...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 21 December 2022



Hi everyone!


The wisdom of the owls and a balanced mind spirit is carrying us home!

We start the week with the Sun still in Sagittarius and flying with the energies initiated at the Gemini Full Moon when the wisdom of the ages galactic consciousness of Sagittarius was called into our being. Our fire and drive warrior Mars retrograde was enveloped by the arms of the feminine Full Moon balancing act of Gemini. Surrender has been the only viable pathway since then as we continued to hunker down and heal.


Ongoing dissolution of our masculine mind, body and spirit: Time out in the comfort zone has been ideal!

Many of us have felt the impact of the balancing act of mind and body flowing on from that Full Moon dissolution of our masculine energies, fire and drive along with our mental body.  Frankly it’s been challenging to get the motivation to do anything let alone get clarity as our mind processes and mental acuity went off line for renewal and regeneration. 


The coming week promises so much change which can only uplift and elevate our spirit!

From Jupiter’s big energy entering Aries, the sign of our warrior spirit followed by the Sun entering Capricorn offering new earth power to ground hopes and dreams we enter the clearing energy field of the Solstice portal of change. 


Into the spiritual recovery ward: Beyond the Piscean field of past pain and suffering

The day after the Solstice, Chiron in Aries moves direct away from re-treading the grapes of old spiritual wounds out of the hospital ward and into recovery, helping us welcome in a New Moon in Capricorn.  The action in Aries with Jupiter and Chiron this week will provide a big uplift from the pain and suffering of our inner warriors, past present and future.


Clarity returning...’I see the light’!

With Mercury and then Venus returning from the out of bounds quantum field we can expect to feel a little more grounded even though the Moon takes off into out of bounds for a few days. 


The week ahead: Hectic but flowing change a step at a time

21st December  Jupiter enters Aries 2.32 am AEDT

21st December: Moon goes out of bounds at 6 degrees Sagittarius

21st December:  Mercury returns from out of bounds

22nd December Sun enters Capricorn 8.48 am AEDT

23rd December Chiron Direct 11 degrees 56 Aries 8.31 am AEDT

23rd December New Moon Capricorn 1 degree 33 Capricorn at 9.16 pm AEDT

24th December:  Venus returns from out of bounds
25th December:  Moon returns from out of bounds at 6 degrees Aquarius


21st December: Jupiter enters Aries 2.32 am AEDT

Fire up the divine spirit within!

Until 17th May 2023

Fire up our torches of divine fire within and light up the bonfire!

Time to fill ourselves with divine fire of the holy spirit and bring all together in unity and oneness to renew hope for our tired and weary spirits.

Jupiter is big, expansive, optimistic and positive entering the first sign of the zodiac, the sign of our divine I am spirit, our masculine warrior of fire!


Jupiter brings fire to our inner light and re-energises our spirit!
Jupiter in Aries is here to help us on our endeavours and to provide an uplift a fiery ignition to our depleted and exhausted spirit, raising our old ego identity consciousness into the light of expansion into love and unity.
Choices here:  The path of war or peace!  Low road or high road? 

It’s a personal choice..to take up arms in the never ending replication of battles and war stories we keep living on this planet OR keep choosing the elevation of our masculine warrior energies on ‘the path of heart’. 


Jupiter highlights and enhances truth and justice:  Divine justice

How do we do this when the world is still locked in the interminable mindset and patterns of behaviour of conflict and fighting to win the argument, the battle or the war? We keep choosing the power of divine love, divine truth and divine justice.


Inclusion or exclusion?  Our choice!

As we seek the common ground for all, we become inclusive, forgiving, compassionate strengthened by our growing understanding of what motivates action in ourselves and others. Is it love or is it lack of love, fear?  This is a huge challenge for us all as we continue to live on a planet inhabited by such a hugely diverse range of beliefs, values, attitudes, perspectives and lifestyles.


22nd December: Sun enters Capricorn 8.48 am AEDT 

Taking our spiritual authority! Solstice

Until 20th January 2023

Discovering our personal vision of success in the world:   What is ‘success’ for you?
We’ve been called to the top of the Capricorn mountain to discover our vision of personal success in the world.  It’s more than a vision yet starts with the vision. And the Capricorn ‘vision’ is one of grounding success into physical reality through commitment and work. 
Commitment to the vision fires and fuels the spiritual ambition and authority:
Saturn ruled Capricorn is very much focussed on putting in the ‘step by step’ commitment to bringing ambitions to fruition.  Saturn rewards commitment, faith in the vision, persistence, dedication and belief in ourselves as a divine instrument of the material world. By maintaining the vision of our success while taking one step at a time we manifest ‘the vision’.  This is the magic of Capricorn ‘miracles’...no second guessing!
How we manifest success in the world: Believing in our divine power and authority!
Capricorn energy is a driving force of ambition for success in the public sphere, generally translated in our current world of economic capitalism as the capacity to generate financial income and security from paid employment. In our current world money gives status and respect. 

Accessing the power of our personal spiritual authority:  Manifesting the vision! 
As we rise to our vision we bring it closer to our reality!
We live in a world driven by economic capitalism which has  become the governing principle driving our ambition for ‘success’. Money is not the root of all evil but has become a weakness which can undermine our search for ‘enlightenment’ and love.
Solstice Portal:  
Accessing, honouring and harnessing the power of the Sun!   
Light power re-aligns to cosmic power and oneness! Healing time!
In the astrological framework, the December Solstice Portal is all about opening ourselves and the planet to the potential power of the light of the Sun to bring in structural changes physically to our bodies, our institutions and human structures on the earth.
Consider the ‘bones’ and skeletal structure of the human body and the earth herself such as geological formations, stones, mountains/valleys.
Capricorn rules structures and systems held in the physical.
Skeleton, joints, knees 
The December Solstice portal:  The Astronomy
The Capricorn Sun ushers in the December Solstice portal every year providing the energies of the midpoint solar calendar when traditionally the Sun is honoured.
December Solstice: Longest and Shortest Day of the Year
There are two solstices every year: one in December and one in June. The December solstice marks the shortest day north of the equator and the longest day in the south.
Full information on dates and times around the world at:
23rd December: Chiron Direct 11 degrees 56 Aries at 8.31 am AEDT
Release from spirit wounds

The phoenix awakens and is fired by the new spirit emerging from within:
And so we rise from the battlegrounds of past wars and conflict where we’ve been held by the memory banks living and re-living our history, the history of our ancestors, humanity and the planet. It’s been a challenging few months with Chiron bringing up wounds around identity from the past so we can attend to the pain held within our physical bodies and our spirits. Back to present time and reality.
Mental and physical wounds of the past have been the focus:
Chiron is very connected to physical health and wellbeing ruled by Virgo the sign of healing and the mind/Mercury body connection being paramount in the healing process.  This has intensified and added to the focus of Mars retrograde in Gemini.
During retrograde but may still emerge as we enter the recovery ward
Chiron can bring out old war wounds, spears, darts, arrows, bullets, clubs etc as well as chains and ropes used on captives in war.  These ‘wounds’ may well manifest on the skin as marks or unidentifiable aches, pains or resistance in the physical body.  They can appear after any kind of body work or energy work as they release from the physical. 
Lungs respiratory system, nervous system and heart: Chiron ruled by Virgo/Mercury
Consider release from grief held in lungs, breathing mechanisms and heart.  Gas chambers of war and poison gases in warfare can also find release.
Chiron is known as the ‘speaking’ cure with Mercury as co-ruler of Virgo

providing the guidance to speak up in safe environments to trusted confidantes about the past ‘wounding’.  Sometimes it’s just enough to have the attention of a loving person to hear the wounds spoken about as so often we bottle up old hurts and grievances.  

It’s often the first step in coming to some understanding of the basis of the pain and to come to reconciliation with that moment in time as well as understanding and accepting our core wound as an opportunity for growth and expansion of consciousness of the big picture.
The following quote from Seth captures the essence of the power of the spiritual warrior:  Time to step out into divine power on the road to recovery
From Seth:
"A cure of any kind will never depend upon any given treatment. It will in all cases depend upon the belief on the part of the sufferer that he can be cured. It will depend upon his desire to be cured. It will depend upon the strength of the purpose that an illness serves.
It will depend upon, in the last analysis, the individual’s own ability to mobilize his own energies, for only these will effect a cure."
The Early Sessions Book 4 Session 159 June 2, 1965
Sabian Symbol for Chiron direct:
Take your cue from the wild geese. When they fly in formation, they take turns in leading the way; when one gets tired or sick, another takes the lead. Spread your wings and seek freedom, taking note of ‘seasonal’ variations around you. Just remember to be mindful of your responsibilities to both yourself and others. Be a part of the group by contributing and promoting the joys of togetherness while keeping a sense of independence. Geese are known for forming lifelong partnerships, so marriage or partnership may indeed be a consideration in this situation.
Aquarian ideals of brotherhood. Attunement to planetary rhythms. Spirit liberated from matter. Focused group activity and support. Choreography. Flying in the slipstream.
Following the leader without knowing where you are going. Never knowing where to land, or where to ground your self. Taking off on wild goose chases.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


Golden Oldies:

Ring Of Fire (Lyrics) Johnny Cash - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfCOJLRk2D4 Jupiter in Aries
‘Big Rock Candy Mountain’ Harry McClintock With Lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzGRptDFAPA Sun in Capricorn

The Big Rock Candy Mountains Lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0hmLe0M4d


‘Where have all the Flowers Gone? Peter, Paul and Mary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2dVf8niQSE  Chiron direct in Aries

(spiritual wounds of war/warrior)




Upcoming Dates:

23rd December:  New Moon in Capricorn

29th December Mercury Retrograde 24 degrees 21 Capricorn 8.32 pm AEDT


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Here we are joining in celebration of coming to the end of this calendar year and dancing around the Sagittarian bonfire which promises a fiery resurgence to our energies to carry us through into 2023.


We’ve climbed some big mountains this year and clearly more to go with the Capricorn energies asking us to elevate our mundane lives from pure focus on survival needs of earthly existence to rising to greater heights with vision, confidence and faith in our power of spiritual manifestation.  


So many of us have opted for the path of the spiritual warrior applying our energies to the expansion of consciousness beyond the primitive enactment of history.  We all know it’s not an easy brief transforming our embedded memory banks and reactive thought, behaviours and patterns. Yet we go on.


As we keep on in faith of our creative powers to choose our reality, our life path and to create a world built upon the energy of love, truth, compassion and forgiveness, we begin to manifest more of that vision.   


Love and blessings to us all as we harness the power of the December Solstice and proceed to the New Moon in Capricorn right ahead of us. Trust I’ll get a brief email out to you before then.  Bit hammered with exhaustion here.   




from the chair...anticipating ignition



It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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