...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 2 February 2016

2nd February 2016

Hi everyone!
What’s been happening:
Between a rock and a hard place:
Where have we been/not been since the Full Moon in Leo last Sunday?  Yes, for many of us, between a rock and a hard place.  Can’t move forward, can’t move backward. In suspended animation maybe?
What’s keeping us in this change state? We have a number of planetary movements and aspects along with galactic connections which are upgrading us. 
Mercury changing direction:
Decisions are pending, we’re waiting for the right timing as life is all about that right timing, when to be still and when to act. A lot of this is down to Mercury slowing to change direction on 26th and then in a holding pattern until 28th.  That holding pattern is when Mercury’s  in ‘station’, hardly moving at all. Although he’s changed direction, he’s very still, a bit like he’s changing his mind, making up his mind, clearing his mind. 
Between worlds:  
‘Stuck in the middle with you’...a foot in each camp 3D and 5D
We’ve been getting an ‘upgrade’ in consciousness for some time but is now very present in our process thanks to the past month or so of Mercury’s retrograde period.  Mercury’s still in shadow for a couple more weeks.
Straddling worlds!We're undergoing a big shift in consciousness thanks to Mercury's retrograde/shadow journey of past month or so. Can you feel all the old paradigm rattling its chains and nerves? That's Mercury and her Nervous Nellie reactions releasing after Mercury's meeting with Pluto over the weekend.
Today, it's Mercury/mind manager squaring off the Uranus/mover, shaker and shifter! We may feel on a wobbly footing as old ground gives way underneath us. We just have to keep our intent clear on accessing that higher ground, calling in our divine entitlement to a new spiritual, social and economic paradigm. That means love, forgiveness, mercy and compassion for ourselves as all the old karmic wounds are flushed away and vacuumed up by the Great Attractor!
It's a journey 3d to 5d or bust!
Mercury’s got us edgy, Uranus and Pluto have us jumpy and Saturn’s sucking the life force out of us.
Anxiety, fear, doubt, insecurity has been around over the past week or so.  Still there on and off.
This too shall pass as our mind clears and pending decisions make themselves obvious. Then we get the lift in energy. 

'Some of you do not make changes until you experience discontent or anxiety. If you are in the latter category, your soul may create more and more problems, discomfort, or internal resistance toward your existing job or situation to get you to pay attention to the fact that changes need to be made. Learn to let go of the old or find ways to change things when you stop loving what you are doing, and when you are no longer growing and feeling alive from doing it.'
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance Orin and Daben
30th January: Mercury and Pluto met at 15 degrees  Capricorn...Mindshifts!
With Mercury our mind manager sitting right on Pluto, our transformation manager at fifteen degrees Capricorn, we're going through a huge mindshift about 'the way of the world', personal and transpersonal.

They came to their exact meeting on 30th AEDT. However the impact of these two sitting together has been with us since 21st January and will be with us until 8th February.

It’s time to ‘lose the grip’ as distinct from ‘get a grip’: 
The intensity of this meeting has been increased with Mercury changing direction. With Pluto in there, everything seems to be changing direction, especially in our own mindsets. Any desire to maintain the status quo, to keep a grip on life as you've known it is being challenged as we're called to embrace a new beginning with respect to our thinking and our place in the physical world. It's Capricorn,overseer of physical and financial security being turned upside down.

Conjunctions/meetings of planets indicate new beginnings and this is a new one for our minds, mindsets and our own personal status quo. What's happening 'out there' is a great reflection of what's happening inside so whatever's pushing your buttons is your indicator of personal transformation.
What’s coming in: 
Saturn and The Great Attractor:  Lord of Karma meets a huge force of gravity...a super vacuum!

From 1st February to mid February: 
Saturn at 14 degrees Sagittarius meets a giant vacuuming force:
The Great Attractor is located at 14 degrees Sagittarius.  Saturn is sitting right on the Great Attractor for the next couple of weeks, until mid February.
The Great Attractor operates like a huge vacuum, similar to a black hole.  However it’s not a black hole but described as a galactic ‘anomaly’ as astronomers have been unable to define it.
Sucks in energies:
It still has the vacuuming energy, sucking into it countless pieces of the cosmos, galaxies, stars and planets as well as all the flotsam and jetsam of the galactic universe.  It’s magnitude is humungous and beyond the understanding of most of us and probably many astronomers too.
Emits energies:
It also emits energy which is different to the defining energy of a black hole such as the Galactic Centre or Super Galactic Centre. 
Choose karmic release:  
A new spiritual, social and economic paradigm calls us on!

Time to grow up! and up!
Saturn represents karma along with authority and as he sits on the Great Attractor seems a great message for all of us interpreters of the world and significant happenings.  There couldn’t be a better time than to release all those karmic burdens, ties, cell memories of oppression, grief, pain and suffering.  There couldn’t be a better time to choose to shift into higher consciousness and take our spiritual authority in the physical world. 

Saturn is the status quo, the accepted paradigm:  
Time to build a new paradigm, founded on spirit! 
As we each enact our own changes within, we’re building a new paradigm for life on earth, one built on natural law as we live our lives. Of course we still need to operate within society’s rules and certain conventions but as we break down the limitations and restrictions of our thinking and transcend the lower energy emotions to a bigger picture, we emanate our truth into the world.  

As more people increasingly emanate divine truth, we get a domino effect which rolls out into the wider community. This is a silent taking of our power and authority which is built on divine equity, divine justice, divine love, divine abundance...on and on into every aspect of our society.  It’s a silent revolution of the heart.  

Astrological significance of the Great Attractor:

Laniakea Supercluster: 
From Wikipedia:
The Great Attractor is a gravity anomaly in intergalactic space within the vicinity of the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster at the centre of the Laniakea Supercluster that reveals the existence of a localised concentration of mass tens of thousands of times more massive than the Milky Way.
‘The Great Attractor:  A truly Massive Mystery’:
5th February:  
Venus/our heart centre meets Pluto on the same degree where Mercury/mind met Pluto on 30th!
Mind and now heart transformation!
Pluto is the great transformer and digs deep into whatever he meets.  In the last week, he ripped away our mental masks, confronted us with our mind games when he met with Mercury.  For many of us, we spent the weekend in deep surrender as we let go of mindsets which have been blocking us from expanding the parameters of our thinking and growth.  The limited mindsets taken on from the old paradigm have been with us and driving us down the cattle run, unable to escape the old way of thinking.

Empty out all the heartsets:  The old ‘stories’ have to go!  
How many soapies do we have to keep living through to get it?
Now it’s Venus’ turn as Pluto pours his transformational energy into our heart centres and releases those emotions which have been keeping us from a fulfilling love-filled life.  Love and acceptance of ourselves as spiritual beings in a physical existence, love and acceptance of others and our world, even if we’re not happy with so much that is happening ‘out there’! 
These past weeks it feels like we’re clearing deep core wounds from all our bodies, mental, emotional, physical and astral.  All the karmic threads in our DNA, our cell memories are being shifted.  The key has been to staying centred in our hearts, in a state of loving acceptance, trust and surrender. Looks like there’s some more to go this week as we head to the liberating New Moon in Aquarius on 9th February.
Capricorn energies are being transformed:  We’re in for the long haul with Pluto in Capricorn until 2024!  A work in progress!
Remember, all this is happening in the sign of Capricorn, the sign of tradition, the sign of the patriarchy and authorities such as governments, big institutions and organisations.  On the personal level, we are being called to examine our unthinking acceptance of the way things have been, to re-examine the values and attitudes which inform our actions in the world.
Power of the people's voice:  Paradigm Shift!
Grassroots awareness informing governments and politicians!Isn't it interesting to see 'the people' taking a stand about 'law' and how it is and isn't implemented by government. Our immigration minister in Australia had to get advice on whether to give a visa to a man who wants to come to Australia to preach to men that rape should be legal on private property.

What crazy times we live in when the people have to call the government to take action with respect to 'law'. Governments have lost so much 'moral' ground in their abusive behaviours, they don't know the difference between right action and abuse.

Who said the status quo isn't changing as the people gather together to speak out about 'right' action. There is a higher law which offers equity, freedom, growth and happiness to the citizens.

Our governments have really lost the plot and it's happening all over the world. Maybe Michael Leunig could offer advice along with the people who understand 'higher' law beyond tax collection, oppression of the downtrodden and the confining laws which suppress growth on all levels...including economic! Take note, the tide is turning!

31st January to 3rd February:   DNA Upgrade Vibrational Frequency Increase...Solar Alert

‘This is what is initiating DNA upgrades and vibrational frequency increases in all of us and Earth. This is what is creating the shift from 3D to 5D due to the Earth’s Shumann Resonance increasing from this intense energy.’

I think this is USA time so for Australians, add a day.

Lauren Gorgo’s Latest Message:  
 ‘The New Human:  5.0 edition’
Quote from above:
‘In the last report, we were told that we would undergo a comprehensive recalibration (during Mercury’s retrograde cycle) that would lead to a more permanent reconnection to the higher (GOD) mind.  That upgrade is officially complete tho will be calibrating from this change for the entire year ahead, if not longer.
In a sense, we will still be required to clear..but, because of the recent and radical mental upgrade we just endured this will be on a whole new level, with a new level consciousness and brand new perspective.  Aka, the process will be unlike anything we have experienced to date.’
I came across these links thanks to Lynda Hill, the Sabian Symbol astrologer.
Ellen Landers: ’Mindfulness over Matter’

‘Mindfulness’  by Ellen J Langer: 
Ellen J. Langer, Harvard professor of psychology, determines that the mindless following of routine and other automatic behaviors lead to much error, pain and a predetermined course of life. In this thought-provoking book, her research has been “translated” for the lay reader. With anecdotes and metaphors, Langer explains how the mindless—as opposed to the mindful—develop mindsets of categories, associations, habits of thought born of repetition in childhood and throughout schooling. To be mindful, she notes, stressing process over outcome, allows free rein to intuition and creativity, and opens us to new information and perspectives.
Langer discusses the negative impact of mindsets on business and social relations, showing special concern for the elderly, who often suffer from learned helplessness and lack of options. Encouraging the application of mindfulness to health, the author affirms that placebos and alternative, mind-based therapies can help patients and addicts move from unhealthy to healthy contexts.

Golden Oldies:
‘Stuck in the Middle with You’ The Stealers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WROJl6QtNMk

‘Take it Easy’ The Eagles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI3F687SsoU

Upcoming Dates:
9th February:  New Moon in Aquarius

14th February:  Mercury moves into Aquarius
17th February:  Venus moves into Aquarius
19th February:  Sun moves into Pisces

That’s it folks!  We’re travelling thanks to Mercury being underway again connecting with Pluto, then Uranus on 1st February.

As always, love and blessings to us all as we traverse this new stretch of ground which is throwing up choices all the time.  There’s only two choices, the old way or the new way. We won’t know if we’re coming or going for a while.  The best we can do is to be mindful of when we’re in 3D and when we’re in 5D realities.  Our own awareness is key to negotiating this next stretch of time.  Every time we reach for our galactic connection we’re choosing the higher consciousness where magic happens.

This update is a bit of a mish mash of information.  It’s been a bit of a challenging week for many of us.  My pc was challenged too.  I discovered that a smidgen of tea spilling onto the keyboard does not agree with it.  Fortunately, it came good on Monday so am getting out another retrospective of what’s been happening. Some of you may have read this on facebook but there’s a few new bits of information especially regarding Venus meeting Pluto on 5th.


from the chair...coming and going

It’s all about love

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