...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 19 January 2021

20th January 2021: Sun enters Aquarius

Hi everyone!

The final day of the Capricorn solar month bringing us to the closure of some heavy duty lifting and releasing of the karmic baggage, our soul brief, our chosen soul contact for this lifetime.
Farewell to the Capricorn Sun, keeping on with the Capricorn lunar energies:
Of course it’s not over even as the new pathway beckons us to lighter days and easier roads.  We are still journeying within the Capricorn lunar month until the New Moon in Aquarius on 12th February.  And of course, the Capricorn energies are always with us.  But essentially, the heavy duty work of this past year to 3 years is behind us.  Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2024 so the transformation of humanity’s structures and systems is very much still in process.
Stop, step back, step up and breathe some fresh air!
For now, let’s take a moment to step back, breathe and allow the flow of new energies with new potentials to flood into us, to birth and nourish hopes, dreams as yet to be revealed. We’re learning to rest and relax when we can between the ongoing shockwaves of 2021.
Ongoing social and economic change!  
Those who can are ‘holding the fort’...keeping calm.
The coming week, month and year promises dynamic change as is the nature of a 5 year numerologically added to which we now have Saturn and Jupiter, the big ‘societal’ planets in Aquarius bouncing off Uranus in Taurus for the year. Mother Earth is holding us even as our comfort zone is disrupted and re-arranged.
Mercury in Aquarius new visions?  Missions? 
Venus is holding and grounding power!
We’re now in a place where we’re asked to continue to be receptive to the whispered messages dropping into our psyche, into our hearts, gems of insight about our vision and mission for the future in the coming months. Mercury’s the space cadet and Venus, the energy of the divine feminine is our guiding light asking us to take the gentle path of least resistance.
20th January: Sun enters Aquarius at 7.40 am AEDT
Mission Impossible? 
Until 18th February

Your mission, should you choose to accept it...
Sorry, too late.  Our mission was accepted as a soul aspect before we came into this earthly incarnation.  We were indomitable in soul form and nothing seemed impossible.  Now, as earthly beings right here in this time in this lifetime, it feels as if we have taken on an impossible task.
Manifesting what seemed ‘impossible’...the big transformation!
Seemingly impossible is the core of the expansion of consciousness.  You can’t break through the glass ceiling of old consciousness, old belief systems without a huge dose of spiritual chutzpah!
Chutzpah:  Yiddish word meaning ‘extreme self-confidence and audacity’
We wouldn’t be here at this time if we didn’t have the ‘chutzpah’ for the mission.
Time to claim our unique signature, our unique destiny!
The Aquarian Sun brings a huge extra dollop of chutzpah, of individual empowerment and access to our unique destiny.  With Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury already installed in the Aquarian energies, our unique signature is being activated by the Sun from this time in a whole new landscape which is cosmically inspired. 

Calling all fellow ‘aliens’! It’s time to step forward out of the ‘closet’!
Fellow ‘aliens’, accept your alien signature as it is ignited for us to continue our work for humanity.  All of us who have experienced the ‘orphan’, black sheep syndrome, know that this is our time to be our crazy starborn selves!  We’ve lived across the cosmos in one or more dimensions, in other realities as we have lived on earth, many of us since virtually the beginning of time. 
Earth is such a delicious attraction and yet how many of us have been re-visiting time after time seeking to play a role in the evolution of consciousness from the primal energies of war, conflict and duality.  How many times have we taken up the sword in a once again desperate bid for peace...the old solution!
The Aquarian call for freedom
First step is acceptance that ‘freedom’ is a personal construct, a perception of how freedom works for us!
Aquarius energy is a call to ‘freedom’, an energy which has been sought throughout all time by all people.  Yet now we’re coming into the understanding of freedom as an esoteric and magical experience that comes from within rather than without. 
Holding gratitude energetically for freedom!
Physical manifestation emerges from the energetic power of freedom we hold in our minds, hearts, bodies and spirit.

 How that works in relation to living within society amongst millions, billions, trillions of people on this planet is being worked out, worked through right now in this time. It’s just the beginning.  Anyone who’s worked with groups of people is well aware of the challenges of gaining consensus in thought, feeling and action.  That’s our brief...finding the common thread for all!
Time to access the hopes and dreams of a cosmic being:   ‘All for one, one for all’ brings a win/win!
In traditional Astrology, Aquarius rules community, friends and hopes, dreams, idealism.  Translated into our current reach for evolving consciousness, our aspirations will be towards the community of humanity, of the wider universe beyond earth.
Reach for our star of destiny!
Aquarius asks us to reach for our star of destiny, our star of guidance for living our ‘divine calling’ where the energy is always flowing and available for our service to ourselves and to humanity.  

Yes, Aquarius empowers the uniqueness of our individual signature as well as calling us to be significant as a member of human society.  It is ‘all for one, one for all’!  We’re looking for a win/win for us as individuals and for humanity as a whole.

20th January:  America’s call to independence and freedom
Let’s drop the hyped up fear and hold the peace and love of resolution!
Last week we saw an eruption of primal forces in the land that prides itself on freedom and independence, a leader in the world of growth and expansion.  Yes, America is having its Pluto return coming to a head in January 2022. This nation is undergoing major transformation which it will be undergoing for a while yet.  However, with so much hype around the inauguration of the new President this week, I felt the need to encourage all of us to hold the energy of love and freedom within our hearts and minds on behalf of America and for all of us on this earth.
Energetic intent is powerful and when the ‘family’ holds a family member in the safe knowledge that all will be well, we send a message of comfort and stability rather than fear, doubt, worry and insecurity. We need to all take responsibility for ourselves, our ‘families’ and for how we use our energies.
A world crisis with core wounds of national identity being revealed to be healed:
The world is going through a crisis of identity around nationalism, patriotism and egotistic attachment to false pride which puts us into a place of condescension and arrogance.  None of us can afford to point the finger of blame. ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’. I’ve been noticing, not documenting  that when a state or nation starts ‘crowing’ about their success with the virus they’re tripped up by another ‘wave’.  Core wounds of nations are coming up for healing and that’s in every nation. 

The physical body:
Potential for sudden accidents!  
Maintain extra mental focus and attention to connecting to the earth, being absolutely present and in the moment!
With the Aquarian energies coming to the fore and growing in strength through February, we need to be extra attentive to negotiating the physical dimension as Aquarian energies can leave us with minds in the stars, unfocussed on the physical terrain.  

Adding to this potential for sudden physical accidents is the presence of Mars, ruler of our physical body and our head, as well as Uranus/lightning striker, both travelling in Taurus and squaring off to the Aquarian placed planets.  Please everyone, keep aware of these energies which can knock you off your feet. ‘Be here and now’ is number one mantra for next month, 6 weeks!
My sudden ‘accident’ last year which was a freak incident I put down to Uranus connecting to my Mars/Ascendant in Virgo.
Medical Astrology:
Aquarius: rules the shins, calves, and ankles symbolizing forward movement and the progressive mentality that the sign also rules. This fact also makes Aquarius prone to varicose veins, sprains, fractures, leg cramping, and even gout.
Uranus: Diseases to arteries, brain's nervous system, parts of spinal cord, electric shock, heart attack, sudden accidents and unknown diseases.
Re-posting the message about the intensifying of the planetary karmic nodes in the last week of January:
Apologies for an error in the previous message.  The lunar nodes move to Taurus/North and Scorpio/South in January 2022.
Last week I mistakenly wrote 2021...old habits die hard!  Thanks Ineke for alerting me to this one.
Ongoing planetary evolution: 
‘Think global, act local’
Neptune 18 degrees Pisces squaring Lunar Karmic Nodes Gemini/Sagittarius 19 degrees
The karmic planetary lunar nodes have been in these signs since May 2020 and will be the evolutionary guiding force for humanity and the earth until January 2022.  They’re message can be drawn from the old slogan ‘think global, act local’ and gives our focus to the Gemini North Node ‘act local’.  This evolution of consciousness from the comfort zone of the old spiritual paradigm in Sagittarius, expansion and growth has been shaken up by the global pandemic which calls for us all to stay ‘local’. 
Neptune in Pisces, squaring off to these Nodes, intensifying from October 2020 will continue to impact on us as it comes to an exact squaring of the nodes in the last week of January.  Neptune in Pisces is bringing us all to accepting and surrendering to spiritual growth and expansion as a means of embracing the new way of life where travel and communication is localised. In January 2022, the Nodes will move to Taurus/Scorpio with our planetary focus for growth in the sign of Mother Earth and where we are invited to let go of drama and crisis from the past. 

Golden Oldies:

Your mission, Dan/Jim, should you choose/decide to accept it, ... As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape/disc will self-destruct in five/ten seconds. Good luck, Dan/Jim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TiqXFssKMY


‘Feeling Good’ Nina Simone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Y11hwjMNs  for Sun in Aquarius


‘It’s about Time’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_V-GB2jqO8 Sun in Aquarius

‘It’s about Time’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxk1S5v_RnM with lyrics



Upcoming Dates: 

29th January:  Full Moon in Leo at 6.16 am AEDT 9 degrees 06 Leo

31st January:  Mercury retrograde at 26 degrees 29 Aquarius 3.51 am AEDT

2nd February: Venus enters Aquarius

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!  Meeting with our inter-dimensional families!

We’re flying through the stars if we are willing to believe it to be so, on our way to the Full Moon in Leo when are unique creative expression in the world is likely to be awakened and activated. 


The full force of the Leo/Aquarian, Moon/Sun balancing act of the personal/Leo and the transpersonal/Aquarius dimensions and focus is likely to bring focus and direction for our place in this huge transformation of humanity.   We’ll be working with both, the individual and humanity, our divine self and our ‘community’. Here comes our calling card!


Opening to receive new visions and missions:

At this time most of us are still in the ‘data-gathering’ process of receiving information about ourselves, our unique gifts and talents and our place in the collective change process. 


As we reach beyond the temptations of the old polarising energies of ‘us and them’, we are challenged to hold our power and authority as cosmic beings elevating our emotions and thoughts beyond the base ego primal reactionary energies into the oneness of divine love, truth and wisdom.  We’re all learning new ways!


Love and blessings to us all as we maintain focus on living the higher expression of ourselves in a world that’s changing and morphing before our very eyes.

We are living our very own ‘choose your own adventure’ story book with an unknown outcome carried by the light of divine hope and faith of better times.



from the chair...with my star


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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