...for the children of the earth

Thursday 7 January 2021

7th January 2021: Mars enters Taurus 8th January: Mercury enters Aquarius 9th January: Venus enters Capricorn

Hi everybody!

I’m cutting a few corners here, conserving my energy so am posting most of my facebook message for 31st December. I know some of you are connected with me on facebook and would have read this, but most of you only receive my email. So, this intro is for you. 
31st December 2020:  'Close the door, light the light we’re staying home tonight’
We're the 'dwellers on the threshold'!
The Full Moon in Cancer at New Year set the agenda for the ending of the old calendar year and welcoming 2021.  So we 'celebrated' the end of the year immersed in the lunar energies of Cancer, the home, place of belonging, family, the ancestors, the memories, the past and of course, held in the nurturing embrace of the divine mother energies.
So many of us across the world have been closed off to contact with others, to the socialising which gives us a sense of connectedness and belonging to the family of humanity.
Full Moon in Cancer to New Moon in Capricorn:  Clearing the past, still in eclipse cycle!
Of course with the Cancer Moon, the past, the memories and the ancestral connections are coming to the surface asking us to truly feel those emotions which have held us back from living a joyful and fulfilling life.  Those energies flooded us all through the New Year across the world and set the agenda for the two weeks up to the New Moon in Capricorn in mid January, which beings closure to the eclipse portal of the New Moon in Sagittarius.
The more we 'feel' the deeply buried emotions that keep us re-treading the grapes of past vintages, the sooner we can move forward into the future.  The New Year has been a feeling time as we stand on the threshold of the ending of the calendar year preparing ourselves to enter the new year of 2021. 
Individual truth and integrity will carry us through the outer chaos!
The regrets, disappointments, loss, anger and grief of the past year can be fully present as we face ourselves and  our emotions.  It's our choice how we go on regardless of the outer circumstances in the wider world.  This is a chance to set our 'records' straight and come into a state of acceptance of ourselves, our divinity, our spiritual power, our capacity to fly above the chaos and turmoil.
Illusions, delusions abound at this time. Our focus needs to stay present to ourselves, our lives and do whatever it takes to rise above the chaos and find peace and harmony within ourselves.
Closing the door on victim consciousness:
No good will come of being sucked into the complaining and whingeing vortex which has encompassed so many people on earth this past year. Those behaviours sap our energy and make us feel even more powerless. We've all experienced this 'victim' consciousness in 2020, overwhelmed by the global challenges. It's time to put this behind us.
2021:  A Year to own our power as cosmic energetic beings!
The call for 2021 as never before is to own our power as energetic beings elevating our emotions, thoughts, behaviours and realities into the higher dimensions of consciousness.
The door is open waiting for us.
3rd January: Mars leaves shadow 28 degrees 08 Aries  
Out of the dark

Finally!  Mars is moving out of shadow retrograde into new territory!
Although he’s been travelling in his own sign of Aries since 28th June this year,  his fire and drive have been less than full power, sapped by the Capricorn ‘makeover’ team of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto as well his retrograde journey from 10th September to 14th November.
We’ve been in a battle to the ‘death’ of the old ways of fighting!
Mars, being one of our main movers and shakers, doesn’t take easily to navel gazing so this year he’s been more than pushed to the limit, pushed over the edge with frustration, irritation, anger, impatience, fighting and conflict. The outer pressure of societal change and the limitation accompanying this big deconstruction of our world has been a major challenge for our Mars energy who wants to move, do, act and be fired by life.
Big learning and spiritual growth for Mars this year!
Mars ‘death throes’, the panic of ego seeking to overcome and win against the big power of Capricorn has been a challenge for Mars to lift his game, to raise his consciousness beyond the small ‘I’ and into the divine ‘I am’ of the bigger picture.  We’ve all been learning ‘it’s not just about me’ in more ways than one. And we’ve all been learning new ways to negotiate through the challenges of the power of ‘the system’, new ways of working with power, authority and energy.
From 3rd to 7th January:  Testing our new ‘warrior’ energies!  Are we choosing the higher road?
We’re about to find out just how much our inner Mars has grown and changed this past 6 months as he emerges from shadowland and takes to the new road with just 4 days travelling in his own sign of Aries before he slips into the earthy, loving arms of Taurus where he will be invited to relax and test his new found understanding and values.  Indicators of change:  responses, reactions, emotions, thoughts, interactions 
Changes in the physical body, head maybe.
Mars only travels retrograde every second year so we won’t be experiencing this one again until October 2022 when he will be retrograding in Gemini.
This week..a planetary gear change of the personal planets!  
Mars, Mercury and Venus

Apart from the Moon, the personal planets are the fastest moving planetary influences which directly impact on our personal lives...physically, mentally and emotionally.  As they travel through each sign they change the cosmic scenery in our lives and affect how we are experiencing life.  Each time they change signs they demand an adjustment in us, an adaptation to new circumstances. 
While we are still integrating the energies of the death/rebirth doorway of the Saturn/Jupiter meeting in Aquarius at the Solstice, we are being plunged into the integration of new ways of being, seeing and operating at the personal level.
This week, the adjustments will be called for in our physical bodies/lives, our mental bodies/lives and our emotional bodies/lives. 

Mars:  Ruler of our fire, drive and physical body will be moving from the fire sign of Aries into earthy Taurus, a fixed sign.  In fact the most ‘fixed’ earth sign.
Mercury:  Ruler of our mind, mental body, will be moving from earthy Capricorn into the air sign of radical Aquarius, a fixed sign.
Venus:  Ruler of our heart, our emotional body, will be moving from fiery Sagittarius, into the earth sign of Capricorn.
Bottom line:
Mars: Grounding our physical lives into the divine abundance of Mother Earth, Venus ruled Taurus. Accepting divine abundance.
Mercury: Elevating our thoughts, ideas, beliefs into the cosmic skies of Uranus ruled Aquarius.  Opening to new ideas and solutions.
Venus:  Allowing our heart to be the authority in our lives as we access Saturn ruled Capricorn.  Letting our heart be the leader of our success team.
7th January:  Mars enters Taurus
8th January:  Mercury enters Aquarius
9th January:  Venus enters Capricorn
Note:  The day or two before each planet changes signs when the planet sits on 29 degrees is a time of added intensity as the planet brings everything to the point of completion.  It can feel like the final ‘rush’ to tie off all loose ends, unfinished business.
7th January: Mars enters Taurus 9.26 am AEDT
...time to stop and smell the flowers!
Until 4th March

Change of scenery:  Time to slow down and relax...relax....relax
Mars rules our physical body, fire and drive.  He’s our masculine warrior self always at the ready to put things to right through action.  He hasn’t had much action in the past 6 months with all the global makeover holding him at bay.
Hang up the boxing gloves!
Goodbye to Mars in Aries fighting every known and unknown enemy!

We’ve been taken to the wars and back this past six months as Mars tried to negotiate the minefield of frustration, irritation and the enforced global lockdown. Mars has been chomping at the bit throughout the past year but his journey through his own sign since the end of June, including the retrograde navel gazing period, intensified the shadow boxing.
As the engines of conflict cool down, time to nurture ourselves!

Now in Taurus, hopefully some of that incessant firing of the engines with no action and the accompanying irritation may be appeased as we slow down and take time to bring those inner fires into some kind of physical relaxation.
The well of divine abundance is waiting for us to say ‘Yes, I accept’!  Gratitude for deliverance!

Relaxation may seem far away but Venus ruled Taurus invites us to allow ourselves to feel that all is well, that Mother Earth is looking after all our physical and emotional needs. After the past year of panic, fear and insecurity arising in the collective, let’s trust that the worst of those unresolved memories have cleared and we can now create our own new lives on earth, based on divine love.
Discover your deepest values, hidden talents and allow them to blossom and grow!

Taurus rules values, self-worth, gifts and talents that can be utilised in earning an income.  What better time to access that undiscovered self with its latent gifts and talents in creating new work that is driven by love and passion, that is aligned with the heart.  Venus rules love and money in Astrology.  Remember ‘Do what you love and the money will follow’.
Mercury in Aquarius will be supporting this inner discovery tour, throwing up new ideas and possibilities far beyond what we have considered possible.  And Venus sitting on the Capricorn mountain is running the show at the heart of all things, assisting with practical application of ideas.
Remember, in Taurus, it’s one step at a time, but we’ll be walking through fields of flowers.
8th January: Mercury enters Aquarius at 10.59 pm AEDT
Here we go...space cadets!
Until 16th March 
Image:  Butterfly Nebula

Mercury, now chief cosmic scout:  Throwing off the mental shackles of the status quo!

Our minds are taking to the cosmos with Mercury acting as chief scout expanding his consciousness in the exploration of new worlds, new perspectives, new ideas, innovative and what appear to be crazy solutions to our present situation, dilemma.  He’ll be sending all messages back to Venus who’s running the show for the time being from her mountain top. She’ll be joining him later on 2nd February.
Close the door on the mental breakdown and unworkable old problem solving techniques!Mercury’s taking us beyond the limit of our little minds which have been so locked in, locked up and running round in circles having a mental breakdown trying to solve problems with the old conditioned mind.  He’s taking us beyond what we have known into uncharted territory.
Preparing for the long journey ahead:  You have only to lose your mind, your ‘old’ mind!

A window of opportunity with an extended stay in the stars, 9th January to 15th March, thanks to Mercury embarking on his first retrograde period at the end of January.  What a set up!  We’re being given the chance to shift thinking at the personal level with some exciting navel gazing for 3 weeks at the end of January.
Staying ahead of the curve to minimise the curveballs!  
Get ready for an erratic year!

Aquarius can throw everything into disarray with his ruler, Uranus offering all manner of sudden upsets this year which shift the perspective and the limited thinking. We’re being given this opportunity to step out of our mental patterns of limitation and grab hold of any passing stars of insight and breakthrough. When we try to stay ahead of the curve, we can maybe minimise any curveballs coming out of the blue at the collective. 
9th January:  Venus enters Capricorn at 1.40 am AEDT
Bringing dreams to earth!
Until 2nd February

Venus sits atop the Capricorn mountain waiting for us:  ‘What took you so long?’
No heavy duty climbing for Venus as she can fly wherever she wants as soon as our heart opens to a feeling.  Just a feeling can take us anywhere in an instant.  Mercury can do this stuff too but is too often tied up with the mindsets.
Time to put down the karmic burden of struggle in the old order!
She’s been waiting for us to put down our heavy karmic burdens, our backpacks we’ve been carrying for far too long as we trudged up our individual mountain of ambition, our desire for success in the world driven by societal benchmarks being our driving force.  We’ve been climbing the old mountain of ambition complete with its castle and battlements.  
Venus is in charge of the makeover planetary team at the personal level:
Well, Venus is helping us with the heart makeover, taking a leading role for the next few weeks just to kickstart our hearts to open to feeling they’re in charge...for a little while anyway.  She’s the boss while Mercury, our mind power is out scouting for new ideas, expanding mental consciousness feeding information back to Venus at Earth Control.  She’s getting on with the practicalities of our lives now.  Mars is getting R & R recovering from serious burn out!   He’ll be doing his bit...when he feels like it! 

Whew!  Welcome to problem solving from the heart!

It’s a whole new way of problem solving that’s going to dig us out of the embedded beliefs and painful emotions.  All we have to remember is first, to be still, something that most of us are doing already with the global change. When we are still, our minds can tend to take over but in these next weeks we’ve turned our lower minds off with Mercury off expanding consciousness and exploring the weird and wonderful world of Aquarius. Meanwhile, Mars is discovering earthly joys and pleasures in his immediate environment dissipating the fighting urge.
Welcome stillness and be receptive to the heart’s guidance:  She’s singing us a song...our song of joy!

As we sit in stillness, in Venusian pursuit of beauty, harmony, joy and sensuality, we are taken into the power of the heart, the power of love.  We have all the senses to draw upon so we’re paying particular attention to what we see, hear, touch, taste, smell and what arouses joy, love and passion within us.  Choosing to listen to the heart is the key for us at this time, guiding us to new possibilities. 
Establishing the new foundation for success based on the power and authority of love:
Capricorn is success oriented and ambitious in the physical world but he is also cautious and like the mountain goat asks us to be sure footed in our ascent of our own personal mountain of consciousness.  Venus is a game changer here as she is helping us reframe our beliefs and values about success and achievement in our physical world. She’s helping us to integrate and establish a new foundation for our lives...based on love. 

Golden Oldies:

‘A World of Our Own’ The Seekers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqkohs8F2OE for the personal planets working with us


‘Walk Hand in Hand with Me’ Gerry and the Pacemakers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyXRd1KXdqs for Venus


‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ Sissel Kyrkjebø https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2s8kagz43E for Mars


‘The Second Star to the Right’  from ‘Peter Pan’ the movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFkyhlIm4m0   for Mercury




Upcoming Dates: 

13th January: New Moon Capricorn at 4.00 pm AEDT 23 degrees 13 Capricorn
14th January: Uranus moves direct at 7.35 pm AEDT
15th January:  Mercury enters shadow retro at 11 degrees 01 Aquarius



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


We’re off into the New Year of change and adaptation.  Hands up if you’re willing to take a big leap!

Are you ready to demonstrate your mastery of a changing landscape where our fancy footwork, open mind and heart and willing spirit will carry us through the big year of change ahead of us.  It promises a year of dynamic opportunities and challenges for us to negotiate a changing world, a world that is just getting started on a dynamic makeover from the grassroots up.  Every one is needed in this collective effort to maintain focus, dedication and commitment to do whatever they can, wherever they can utilising skills and talents for this huge change process.


With so many becoming aware of the ever present potential of lost ‘freedom’ and the growth of government power and authority in the administration of our lives, there’s never been a more important time to keep a clear head, an open heart and a focus on the power and authority of the individual within the community, within the collective. 


Actions speak louder than words and every action we take in our personal lives is instrumental in affecting change in the wider social perspective.  Panic and fear need to be put behind us as we open to taking up new roles, expanding already active roles and play our part in the growth of new concepts, ideas and perspectives which offer solutions for all. Our ‘little’ lives become big influences  when we enact our spiritual power and authority. One heart, one mind.


Love and blessings to us all as we take our mastery in negotiating the erratic year ahead. Stormy weather ahead promises clearance and dynamic change. Hands up if you’re ready and willing!




from the chair...I’m ready to fly




It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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