...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 12 June 2019

9th June 2019: Venus entered Gemini


Hi everyone!

We’ve been doing some heavy duty karmic shifting and resolution with the dominating earth energies which have kept many of us grounded even as spiritually we may feel ‘ungrounded’!  How can that be you may ask?

Just imagine the flushing out of ‘stuck’ energy from within the earth and from within everything on the earth both living and what appears ‘non-living’.  Everything is energy...everything. 

We’re emptying out of all the old blockages and burdens and it may feel like we’re ‘flat’, lost our spark, lacking the fire of spirit to drive us on.  We’re embracing ‘the void’, the ‘empty set’ from which all is born, birthed and reborn.

How do we get out of the feeling of nothingness?  What’s the key?  Where’s the key?
So how do we make any shifts forward in our lives when we’re treading so many karmic ‘grapes’?  In some ways we’re in a holding pattern for a while yet but we’re travelling in the light and energy of the New Moon in Gemini. So we need to be evolving something in our consciousness as a new direction, impetus.

Curiosity is our new key!  Heads up!  It’s Gemini time and our curiosity is  piqued, awakened and alert!
Image result for meerkatThe saying goes ‘Curiosity killed the cat’ but then the cat has 9 lives so forget the superstitions and embrace the stimulation of newness.  It is CURIOSITY which keeps us interested, alive and moving through life with the openness to explore possibilities and places which are new and stimulating. At this time, those new places may be somewhat esoteric and within the outer realms and dimensions. 

Being curious about the expansion of consciousness:  
Where is it taking us? What new ideas are exciting us?
Many of us are engrossed in the healing process and that could well be our place for exploring new ways, new understandings and to experiment with what works for us in raising our consciousness. We are being called to dimensions currently beyond our everyday reality whilst processing our everyday physical reality which is feeling dense and heavy.
Heads up! 

The power of personal planets...mind, body, heart alignments!
Elena Ray
The governing force for change is the spirit!
'My hands are small I know'

The landscape is changing as we have just started on a new lunar month in Gemini bringing our inner 'twins' into harmony, love, acceptance and equity. Gemini rules the nervous and respiratory systems as well as hands, arms and legs. Bring all that together and we can walk in truth and strength, inner peace, love and acceptance of all that we are.

Our personal planets, the ones that govern our personal lives and changes to those lives change more often than the big social and outer planets. Here's where we are today:

Mercury, ruler of Gemini and our 'mind manager' has moved into Cancer, the sign ruled by the moon which indicates our mental focus for the next few weeks.

Accessing our emotional intelligence will strengthen us in working with the emotions that can arise from the past, subconscious or ancestral karmic releases. Emotional intelligence gives us the mental understanding and insight into our mental energies and can defuse the mind which can become addled when the emotions take over.

Mars, ruler of Aries and the ruler of our masculine fire, drive and physical energies is also in Cancer,  
This gives us the clear message that combined with Mercury in Cancer we're in a key position to clearing a whole lot of emotional backlog from our physical bodies which has dampened fire, drive and enthusiasm. Mars will be moving on from Cancer into Leo on 2nd July which will feel like our inner flame has been ignited...providing we clear these next few weeks.

Venus, ruler of Libra and Taurus and of our heart energy has just moved out of Taurus helping us complete the heart healing around our earthly connection and the activation of our values and self-worth. We've been finding out our priorities and the bottom line for our lives of 'what's most important to me'.    
As Venus moves out of Taurus into Gemini we'll be falling in love with ourselves and bringing the inner conflicts into harmony. Well, that's the call if we're open and up to it.

9th June:  
Venus entered Gemini 11:36 am AEST...finding me, finding you!
Until 4th July
Divine union, divine reunion:  A call to love, respect and honour both ‘sides’ of ourselves!
Venus is in the sign of re-unification in sacred marriage, the marriage of masculine/feminine within us. Gemini is one of 3 dual astrological signs, the others being Libra and Pisces.  Whenever these signs are activated by planetary transits, it brings a focus on our duality, the two sides of us which seek harmonisation, peace, equilibrium and balance.

It’s a balancing act!  Acting/Waiting...which one?
For Gemini, our focus is on our mental energy and our masculine/feminine energies within, without.
This is more than just right brain/left brain modus operandi. It’s the whole balancing act between taking action and waiting and knowing which one to employ at which time.  All dual signs work with this ambivalent state. 

Tune in to the heart and really listen!
However with Venus in Gemini, it’s a call to focus our attention on our heart, listen to its voice and utilise the communication capabilities which can be Gemini strength.  Once we get out of our mental conflicts, the way forward becomes clear.  The unifying path of heart calls us!

Play time in the social sphere:  Our spiritual barometer of consciousness!
Along with the inner marriage of our ‘twins’ is the energy of social interaction, a perfect playground for experiencing just how that sacred marriage is working for us or tripping us up with resistance. Society and interaction with others gives us the experience and understanding we need to discover ourselves and our true worth.  With Venus in Gemini, there isn’t a better time to get out into the ‘playground’ of discovery.

We fall in love with ourselves and our divine essence...and shine!
As we accept ourselves and surrender to our own divinity, we shine with the essence of our spirit and emanate a charisma that speaks of our own reclamation of self at the deepest level.  We become attractive to others with a shining light that is pure spirit. We come into truth and emanate pure love. 

It’s a talk fest...from heart to heart!  Beyond ego, resonant to our true worth!
As we open to the power of love that comes from a united mind, we find we can speak to ourselves and to others in more loving words.  Perfect time for a ‘heart to heart within and with our nearest and dearest.  We get out of our monkey mind, the mental energy driven by ego attachments and relationships go to a deeper place where our true values and self-worth are expressed.
We hear and we are heard!

Meerkat as a totem. As totems, meerkats represent awareness, intelligence, quick wit, social nature and group energy. People protected or born under this totem are real social creatures. They enjoy spending time with other people, discussing all sorts of things and throwing in a gossip or two.

Meerkat – Spirit Animal, Symbolism and Meaning

12th/13th June:  
Mars returns from out of bounds 17 degrees Cancer and meets Karmic Node in Cancer...what an upgrade!

We’re about to find out what Mars has brought to our physical bodies, fire and drive while he’s been travelling out of bounds.  We know he’s been brining new consciousness into our mental body while he was in Gemini and this last stretch he’s been in Cancer bringing us into the nurturing power of Cancer.

We’re likely to find that there’s been a whole lot of ancestral and karmic ‘baggage’ dropped off from our physical bodies while he was travelling in Cancer.  Our memory banks have been clearing out more than likely  through the digestive system over the past few weeks.

As he meets with the Karmic North Node he’s rebooting and aligning with our planetary upgrade in consciousness.  We may well find we’re feeling some release after he returns from his journey.

Stay tuned and open with this as we never can totally predict how it will play out but hopefully a little light and perhaps a little more fired even though he’s still got a little way to go yet before he moves out of watery Cancer.  So. patience and awareness of the small indicators of a change of state occurring.

Be aware we may feel a little wobbly as he comes in for a landing.

Links to some worthwhile articles and messages:

The Schumann Resonance:  Excellent article from Dr Joe Dispenza
‘What does the spike in the Schumann resonance mean?’

Here’s a fun site: 
Find your primal astrology sign:  http://www.primalastrology.com/meerkat.html
More on meerkats at this link

From Lauren Gorgo:  ‘Divine Masculine & The New Creation Story’ 

Golden Oldies:
‘My Hands are Small I Know’ Jewel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfsS3pIDBfw
If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be that we're all ok
And not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful
And useless in times like these
I won't be made useless
Won't be idle with despair
Will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear
My hands are small, I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
Poverty, stole your golden shoes
Yet it didn't steal your laughter
And heartache came to visit me
But I knew it wasn't ever after
We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There I shall go sing
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
In the end only kindness matters
In the end only kindness matters
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
We are never broken
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's mind
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's heart
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's eyes
We are God's hands
We are God's hands

Upcoming Dates:
17th June:  Full Moon in Sagittarius
22nd June:  Neptune stations retrograde
22nd June:  Sun enters Cancer/Solstice
That’s all folks! 
Hugs all around!

Our tribe is hanging together, even if by just a thread!  The urge for Gemini social connectivity is with us and happening whether in our physical community, spiritually or in cyber land.  We’re in a speed learning environment and it’s awakening the curiosity mentally and emotionally. 

Some of us may well be feeling less than curious or even interested as we flatten out and allow the forces to wash over us, through us and around us.  We’re shuffling plenty of old energies into the light even if we don’t know it and those sleepless and/or restless nights are when a lot of this is going on.

When we sleep or come to rest, the light forces can get to work without the interference of our conscious minds.  We are in a state of surrender.

I’m really trailing with these updates as my body demands I rest and relax.  This too shall pass...soon!

Love and blessings to us all as we remain open and receptive to our light family and all the spiritual forces which are supporting us and guiding us through this year of expansion of consciousness.   


from the chair...trusting

It’s all about love
Divine reunion


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