...for the children of the earth

Monday 1 August 2016

3rd August 2016 New Moon in Leo, Mars moves into Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
Here we are in the valley of sunflowers, home to the Leo Sun!  The energies of the full light of the Leo Sun have been somewhat dampened by other planetary forces, not least of all by the Cancerian Lunar Month which has released a flood of primal memories!
What’s been happening:
Since 4th July New Moon in Cancer:  The Lunar month of Cancer!
The New Moon in Leo birthing on 3rd August brings a close to the past Cancerian Lunar month, a month of emergence of memories, of deep insecurities, fears, challenges to our sense of ‘home’ and ‘belonging’ on this planet. Our inner ‘home’ has been uprooted with world crisis!
Cancer is ruled by the moon and is our feminine energy. She connects us to the past, memories and the unconscious.  In Cancer, we find the divine mother energy with the nurturing and nourishing needed for our feminine selves, our ‘allowing’ selves.
Relentless demands on us all:  Maintaining hope and faith in humanity has been a full time job!
Releasing old energies, holding the light of hope and believing that change for the better is happening!  This past lunar month has called us to work relentlessly with the inner energy on the esoteric level of our being.  We’ve watched daily violence, war, disaster, mayhem and acting out by energies in our physical world.  It’s been like an explosion and release of deep primal forces.  There has been nothing we could do apart from hold love, send love, call on the forces of light to transform the shadows emerging from our earth and humanity.

31st July to 3rd August:  The dark of the moon...releasing the final threads of the Lunar Cancer month!
For approximately 3 days before the New Moon we have the darkest time of the lunar month which brings to a close the previous lunar month.  This happens every month.  However, I think this month we’ll feel relieved to close the door on all those fears, doubts and insecurities which have been emerging since 4th July. 
Of course, it’s been a year of release but the last month brought so much to the surface that needed release in the energies of the Cancer lunar month, the energies of the divine feminine.  It seemed that the masculine warrior energies had ran amok in us all in one way or another.  These last few days, we have the moon in Cancer as it carries us towards the New Moon in Leo.  The moon actually enters Leo about 20 hours before the New Moon in Leo so we will be moving out of the Cancerian lunar energies about a day before the New Moon.  Don’t be surprised at final releases of intense energies of emotion as Cancer is all emotion.
You can check times for lunar movements at this website.  Just put in your timezone. http://zodiacarts.com/moon-phase-calendars/australia-eastern-time-zone/
From 31st July to 2nd August:  
Venus in Leo in a beautiful trine to Uranus in Aries...heart opening, breakthrough energy! 
Make a wish!

Leading into the New Moon on 3rd we have this wonderful flowing energy of spontaneous reaching for joy and love.  It’s personal as the radical Uranus works with the passions of our heart.  Yes, you could fall in love...with yourself, with life, with a special someone.  It stimulates the heart to seek romance in its broadest contexts and may play out in terms of relationship.  Essentially it’s a feel good energy which opens our hearts to desire feeling love, feeling in love and feeling the joy of life. 
After the last month of ongoing traumatic waves of change and challenge, this will feel like a welcome relief.  Don’t doubt or double guess or question the goodness of the feeling.  Just acknowledge the joy of this heart opening time.
This is the energy that opens our hearts and minds to believing that our wishes can come true, are coming to us and that all is well. Believe and build on the feeling of joy and promise that is gifted to us at this time!
What’s coming in:  
3rd August:  Mars moves into Sagittarius at 3.49 am AEST...on the road again!
Until 27th September
Out of Scorpio into the light of a new energy:  Fire up the pilot light!
Mars, ruler of our physical body, our masculine fire and drive is finally moving out of the dark waters of Scorpio’s alchemical process.  Have we become golden?  Are we shining ready to climb aboard our Sagittarian vehicle awaiting us?  It’s been a long haul of Mars retrograde this year which has slowed us up with the fire, drive and often the physical body.  With Mars coming back into Sagittarius we’re coming into the completion stage of the retrograde journey.  Mars is all fire and Scorpio has kept Mars immersed in the dark waters wherein the lotus grows.  He hasn’t been happy as it’s been like trying to keep a match alight in the rain.  Our pilot lights have been on the low burn and our life force has possibly felt depleted.
Firstly, we walk out of the darkness, not too sure how we’re feeling.  It’s been a long haul over the past months getting the revamp physically and being challenged to get our fire and drive up and happening.  Well take heart as we feel the movement of our horsepower charging up!
3rd August to 22nd August:  A vintage roadster works well...moving along nicely!
Mars is still within retrograde shadow until 22nd August so from now until then we’re getting accustomed to the energy of Mars in Sagittarius which is fiery, keen to get moving but not yet up to travelling at full speed ahead.
Get ready, Get set....
However, Mars’ move into Sagittarius just a couple of hours before the New Moon in Leo is guaranteed to kickstart our fire, drive and passion in a whole new way!  This is likely to come forth as a passionate connection to our life and new potentials rather than the driving force of the Mars competitive energy which can drain our life force.  It’s good to be driven by the divine force which ebbs and flows rather than being driven to physical exhaustion!
Just notice the difference with this New Moon.  Mars has a whole new modus operandi!
3rd August:  New Moon in Leo at 10 degrees 58 Leo at 6.44 am AEST
We’re at a new doorway to the light, to the land of our hopes and dreams...the Emerald City!
We’re holding the key to our own happiness and joy!  Are we ready to use it?
When you’re in love with life, life’s in love with you!
When you’re in love with your life it’s pure love!
Follow the yellow brick road:  Meeting with our very own inner Wizard of Oz!

Saturn, Lord of Karma, our inner authority and inner wizard, is hand in hand with the New Moon and Sun positively activating our inner and outer Leo energies.  It’s all light!
We’re travelling the road to recovery in our vintage roadsters or dancing our way with kindred spirits to the place of our dreams!  Our ‘vehicle’ of transportation is our choice whether it’s on foot, by car or skateboard.  Our intent is everything!
Are we ready to let go of the illusory power of The Wizard of Oz who’s pulling the strings of illusion, the false power where we have invested our energy whether consciously or not.

It’s a mass awakening with this New Moon:  
People are likely to make decisions, come to conclusions about who they really are in their essential self and about what brings them joy, passion and love.  I imagine that this New Moon will set up the changes coming in at the upcoming eclipses beginning on 1st September. First, build the bonfire and let it fire us up with energies to make the changes at the New Moon in Virgo in a month’s time...a solar eclipse!
Leo is a bonfire of light maintained by the light of Leo’s ruler, the Sun!

Mars is an Aries rocket, Sagittarius is a fireworks display and Leo is a bonfire! 
All we have to do is allow that fire of the light of the Sun to shine from within the centre of our being.
It’s showtime!  Put on your dancing shoes and strut your stuff!
Leo energy calls us to take centre stage in our own life, to shine with the light of love!
Passion, joy, creativity and childlike excitement awakens within us when we allow our sun to shine!  We allow our divine child to shine without recourse to fears and doubts taken on from the projections of others. 

I want to dance and sing and play, play, play! Playing is a key energy offered up by the Leo New Moon.  This is the joy of play rather than competitive play.  There is no benchmark when we play for the joy of the experience.  Wherever your creative gifts lie, open yourself up to expansive experiences which offer the joy of learning through ‘play’
Love and romance:  Heart opening time!
The Leo New Moon calls us to open our hearts to love and the romance of life.  That means light and fluffy rather than serious and meaningful.  Of course, we all know light and fluffy can lead to serious and meaningful and at this New Moon there may well be the urge to merge on a deep and meaningful level as Saturn, master of serious business walks hand in hand with the New Moon in Leo and of course the Leo Sun.  Look out! Your heart may be touched, opened and your head turned in a new direction as Uranus, the awakener, is in play with our heart energy leading into the New Moon.  Maybe it might stimulate you to open your heart to love...again. 
The New Moon:  Setting intent, focus and planting the seed of your hopes and dreams!  
Sun and Moon in harmony!
A New Moon is always a good time to set the intent, focus and plant the seed of your hopes and dreams.  It’s the time when the Moon, our inner self and the Sun, our outward consciousness are speaking the same language, at the same degree of the zodiac and in harmony with each other and the energies of the sign. This is a time when making choices and decisions is easier in terms of the inner/outer conflict we so often go through when looking at our lives.

Focus for the Leo New Moon: Love, romance, creativity and children!  

Make a wish and build the dream in your imagination!
Leo rules love romance, creativity and children and gives focus to the essence of who we are out in the world,  our own shining light.  At the New Moon, we draw on the essence of the creative force within, the moon energy to bring forth those energies which will support our decisions and focus.  The Moon draws to her that which she needs.  The Sun goes out into the world to find what he needs.
Both energies need to work in tandem to bring our success in the world. It’s a matter of knowing when to build energy and wait and when to go out and find.  Divine timing and divine order.  One of the weaker aspects within our consciousness is the capacity to hold the energy, build the dream and wait for its arrival.  We just tend not to believe in the power of manifestation using the lunar energies. We lose patience, despair and lose heart.  When we do, we block the flow coming to us. 
From New Moon in Leo to New Moon in Virgo...a forward view for the next month:   Leo fire, Aquarian air, Virgo earth! 
Leo is a fire sign and therefore is all about the energy of spirit, the energy we need to access if we are making changes to our lives.  If the fire of spirit is not firing us there is not sufficient desire to activate and drive change.  So, this New Moon we’re stoking the bonfire, setting spiritual intent and focus and then off we go to our very own ‘Emerald City’. 
The next Full Moon in Aquarius in 2 weeks time will uplift our mental processes to the bigger picture and higher mind as we startrek the cosmos bringing new ideas and possibilities.  By the time we reach the New Moon in earthy Virgo, the solar eclipse on 1st September, we’ll be feeling like we want to ground some of these schemes and dreams into earthly reality. 
However, there may be a little delay as Mercury goes into a retrograde 3 week period on 30th August.  A bit more tweaking and reviewing through September although we may well find that the 1st September solar eclipse just shifts us in a dramatic way as only eclipses can do.  Sometimes the eclipses don’t play out until a month later which is early October. 
Look out world!  Looks like a whole new ride! 
Sabian Symbol for the New Moon and Sun in Leo:
From Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
Leo 11
This Symbol shows the need, or the desire, to be protected, to have a safe, fun place to be and live where life is carefree and to be enjoyed. It is easier to relax into carefree, child-like play when your protection, safety and security are ensured. You may feel like some relief from responsibility, or you may provide this umbrella of protection for others. There is a need to be safe in the knowledge that everything will remain secure. It is good to keep in touch with the innocence and openness of youthful attitudes. Oak trees infer enormous inner strength, dependability and protection from the harsh realities of life. Creativity in safe surroundings. Social security and other governmental protection (or the lack of them). Being able to stay in one place. Taking time off. Child protection. Fun.

The Caution: Expecting others to take responsibility while one just plays. Feeling disadvantaged. Lack of protection. No place to feel safe. Not wanting to grow up.

6th August:  Venus moves into Virgo at 1.26 am AEST
Our forest guardian awaits!
Until 30th August
Virgo calls us to ‘the path of heart’, our divine calling:  
I’m here to be me!
Now it’s our time to come back to self, to our heart energy and our ‘path of heart’.  The forest awaits with the Virgo guardian to lighten our hearts of the heaviness of the worlds pains and to bring us to our understanding of our divine ‘calling’ to living our heart’s truth and in doing so serving ourselves and our fulfilment as well as serving the world’s growth and expansion.

Just keep singing ‘I’ve gotta be me’.  The words say it all.

Heart healing time:  

Purification of our heart’s desires!

Venus our heart energy moves into Virgo, sign of the divine feminine earth energy.  This is a purifying and healing of our heart energies for the next few weeks.  The past month/s of clearing and coping with the emotional and physical challenges emanating from the world’s energies has left many of us in a pool of confusion asking ourselves ‘where do I end and where does the world begin’. We’ve been soaked in a big melting pot of the universal unconscious, saturated by the emotional energies of the planet and its people.
Pure and simple:  Virgo’s ethos!  Purification with joy!

With Virgo, frills and flounces, trims and masks count for nothing.  This energy calls us to our purest form without ego attachments and pretences without the burden of the projections of others.  The next few weeks we’re divesting ourselves of any ‘baggage’ of the heart energy. The purification is likely to involve the physical body and the greatest way we can purge old heart baggage is accessing experiences which bring joy. 

Our guide, Guardian of the earth awaits our acceptance of the path of heart.  

Nature restores heart, mind and body:
The natural environment offers immense replenishment at this time. Both our heart and mind energies are in earthy Virgo so the message is clear that we take that time to just even hug a tree.  Hold your heart chakra to a tree and put your forehead on the trunk.  The tree just clears the energy field and grounds all the old scattered energies we’re clearing. 
With Mars now in Sagittarius there’s a strong urge to get out amongst people more than has been the case.  We need to do some of this providing we keep heart and mind happy with the peace and calm of Virgo’s earth healing.
8th August:  Lion’s Stargate comes to culmination
Last week, the Lion’s Stargate opened on 26th July bringing a period of light downloads, an esoteric doorway rooted in our psyche from Egyptian times.  It brings and activates the energies of the lion, leadership which is heart centred and aligned with the galactic energies of the fixed star Sirius, esoteric home of the ascended masters...those who have walked the earth and attained enlightenment, a light-centred existence in a physical body.
Quote from Lauren Gorgo’s July 5D report:
‘Through 8-8, I am shown that many firmly established in the new world consciousness are soon to embrace a whole (key word) new level of leadership…that those who have worked to balance and integrate their m-f energies within and are effectively leading their lives with their soul Self (divine feminine) are entering a brand new, active cycle of service.

A page is turning from the road you travelled to get here, to the road you are now paving for a whole new level of personal, and in some cases, galactic level leadership.
According to the Pleiadians, this new cycle commenced as of the Planetary New Year (7/26) which presented the opening for this new level leadership to be born, en masse…for those who are leading the planet and her people to their highest destiny.

Every year from July 26th to August 8th a powerful vortex opens to welcome new light codes (intelligence) into the planetary grids that carries the blueprint for the year ahead. This year, and especially for those who are preparing to step into new roles (in some cases larger roles), I am hearing that: the time is nigh to speak up, to live your Truth out loud. As you do, so too will you join with many others in the pursuit of Eden.’
Stargate closes on 12th August
Lauren Gorgo’s July 5D Report:  ‘Seeking to Creating: new expressions of Self’
Opening paragraphs:  First and foremost…BREATHE.  Tho ultimately all for LOVE, the fact is that we’ve all been thru some super charged, highly discordant and seriously disharmonious energies this month, and whether you are “in the world, or of it”, it still smarts in parts.

Tragedies, calamities, natural disasters, social & political insanity, financial instability, etc….these all kick up (reflect) intense collective root fears that every part of the human family is in some way responsible for.  But because we know that these energies can only be alchemized from within, our job thru moments of upheaval is exactly what we’ve practiced in the safety of our cocoons for several years prior…to anchor within, examine our own reactions/responses to the energies, transmute/transcend any personal dissension, and then return to the bigger picture perspective ASAP.  Rinse, repeat.

We’re certainly no stranger to this process, but the last several weeks seriously tested our resolve.
Another extract referring to the past month of chaos:
I know that so many are/have been weary with the emptiness (meself included) but from what I understand, this particular period of disconnection…while longer and more grueling than most…also served a greater purpose than most.
For many of us this meant a complete shutting down…no connection to the outer-world, no connection to inner-joy, no connection to creation, no connection to the spirit world, even nature lost some of its luster. On a practical level this means everything rescinds…our vitality, motivation, desires, our ability to produce, finances, relationships, creativity, etc.
In parts, it felt like certain death.

We withdrew our life force so completely that it may have felt as tho your light was being extinguished (where nothing relates anymore) yet the Pleiadians explain that this ultimate withdrawal of our life force is/was required to master our own field of energy, independent of external crutches, so that we can step fully into our sovereignty…into Self governance.

Leo New Moon from Cathy Pagano: http://wisdom-of-astrology.blogspot.com.au/
Commentators on the current world situation
Message from Matthew Ward 29th July:
Matthew's message about the state of the world from a higher perspective makes more sense to me than any earthly mass media news. 
Let's keep an open mind and uplift our perception that we are creating the best possible outcome by maintaining our hope and optimism.
Message from Michael Leunig:
Michael expresses what many of us are observing in a manner which reaches people within mainstream confusion and despair.
Golden Oldies:
‘Follow the Yellow Brick Road’ Wizard of Oz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmqRx3ypWwU  New Moon in Leo and Mars in Sag
‘It’s a Great Feeling’ Doris Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCN9UxrlQK4  Falling in love with...life!  Your life!
‘The Bright Side of the Road’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64b9RHeJPyw  Divine reunion with the self and...
‘Puttin’ on the Ritz’ Fred Astaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKPMk5_gStk  Leo New Moon
‘Put on Your Dancing Shoes’ Cliff Richard and the Shadows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89GRChtywTA Leo New Moon
(audience looks excited?)
‘I’ve Gotta Be Me’ Sammy Davis Jnr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbLlCxK0pHY for Venus in Virgo and New Moon in Leo
Upcoming Dates:
13th August:  Saturn stations/turns direct in Sagittarius
18th August:  Full Moon in Capricorn
22nd August:  Mars moves out of retrograde shadow!  Finally!
23rd August:  Sun moves into Virgo
That’s it folks!  This one’s a bit lengthy but there’s just so much happening.  I suggest look at the pics, headings and skim.  You know. No overload.
As always, love and blessings to us all as we take to the yellow brick road with a bit of horsepower as Mars fires up again.  Easy does it but make the most of this month of recovery and reclamation of the joy of life.  We’re rebuilding ourselves mind, heart, body and spirit particularly after the last weeks of destructive forces which have been decimating.
We’re travelling with the pilgrims on the yellow brick road.  They were seeking the qualities needed to be their own hero.  A brain for the scarecrow, a heart for the tinman, courage for the lion and for Dorothy...a home!
We’re all our own heroes on our own journeys sharing with other seekers in the search for qualities already within us.  We are all learning this as we travel.
Let’s be of good heart and mind with the courage to believe in ourselves and our lives on earth.  And be of good cheer divine wizards of earth.  We are home. 
from the chair...
‘You’ve always had the power my dear’

It’s all about love

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