...for the children of the earth

Monday 17 June 2019

17th June: 2019: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
At the tail end of the Gemini Solar month as we prepare to welcome the June Solstice with the entry of the Sun into Cancer on 22nd June AEST.
Our Sagittarian horses are waiting in the Gemini sun but first they have to meet up with the Full Moon in Sagittarius which offers release and renewal.  We’re already in the light of this full moon with a huge let go on offer.
We’re on our way through the turbulence leading us into the eclipse energy which seriously kicks off at the New Moon in Cancer on 3rd July with the New Moon in Cancer. The impact of the karmic nodes in Cancer/Capricorn along with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has brought ongoing challenges for us all, personally and globally and at all levels of our being...physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
It’s put the focus of our consciousness on balancing emotional and physical/financial securities/insecurities along with releasing the bonds of submission held by the karmic imprints of the status quo. Our geese are heading ‘home’ towards the energy of Cancer where they can find feelings of safety and security...not an easy call in today’s turbulent world of chaos.

17th June:  
Full Moon in Sagittarius at 25 degrees 53 Sagittarius at 6.30 pm AEST
The big let go!

Galactic fast track!  Welcome to a starburst!  
Release and freedom awaits!
Forget the stairway to the stars!  We’re on the open road of enlightenment, the galactic highway being carried by our magical horses!
The Sagittarian Centaur awakens our wild freedom!
The Sagittarian Full Moon is sitting close to the galactic centre, the centre of our galaxy, indicating the potential of the power on hand to bring us into the higher consciousness of our cosmic origins and place in the universe and on earth. 
Believe, accept and welcome our divine origins and divine reunion!
Yes, it’s magical and miraculous if we’re willing to believe in the power of our divine energy and our divine origins.  We are pure light energy and this full moon and the planetary energies accompanying it are all lined up to support this influx of higher knowledge, consciousness and understanding.
Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun:  A bridge of consciousness and expansion!
The Gemini Sun facing off to the Sagittarian Full Moon gives us the message and the impetus for this alignment...learning, spirituality, communication, connection, travel, the world family and the local contacts.
Bridging the local and world environments in oneness!
It’s a balancing act of these energies as we straddle the two signs of teaching and learning, growth and expansion within our Gemini everyday world and within our global and galactic community. 
From pack horse to pony express!  Decide and fly!  
Related imageJupiter, in his own sign of Sagittarius,  is a strong player at this full moon, just 7 degrees from the Full Moon degree and giving an extra charge to the Sagittarius full Moon energy. 
Mercury, Mars, North Node of the Moon in Cancer:  On and up!
Mercury sitting in close connection to Mars and the North Node of the Moon in Cancer reinforces the speedy messenger bringing the divine messages about our pathway forward and adding strength, focus and power to the lunar energies.
Huge karmic backlog cleared:  
Team Cancer in flowing connection to the divine consciousness of Neptune...
clearing Team Capricorn!
They’re sitting in the sign of the moon so she’s strengthened by the presence of Mercury our mind manager and Mars ruler of our fire, drive and physical body.  It’s a powerful clearing mentally and physically of karmic backlog from Team Capricorn...Saturn, Pluto and South Node of the Moon.
It’s a package deal:  A power pack of planetary aspects promising expansion and freedom!  
Choose ‘optimism and enthusiasm’...the new deal!
This Full Moon planetary power pack promises to bust us out of our confinement and feelings of karmic lethargy which have been keeping us bogged down on the trail of karmic resolution.  

We’ve been so busy taking one step at a time, feeling the emptying out of the ‘old’ ways along with spiritual disenchantment with the wider world of chaos and confusion, it’s been hard to get in touch with the joy, enthusiasm, optimism and idealism that we need to fuel our spiritual engines. 
Jupiter squaring off to Neptune:  
Spiritual oneness and expansion is happening...our crusaders awaken!
Effective from 9th to 25th June
Exact on 17th June
Jupiter is in Sagittarius, the ruler of Sagittarius, so extra powerful especially at this Full Moon as it brings us into the opportunity of connecting to Neptune in Pisces, also in its own sign.  

This is an especially powerful aspect which is expanding our consciousness spiritually, bringing us all together with a vision of a better world.
Jupiter, the crusader for truth and justice!  
Raising consciousness spiritually!
The wave of protests and people speaking up across the world is just one manifestation of this energy. Jupiter in Sagittarius brings forward the impetus for the oneness of our global community and this Full Moon is bringing this focus to a head.  The guiding force is divine truth and justice!
Jupiter is aligning us with the unity of the oneness of humanity, bringing truth to all which may not be evident physically but in due course it will manifest  Watch this space as Jupiter continues on his journey in Sagittarius until December this year.
He stations direct in early August. 
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon and Sun:  From www.sabiansymbols.com
The Full Moon: Sagittarius 26 A FLAG-BEARER IN A BATTLE
This Symbol shows standing up in “Battle” carrying the “Flag” for your nation, political, social or moral beliefs, or for some issue that needs defending or supporting. The “Flag-Bearer” is often the one ‘out front’, in front of the situation or the army; the one who’s unarmed and yet determined to represent their side. You may feel that there have been achievements done by you or others that need to be acknowledged. Responsibilities pile up on you, and the struggle is not always easy. Don't worry, though, although everyone around you is busy, they are noticing your leadership abilities. You are often the linchpin of the whole situation. The courage of convictions. Standing up for ideals. A messenger or an advocate. Blogging. Open to attack. Brave and upright. David and Goliath. Ensigns. Flags. Wearing the colors.
This Symbol shows things in a dormant or hibernation stage. There has been a time of fruitfulness which has now passed; this is rather a time or situation of withdrawal and inner growth. However, once again, a time of new developments and fresh growth is surely coming. It seems that there is no point trying to force growth as it may not be possible now. It is wiser to prepare for more vibrant and expansive times by using times of dormant activity to ensure that you get rest, get organised or recharge your batteries. Whilst not much seems to be going on, nature is ensuring that energy is being used to reinforce the roots of things, ready for the coming period of growth and abundance. The calm before the dawn. The silence when making a connection with nature in cold, barren times. The struggle to survive cold and heartless conditions. Cold responses.
Golden Oldies:
‘United we Stand’ Brotherhood of Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZB96cvBjy8
‘From a Distance’ Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLHE9jrb_N4

Upcoming Dates:
22nd  June:  Neptune stations retrograde
22nd  June:: Sun enters Cancer , Solstice
27th June:  Mercury enters Leo

2nd July:  Mars enters Leo
3rd July:  New Moon at 10 degrees 38 Cancer at 5.16 am AEST
Total Solar Eclipse
4th July:  Venus enters Cancer

8th July:  Mercury stations retrograde at 4 degrees 28 Leo
8th July:  Chiron stations retrograde at 5 degrees 56 Aries
That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We’re carrying some heavy burdens with all these planetary energies.  Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter retrograde are taking us back to some old ‘roads’ and challenging us to lighten our loads. 

After this Full Moon release we greet the June Solstice, the midpoint of the solar year when time seems to stand still and the esoteric doorways open to unseen realities.

It marks the arrival of the solar month of Cancer and a new focus for our lives for the following 4 weeks. It promises to be a big month of change with two eclipses which shifts consciousness with what appears to be suddenness but is in fact a culmination of the undercurrent that’s been working within us.

There’s a need to stay focussed on our ‘green fields and rainbows’ as we travel on from the Full Moon.  Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius has a bit more distance to travel before he turns direct in early August. That will build on to the change processes of the eclipses and carry us through the final months of this year. 

Love and blessings to us all for a galactic ‘let go’ at this full moon!  It’s been a tough week, month, year, lifetime for many of us and yet we carry on with our eyes and spirit on the vision...rainbows!


from the chair...trusting the road

It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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