...for the children of the earth

Thursday 18 February 2016

19th February 2016 Sun moves into Pisces

Hi everyone!
It’s all Aquarius...star filled and magic!  Lifting off the Capricorn mountain top in mind and heart.
From Capricorn to...
Capricorn is the earth energy that calls us to transcend material focus, to resolve karma and to take our authority as a master of the earthly domain. It can be a challenging energy if we allow ourselves to fall into the materialism and benchmarks of the wider society.  But we can earn big brownie points with Capricorn’s ruler Saturn as our guide and spiritual task master.  The month of January sure served up a big dose of Capricorn transformation for us all, some of us more impacted than others. 
My hairdresser today, who has a dominance of Capricorn energies in her natal chart, revealed to me her heavy duty month...mentally, emotionally and physically.  She’s young, fit, practises yoga and other spiritual disciplines.  Of course not all Capricornians would have experienced this.  It’s an individual experience.
We’ve been floating amongst the stars with our magical umbrellas since last week’s New Moon in Aquarius.  That Aquarian lunar energy is with us until the New Moon in Pisces on 9th March.  As well, we have Mercury our mind manager in Aquarius until 5th March and Venus, our heart centre in Aquarius until 12th March.

Now the Pisces Sun!  Aquarius and Pisces energies:
Aquarius and Pisces are two energies which help us transcend mentally and emotionally.  How much transcendence we do in the mentally focussed Aquarius energy will set us up for getting the benefits of the Pisces energy which always has the potential to drown us in a sea of emotion or uplift us into the higher spiritual realms. Every sign carries different layers of consciousness.
Solar activity this past week:                      
Over the past week we’ve had solar flares happening almost every day along with geomagnetic storms.   Solar winds have also been buffeting the earth’s geomagnetic field. 
This is all ‘light’ activity impacting the earth and bringing light energy into us all.  We are one with the earth and her magnetic field is inevitably connected to our magnetic field.
You may or may not be feeling the influence of these energies as it may bring up tiredness or feeling energised.  Depends where you are in your process.
It’s been interesting in light of the planetary movements of Mercury/mind and Venus/heart energies into Aquarius.  Whooo oooo!
Today the solar activity seems to be a little more settled. 
19th February:  Sun moves into Pisces at 4.33 pm AEDT
Until 20th March

Dream a little dream:  ‘Catching’ the dreams...be in the space and they’ll come!

Into the field of dreams, or should I say the ocean of dreams.  Without dreams we have no vision. We need the dream, to build it regularly, adding to the dimensions and to the detail in order to provide the inspiration and fire to keep us moving.  Maybe at first it feels like ‘pie in the sky’, too fantastic to even consider as realistic.  We soon find out as we keep visiting that vision and building it into something of substance in the imaginary sphere of probability. 

Imagination brings inspiration:  Relax and go with the flow!
Welcome to Pisces, the sign of the visionary, the artistic realm and the outer spiritual spheres which offer up all manner of possibilities.  The creative mind needs time to drift and dream, floating in this immense and timeless ocean.  Why else do we get so many bright ideas listening to music, in the bath, floating on the water.  We allow ourselves to contact that inspirational force of Pisces. We get beyond the mental energy into the free flowing energies of the emotional, spiritual self.
Artistic expression and spiritually focussed activities are highlighted:
Any ‘fluid’ forms of expression are particularly enhanced during Pisces month.  Meditation, contemplation and quiet time alone brings some much needed peace after the last month of somewhat hectic activity.

Potential for clearing old energies this month:  
Mars moving into shadow retrograde in Scorpio...transformational physically!
Pisces rules the 12th house, the collective unconscious which can put us in touch with all manner of energies.  We may well ask, ‘Where do I begin and end’ during this time.  Pisces reveals the unconscious and brings to the surface emotional and/or spiritual experiences from other times and places.  

With Mars, our fire and drive and masculine energy shifting into retrograde shadow on this same day as the Sun’s entry into Pisces, I imagine we’ll be clearing up some issues around the physical body, our fire and drive and unevolved masculine energy.  Dreams/nightmares are always a great insight as well instrumental in clearing old fears, phobias, memories. 
Bringing dreams to earth:  When we are fully clear and holding that
dream in its raw creative esoteric state...call it in!
Our masculine warrior energy which may still be rearing his head wanting to ‘make it happen’ may feel some challenges when ‘he’ keeps butting his head against a brick wall.  If you’re feeling like this at any time, take a step back and wait till the clarity comes and the pathway opens from ‘heaven to earth’.
It isn’t going to work the old way of going out there and hunting down the dreams.  We build the energy until the pinata is ready to burst open with all the ‘sweeties’, pennies from heaven. love and joy, fulfilment.
Just remember that dreams manifest when we’re ‘ready’ not when we ‘think’ we’re ready.
19th February:  Mars moves into shadow retrograde
From Stephanie Azaria: www.thecosmicpath.com
Mars will be retrograde from mid April through to the end of June, and will complete his shadow recovery at the end of September. This seems to point to a recalibration at the physical level, and I feel certain many of us will agree that this is essential right now.

Cosmic consciousness daily for 18th/19th February:
Mark your calendars, because this is a very important day. Mars moves into his retrograde shadow, officially kicking off his 6 month retrograde cycle. Mars will spend these next two seasons traveling between 23 Scorpio and 9 Sagittarius (and back again). That's a long time for the ruler of the physical body to be moving back and forth over just 16 degrees of our energy field.  Mars will be moving through Pluto's sign and Jupiter's sign, bringing these two archetypes fully into the upcoming transmutation process. Further, Mars will go retrograde at 9 Sagittarius, which is exactly where Saturn will go direct in August.
As we all know, Mercury has just completed his retrograde journey, which completely overhauled our mental operating system, in tandem with Pluto. That means that these five planets are involved in a major realignment process. First the mind was overhauled, next the body will be upgraded, and ultimately we will have at our disposal a new mind/body connection that is unlike anything we've known before.

Golden Oldies:
‘Please keep me in your dreams’ Billie Holliday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUjWvcoKr_M for Sun in Pisces
‘Dream on little dreamer’ Perry Como https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdPzuuksdKI  Pisces Sun/Virgo Full Moon on the way!

Upcoming Dates: 
23rd February Full Moon in Virgo
9th March:  New Moon in Pisces
That’s it folks!  Just a short one, as promised, after the previous epistle.  We’re now headed to the Full Moon in Virgo on 23rd, just a few days away.  That full moon will be an earthy grounding moon which offers the potential for bringing dreams to light from the Pisces Sun and filling out their potential for earthly manifestation.
Love and blessings to us all as we immerse in the higher spiritual energies of the Pisces Sun for the next month.
from the chair...just swimming
It’s all about love
Sometimes two fish swimming in opposite directions can have a blissful moment


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