...for the children of the earth

Saturday 13 March 2021

13th March 2021: New Moon in Pisces. 16th March: Mercury enters Pisces

Hi everyone!

‘To the Lighthouse’!  We’re heading in the right direction...to the light!

It sure feels like I'm in Virginia Woolf's book of this title with the never ending stream of consciousness in a cloud of never ending journeying to get 'to the lighthouse'!

We’re moving through the Pisces Solar landscape, experiencing releases of old energies of humanity, the unconscious forces of the ancestral memories which have been such a huge guiding force of so much of human behaviour for so long. 


The collapse of the status quo which needed to happen for growth:

The global release of the past continues with the ongoing impact of the pandemic playing out across the world and multiple nations.  Old structures are being challenged and gradually demolished, bit by bit.


This ‘pandemic’ has served the purpose of disrupting governments, systems and economies across the world, something predicted by astrologers as ‘the tower’ of the status quo which needed to collapse.  We needed new foundations for the ongoing life of the earth and humanity. 


Feeling rundown and a tad exhausted?  Feeling the backwash? 

Bailing out! 

This last month of the year astrologically usually brings up feelings of exhaustion and weariness as we are completing, winding down for the year. Many of us have been bailing out after the flood of emotional release at the Full Moon in Virgo.


This particular time has been more than usually tiring with so little ‘fire’ energy available to inspire activity along with the ongoing influences of the pandemic on governments and the huge global release of primal fears of survival.


As awareness grows, disillusionment surfaces:  

From disillusionment comes action...eventually!

Events in the world have impacted our cohesive group consciousness playing out with a scattering of our personal energies,  sense of losing focus and direction as the old world benchmarks are challenged, insurrection from the masses is ‘put down’ by the powers that be and a feeling that the change process of evolving consciousness appears to be having little impact. 


The game plan is changing:

Within that change new needs, desires and directions are becoming evident!  

Awareness of inequity, injustice, misinformation and corruption is growing and awakening people as hypocrisy is revealed in action being misaligned with ‘words’. This is happening across the board in the personal as well as public arena. 

The game plan is changing as global changes continue.  New needs, desires and directions are growing within us all as we learn to reach deep for the mutable adaptability of Pisces and Gemini energies. Our global boat is ‘tacking’ in new directions. 



Working on all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually!

The current energies impacting us at the personal level haven’t been the most conducive to finding clarity and new impetus which is yet to surface within our beings.  While the social, economic and political change process is in such a state of flux, it’s difficult to see where we’re needed and where we can apply our gifts and talents.  It’s coming...the Equinox, a turning point for us all.  


Feeling a little ‘scattered’ or even fragmented?

We’ve been off the planet mentally and possibly overwhelmed by the universal Piscean ocean of collective emotional release.  Our fire energy has been very much focussed on healing spiritual wounds of identity, of the masculine warrior, fire and drive/Chiron in Aries, along with working with the re-balancing of our dual carriageway mental body/Mars in Gemini.


Fire power on the way:   

The Equinox brings much needed fire and new impetus!

We’re nearing the end of the astrological year as the Equinox approaches with the entry of the Sun into Aries on 20th March.  This is always a significant and powerful turning point for our year as it is the initiator of change and an ignition of the rocket fuel within us to get things moving.


With so many planets in air or water signs, there hasn’t much rocket fuel to stimulate our interest in igniting much in the way of new directions in our life. Aries along with Cancer and Capricorn is a cardinal sign, the energy that gets things started, even if they don’t carry through as well as the fixed signs.


13th March:  New Moon in Pisces at 9.21 pm AEDT 

23 degrees 04 Pisces

Endings, beginnings!

The New Moon and Sun sit together offering the beginning of the end!

We’re on the last leg of the Pisces journey for this lunar year, carrying our ‘ghosts’ of the past into the light of a new day, a new time, a rebirth, a resurrection. This last lunar month of our year sees the conclusion of so much which has been occupying our spiritual attention for the past year. 

The conclusion of the Virgo Full Moon cleansing process:   End of a cycle!

That last full moon has been playing out for the past two weeks with a purification of the body, the mind and the spirit.  Purity of motive and intent has been necessary as we have been refining and evolving our desires, hopes and dreams.  This New Moon is likely to offer glimpses of our new direction based on societal, economic and global changes.


Sun, Moon, Neptune and Venus:  A stellium of planets in Pisces!

Adding emphasis to the focus for the New Moon, we have Neptune, ruler of Pisces as well as Venus grouped close together to form a stellium. This is the call to divine love and connection to our higher consciousness.


Three days after the New Moon, Mercury will be joining the group so heart and mind in tune with the visionary energies of Pisces until 21st March.


Our theme, guiding light for the New Moon:  Vision, love, harmony!  Insight, illumination and imagination leading us to new directions!

This is huge Pisces energy guiding this New Moon with Venus and Neptune indicating the visionary aspect of love, beauty and harmony as the focus for application of our energies for the next lunar month and very much for the next week until the Equinox, the beginning of the astrological year when our fire and drive is activated with the Sun’s entry into Aries.  We have a week of envisioning and imagining and allowing the universe to bring in those visions. Just another week of this feeling of being in the doldrums with no wind behind our sail.  


13th March: Mercury emerges from shadow!  

New pathways, new solutions!

We enter new territory as Mercury leaves shadow retrograde at 26 degrees 29 Aquarius.  New territory for our mental energies with just a few days left in Aquarius before Mercury enters Pisces and hopefully brings us some clarity and understanding of the watery, emotional journey we’ve been undergoing along with new divine inspiration.


The Planetary Lunar Karmic Nodes on 14 degrees Gemini/North and Sagittarius/South activated by the big galactic energy of the Great Attractor, located at 14 degrees Sagittarius. 

For us, it would indicate a huge stimulus to our past comfort zone of the Sagittarian South Node. What has been big and expansive may be challenged to reduce and simplify.  This will apply to Sagittarius ruled communication, education, travel with a focus on ‘foreign’ connections. 


Change of direction:

Big energies shifting our vision to the bigger picture of world energies, higher consciousness

It could well take us into a new direction with respect to these areas as our Gemini North Node is emphasising local connections as the way to the future.  

Think in terms of commerce and commercial concerns as Gemini rules this area.  Local ‘markets’ look like being the way to the future, at this stage anyway.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon/Sun in Pisces:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com

Pisces 24

This shows living with others, sharing the same space or efforts to create a happy life. The people pictured all live together and have “Created a Great World All Their Own”. No matter how well people get along, people still have to compromise and give and take in order to sustain good community relations. Drawn together by similar hopes and ambitions it is ironic that sometimes compromise is the only way to successful coexistence. Making the most of what is available, even though it is restrictive, will help dispel any feelings of being cutoff and isolated. Who are you comfortable sharing your space with? Who would you have sharing your desert island? Adaptability and cohabitation. Considering others. Coexistence. The need for new people to grow and flourish. Apartments. People moving in. Seeking like minds. Social intrigues.
16th March:  
Mercury enters Pisces at 9.26 am AEDT
Imagine and dream!

Until 4th April

Mercury is rearing to go...but where?  The ocean of possibilities!

Mercury takes to the watery Pisces ocean.  He may not be entirely comfortable in this dimension but he’s going to make the best of it, as only a mover and shaker can do.  Now he’s travelling at a good pace, up to his own speed and in entirely new territory.  Where will it take him?   Pisces takes him into the ocean of possibilities.


The communication channels are open!  What is the message?

Mercury is the messenger, receiving and transmitting,  and in Pisces his mind is opened, if willing and aligned, to the visionary, inspirational energies of a Pisces ‘moment’.


Out with the old and in with the new as we ride the waves of change!

This is higher mystical consciousness sending us waves of new ideas from our imagination. Old thoughts held within us arising from the ‘mob’ mentality of the collective unconscious are likely to be washed out of us as the new comes in. 


Make space for the imagination! 

Providing we pace ourselves and allow time out for drifting and dreaming, at least until the Equinox, 20th March, we are likely to be receiving some new visions and potential dreams for something more than we are currently experiencing.


Preparing for the Equinox Ignition of fire:

I’m sure this will be welcome for many of us who are experiencing a lack of new stimulation with the tediousness of the long distance journey of these past months. The water energies are great for floating and relaxing but we all need the spirit of fire in our beings to ignite enthusiasm, excitement, adventure and spontaneity. So the next week we’re gathering the info from the Pisces network of inspired ideas and exploring imaginative potentials.  Nothing to do just yet.


Golden Oldies:

‘Carry Me’ Snatam Kaur and Peter Kater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWenZ99i_hM

New Moon in Pisces


‘Everlasting Sea’ Donovan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3XqKxio610


‘Imagine’  John Lennon with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6svOHFSAH8  for Mercury in Pisces



Upcoming Dates: 

20th March:  Sun enters Aries/Equinox

21st March:  Venus enters Aries

29th March:  Full Moon in Libra at 5.48 am AEDT 8 degrees 18 Libra


That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

To the lighthouse!
We’re underway, sailing along in an old ship with a new flag as we carry what we need of the ‘old’, jettison what we don’t need and head on into new territory, new oceans of possibility beyond where we’ve been before.  We just need to stay in sight of our guiding light, our star!


We need to get some clarity while we can in anticipation of Jupiter’s move into Pisces in May which will bring a huge expansion of Pisces consciousness and potential for spiritual growth and new directions. 


To the lighthouse...the beacon of higher consciousness!

So, this next lunar month is significant for finding our new directions, all with the assistance of Mercury our mind manager exploring new territory and with the rocket fuel of the Sun moving into Aries at the Equinox, the power and drive to initiate new projects. 


The theme and focus of what we have to offer is changing as consciousness is growing for humanity.  New ways, new ideas and new perceptions sourcing from higher consciousness is now the absolute basis for success in the world. 


With Uranus in Taurus continuing to throw curveballs at us, we need to stay alert  and vigilant, out of fear yet ready to ‘get the message’ of the wake up calls coming at us.   Remembering that we are always up to handling what comes our way with an acceptance and understanding that we are co-creators of our reality.  And so, we bring it all on to push us through barriers of resistance.


Love and blessings to us all as we continue to negotiate these tricky times and continue through the leap of faith that we set up for ourselves.  Once we start leaping, we are called to keep leaping. Breakthroughs of change are beginning to happen at the personal level.  It’s all good, even if challenging.   




from the chair...swimming on

It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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