...for the children of the earth

Monday 7 March 2016

9th March 2016 New Moon in Pisces Total Solar eclipse

Hi everyone!
How are you finding the currents of change?  
Drowning, swimming, surfing or sailing?
Like being in an ocean rip, we can either be sucked out and/or under by the tides of change, swim with the current or sit atop the wave and ride it.  Maybe we’ll be experiencing all three of these energies in the coming weeks.  If we’re aboard our trusty boat, our vehicle for navigating the waters, well and good.

There is no protesting the power of these subtle and insistent energies.  We’re evolving our consciousness as we’re swept into the higher dimensions, transmuting all that needs transmuting as we go.

These past weeks of the building energies in Pisces/Virgo have been gentle as well as relentless as the waves wash over us, through us and around us.  No resistance is possible as the healing waters of the Pisces/Virgo combination cleanse and purify our emotional/physical bodies.

The emotional energies are being transmuted and transcended as we release old emotional reactions from other times and places reaching for divine love and reunion with every ounce of our being.  Even if you don’t feel this is happening for you, it’s still happening to humanity and the earth herself. 

9th March:  New Moon in Pisces at 12.54 pm AEDT at 18 degrees 56 Pisces...total solar eclipse!
Art Cheri Herouard
Expect the unexpected:  Eclipse energy activation!

This new moon opens the first eclipse portal for 2016 sending out the message that changes of the most unexpected kind are now before us.  Be open to the surprises and the gifts being brought by the cosmic energies.  The best is yet to come!

A super moon:  
A bigger ‘pull’ on the earth and our emotional bodies...maybe
This moon is what has become known as a Super Moon which means it’s closer to the earth than is usual.  Because it’s a New Moon, this won’t be discernible to us on earth.  The New Moon is in fact in darkness. We first recognise the new moon as a crescent, a sliver of light in the sky.

New Moon:  A new lunar month!  A fresh start!
A beginning and an ending as Pisces is the last sign of the astrological calendar, so it always carries the energies of the past year, offering up completion, tying off loose ends and closing the door on the astrological energies of the past year.

Plant the new seeds:
The next lunar month from this new moon holds the potential within it for new seeds to sow, preparing the ground for the New Moon in Aries, the beginning of the astrological year. 

It’s emotional and spiritually elevating:  Shedding water, watershed moment!
With the New Moon and Sun up close and personal with Chiron and the South Node of the moon, we are awash with clearing and healing emotional and spiritual wounds from past times and places.

It’s physical and energetically purifying and cleansing: 
History released!  Setting course for new directions!
With Jupiter and the North Node of the moon in Virgo opposite this New Moon and the Pisces energies, we know that this is a huge and expansive healing of the energy templates held within our physical bodies.
The North Node of the Moon is the current direction of our planetary evolution and being in Virgo it’s telling us it’s healing, health and our divine calling!

It’s a karmic clearing:  
Saturn, Lord of Karma,  is in play at this New Moon!

The Pisces energies and the Virgo energies are in a square/challenge to Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn, Lord of Karma, is forming what’s called a T-square with New Moon and Pisces energies and with Jupiter and Virgo energies.

Saturn in full power:  Taking our authority!
As we release the karmic burdens through the purification process, so we find our authentic selves, without layers of other realities, old social conditioning and belief systems.  it is then we can fully take our authority, the mastery of our wizard selves, Saturn in full power!

Pisces themes for the next month:  
 Transcendence out of the path of pain, suffering and limitation!  
An altered perspective!
Pisces rules the limitless field and at the same time rules the field of limitation. restriction, pain and suffering, self-sacrifice and martyrdom.
Through Pisces we are offered transcendence, shifting beyond the earthly burdens and limitations into an altered perspective and state of reality.

How do we shift our perspective:  The power of imagination!
Creating a new movie for your life! 
I see life as ‘movies’, our stories and the playing out of scenes in those movies.  With this eclipse, we have the huge opportunity to change the ‘reel’ and create a new story for our life.  Pisces rules the imagination, all things visual and fluid forms like dance, music and movement. Think of the theme of your life up to this point and write it down in one sentence, a bit like a plot line for a movie outline.  Think of your theme song up to this point in time.

Now:  Consider whether you wish to change your ‘theme’ and theme song...you might not know until the universe taps you on the shoulder! 
If you’re happy with life as it is, well and good.  Just remember that this Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse is likely to throw up one or more surprises which may shift your thinking and your feelings about your life.  If that happens...choose your new story now!

New Moon and Sun meeting Chiron 20 degrees and opposite Jupiter in Virgo at 18 degrees 
Moon’s nodes activated:  A huge clearance...everything must go!
This meeting is once again activating the Moon’s nodes, our past and our future, simplistically speaking.

Sun and Moon with the South node giving the go on clearance!
The New Moon/Sun giving impetus to new directions and inspirations is aligned with the healing energies of Chiron and the South Node/past energies in very close proximity to the heavyweights in our planetary line-up. 

In Pisces:  
Sun, Moon, Chiron, South Node clearing past blocks!
The Sun and Moon are in agreement.  All is in harmony in our household as they call to every one us to clear the past, the spiritual wounds both personally and collectively.  I imagine we’ll feel a huge weight released from the centre of our being as the soul clearance is across the board.

In Virgo:  Jupiter and North Node...our evolutionary direction!
Opposite the Sun/Moon/Chiron and south Node is Jupiter and North Node in Virgo.  New direction for wholeness and expression of our spirit in the world!

Mercury and Neptune are sitting together in Pisces: 
‘Conversations with the Goddess’...lines are open so stay tuned!
At 6 and 9 degrees respectively.
We can already feel our minds awash with the dissolving waters of Pisces.  From ‘mental as anything’ we’re now being called to tune in and receive the inspirational messages from the cosmos.  Going with the flow, being open and receptive are key energies to making the most of this time as our communication channels are tuned to cosmic reception.

Don’t be surprised at how those messages come through.  It could be as quiet as a message in a bottle washing up on the beach or could come through the mass media, an overheard conversation or a whispering in the ear during meditation.  Lines are open!

Total solar eclipse:  The transformational vortex of eclipse energy draws us in!

Expect the unexpected:  Sudden insights, realisations and happenings!
The New Moon/solar eclipse energy opens the eclipse portal of changes and transformation, drawing us into a vortex of change process for the next 4 to 6 weeks. 

In 2 weeks time we experience a Full Moon in Libra partial lunar eclipse which carries us forward to the New Moon in Aries on 7th April.  From that time onwards we are bringing the eclipse energies into completing this initial stage at the Full Moon in Scorpio on 22nd April. That full moon in Scorpio completes the change portal of the eclipse energies.

However, eclipses flow on and impact on us within a month to 6 months, even 12 months from the eclipse  dates.  We cannot prepare for these changes as they come to us as the cosmos responds to our spiritual yearnings and heart’s desires.  We have drawn the changes to us for our own growth and expansion into a fulfilling life.

A timeline of change:  The Eclipse Vortex!
9th March:  New Moon in Pisces Total solar eclipse – the eclipse portal opens
23rd March:  Full Moon in Libra Partial lunar eclipse – fullness, completion and bringing forth insights to take forward in the next 2 weeks
7th April:  New Moon in Aries – a new moon and fresh start building on the eclipse energies
22nd April:  Full Moon in Scorpio – a closing of the eclipse portal, 4 weeks after the full moon eclipse

Astronomy:  Viewing areas of the eclipse
Full details of times and regions at:  http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2016-march-9
8 March 2016 – 9 March 2016 — Total Solar Eclipse
The total solar eclipse will be visible from parts of Indonesia including Sumatra, Borneo, and Sulawesi, and from locations in the Pacific Ocean.
Observers in northern and eastern Australia, in South Asia, and in East Asia will be able to see a partial eclipse.
The eclipse will begin at 23:19 UTC on March 8, 2016, and its maximum point will take place at 01:59 UTC on March 9, 2016. Totality will last for 4 minutes and 9 seconds.

From Lynda Hill:  Sabian Symbols for the New Moon in Pisces  ‘Authenticity, Authority and Awareness’
The Moon and Sun are together at 18 degrees 56 Pisces:
Pisces 19
This shows the ability, or the need, to be a student, a “Disciple”, or a teacher, a “Master”. At times you’ll find yourself being either one or the other. You may be the teacher or the pupil, but remember that it is often the teacher that learns and the pupil that teaches. This shows taking time for the transfer of higher knowledge and wisdom. It’s also a sign to listen to your own higher wisdom. Someone with something worthwhile to say will usually find someone eager to listen. When you have a need to learn something, it seems that the “Master” will always appear. To give and to receive. Listening and learning. Knowledge, wisdom and spirituality. Knowing what questions to ask. Doing the homework. Manuscripts, books and lessons.

The Caution: Dogmatic instruction by rote. Talking down to others. Having a "know-it-all" attitude. Manipulating for a personal agenda. One-eyed

From Cathy Pagano:  The Pisces Solar Eclipse new Moon 2016: 
Solar Eclipse
We come to the last New Moon of the astrological year. This Pisces New Moon on March 8-9 is not only a Super Moon, meaning it is closest to Earth and so has a stronger effect on the tides and our bodies and emotions, but also the first of four eclipses this year. This Pisces New Moon is a total solar eclipse, which is visible in the eastern half of Asia and the Pacific. It's influence will resonate with us until the next solar eclipse in September 2016.
All eclipses disrupt the Earth's electromagnetic fields and therefore each of ours. The Pisces theme that we are all in this together is evident when it comes to these cosmic events.A solar eclipse occurs at a New Moon when the Sun, Earth and Moon's planes align with each other, gathering and focusing their energies into a new shape, a new resonance. A new door opens, a new story begins. Just as a regular New Moon is a time to plant new seeds, a solar eclipse is a time to let go of old, stagnant energy shells, so the new life energy that's been gestating within can begin to grow.
As we end this astrological cycle with a solar eclipse, the electromagnetic fields that have been resonating in all of us change. And we are changed.

From Emmanuel Dagher:  The Triple Upgrade and Big Breakthroughs March 2016

Relevant to the New Moon Solar Eclipse:
This particular total solar eclipse is asking us to take inspired action towards creating the kind of reality we truly desire for ourselves. 

A big part of this action will begin by asking us to let go of the unnecessary pressure and judgmental patterns we’ve projected onto ourselves and others. 

Once this pressure is addressed and resolved, the path will be cleared for us to align with the people, places, and experiences that will support us in creating our desired reality. 

One of the greatest ways to work with this solar eclipse is to be clear about what our intentions are, and to be willing to follow through on them when the opportunity to do so presents itself.

Golden Oldies:
‘A Ship Called Love’ Eric Bibb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iCWecMlR80  New Moon and Venus in Pisces
‘Every Time you Cry’ John Farnham and Human Nature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uobSU0m8BDM emotional release and hope
‘Life of the Ocean’ Enya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohj1wiy6PFo  to get you into the watery energies

Upcoming Dates:
12th March:  Venus moves into Pisces

20th March:  Sun moves into Aries/Equinox
22nd March:  Mercury moves into Aries
23rd March:  Full Moon in Libra
25th March:  Saturn stations/turns retrograde

That’s it everyone!  We’re off! 
We’re all in this together, never more than in the Pisces ship of the collective unconscious lifting our hearts and minds, our spirits and our lives on earth to the greater vision and inspirational guidance.
We may feel all at sea but our navigator Neptune has our best interests, watching out for safe harbour and keeping watch over us all as we embrace the absolute faith and trust in the protective forces of the cosmos.  We’re not adrift and we’re all together travelling this ocean of sudden and unexpected shifts in the tides and currents. 

Seek refuge in the ship of higher consciousness, the ship of love!  It’s all about faith and belief! 
As always, love and blessings to all of us seekers of the truth travelling through the limitless field of possibilities. Venus, our heart energy,  moves into Pisces in 5 days time, joining all the other planetary water babies so I’ll send out a short update at that time.

from the chair...following the navigator

It’s all about love

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