...for the children of the earth

Friday 29 January 2021

29th January 2021: Full Moon in Leo, 31st January: Mercury retrograde, 2nd February: Venus enters Aquarius

Hi everyone!

The Sun now in Aquarius as of 20th January, travelling with Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury, we are well and truly learning to fly above the clouds of despair, depression, oppression, anger, resentment and bitterness.
As we reach for the stars, all those emotional energies which have been banking up/banked up in our collective memory of the past injustices and inequities have been flushed to the surface in a collective sigh.  A sigh of relief in some ways and an emptiness in other ways. 
Holding the energy for America and its change process has occupied a good many of us for some time until the shock, shakeup and challenge to peace and harmony as a chosen path was re-established as a foundation. We have some breathing space.
Feeling emptied out?  Boredom can drive change!
What has kept our spirit fired for action, the passion for ‘putting things to right, to truth, to love’ is now emptying out of the darkness of toxic emotions which have been blocked from expression in the world.
New driver, new fuel beginning to be activated:
We have a new driver in the seat of our spiritual consciousness.  Yes, it’s human, founded on the human experience, on our history but drawing from a new well of nourishment...the wellspring of love, forgiveness, divine truth and a more evolved consciousness.

There has to be a better way...and there is!
New pathways of resolution are beginning to unfold in our psyche both as individuals and as societies. We are learning to drive our ‘vehicles’ with the base line of love, unity and reunion as the fuel for our forward progress.  

For so long, we have activated our ‘passion’ from a baseline of anger, fear, retribution, resentment, bitterness, blame, shame, guilt etc.  We just need to look at the lyrics of popular ‘love’ songs to recognise that most of them are based on old consciousness of ‘need’, neediness and the emotions of grief, loss, blame, anger and shame rather than celebrating love as an uplifting powerful emotion.
From 23rd to 28th January:  
A vision quest invited us to find a new vision to ‘float our boat’...maybe getting a new boat, a flying boat!

This past week, you may have felt as though you’re off the radar, out of this time and space as Neptune squaring off to the planetary karmic nodes of evolution at 19 degrees Pisces/Gemini/Sagittarius took us on a vision quest, an exploration beyond our present reality. This week has seen an intensification of these ongoing energies. 
Divine timing, divine order:  
Perfect time for letting go of the old 3D boat!  
Welcome the Leo Full Moon!
The potential facing of old unresolved demons has been present even as we sought to float through this time. There is no escape when you’re in ‘the doldrums’, no wind to fill the sails.  It’s a time of facing past, present and future realities and choosing to let go of the old fuel of 3D reality and bringing in the winds of change, the new fuel, motivated by love.  We’re all being invited to see what’s the new vision for ‘floating our boat’...the vision beyond our present view of reality.
The new boat, the new fuel:  Incoming with the Full Moon in Leo on 29th January which activates the release of old baselines and introduces new passions, joys and potentials. 
29th January:  Full Moon in Leo at 6.16 am AEDT 9 degrees 06 Leo...awakening our light!

Activating the light of our creative power and love!
It’s a stand off at the Full Moon energies with the Sun opposite the Full Moon.  It’s always a balancing act between night/day, inner/outer, introvert/extrovert, passive/active.  The Full Moon is the most powerful time of the lunar month for the moon when she is at her strongest light. 
Leo is ruled by the Sun which is precisely why the Leo Full Moon really asks us to bring out our light which is hidden in our deepest recesses, the essence of the divine child, to shine with the purity of a transformed ego.
Individual in Society:   Finding our place, our passion, our joy and spontaneity!
This Full Moon in Leo is being pushed to the limits of its potential light power to shine into the inner recesses of our psyche, subconscious, into our past, history and ancestral resources and connections.  As the Aquarian Sun activates knowledge of our unique signature, the Leo Moon is bringing forth the hidden gifts and talents, possibly as yet unrecognised by us. Leo rules creativity, the divine child, love of the romantic kind. 
A call to shine your particular light into the world:  
What kind of light are you?
Entertainment and the stage of life is asking us to stop being a shrinking violet and to find the means for expressing your light in the world. You don’t have to be an active extrovert to express yourself in the world. 
Finding our personal spotlight:
We need to find ‘our way’ which suits our preferences, gifts, talents, abilities and which is our path of destiny. Are you a slow burning steady light, a spotlight, a flashlight, or a mirror ball working with other lights? Sometimes we vary our light to suit our energy and mood.
Awakening, igniting, activating!  
A call to all creators to find their voice for expression!
Mars, our masculine warrior self, our fire and drive, ruler of our physical body is sitting with Uranus, the lightning strike awakener in the sign of Taurus.  At this Full Moon they are working together, squaring off to the Full Moon and the Sun in a powerful activation which is likely to ignite all our senses to awaken us to our core values and give impetus to express our creative passions. Nothing less will do.
Taurus rules the neck, throat, voice, thyroid gland

Activating our star of destiny!

The Aquarian Sun and its team of Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. is urging us to reach to the star of our destiny, to find our ‘calling’/new calling, the pathway to fulfilment of our creative potential in the world. It’s time to find a place for that unique part of ourselves that’s felt like a ‘misfit’. 


Maintaining faith in unique destiny:  

It’s always a changing landscape with a common thread..you!

If you don’t feel ‘destiny’ in your heart and mind, chances are you may feel pinned down by a treadmill existence.  If you have always felt the call of destiny, the knowing that you have a unique gift, a mission to fulfil in the world, then there is the likelihood that guidance will bring you that pathway.


Venus is sitting on top of the world, the Capricorn mountain, with powerful Pluto!  

Accept the power of the heart who knows! 

A rebirth of our heart power as Venus and Pluto meet at 25 degrees Capricorn

bringing our heart energy to the top of our own personal mountain, the mountain of success, setting us up for a blessed reunion of our heart with the power of love in our earthly existence.  Venus in Capricorn is concerned with fulfilling potential in the world, the public arena, the place where we can feel respect for ourselves and be respected by others for our particular gifts in the wider world. 


This meeting is our starter motor for carrying us to the top of our own

personal mountain of worldly fulfilment.  As we breathe the fresh air of activating our own personal heart power, we get a vision of our ‘impossible dream’, a taste of our path of heart, our ‘calling’, the fulfilment of our destiny.  It’s all out there awaiting our desire and passion to reach for the sky!


Listen to the heart and her secrets:  

She knows your yearnings...she’s the guide!

The fullness of a passionate existence, living life in all its highs and lows, extremes, the agonies and the ecstasies, comes to those whose hearts yearn for the passion of life and all it has to offer. 


If you believe life is about having a job, earning money and is a mundane existence, then chances are that is the life you are living.  The Full Moon wakes us to unfulfilled dreams and the deep desires hidden within us. Be open, ready and willing to live fully!


What about love?  I am a light in the world and so I shine!

At this Full Moon with all its romantic overtones of the Leo desire for love, Venus is asking us to first put our personal life in order with the love for ourselves through expressing our love into the wider world. She’s interested in us expanding our light fired with the charisma of someone who is fully alive to know themselves, their role in life, life mission as a creative being in this time of expanding consciousness.  


First step...be your shining self!  

Second step...let the kindred spirits find you!

When we shine with our unique light, as a charismatic light power, we attract to us kindred spirits, twin flames and the personal love that is the deep yearning of the Leo heart.  If you’re looking for love ‘out there’, then the first step is finding love ‘in here’ and being your unique self in the world.  Then you find ‘true’ love. Romance is in the air but it doesn’t work if we’re not in love with who we are at the deepest level of our being.



Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Leo
From Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
Leo 10
This Symbol shows the relief, joy and motivation that can come from going through cold and difficult times, even dark struggles, and waking up to things being “sunnier”, warmer and full of promise. This is a time when the "air" (the newly awakened mind) is crisp and the "ground" (the refreshed and renewed body) readies itself for a new round of activity. The rewards may be transitory, so enjoy the good times and salute the more difficult periods as times of testing and learning. The nights may seem very long but there is always the reward of dawn as the sun rises again on a brand new day. Refreshment after 'the long night of the soul'. Dawn meditations bringing inspiration. Awakening energies signaling new beginnings. Changing emotions. Counseling.
Aquarius 10
This shows the need to recognize, or realize, when conditions are changing or when there’s a need to work on your self or your image. This can imply having the ‘scales fall from your eyes’ about someone; you may have thought the world of them and then they are not the person you thought. You could wake up realizing that you’re not who or what you said or thought you were. Relationships may be left behind. The revelation can be amazing, but it requires accurately assessing what is and what isn’t the “Ideal”. Popular support does not always equate with depth of character and self-worth. Be wary of fleeting opportunities and committing before you understand what you’re dealing with. The Big Awakening. Staying true. Reversals of fortune. Waking up just in time. Not truly seeing people OR scales falling from one’s eyes. Projections of personality.

31st January:  

Mercury retrograde at 26 degrees 29 Aquarius 3.51 am AEDT...whoo!

Until 21st February at 11 degrees Aquarius

Losing the old mind, mindlessness and mindsets!

Mercury’s first retrograde stretch takes us even further into space, spaciousness, spacelessness and freefalling through the cosmic energies of Aquarius.


Reflection, review and renewal:  Recovery time!

Following on from the powerful messages and downloads of the Leo Full Moon, we are taken on a new exploration and expansion of our consciousness, way beyond where we have been up to now.  This is integration time when we get the opportunity to time travel with all those potentials and sparks of ignition that lit up the Full Moon with insights about our deep desires and natural gifts.


Data gathering, joining the dots:  Past, present, future...all relevant!

We’re going to be reconnecting with information from past, present and future which will inform our pathway forward in this Aquarian energy of mammoth global consciousness shift.  We need time and space to gather our thoughts, collect data, join the dots, make sense of how this global shift is working for us as individuals in our unique lives as well as our place in the wider perspective.  


Losing our ‘mind’, recalibrating our mental body for cosmic consciousness!

The next 3 weeks of ‘navel gazing’ travelling the cosmic labyrinth we’re making our own pathway through time and space.  There is no set path!  Mercury is so far out of regular 3D reality, we’ll need to bring ourselves back to earth in a conscious attempt to deal with our everyday mundane world. Extra attention and focus to be present to the moment, to be in the here and now.


Venus joins Mercury in Aquarius on 2nd February:  

Heart and mind working together to bring us answers, solutions and direction!

When Venus joins Mercury two days into his retrograde journey, we’ll really know that heart and mind are hand in hand leading us across the universe in a discovery tour that’s set to open our eyes, hearts and minds far beyond our present limited perspective. 


The global agenda for change as it informs our individual pathway for growth, change and expansion!

With Saturn and Jupiter both in Aquarius, we know that the energies of expansion and growth with disciplined focus on innovative solutions for social and economic problems is the number one priority on the global and collective perspective.  

It is with us finding our own particular brand of creative expression in the world interacting with global changes which will lead us to finding new pathways of expression for us as individuals.  We see the needs in a changing world and we find which needs speak to us.  Where there’s a ‘gap’ in meeting the needs of the masses may be just the place where we can find our personal pathway.  



Sabian Symbol for Mercury retrograde

From Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
Aquarius 27
This Symbol shows the need to spread beauty and grace and purity of motive and feelings of contentment. The simpler, more natural responses to problems and society often bring us a sense of refreshment and realignment with what is beautiful. Complications are more easily solved if a fresh and simple approach is taken, rather than the more complicated, intellectual or highly charged emotional responses. Like a bowl of flowers, this Symbol implies that by keeping your life pure and unclouded by bad news, negative emotions or thoughts, and maintaining a sense of hope and faith, you can not only be healthier, but bring joy to others. Returning to ancient sources. Flower and herbal remedies. Beauty. Setting standards for society. The mortar and pestle. Dainty, small and lacy things. Pottery bowls. Fresh water.



2nd February: Venus enters

Aquarius at 1.05 am AEDT

...fly me to the stars!

Until 26th February

Lifting our hearts to new dimensions:

We’re taking the heart and the power of love into a whole new dimension as Venus takes to the stars.  You want stars in your eyes?  It’s time to open our eyes to the wondrous nature of our world, beyond our little world of the everyday challenges and demands of life in the mundane. 


Venus accesses the transpersonal love of divine mastery of the heart!

Everyday life is moving into a new era where the mundane is valued for its gift, the opportunity to see human existence from a cosmic perspective.  Let’s pretend we’re Dr Who with his love of human life in all its forms. 


The bigger picture of love in ourselves and in the world!

Expressing love for ourselves and for humanity in a mundane world is perhaps our greatest challenge and our greatest source of joy.  The everyday world changes as we embrace the power of divine love in our lives. Then, we can fly!  This is divine love off the charts! 


Hopes, dreams are present and await our acknowledgement:
Perhaps the biggest consciousness raising experience is this time of Aquarian intensity where so many planets are travelling in the Aquarian energies which are concerned with transpersonal love, love of humanity, ‘community’ as in the wider community of soul connection, friendship and of course hopes and dreams!

Golden Oldies:

‘Who I Was Born to Be’ Susan Boyle with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGedAHHE2k4 the Aquarian Sun and planetary team


‘Dream a little dream of me’ Mama Cass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4T3tMkjRig for the Leo Full Moon romantic love


‘The End of the World’ Skeeter Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOCIuEOxpSY a Mercury retrograde ‘nod’ to the old ways, memories


‘If we Hold on Together’ Diana Ross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DloYHlh8dhE the universal Aquarian dream


‘Somewhere out There’ Linda Ronstadt and James    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkI-B2JWSZI Leo love dreaming it in




Upcoming Dates: 

12th February: New Moon in Aquarius at 6.05 am AEDT 23 degrees 17 Aquarius

Chinese New Year:  Year of the Ox



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

We are the lights of the world and our glitter ball keeps spinning and growing in number as we spread ourselves and our love into the world, accepting our roles as healers, practising the art of forgiveness, acceptance along with speaking our truth when needed.


Balancing the personal and transpersonal:  

‘A Tale of Two Cities’

‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…’  Charles Dickens ‘A Tale of Two Cities’


This much loved quote from Charles Dickens seems to encapsulate the energies of this time and this Full Moon in Leo when the personal is brought into the light across from the Sun in Aquarius where the focus is the transpersonal.  Balancing these two energies in our individual lives can be incredibly challenging when the pressures of the collective and the powers that carry authority in the administering of our lives can feel overwhelming to us in our desires to be heard, seen, acknowledged, accepted and loved.  Yet, that is exactly the crossroads at which we stand...between two worlds, the past and the future.


At the crossroads of change and choice:

Any moment in time can be seen through this lens but the present reality and forces of change have brought us to a significant point in time where we have the choice to go on as before or to step up to the plate, to be willing to be a star in our own life, for our own satisfaction and the sense that we’re doing all we can to offer ourselves to world change.  It’s a power shift that will be going on for years. 


The power of one!  One light, many lights!  

We’re all still dancing...together and apart!

Our power lies within us as individuals and as individuals offering our gifts and talents to the world in loving service and in the faith that consciousness can change from a power base built upon primal survival mechanisms, of kill or be killed to one built upon inclusion, unity and divine love.


Love and blessings to us all as we continue to do our bit, to play our part in our lives and on the world stage and to accept ourselves as a gift to the world for the elevation of consciousness to the power of love as the driving force for us, for humanity and for the earth herself.  




from the chair...ready to rise


It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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