...for the children of the earth

Sunday 14 February 2016

14th February 2016 Mercury into Aquarius 17th February Venus into Aquarius 19th February

Hi everyone!  Still flying in the light of the Aquarian Sun and New Moon!
What’s been happening:
What a week it’s been!  Mercury/mind and Mars/body/fire have been challenging us to drop the old ways, to drop the old stories, the old belief systems and old reactive behaviours.
Upgrading the heart energy:  It’s not just about you!
To add to the mind/body challenges, we’ve had Venus our heart energy ploughing on through Capricorn, the sign of ‘never enough’.  When we consider Venus rules money as well as love, you can get the picture of potential meltdown...unloved and broke!  Whew!  Of course not everyone has been experiencing this and those who have, it’s been in varying degrees depending on your individual life map, natal chart.
Mercury completing shadow journey in Capricorn:  Letting old mindsets go!
So many of us are embracing the potential of the New Moon in Aquarius but held in process by Mercury’s completion of his shadow retrograde journey. Just after he moves into Aquarius on 14th at about 1 degree Aquarius, he’ll have completed this journey through Capricorn of the past 6 weeks.  He’s only retrograde 3 weeks but the shadow period before and after this period adds to the slowdown, review, regeneration and renewal. 
Cleansing, purification and recalibration:  Clarifying the windows of the mind!
It’s been a mind makeover and recalibration of cell memories and DNA which carry beliefs, old paradigms like the patriarchal energies, governance politically and religiously.  Capricorn is tradition, the old way, the old status quo.

Are we coming or going:  Both!  Letting out and letting in!  From 3D to 5D!
Along with that we’ve experienced Mars/our physical body/fire and drive in Scorpio squaring off to the Sun in Aquarius, opening up the spiritual collective wounds in a trine with Chiron in Pisces. That was the tip of the iceberg but captured the essence of this challenge to shift from 3D to 5D, from the old paradigm of ‘hard work and struggle’ of ‘making it happen’ from feeling you needed to take physical action to the 5D paradigm of ‘going with the flow’, of allowing, of magnetising and drawing to you whilst letting go at the same time.
We’re working with both energies at the same time.  Our beings are like revolving doorways with hotel ‘guests’ coming and going at all hours of the night and day!  The picture of this lava lamp is the best I could do to capture this constant movement.  And you think you’re stuck?  haha!
What’s coming in:
14th February:  Mercury moves into Aquarius at 9.42 am AEDT...out of shadow retrograde!
Until 5th March
Where we’ve been:
Just after Mercury enters Aquarius, he leaves shadow retrograde after 6 weeks exploring the earthy energies of Capricorn.
Mental re-set:  We’ve been experiencing a deep cleansing process of our mental energies, our mindsets and belief systems.  We always go through a re-set with Mercury retrograde periods.  The nature of that re-set depends on the sign in which Mercury travels. In Capricorn, it’s been about traditions, belief systems, the status quo, the patriarchal energies and karmic release.
Karmic release:  Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler is the Lord of Karma, so the karmic release of mental energies has been intense as we’ve been letting go of ‘control’ and the benchmarks which have dominated this life and history.
Mercury’s enforced ‘holiday’:  ‘Why won’t things go MY way!’
Mercury is our mind manager and for the past 6 weeks he’s been out of kilter, possibly confused as every step he tried to take on the physical level met with delays, doubts, backtracking and possibly a sense of defeat.
Are you stuck or just waiting:  Is ‘time out’ being stuck?
We’ve been forced to approach life in a new way, the magnetic way, the way of resonance which draws to us that which we need.  Yes.  Many of us are familiar with this way of living but the dominant ideology in the world is ‘make it happen...now!’.  I’ve noticed more use of the word ‘stuck’ in many spiritually focussed articles and commentary.   Are we stuck if we’re resting?
Now  Mercury in Aquarius :  Liberating the mind!
‘The only way you can get rid of doubt is by experiencing clarity because both cannot abide within you at the same time’ - Esther Hicks/Abraham
Testing the new wings:  Stretching the mind and exploring new possibilities!
Not quite 3 weeks to take flight and test your new wings.  Mercury is an air energy, a mental energy and so is Aquarius.  Mercury in Aquarius offers a sense of freedom for our mind manager and messenger who’s been feeling stymied, blighted by brain stagnation and frustration.
Time to fly:  Freefalling in faith!  Clarity and confidence restored!
The measure of how much we’ve released, renewed and integrated in the past 6 weeks will be demonstrated over the next 3 weeks and on by the way in which we can grasp situations with a new mental clarity.  The conflicted thinking, second guessing and doubt filled moments have hopefully been released from the physical memory banks and we’re now going to see what happens when we do some free falling without fear!
Explore and be open to innovative solutions and new ideas:  Sudden flashes of insight!
Aquarius offers Mercury innovative solutions as Mercury is the consummate problem solver when he has a clear head. These two energies will be just what we need after the past weeks of go slow. Aquarius is a higher mental energy which connects to the outer cosmos and brings in quirky, novel and welcome ideas.  Just right after releasing some of the restrictive bonds of the status quo.

Exciting, stimulating and maybe a little highly strung!  
Release the old stress reactions!  Laugh!
Aquarius rules the neuralgic system and Mercury rules the nervous system so we may well experience some hyper mental activity.  We will need to make a conscious effort to rest the nervous energy rather than burn out!
However, the lightening of the energy with the mind energy open and flowing will be stimulating and exciting.  I think a whole lot of us could do with a dollop of that after seemingly plodding along the pilgrim’s pathway for quite some time.
17th February:  Venus moves into Aquarius at 3.16 pm AEDT
Until 12th March
What’s been happening with Venus:  Surfacing of karmic wounds related to love!
She hasn’t been in the most comfortable of situations these past weeks travelling through Capricorn, an earth sign which rules success, attainment, respect, reputation. systems, the establishment and tradition.  Old stereotypical patterns of thinking have been under examination with Mercury in Capricorn.

How’s your sense of worthiness:
Our sense of self-worth in relation to success and fulfilment has been under the microscope with our heart centre. Issues of worthiness have been coming to light.  It’s been uncertain ground.  It’s been hard to know fact from fiction with our mind manager having a minor breakdown. 
Healing old karmic wounds around love, self-worth and equity:  
How do I love me..let’s count the ways!
Venus rules love, beauty, harmony, peace and money.  Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra and their particular focus has been relevant during this last period of time as any outstanding issues concerning self-worth and values (Taurus) or balance and justice (Libra) may have been underpinning the heart makeover.
Final 2 days of Venus in Capricorn:  
Clearing the emotional and cellular memories!  Intensification!
As planets prepare to change signs, there’s often an intensification of energies as if we’re getting a ‘hurry up’ to get through all that we can while the energies are with us. Remember, we’re shifting 3d consciousness on! If you felt the sting in the tail of Mercury in Capricorn for his last day, you know what I’m talking about.  It was an immense ‘make or break’ shift!
Are we entitled to love, a fulfilling life, equity and abundance on all levels of our being?
This is a perfect time to practise some reframing of self talk about ‘entitlement’.  I’ve noticed this coming up a lot recently on social media with an inference that we are entitled to ‘an empty page’...nothing!
I think this is damaging when we consider so many of us old souls are embedded with a deep sense of unworthiness, built up over thousands of lifetimes of batting our head against a brick wall, being caught up in the energies of oppression and inequity.  Doesn’t matter which side of the fence we were on in those times.  We were players in those energies. Are we entitle to food? shelter?...basic needs which are not now being fulfilled for millions across the planet. 
Definition of ‘entitlement’ from Oxford Dictionary: The fact of having a right to something

I know this word is often used in relation to people feeling entitled to privileges at the expense of others, but when we consider that ‘entitlement’ is a ‘right’ then we look at our own lives and how we feel about our worthiness in terms of receiving our divine entitlement.  Just take 2 days to review your feelings about your life and your worthiness to accept your divine gifts and blessings.  The divine pathway is before you and waiting for your acceptance of you!
Now Venus in Aquarius:  Liberating the heart!  Liberating love!
Aquarius is a liberator, fearlessly breaking out of predictable behaviours and limiting constructs.  ‘Unchain my heart’ is probably the best heart liberating song that comes to mind, except no-one’s doing it for us.  We’re liberating ourselves!
If we’ve done some serious clearing of old consciousness of ‘lack’ whether it’s love or money or earthly comforts, then we’re on our way to throw off a lot of residue as we lift our hearts into the outer spheres of unconditional love, forgiveness, mercy, compassion and divine grace.
Connecting with our galactic consciousness:
As Venus leaves Capricorn we’ll feel a lightening of the karmic burdens and the scent of fresh air and new dimensions as our hearts lift off into the higher consciousness of Aquarius. Are you ready and willing to connect to your star families, galactic families, soul families? 
Detachment from the 3d emotional climate:
Aquarius offers a detachment in relation to emotional energies and this is just what’s needed to contact that deep well of longing for evolved love within our beings...without the handicap of emotions surfacing from past times, old memories from other people, other places and other times.
Transcending the emotional energies can elevate our emotional centre into a pure essence of divine love.  Yes, we’re a work in progress but every time we reach for the stars and ‘the good life’, we are choosing love in its purest form.
Remember that Venus rules love, harmony, peace, beauty and money which is an energetic reflection of love. Aquarius gives our heart an elevated perspective, an opportunity to see love through new eyes, cutting free of the ties that bind and all the issues of human relationship that get us all tangled up with projections, reflections, neediness and dependencies.  Aquarius has the potential to set our hearts free to fly!
World events with Venus and Mercury in Capricorn:
With Capricorn urging us to seek success, material wealth, acknowledgement, respect and reputation, any real or perceived shortfalls in these areas have been under review.  Working in tandem with the personal is the global economy, the continuing divide between rich and poor, the poverty consciousness not just in relation to money and financial wealth but in relation to separation from ‘source’, the self-love and self-acceptance.  So much of our power and validation we draw from money and status in our world that for many we have forgotten that our greatest power is love and our higher more evolved self
The stockmarkets:
Venus rule money, Mercury rules commerce and Capricorn is big business, government, banks, systems, multinationals, the establishment.  I think the Mercury retrograde period in Capricorn really stirred up the economies and the money flow.  So much of the stockmarket is run by fear and panic.  And with Venus in Capricorn, the likelihood of ‘lack’, poverty consciousness and loss would have kicked in with the Mercury energy.  Let’s see what happens over the next week when these two planets move into Aquarius.  Maybe more pie in the sky schemes? Winking smile
It’s been interesting to observe the political climate, particularly in USA which has an upcoming election.  In particular we have an extreme right wing energy and an extreme left wing energy up for selection.  That in itself is very interesting as the status quo continues to be shifted and challenged.  We’re in for the long haul but we need to observe the Capricorn energy ruling governments.  Pluto continues on his work in this sign until 2024.
From Celia Fenn:  ‘Earth Mastery and Finding your Soul Team in 2016’
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 6 February 2016

Golden Oldies:
‘I can see Clearly Now’ Jimmy cliff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSuB4t3q_dA for Mercury in Aquarius, out of shadow
‘Don’t worry, be happy’ Bobby McFerrin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU&index=5&list=RDKSuB4t3q_dA  Mercury
‘Unchain my Heart’ Joe Cocker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zihe13sdHTE  for Venus in Aquarius
‘Test the universe and watch what shows up’  Abraham Hicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIzAO7yu1nw  Focus and worthiness
Upcoming Dates:
19th February:  Sun into Pisces
23rd February:  Full Moon in Virgo
That’s it folks! 
We’re getting some breathing space from the earthy 3D treadmill if we’re prepared to take advantage of the shift in energies this week. You’re likely to find the Mercury and Venus shift from Capricorn to Aquarius an incredible lightening of the load we’ve been carrying.  It’s going to be a lot easier to offload the old mindsets and the old sad stories locked into the heart.  I’ve written quite a bit on what’s been happening because I think it’s been such an incredibly powerful period of change. 
Gear shifting this week:
This week with Mercury and Venus changing signs and then the Sun moving into Pisces at the end of the week means a gear shift which will affect our everyday reality in a more pronounced way for the better.  This is going to be a lot easier to take as we feel the updraft from the material, physical concerns and find magical solutions manifesting more easily.  We just have to keep our mind focussed on affirmations such as ‘all is well’ and trusting the process of change.  We may well be surprised at how swiftly things start happening.
As always, love and blessings to all my star trekker companions.  Just 5 more days with the Sun in Aquarius.  We’ll have our hearts and minds in the stars as minds and hearts travel to the outer reaches of consciousness.  At the end of the week, our light beings will be shifted into the spiritual waters of Pisces. I’ll be sending a short update (short? you say)  for the Sun in Pisces at the end of this week.
from the chair


It’s all about love
Soul tribe and galactic cousins

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