...for the children of the earth

Thursday 11 August 2016

13th August 2016 Saturn stations/turns direct

Hi everyone! 
Yes, we’re still travelling in the light of the Leo Sun until 23rd August.  However, the past week we’ve been experiencing a powerful healing energy of Virgo, taking us into the forests of healing recovery, the rehabilitation and regeneration place on planet earth.
A stellium of planets in earthy Virgo, the divine feminine energy which offers healing and restoration of our damaged mind, heart, body and spirit. Virgo is the sign of the healer bringing wholeness to our being. Venus, our heart energy has now joined Mercury our mind manager. Jupiter, the big picture planet, has been in Virgo since mid August 2015 due to move into Libra in October this year.
Are we heading in the right direction?
Our North Node of the moon, the evolutionary focus and direction for planet earth at this time is also in Virgo. All of the current Virgo energies are offering to calm the nerves, the mind and the heart if we allow and will sweep us towards the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo on 1st September.
Evolving consciousness in Virgo:  Purification!
Trust, allow and accept that the time is right for the jarring wounds of the last month of chaos and disruption to be cleared and released. The forest guardian calls us to the forests of the earth to replenish and renew, to regenerate our batteries and recover. 


10th August: Mercury entered 
Retrograde Shadow at 14:49 
Until 6th October
30th August to 22nd September:  Mercury retrograde
10th August to 30th August:  Shadowlands...know we will walk this road again!
Here we are entering that energy which should be, by now familiar territory, knowing that we will be travelling this stretch of the road when Mercury goes direct after 22nd September.

We proceed with the knowledge that some clarification and tweaking may come later:
The road ahead may feel clear of obstructions and we feel like we know where we’re going but we need to remember that whatever is decided, started during this time will more than likely need a little tweaking during Mercury retrograde.

We still keep moving forward during this time as we need to assume whatever progress we make now will continue.  It’s during the actual retrograde period that we’ll find we may be backtracking over any loose threads as we gain greater insight and clarity at that time.

We are still in the energies of the New Moon in Leo which is all about creative power and we need to make the most of the energies, setting and maintaining intent.  Mercury in Virgo is all about harnessing the mind power with clarity and focus along with the analytical capacities of the mental energy, the challenge/opportunity offering growth at this time. 

12th August:  Closing of the Lion Stargate...planetary energies packing a punch at this time!

26th July to 12th August:
The Lion’s Stargate opened on 26th July and since then we’ve been experiencing light downloads and transformational energies.   The 8th August we had the culmination of the stargate energies with a powerful surge of light on the planet. I don’t know about anyone else but this year I experienced quite a shift with this ‘stargate’ energy.  We are having some powerful planetary shifts which are maintaining the intensity and focus every day.  However, my feeling is that this year is stronger as a culminating force for change in a 9 year. 

8th August:  Culmination of the Lion Stargate! 
We all experience the downloads of light in different ways at different times and we need to remember that there is no one way to interpret the experience apart from our own insights and knowledge relating to our soul journey this lifetime. 
There seems to be a tendency on the part of some ‘spiritual’ teachers/voices to suggest that a cosmic experience ‘should’ be experienced as joyful and uplifting when some people will be experiencing some of these events as painful and exhausting as the light shifts and releases old energies. 

My life, my journey, my transformation:  Be true to yourself, your experience!
None of us really know what the soul brief is for others.  We’re still in the process of learning about our own journey.  We need to acknowledge our own process and honour our experiences whether they be the darkness or the light.  After all, some of us are shifting some big planetary energies as our karmic choice this lifetime.

Universal as well as individual shifts in consciousness:  ‘I’ve gotta be me’!
I’m always a little wary of attitudes which profess ‘we should all be doing...’ when we know it doesn’t work like that.  There are universal forces as well as the cosmic forces and energies impacting us on an individual basis.  That’s why what I write here on these updates may ring a bell for you and at another time it has no relevance.  All we can do is stay true to ourselves without passing judgement on ourselves as we let go of universal benchmarks contrived by societal frameworks. 

This is why I welcomed reading this from ‘Hare in the Moon Astrology’ about the Lion’s Gate. Lorna includes some of the powerful astrological energies which have been/are impacting us.
Much of the hype of the Lion’s Stargate carries the message of downloads of abundance and prosperity.  If you’re not yet experiencing this in your physical life, have faith that we’re doing all this on the energetic level first.  The physical follows on.  It doesn’t mean we’re not receiving the energies of absolute abundance if we are feeling any pain in the body or spirit.  It’s just part of the process.

If you were feeling challenged by the intensity of the light downloads as a flushing of the darkness, read this:
'The 8/8 Lion's Gate is wide open ,revealing just how intense this re-alignment and re-calibration process is becoming. Your physical and etheric bodies are being fired like clay in the evolutionary burn of the 5D Reset.

If you're feeling-as so many of us sensitives are- down, depleted, drained, alone or in a void like floating on the Dead Sea, understand that you are not fading, falling or failing but energetically detaching from the ending of many planetary cycles. Detaching so you can witness the withdrawal of many of your previous creations -roles, labels, careers, alliances- before the influx of eclipse downloads in September.
Look at the energy loss in these culminating planetary cycles -all happening at once:
Saturn is stationing still retrograde until August 13
the South Node of Karma is approaching Neptune
a 2 year Mars/Saturn cycle is ending
6 planets are retrograde
Mercury enters his retrograde shadow
Mars is at max and moving out of bounds
Jupiter is preparing to leave Virgo
Instead of focusing on what isn't happening or what you're not doing, allow yourself as much rest, withdrawal and non doing as you can as the physical and psychic cleansing builds.Your body is a messenger with feedback about your current operating system.
Be present in your body and allow outworn gestalts, debris, illusions, attachments and patterns to dissolve while absorbing the incoming deep space energies at cellular level..
Even here, now, in the midst of what feels like the Void you can choose to show up, be here, declare your "I Am "presence.

More on the Lion’s Stargate:

13th August:  Saturn stations/turns direct at 9 degrees 47 Sagittarius at 7.49 pm AEST

Father Time moving forward:  A change of gears! 
Saturn, Old Father Time is on the move after months of retrograde motion.  Gradually, the gears are changing direction to forward motion.  It’s slow and will take some weeks before Saturn’s back in his stride in the world, by early October. However, this gives us plenty of time to adjust to the change in gears.
Gear changing:
Saturn’s been sitting on 9 degrees Sagittarius since the end of July and will move off that degree at the end of August.  Then he spends about 3 1/2 weeks on 10 degrees, 2 1/2 degrees on 11 degrees until first week of October when he’ll be on 12 degrees and back to regular speed, about 2 weeks on each degree.

We discover our Wizard of Authority is leading us into the light of a new day!  The wisdom train!
In fiery Sagittarius, Saturn’s firing up the steam and pulling out of the inner journey we’ve been travelling since the beginning of April.  
We’re likely to feel our ‘engines’ start shifting with respect to the learning we’ve been doing since that time.  It’s been a wisdom journey as Sagittarius takes us to higher understanding and consciousness. What we’ve learned, discovered and uncovered these past months is about to be revealed in a new light.

Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, offers us the power of physical manifestation, the endurance, strength, resolve and commitment that takes us forward in the fulfilment of our dreams, hopes and of course karma.  Saturn is relentless in his demand on us bringing to fruition our highest aspirations.  Capricorn is the goat that climbs the mountain and demands that from us. 

Until end of August:  Dwellers on the threshold!
Clearing our train tracks of karmic clutter and obstruction!
So, in some ways, we’re back on track in the sense of moving forward with the aspirations and manifestations. However, we are definitely clearing some residual karmic energies through to the end of August until Saturn moves off 9 degrees and his connection to Mars and the fixed Star Antares on 23rd/24th August. 
After then we’ll have a clearer sense that we are less burdened by the karmic threads, commitments and shadows which have been dogging our footsteps.  You know the feeling that you don’t have the energy to put one foot in front of the other.  Let’s trust that we’re in the final stages of major clearing up.  The Full Moon on 18th August in Aquarius will definitely help get us on that road to freedom and lightness once again.
Fixed star Antares at 9°53' Sagittarius is sitting on Saturn as we move through this time:  Clearing the darkness and karmic backlog!
One of the four ‘Royal’ stars as designated by Persian astronomers, Antares carries the darkness and shadow energies and is resonant with Archangel Uriel who clears the dark unresolved energies within. There’s an ongoing offload of karmic burdens as we stand at the threshold of change.
23rd/24th August:  Saturn and Mars meet along with Antares on 9 degrees Sagittarius...physical cleansing coming to culmination!
We’re in for an interesting clearance with this star sitting on Saturn right up to the  time Saturn meets with Mars on 23rd/24th August.  With Mars, of course, it’s related to our physical bodies and the cell cleansing, purification and transformation of ancestral DNA. More on this later. 
From Stephanie Azaria: Antares
I received this email from a faithful reader, Jan Finley, regarding the Mars/Saturn/Antares event that is dominating the cosmos for the next few weeks:

"I discovered that Antares is the Guardian of Gateway to the Underworld which makes perfect sense, especially regarding the darker aspects of ourselves!  As you said, he brings up shadow stuff and I would offer that he is the Guardian of the Threshold, who brings us face to face with the dark, unhealed elements of ourselves, i.e. the Shadow.  His job is no less important than Pluto's, as he offers us the opportunity to come into wholeness but acknowledging our shadows.
I read the article you cited and was fascinated at how clearly she describes Trump as she defines Antares.  There can be no question that he carries a collective shadow of all of us. One has only to look at the thousands of closet racists who have flown out into public to proudly claim their prejudice and racism to see this Shadow in action.  We all have our prejudices and biases, however benign and different from the ones espoused by Trump, and we must take responsibility for them in order for us to move into our oneness."
Sabian Symbol for Saturn on 9 degrees + until end of August:
Sagittarius 10
Rewards, awards, acclaim, a sense of presence, charisma and beauty are all the promise of this degree. There will be offers that look too good to refuse, and they could be full of promise, but they should still be looked at carefully. It can be something of a reward for you, in which case it can lead to bigger and better things. You, or someone close to you, could be seen as someone who could totally succeed – a natural talent. It may seem to be the answer to your dreams - and indeed may well turn out to be a grand adventure with a big reward. However, be aware of idle chatter, with no basis in reality. Distinguishing reality from theatre. Feeling that the 'world is your stage'. Playing out a story. Acting out impulses. Dramatizations. Opportunities that seem too good to resist.

The Caution: Shallow adoration. Propaganda. Constantly chasing 'things' that come to nothing. Judging people by their looks. False appearances. False opportunities.
Golden Oldies:
‘This Train is Bound for Glory’ Mumford and Sons – Edward Sharpe and The Old Crow Medicine Show
  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb2uciHpe4U   - for Saturn moving direct in Sagittarius.  All aboard!

Upcoming Dates:
18th August:  Full Moon in Aquarius Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
22nd August:  Mars moves out of retrograde shadow
23rd August:  Sun moves into Virgo
That’s it folks!  Rolling along to the Full Moon on 18th August which as a lunar eclipse will offer revelations and insights as only Aquarius can do. Being a partial lunar eclipse, more than the usual Aquarian surprises and revelations setting us up nicely for the New Moon solar eclipse in Virgo on 1st September.
As always, love and blessings to us all as we negotiate the landscape of our mover and shaker, Mercury moving into territory which will be reviewed in a few weeks time.  Meanwhile we have the extra support of the slow moving Saturn turning direct.  With Saturn, we can expect to slowly rebuild some of the disjointed and chaotic energies within our systems and ideologies which have been shot to pieces in these past months.  As we do, we find a new strength in our personal authority and more than likely new perspectives on our view of the world.
Love and hugs all around fellow pilgrims.  The world could sure do with one big group hug!
from the chair...happy to be ‘putting’ along!

It’s all about love

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