...for the children of the earth

Sunday, 7 February 2016

9th February 2016 New Moon in Aquarius

Hi everyone!
Here’s where we are spiritually!  Lifting off!  Under the Aquarian Sun!
Poised for the leap of faith:
Physically it may feel a little different whether in terms of the body or in terms of feeling there’s some movement forward.  We had a slow January with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, an earth sign.  Earth signs slow the energy down a little as we integrate and ground.  They also bring more stability...eventually.
These last couple of days before the New Moon and a Chinese New Year, we’re doing a lot of release and winding up this past year, the past month.
5th to 7th February:  Venus met Pluto in Capricorn at 16 degrees
I wrote of this aspect last week.  Big releases and draining out of cosmic energies from the DNA and cell memory.  Capricorn is very much related to karmic connections, ruled as it is by Saturn, Lord of Karma.
You may well have felt a heaviness of heart not necessarily from a current source of discomfort but arising from core spiritual ‘wounds’ of the heart and around love. Diving deep into the Pluto ‘cave’ of the heart is bringing forth some truth and realisations.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree seems particularly appropriate.
The Sabian Symbol for the meeting of Venus and Pluto on 6th, the same degree where Mercury/our mind met Pluto on 30th January
Capricorn 17
This Symbol shows getting rid of the restraints imposed by social conditioning and inhibitions; to strip down to bare essentials and not be ashamed of it. The “Young Person” is enjoying the feeling of not having clothes or costume to constrain or cover them. They are also letting the sun and the air contact their skin which is very healthy and revivifying. Although there may be some feelings of being ‘exposed’, really letting go and not worrying about being ‘seen’ can lead to feelings of freedom. This applies to a freeing up or exposing on a spiritual and emotional level as well, it’s not confined to physical realities. Confrontations with one's self. Reconnecting with nature. A desire to ‘reveal’ oneself. Confronting Puritanism. Issues with weight. Stripping. Streaking. Sun lotions. Mirrors.

The Caution: Suppression of natural attitudes. Bondage to inhibitions. Exhibitionist. Revealing too much. Showing off. Lack of concern for others’ feelings. Sexual exploitation. From www.sabiansymbols.com

In light of the above, you may consider which hidden parts of your psyche, your identity, your heart and mind were exposed, discovered, claimed and reinstated as a vital part of your essential self.  How beautiful that first the mind and now the heart is being opened to our absolute truth and authenticity of who we are.
A beautiful spiritual ‘set up’ taking us into the New Moon in Aquarius and Chinese New Year.  Fully owned, we take no prisoners, accept no spies and step forward confidently in a whole new energy of strength and authority.
2016:  Paradigm shift! 
We’re not just raising the roof!  We’re lifting the walls, challenging the parameters!

2016:  Slow and steady growth!  We burn with our shining lights!

I think this year will be a little slower than the past 3 years as the two ‘social’ planets Jupiter and Saturn play a role in slowing some of that fire and enthusiasm. Jupiter, a big bouncy energy, is in earthy Virgo which keeps him to a cautious and steady pace.  Solid gains in the earthly sphere.
This year I think we’re likely to get a lot of resolution of physical situations such as health, work, home and finances. 

Saturn, a slow mover at the best of times, is in fiery Sagittarius tempering our enthusiasm with practical considerations and solid foundation building. Earth signs bring the magic of financial stability and opportunities for real growth with physical and financial abundance. With Saturn’s help we’re building a new construction, a new reality, a new paradigm.
2016:  A ‘9’ year numerologically...a year of completion!  
The truth will out!
We’re also seeing long term issues with respect to ethics, truth and a more evolved moral consciousness coming forward more powerfully than we’ve had the past few years.  

Now, there’s more ‘trigger’ points bringing up challenges to the status quo, the old paradigm. Governments, Institutions, powerful players in the economic and political systems, both individually and collectively are being challenged by the growing consciousness of the masses who are questioning the ethics, morality and the truth of these individuals and systems.  Capricorn is a big player here and is getting the makeover with Pluto, Lord of Transformation. However. Saturn in Sagittarius is bringing in this new ‘truth test’ for everyone.
Mars retrograde mid April to 30th June:  Easy does it!  
Just pretend you’re going full speed even in a vintage vehicle!
Mars, one of the main shakers and movers, along with Mercury, is coming into a retrograde period which will also slow us down quite a bit.  It won’t be until mid April until the last day of June. The journey will be from 8 degrees Sagittarius to 23 degrees Scorpio before he turns around again.  Mars is our fire and drive as well as our physical body so the focus for review and recovery will be in those areas. 
Plenty happening despite general slow and steady movement: 
Uranus and Pluto shifting us with occasional bolts out of the blue!  
The intensity moves away from early April!
However, I think we’ll have plenty to keep us up and happening as sudden changes come in like a whirlwind, bolt out of the blue or lightning strike to shift us along.  The Uranus/lightning striker and Pluto/deep transformer continue to challenge each other as we head into this year.  They shook us up through last year and have been just a couple of degrees away from each other for some months.  However, they part ways gradually in early April. 

Eclipses bring change, shake us up and catapult us into taking action:  March and September are eclipse months this year
This year, two in March in Pisces then Libra and two in September in Virgo and Pisces.  The signs give some indication of the flavour of change.  Pisces, the collective unconscious, transcendence emotionally and spiritual change and growth.  Libra brings harmony, peace, love and justice. 
Virgo, earthy, physical and healing on the physical dimension as well as alignment with our highest potential for growth and fulfilment.
We will be more than grateful for any quieter, calmer energy sustained by Saturn and Jupiter. Especially if we take into account the potential of the Year of the Monkey.  I always think it’s difficult to predict how the Chinese Year will play out but when we look back at last year’s Year of the Sheep we can easily see the breaking down of the ‘herd’/flock mentality taking place in consciousness. 
The body:  Stay on the clearing!
We really have to stay on track to keep releasing the karmic threads in the DNA and cell memories, but we need to keep reminding ourselves that the spiritual progress of accessing and maintaining a new paradigm for life on earth requires all the qualities of the spiritual warrior.  We need to remind ourselves all the time that we are creating ‘heaven on earth’.  As we accept ourselves, unconditional love for ourselves, our worthiness to receive, we access the energies of entitlement to divine justice, divine abundance and divine equity for ourselves and all humanity.
8th February:  Chinese New Year
Year of the Fire Monkey

Last year:  Year of the Sheep...what happened?
Well it seemed to me that a mass of people across the planet were awoken from the ‘herd’ mentality.  Maybe I should say ‘flock’ mentality. Illusions regarding equity, safety and security were more challenged than they’ve been for many a year. 
Sheep were breaking out of the regimes of oppression, jumping fences, barriers and borders and heading for the hills, for greener pastures. The risks of dying en route to safe environments were taken as refugees fled war torn environments, severe poverty and economic oppression.
The winding up of the Year of the Sheep which has been a big year could well add to the heaviness that comes at the end of old energies.  Just remember that the Chinese Lunar New Year is celebrated at the 2nd New Moon after the December Solstice. This is always the Aquarian New Moon which really says it all.
2016:  Year of the Fire Monkey...get your magic wand ready!
This sounds like an interesting energy coming through this year.  I suggest you read the full article by Narrye Caldwell accessed by the link below.  It’s very readable, short and gives perspective on where we’ve been the past couple of years. 
The essence of this year comes in this paragraph from the article below by Narrye Caldwell:
‘The point here is this is the qi flavor of the coming year. Key words are: erratic, irrepressible, ingenious, clever, unpredictable, resourceful, adventurous, selfish, magical, quixotic, amoral. In other words, keep your wits about you because anything, absolutely anything, can happen. All manner of apple carts could be turned over in the most surprising ways. This will be a test of your ability to stay calm and unruffled in the face of relentless and unexpected challenges. But remember—on the other side of chaos is magic and transformation. Be brave and keep your sense of humor; never forget that there’s spiritual gold at the end of the tale.’
A comprehensive delineation from Narrye Caldwell: ‘Year of the Fire Monkey’ February 8 2016
2016 is Year of the Fire Monkey:  10 things to know
If we experience the monkey’s feisty nature and mischievous games then I’m sure we won’t be feeling bored and restless because the planets are moving slowly.  It promises a good mix of lively fun and time to walk the talk.
9th February:  New Moon in Aquarius 19 degrees 16 at 1.38 am AEDT...Freedom calls!
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s  new lunar month!  It’s Aquarian time!
Seed planting time:  Journey to the stars and back!
We’re already travelling under the Aquarian Sun and now we begin a lunar month ruled by the Aquarian energy. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus one of the outer planets in our galaxy which carries the galactic seeds of change and innovation. 
Where else would you go but to the outer limits of the cosmos!
Where’s the magic umbrella:  Up we go! Treasure hunting in the stars!
Just grab hold of that cosmic umbrella and we’ll do a Mary Poppins journey to access our golden message from our star families and the evolved consciousness of the galactic source.
Seeking our inspiration:  Starseeds gathering star ‘seeds’!
What then are we looking for?  The seeds of change, our own personal seeds to plant in the earthly soil of our world and nurture with the starlight of our own being. We’re off to discover our star of hope, our star of destiny.  If you haven’t found a path of destiny yet, or felt a ‘calling’ to do something which is of value to you and to the world, this is a time when you could feel that tug of inspiration. 
Aquarius rules community, friends and hopes and dreams:  We are
Aquarius calls us to see and embrace the oneness of humanity along with the oneness of our galactic connections.  Quantum Science has demonstrated we are one body with the earth, why not with the cosmos?
A united humanity:  Release the past and embrace love!
star animatedWith the current galactic connections astrologically, Saturn still moving over the Great Attractor, it’s the perfect time for release of earthly bonds of karmic threads from within the physical body and making the connection with our ‘lucky’ star! 
Ask for help:  Listen for responses!
Call on the cosmos, your light family, soul family, original family, the ancestors, ‘families’ of like mind and interested parties on this side and the other side of the veil.  I have called on the farthest reaches of the universe for assistance from those energies which align with higher consciousness, divine love and light. 
The new paradigm of love:
We now need to build our security foundation on a new footing, on the energies of a consciousness of love, on our knowing that we support each other spiritually. 
We are one family each with a unique ‘signature’:  One size does not fit all!  Unity through diversity!
The Aquarian energy invites us to discover our unique gifts and talents, our unique signature.  There seems to be a strongly embedded belief out there in the world and inside us all at some point or another that ‘one size fits all’ means that what works for me should work for you.  And most of us have discovered that is not the case.  The dominant ideology in society promotes extroverted behaviours, one medicine is a cure for everyone with the same disease/illness etc.  I could go on but you probably get the picture. 
Aquarius asks us to consider what makes us unique, our particular combinations of ‘essences’, character, personality, behaviours, interests, abilities, passions and focus.  What do we ‘bring to the table’ to share with humanity.
We have to be prepared to open up to others to show our true colours without shame, embarrassment or fear of rejection.  Love, respect and acceptance is key!
New Moon and Sun in square/challenge to Mars in Scorpio:  Evolving the consciousness!  An opportunity for the warrior to take the higher path!
Mars is our masculine energy, our fire and drive and our physical body. If ever there was a fresh start promised to these energies, this is it!  Mars has been known as the masculine warrior energy, sitting inside all of us.  The New Moon in Aquarius asks him to detach from the emotional embroilment of battles and wars on every front and to take the higher road of the divine mind, divine love.
Juno, the feminine marriage asteroid is Mars’ minder sitting in close proximity to the battle scarred warrior, helping him make the most of this positive, yes I say positive opportunity to connect with the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, to release the conflicted reactions of the past.
Jupiter still sitting with the North Node of the Moon in Virgo:  We are being called to align with the divine magnetic feminine energies!  Healing!
We know that healing is coming to wholeness, claiming and owning our authentic selves without the energies of past times which are in old consciousness.  We’re all heading for a new way of living without the hard work and struggle mindset.  We can only get that by allowing, surrendering and waiting on the will of heaven to receive what we are creating in our creative visions and visualisations.

New Moon offers hopes and dreams:  
Aquarius rules hopes and dreams so dream ‘big’ and reach for the stars...your stars!

This aspect is working beautifully with the New Moon as we are called to access our hopes and dreams as we’re aligning with the planetary direction.  If there was ever a time to let go of being a square peg in a round hole, this is it!  Remember to call them in to you.  You don’t have to go out and run yourself into the ground to find your destiny, your path of destiny or the next step on your path of destiny.  Just call it in to you as your divine entitlement.

Mercury/mind and Venus/heart:  Still travelling in Capricorn...still physical!  Could still be clearing cell memories of mindsets and old emotions!
Mercury and Venus, our mind and heart energies, are still travelling in fairly close proximity through Capricorn which continues to put the emphasis on the physical and material world.  We’re clearing out mindsets and emotions which have kept us bogged down in feelings of ‘not good enough’, failure, inadequacy, especially in relation to worldly success, career or money, Capricorn’s area of rulership.
Claim your respect and success in the world:
Issues around success, fulfilment, acknowledgement and feeling in charge of our lives have been surfacing for us to clear.  Remember we are dealing with the shift from a paradigm built on materialism to one built on more transcendent spiritual principles.  It’s all happening inside.  As we shift our old memories, so we start to see the outer manifestations in our world. The old values built on inequity and injustice in the name of competition fall away.
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Aquarius 20
This Symbol brings solace, comfort and joy to those who need help. “A Large White Dove” brings messages, possibly ones you've been waiting for for some time. You may need to resolve your situation by relying on peaceful messages that come from your spiritual center. They should be offered with gentleness and without malice. It can indicate either being seen as a savior or one who needs saving as you will at times be the one “Bearing a Message” at other times receiving it. Whichever side you’re on, there can be relief once you’ve been able to assimilate the message that’s being revealed. Blessings delivered; all is well. Celebration. Somebody who brings blessed relief to others. News. Announcements. Issues of hope and salvation. Birds. Spiritual messages.

The Caution: Sticking with the assumption that things will never improve. Refusing solace. Shooting the messenger. Not being content no matter what’s said. Depression.

New Moon in Aquarius Sabian Symbols from Lynda Hill:  http://www.sabiansymbols.typepad.com/

From Kryon 10th January 2016:
Some good guidance and information, as always, from Kryon
Golden Oldies:
‘If we Hold On Together’ Diana Ross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSGC70F1hUo for a unified humanity,the Aquarian dream
‘That’s what friends are for’ Dionne Warwick, Elton John, Gladys Knight and Stevie Wonder
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK6mUJZYcVU  for the New Moon  The 1st Aids benefit fundraiser I think?
‘We are the World’ for Africa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9BNoNFKCBI  for humanity, the New Moon
‘Monkey Magic Intro’ A television series from way back when ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAbE36IBTZY has lyrics
Here’s a better copy of the Intro and closing themes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zOFAD6e9Bk
More Monkey Magic ‘Monkey meets the Buddha’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTxPlUnDQ1U apt for Mars, the masculine warrior squaring off to the New Moon
‘Abba Dabba Honeymoon’ Debbie Reynolds & Carleton Carpenter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJHJAkhacGU  another monkey song!
We are the World
There comes a time when we hear a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And its time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know,
Love is all we need
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So lets start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
Its true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart so they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand

When you're down and out, there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
Let us realize that a change can only come
When we stand together as one
[Chorus x2]

Upcoming Dates:
14th February:  Mercury moves into Aquarius
17th February:  Venus moves into Aquarius
19th February:  Sun moves into Pisces
That’s it folks!  Happy New Moon!  Breathe in that fresh air! This promises to be a New Moon time which will shift us dramatically if we’re open and ready.  In a week’s time Mercury and Venus move into Aquarius and then we’ll really feel galactic lift off! 
As always, love and blessings to all my fellow travellers in the galactic energies! 
from the chair...at home
It’s all about love


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