...for the children of the earth

Friday 23 December 2022


Hi everyone! 
Welcome to the last week of 2022! It’s all happening...the breakthrough this week!
What a year! The bombardment has been intense and ongoing with little relief from the pressures of change, often dramatic and/or traumatic. And now the year draws to a close with some boosts from the cosmos.
A year of reaching up, reaching out for ourselves and others as the world has been called to pull together as our bodies, our systems and the earth herself fall/s apart. The ongoing challenge has been to pull ourselves together even as our physical bodies, lives, livelihoods are being pulled apart.  The growing strength of small communities helping each other through crises and disasters has been one of the greatest positives to come from this time.    
Trust you are already or soon will be, feeling the uplift of fire and release from the past ushered in by current energies of release and renewal. A New Moon to help us on our way!

Posting for the last week can be found by clicking on 'Blog Archive' on right side of blog page.  Postings are chronological. 
23rd December:  New Moon Capricorn at 1 degree 33 Capricorn at 9.16 pm AEDT
Builders awaken!

A New Moon and a new firing of the spirit as our foundation!
This New Moon fired by a connection to Jupiter in Aries is guaranteed to fire our spirit and to strengthen the foundation for ongoing restructuring of our lives.  It starts with spirit!
Time to build the inner divine fire of the self, the identity!
Aries energy,like Capricorn wants us to push out into the wider world and bring passion to our earthly ambitions.  However, we’re still working within the limitations of the Mars/Mercury refining process. We’re in the process of recovering and renewing our spirit of desire, enthusiasm and optimism whilst in the midst of ‘destruction’.
Not this again!  Are we still doing ‘Groundhog Day’? Yes...for a bit longer
We’re still very much in the clearing house of the psyche with Mars/body/fire and drive still retrograde in Gemini bringing our mental body into balance as we cover old territory, challenges and learning until 12th January. And...we have Mercury turning retrograde on 29th for 3 weeks.  More pruning, primping and clearing of old tracks and pathways.
Number one priority:  Focussing on strengthening and renewing our fire spirit is likely to bring us to a new clarity after mid January in time to welcome the Sun/20th and then the New Moon in Aquarius on 22nd January.
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Capricorn:  Speaks for itself capturing the essence of the time and guiding the lunar month to come

This shows the need to have a strong sense of self, a strong constitution or a clear sense of belief in the goodness of the world. This pictures the need to stay strong under the barrage of bombardment. One of the three corners of unity, in this case the one of love, is damaged and separated by the aggressive nature of mankind. With the shattering (the “Damage”) of the “Window”, there is often a loss of faith, hope and trust. Acceptance of love can lead to a healing on many levels. As Leonard Cohen says “there is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s where the light gets in”.
Careless aggression where love should be. Religious or philosophical differences sparking problems. Seeking sanctuary. Rescue of endangered holy places. The need for repair.
Feeling disconnected. A feeling of being ‘under attack’. Fear-based lectures and sermons. Terrorism in all its forms. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Shell shocked.
Sabian Symbols: Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
My last update might have felt lacking in the little pictures I put into the body of the writing.  Frankly I was just too exhausted with body work and survival issues to add the extras.  However, I have put them into the blog post as listed below,
21st December  Jupiter enters Aries
21st December: Moon goes out of bounds at 6 degrees Sagittarius
21st December:  Mercury returns from out of bounds
22nd December Sun enters Capricorn
The Solstice
23rd December Chiron Direct
24th December:  New Moon in Capricorn
24th December: Venus returns from out of bounds
From Lauren Gorgo:  Solstice Celebration: Earth's first graduating class
This link takes you to the full article:
Solstice Celebration: Earth's first graduating class
We are moving thru a monumental, perhaps even incomprehensible, completion cycle this month as we finalize the 10-year journey of our Cosmic becoming that began on 12/12/12.  For the last decade (2012-2022) we have been in a massive in-breath cycle…calling back our soul fragments, drawing our energy inward to transmute tremendous darkness from the fallen realms while clearing our bodies, lives & lineages from lifetimes of genetic/ancestral karma in preparation for embodiment.  Now we are bringing this epic journey to completion, breaking free from the auric egg and beginning this brand-new Cosmic Creation cycle as a collective.
Because of this grand finale point, the overarching theme of December has been “the point of no return” as we physically drop the old/lower self & (separation) structures that we have been working with our entire lives.
For the Solstice:
Blessings on this sacred solstice & paradigm-shifting week! 💫 Today we are being washed in the new light as we emerge from the 9-day delivery portal to redemption, rebirthed anew. For some, this day marks the moment we become "living, breathing gods"... physicalized as LOVE.

A new timeline of peace on Earth is here now, waiting to be discovered by those with eyes to see & Hearts to feel.  This new (unity) timeline brings closure to Piscean Age persecution, wounding, suffering, sacrifice & victimization. These cycles are over which means you are fully supported to release the remaining blocks that kept you stuck & small so you can complete the inner reunion process.
Golden Oldies:

‘Light My Fire’ The Doors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEXlWgMOtqc
Upcoming Dates:
29th December Mercury Retrograde 24 degrees 21 Capricorn 8.32 pm AEDT

 That’s all folks!  Hugs all around! 

We now enter our final month of the Chinese calendar, completing the Year of the Tiger, a year in which every ounce of tiger medicine was called into play from knowing when to wait, to move, to camouflage and most of all to develop and maintain courage at every step. The New Moon in Aquarius on 22nd January ushers in a new Chinese year, the year of the Water Rabbit.


And this week we complete the calendar year of 2022, numerologically a 6 year in which we have been evolving the energy of love with self-love and acceptance. It’s been a year of balancing and re-balancing constantly as humanity and the earth rocked and rolled with disruption and disturbance challenging us at every turn to return to equilibrium.


We’re still climbing our mountains for the next month whether mentally, emotionally or physically but the bottom line is its all spiritual. It is our courage, faith and commitment that takes us on with hope in our hearts.


Love and blessings to  us all as we manage our focus, energies and commitment to the power of love to carry us into the new year of 2023.  More on that briefly with my update for 29th December Mercury retrograde, the final post for the year.  


To all who celebrate Christmas whether in the spiritual tradition or culturally, have a blessed Christmas and let the power of love and acceptance rule the day!




from the chair with my inner tiger cub climbing


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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