...for the children of the earth

Monday 14 March 2016

12th March 2016 Venus moved into Pisces

Hi everybody!  We’re off!  Whooo!
Like ‘Alice in Wonderland’ we’ve moved into the portal of inter-dimensionality.
Just keep swimming:  Roll with the waves of change!
We’re hurtling through what Stephanie Azaria calls the eclipse ‘wormhole’ wherein we’re tossed around through timelines, through space and through experiences from other times and other places.  We may meet the Mad Hatter or the Cheshire Cat.  We’re more than likely going to meet aspects of ourselves from other timelines as the fabric of the cosmic universe opens to reveal  insights, understandings about ourselves and our potential. 
Whew!  What a week!  1st quarter moon on 16th!
It’s been quite a week since the New Moon eclipse which was only 4 days ago.
We still have 3 days to go before the 1st quarter moon which is like a starting point for taking action based on the gathered insight and knowledge of the past week. 
All at sea without a paddle:  Just keep floating and trusting!
If you’re still feeling ‘in the dark’ or travelling by radar from moment to moment, join the club!  Now remember, that we’re all in the change process whether we know it or not.  However, some of us are being more heavily impacted than others during this time.  After all, there is the collective journey and the individual journey.  For those with planets/points in any of the mutable signs, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius or Gemini, then you may be feeling this very powerfully.  
12th March:  Venus moved into Pisces at 9.32pm AEDT...time to frolic in the waves!
Until 6th April
Art Asako Eguchi
Venus finds her ‘true’ home:  In the waves of love!
Venus has just moved into Pisces.  Let’s remember the birth of Venus...from the ocean!
Venus rules Taurus and Libra but has a heartfelt connection to the sign of spiritual transcendence in the waves of spiritual love.
A gift from the cosmos:  Lifting our hearts in one voice, one song!
Venus’ move to Pisces is a gift at this time as our hearts are lifted as one into the highest spiritual potential.  If ever we’re seeking the evolved consciousness of the heart energy, of love in its most evolved state and connection with others beyond the limitations of our 3d existence then...this is it!

Time to come to peace with the ghosts of resistance and conflict:  
Just be love!
This is love at its most sublime, its most magnanimous, at its most forgiving, compassionate and all encompassing of humanity and all on earth.  This is a perfect time to come to peace in our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits with all those resistant energies seeking to keep us in conflict, in battle. in judgement of ourselves or others. 
Let the Venus wave carry you forward:
Venus is uplifted in the Pisces energy offering to take us forward on a wave of love which brings that feeling of effortless change.  We just need to be open, let go of the controls and allow the universe to bring to us our divine pathway forward to fulfilment.  Just be the love!
The week ahead: 
10th to 17th March:  
T-square Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn...a ‘crossroads’ of change!
Since 10th March Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius have been forming a square/challenge to each other.  With Saturn in the picture in Sagittarius, the sign of truth and divine law, the expansive energies of Jupiter moving through Virgo the sign of physical health and healing, the cleansing of karmic threads and burdens from the cell memories and ancestral DNA has been palpable. If you’re already feeling a shift in the ‘heaviness’ of old energies being lifted then all’s well and good.
14th to 15th March:  
Mercury joins Jupiter and Saturn to form a T-square
Look to the ‘missing leg’ of the T-square in Gemini for resolution!
More to come this week as Mercury in Pisces steps into the picture and joins the two ‘social’ planets of Jupiter and Saturn to form a T-square.  Mercury, our mind power, is being uplifted by the spiritual consciousness of Pisces and it seems likely that we’re being shifted in consciousness around the status quo and our embedded thoughts and beliefs as well as a big shift in our physical beings.
Letting go of old mindsets and opening to new pathways:  
Be open to inner messages!  Look to the moon!
I can only imagine how this might impact on us but with our communicator and messenger in spiritual Pisces, all that brainwashing from other times and places, the social conditioning in our DNA, could get a big cleanse and purification.  Providing we release all resistance to the incoming tide and keep an open mind with some flexible thinking, then we’re tapping into the Gemini energy. During this time the moon will be in Gemini so the Gemini ‘guidance’ and communication channels will come from within. 

From 14th to 16th March:  Venus squares Mars at 3 degrees Pisces/Sagittarius...balance and harmony within and without!
Venus in Pisces calls us to be receptive and Mars in Sagittarius wants to take action:  Compromise and balance!
Let’s remember that Mars is in shadow retrograde so more likely to be compliant to the inner callings of Venus to go with the flow without ‘trying’, without pushing forward on some ‘make it happen’ agenda.  This is divine partnership in action if we maintain awareness!

More karmic clearance of old heart energies from the memory banks:  ‘Look!  No hands!’ ...effortless release!
More calls to open the heart and clear all that karmic residue from the old masculine warrior energy.  We’re seeing this old energy rising up seemingly out of the past in the current American elections.  Let’s not forget that we are all part of this manifestation of extreme expression of the old status quo.  We all carry these energies within.  Our memory banks carry the memories of planet earth and the ancestors. We are called to clear at this personal level, to change our modus operandi and to intend a new way of living in the consciousness of love in its most elevated state.

Golden Oldies:
‘Stranger in Paradise’ Andrea Bocelli and Tony Bennett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFrUsa5SUv0&list=RDWFrUsa5SUv0#t=0
Four short guided meditations from Orin and Daben:
Upcoming Dates:
20th March:  Sun moves into Aries/Equinox
22nd March:  Mercury moves into Aries
23rd March:  Full Moon in Libra
25th March:  Saturn stations/turns retrograde
Just a short one this time but what great news with Venus taking to the waters of Pisces.  Our hearts couldn’t be happier!   
Big week coming up with a lot of planetary activity, a focus on Mercury interacting with a range of planets, accessing the higher mind.
On 20th March is the Equinox marked by the Sun moving into Aries following by a Full Moon partial lunar eclipse just three days later.
We’re being washed and tumbled by the Pisces New Moon eclipse energies and we have no idea where our wave will take us.  What new shore awaits our discovery?  Who knows!  We’re headed towards the Equinox followed by the Full Moon partial lunar eclipse in Libra on 23rd March. 
As always, love and blessings to us all on the good ship lollipop!
from the chair...on the ascension ship
It’s all about love
Angel fish carrying us!

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