‘scout’ 27 degrees Sagittarius at the Galactic Centre:  Cosmic heart guide!
Our hearts are being called to open wide to the light energy and cosmic forces of the expanded field in this opportunity for heart healing of the duality of earthly existence, of relationships of all kinds.  Venus in a growth challenge, opportunity with Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces bringing new visions and new ways of feeling the power of love beyond our limited framework on earth.
Hark the herald angels bring:  Is it a bird?  Is it a star?  
It’s our star of destiny and divine calling this lifetime!
Uranus the lightning strike awakener is sitting close up the karmic planetary north node in Taurus awakening humanity to its individual role and collective mission to bring forth all the gifts within our personal Santa sleigh and share them with all for our selves, others and the earth herself.
Sabian Symbols
The Full Moon GEMINI 17
This Symbol shows how at times in our lives we seem to, or need to, grow up and mature. We realize that there is only so much that one can do with youthful force. This Symbol shows that it is time to use mature thinking, using your intellect and intuition and being able to take in the consequences and responsibilities of one’s actions. Allowing mature wisdom to come through, there can be a feeling of one’s mindset changing and growing. Responsibilities are taken on board and it’s time to stop ‘tearing around’ and to be more serious about life and its ramifications.
Going from reacting with the lower emotional nature to thinking with the higher mind. Pondering. Thinking things through. Finding answers. A state of stillness. Forever young.
Suddenly becoming old and losing innocence and energy OR clinging to the illusions of childhood. Hormones taking over and dictating behavior. Staid thinking.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
This degree shows the ability, and the necessity, of being able to rise up after difficulties in one’s life, somewhat like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. One needs to maintain hope and draw together with others who share a sense of faith in the future and in community and the goodness of life. There will be times of spiritual rebirth where you can rise above the failings of the past into new beginnings. Coming out of doubt and despair can lead to a new sense of love, faith and compassion. Join with others in a spirit of joy. There’s a need for unwavering faith in communal spiritual values.
Performing deeds with reverence. Communal expressions of faith. Peace rallies. Revivals. The need for faith in a bright future. Devotion. Worship. The phoenix rising from the ashes.
Obsession with the ceremony rather than the purpose or ideal. Feeling unable to lift one’s spirits. Disillusionment and loss of vision. Holidays with no meaning.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
10th December: Venus enters Capricorn at 2.54 pm AEDT
...open hearts to castle of dreams!
Until 3rd January 2023

Manifesting hopes and dreams held in the heart!
All the dreamy Piscean energies helping us build castles in the air which may have been a little challenging when so many of us are just maintaining focus on the body makeover and managing mundane existence.  Nevertheless the dreams have been delivered by night and by day as we reconcile past, present and future.
What new hopes and dreams have emerged since the Full Moon? 
Venus, holder of hearts desires enters the field of the Capricorn master builder to help us manifest our dreams in a more earthly context, even if it’s just writing down ideas which are coming from Mercury now in Capricorn who could offer us all kinds of new solutions to practical issues and problems. No rush knowing that Mercury will be turning retrograde in Capricorn on 29th for 3 weeks.

Heart and mind working on new blueprint: 

Nothing to pin down just yet... change afoot

Venus, heart and Mercury, mind will be working together in the Capricorn energies for a few weeks so a perfect opportunity to align heart and mind with the practicalities of implementation of new directions.

Venus is out of bounds in the quantum field of timelessness until 24th December.


Golden Oldies:

Wind Beneath My Wings (Lyrics) - Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jorJh8DTMVM


Wind Beneath My Wings Bette Midler ‘Beaches’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93dkoUtrnZM


‘In the arms of an angel’ Sarah McLachlan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SiylvmFI_8


‘Fly Away’ John Denver with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbSReQ9-DT0



Upcoming Dates:

21st December  Jupiter enters Aries 2.32 am AEDT

21st December:  Mercury returns from out of bounds

22nd December Sun enters Capricorn 8.48 am AEDT

23rd December Chiron Direct 11 degrees 56 Aries 8.31 am AEDT

23rd December New Moon Capricorn 1 degree 33 Capricorn at 9.16 pm AEDT

24th December:  Venus returns from out of bounds
29th December Mercury Retrograde 24 degrees 21 Capricorn 8.32 pm AEDT



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Our horses are wading across the river heading to fresh pastures, fields of opportunity, growth and discovery. It’s a journey of reclamation of their divine birthright to live in divine prosperity, health, joy, love and creative fulfilment of hopes and dreams.


This is all of us maintaining faith and hope that our personal commitment and practices, walking the talk, will bring in more love and joy, equity and justice, hope and promise of change for the better for ourselves and our world.  Every one makes a difference.  All that we do is registered on the cosmic blueprint for a new way of living and being which emanates from the power of love and living in our divine truth of here and now this lifetime.


Santa was a creation of the commercial world deriving from the life and practices of Saint Nicholas, my surname so it carries a particular import for me in this lifetime.  It’s about the power of giving.  Nicholas means ‘family/clan’. We don’t have to wait till Christmas to feel the power of giving.  Let’s make it Christmas every day no matter whether you follow a religious or cultural belief.  It’s a belief in the power of love and of giving selflessly without thought of reward.


Love and blessings to us all every one of us across the planet no matter the circumstances, attitudes or values.  Let divine love rule within and without. 




from the chair


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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