...for the children of the earth

Thursday 24 March 2016

25th March 2016 Saturn stations retrograde

Art Quint Bulcholz  
Hi everyone, ‘bravehearts’ in the light of the Aries Sun! 
We have just completed the 2 weeks eclipse portal from the New Moon in Pisces to the Full Moon in Libra.  We may feel a little washed out, washed up like soggy sponges left in the bathtub but the Aries energy is kicking in, especially after the Full Moon eclipse which is all emotion!  Both lunar events came with eclipses, a solar then a lunar eclipse.  We’re taking the leap of faith, creating our new reality as we go, bringing forth the tightrope which will take us over that gorge below!
The balancing act:  The next 2 weeks!  Until New Moon on 7th!

The solar eclipse in Pisces triggered significant change in our physical place in the world and our physical reality which continues to work on us making changes for the next month.   The solar eclipse in Pisces on the Pisces New Moon signified an ending as well as a beginning as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, a culminating point in our yearly cycle. The New Moon in Aries may bring forth new energies arising from the month of release after the Pisces New Moon. 
The lunar eclipse in Libra, just completing, brings significant change to our inner lives, our emotions, memories, mindsets, beliefs covering all those unseen factors and energies which drive us spiritually.  The release of the old energies from other times and other places may well continue through to the 7th April. We’re really clearing the decks of the past collective memories and bringing ourselves into a state of purification and harmony.
We’re working with the balancing within and balancing without!

Completing this eclipse cycle:
We are now in the completion of this particular eclipse cycle which is taking us through to the New Moon in Aries on 7th April.  At that time we’ll be in a better position with more clarity to know what exactly has been happening as we plummeted through the change process.

25th March:  Saturn stations/turns retrograde at 9.00 pm AEDT at 16 degrees 24 Sagittarius
Until 13th August
Art Duy Huynh

Intensification of Saturn’s power while he moves through the ‘turn around’!
Saturn has been slowing for some time and is now sitting on 16 degrees Sagittarius, on that degree since 4th March and won’t be moving off that degree till mid April.  This slowing of a planet preparing to ‘change’ direction adds intensity to its normal impact.  So, what does that mean for us?
Karmic cleansing intensified:  The truth or bust!
With Saturn in Sagittarius, we’re very much focussed, forced to be focussed on clearing karma and bringing ourselves into ‘divine truth and wisdom’, Sagittarius’ divine brief. Therefore, we have a period of a few weeks where we’re intensely occupied with releasing, throwing off those old karmic burdens, cutting karmic ties and generally engaged with a ‘slash and burn’ of any energies which are keeping us from shining out our divine truth and wisdom.

Time standing still:   
Meeting ‘ourselves’, aspects of ourselves and making peace!

Saturn is ‘old father time’ so carries extra impetus when he stations retrograde as we are carried back in time over the past months to review, restock and restructure our lives.
The eclipse portal carries the energy of no time/no space where parallel realities, past lives meet and collide as we engage with those unseen forces which are seeking resolution. Let yourself see and accept your divinity and inner source of love, support and positive growth!
Be open and receptive to reclamation as well as release!

16th March to 2nd April:   
Saturn in Sagittarius squaring off to Jupiter in Virgo
...dropping it off!
Exact on 23rd March
I mentioned this in the Full Moon report but need to reiterate the significance of this transit at this time.  It’s a door closing firmly on a chapter started December 2007 into 2008. 
Transformational healing of social conditioning:
Jupiter expands the energies and in Virgo, that energy is purification and healing with a view to aligning with our divine ‘mission’/calling this lifetime.  Virgo calls us to our divine ‘work’ in the world and Jupiter is concerned with us accessing our divine truth and wisdom.  Saturn is helping us offload the untruths and inaccuracies upon which we’ve built our lives.  We’re being ‘de-structured’ at every level of our being so our lives can be built upon the absolute truth of who we are, our divine spirit, the spark of life that uplifts and carries us forward. Surrender to your divine authority! 
From Stephanie Azaria:  www.thecosmicpath.com
This Jupiter Saturn event is resonating everywhere on the planet. It is the old consciousness butting heads with the new, the destabilization of polarity so that a unified world can emerge. Social consciousness, the essence and result of duality... the me and you of it all, is polarizing so profoundly it threatens to blow apart. And explode it will. But fear is not an appropriate response to that. FAITH is better, much better.
Saturn rules:         bones, knees and joints:  Drop the resistance and attachment to the old paradigm, the status quo!
Sagittarius rules:  hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve
Jupiter rules:         liver, thighs, feet, growth, pituitary gland
Virgo rules:             digestive system, intestines, spleen, nervous system 
The Sabian symbols for Jupiter and Saturn at this time seem particularly relevant to the way these energies can interact and work together in this healing process.  Interesting that both of them carry the energy of fire and light.  Remember that we are travelling under the fiery Aries Sun.
Easter, regardless of your beliefs, carries the energies of death and resurrection.  It’s about time, isn’t it.
Sabian Symbols for Saturn and Jupiter on 16 degrees:  
From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Saturn in Sagittarius:
Sagittarius 17
This degree shows the ability, and the necessity, of being able to rise up after difficulties in one’s life, somewhat like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. One needs to maintain hope and draw together with others who share a sense of faith in the future and in community and the goodness of life. There will be times of spiritual rebirth where you can rise above the failings of the past into new beginnings. Coming out of doubt and despair can lead to a new sense of love, faith and compassion. Join with others in a spirit of joy. There's a need for unwavering faith in communal spiritual values. Performing deeds with reverence. Communal expressions of faith. Peace rallies. Revivals. The need for faith in a bright future. Devotion. Worship. The phoenix rising from the ashes. 

The Caution: Obsession with the ceremony rather than the purpose or ideal. Feeling unable to lift one's spirits. Disillusionment and loss of vision. Holidays with no meaning.

Jupiter in Virgo:
Virgo 17
This Situation implies situations, attitudes or emotions that slowly gather steam, build up and suddenly explode. It pictures situations of catharsis. There may be, at times, an effort to hold things inside, but after a while there can be no more resistance and everything gets forced out. This can be in the form of anger, or passion, but it can also be the explosion of insight and creative ideas. It often works far better to just let things blow, as resisting the urge to let go can cause enormous pressure to build up. Look to see if the force of emotions is really related to current situations. Cathartic release. Thoughts or ideas pouring out. Torrents of emotion. Anger that needs expression. Pressure cooker environments. After shocks. Volcanoes. Earthquakes. 

The Caution: Over-suppression of energy. Explosive emotions. Tantrums. Choking the air with dust clouds. Overreactions. Flipping out. Shocking news. Creating rubble.

Lauren Gorgo’s latest 5D message: 
20th March
‘Equinox-Eclipse:  the corridor of truth’
‘Upon you is a closing and an opening. The opening will appear as the closing completes...’

Golden Oldies:
‘It’s about Time’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rPW6oM_7dI
‘Healing Time on Earth’  John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wrDc8lx3_I  with lyrics
‘Healing Time on Earth’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKc0wEmwmYc&list=RDjKc0wEmwmYc  John’s intro and singing
Upcoming Dates:
6th April:  Venus moves into Aries
6th April:  Mercury moves into Taurus
7th April:  New Moon in Aries
That’s it folks
As always, love and blessings to us all as we create a new reality outside the chaos and confusion which seems to be the dominant theme of our world.  We’re feeling our own tightrope as we take the path of the peaceful warrior!  The Aries fire of courage, bravery and faith in our spirit is with us urging us on to take that next step, or at least make preparations for launching at the New Moon in Aries!
Love and blessings fellow truth seekers!  Take refuge in the light, love and absolute faith that the world’s ills can only be healed through unity and love.

from the chair...balancing!

It’s all about love

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