...for the children of the earth

Sunday 21 March 2021

20th March 2021: Sun enters Aries/Equinox, 21st March: Venus enters Aries

Hi everyone! 

A call to rise! 

Rising above the turmoil and tribulation and bringing the field of duality into oneness.  Yes, dolphins are mammals but maybe the dolphin energies can help us bring into harmony, the Pisces energies of the dual sign, two fish swimming in opposite directions. 
Riding the waves of change!

What a rough sea for many this past week as the final throes of the solar astrological year continue to throw up unfinished business from the great collective past of our history.


The emotional field of the collective washed over us and through us like huge waves, flushing out unresolved memories from our being, our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits. Mercury/mind and Venus/heart have kept us fully engaged at the personal level in relation to the collective waves of mass consciousness.  What a week!

It’s a been a wobbly week on the earth:  Wearing your lifejacket?

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Working with the big emotional clearance of Pisces has been the solar energies which thanks to solar wind stream and plasma eruptions has resulted in geomagnetic disturbances to the earth’s magnetic field. 


These disturbances have the capacity to impact the physical body stirring up the nervous system, affecting balance and life force. We’ve been working on the clearance of the victim, slave, imprisonment, oppression history of the collective unconscious energies ruled by Pisces. Light downloads of higher consciousness have been working within us flushing out the unevolved memories of humanity’s history.


The New Moon in Pisces still in the pilot’s seat!

In the last week of the Pisces Sun and sailing the first week of the Pisces Moon indicates our Pisces ‘journey’ has more to go until the New Moon in Aries. Pisces is still very present in our field of consciousness with the New Moon guiding our boat for the next 3 weeks.  Neptune, ruler of Pisces still holding in his own signs and at this time still accompanied by the personal planets of Venus and Mercury, heart and mind.


From New Moon in Pisces to New Moon in Aries:  

A collective dive to arise!

The New Moon in Pisces initiated ongoing Pisces work within as the moon guides our unseen inner being, the subconscious, that which lies ‘buried’, unseen, unrecognised, unacknowledged.  The urge to access the buried emotions and bring them into the light of divine light and love is huge.  We dive so we can arise!  That lunar focus is with us until the New Moon in Aries in mid April.



From the Equinox through to the New Moon in Aries:  

Balance, equity, justice!

The collective emotional energies will be revealed as we move through this next month of ‘rebalancing’, the Equinox and the Full Moon in Libra where the focus is on justice, balance, equity.  Divine justice and karmic resolution is big time for the next few weeks as the Aries Sun responds to the leadership challenge in a whole new way.


It’s up to us to bring our personal being into a state of equilibrium no matter what’s happening in the world.  To feel, to let go.


World events as barometer of changing consciousness:  

How are we travelling?

What is happening in the world community, the outer world, is a reflection and response to what is happening within us all.  This is why I keep informed about the news, the political, economic and social issues that are coming to the forefront. 


Keeping afloat!
The news is to some extent, a barometer of the wider consciousness of humanity and how the masses are learning and growing.  Physical manifestation arises from the inner work of energy. Whatever brings forth an extreme emotional response indicates some deep clearance is happening.  

As we welcome and embrace opportunities to experience buried emotions so they can be released, freeing us from past cell memories.  My personal view is if a response feels irrational, it's coming from the past. Better out than in provided we release safely for ourselves and others.  

The challenge of the Aries solar month:

It’s up to us to bring our personal being into a state of equilibrium no matter what’s happening in the world.  The Pisces energies will continue to surface and challenge us to feel, to let go.  Aries calls us to our leadership as spiritual warriors, to live as we choose to live whilst acknowledging the process of release. 

Trusting in a peaceful journey ahead bringing calm to the raging emotional waters of the collective release.  The path to freedom from the timelines of the past calls us on.


20th March:  

Sun enters Aries at 8.37 pm AEDT

The power of one!  The Equinox!

Until 20th April

A new year, a new day:  Come out, come out into the Sun!  Be still!
The Sun entering Aries marks the beginning of the astrological year, a turning point when the Sun shines on the Equator and day and night are nearly equal.

It's a day of balance, calling for stillness as we connect to the solar energy of fire, the divine 'I am' energy of our fiery self, our true self.


Get ready for the fire power:  Out of the ocean, fired by divine will!

Aries is our divine ‘I am’ warrior self, our fire and drive, the rocket fuel that ignites our desires to initiate, instigate, to begin! Aries brings our focus into oneness with ourselves. The big challenge here is to evolve our small mind ego into divine ego consciousness.   

Fired by divine spirit of desire to act, to move!

The Aries Sun will be firing our inner desires to take action and possibly intensifying impulsive energies which need harnessing so that we can utilise this incredible power for our own good and for our path forward.   We are being offered a new key to a new door which can fire us up and launch us into a new direction ,trajectory beyond the past year/s.


Being patient with ourselves, despite Aries push to act now...steady!

Our spiritual direction and new being has yet to emerge as we are still accommodating immense changes within us at all levels of being.  

When Venus moves into Aries on 22nd March, we’re likely to get the tuning we need for our hearts to be open to the guidance which is true to ourselves and to divine love.  With Venus in Aries, we’re likely to receive the attunement to our higher consciousness, providing we choose the higher path of divine love.  Our heart’s evolution will be in play and whatever arises will be our call to transcend old unevolved energies and keep travelling on the ascension staircase. 


Be a meerkat:  

Knowing when to go to ground, maintaining awareness, independence and group cohesion when needed!

We’ve been living in our ‘burrows’ in lockdown for so long with many of us still dealing with this energy which has kept us confined, forced to work with ourselves, nearest and dearest in a huge makeover and realignment of who we are.  

We’ve been working towards new ways of living and new desires beyond our old reality. Our little Meerkat is listening but not moving until it's time.  The Meerkat seems to be a good totem for the times as it knows when to go 'underground', when to stand alone and understands togetherness along with distancing from the tribe.


The Equinox:  

And so we rise and unite...balance!

Esoterically:  The phoenix offers regeneration and renewal...ongoing!
It's regarded as a magical time in the traditions of earth as the other realities, timelines, dimensions become available to us at this point of stillness.  The effect can feel overwhelming as we are inundated with all manner of realities from other times, places within the history of humanity.


Time to choose our pathway forward:

This time on the edge of the entry of the Aries Sun is when it is up to us to choose our pathway forward, the life we choose to have here and now and from this day forward.  We are saying goodbye to those timelines which have been confusing us, challenging us, leading us down old pathways and holding us in other realities not aligned with our divine truth here and now. 


Remain aware of the pull of old energies drawing us away from our personal choice and direction!

This is an especially powerful time this year with the broader aspects of growing consciousness increasingly manifest as the collective energies face the deepest fears, doubts, insecurities.  We all know there is no guarantee apart from change and that security and feelings of security rest within us as we surrender to divine consciousness.


Scientific information on the Equinox:

The Sun Crosses the Equator
The March equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator, the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth's equator, from south to north. This happens on March 19, 20, or 21 every year.
March Equinox - Equal Day and Night, Nearly
There are two equinoxes every year, in March and September, when the Sun shines directly on the equator, and the length of night and day are nearly equal.



22nd March:  

Venus enters Aries at 1.16 am AEDT

Igniting the fires of desire!

Until 15th April 

Fire power is here!  

Yes...we’re going to feel a big fiery uplift in our hearts!

Venus joins the Sun in the sign of our warrior self, firing us up with powerful energies of desire and our ‘I am’ leadership urges.  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and brings the fire and drive, the urge to be a leader of our own lives. 

This energy needs careful handling as when the heart is ignited along with the Sun, we are going to be feeling an urge to take charge.  Taking charge of ourselves as spiritual warriors is the best for us all.


A note of caution:  

Be aware of the warrior within!

Aries energies awakens our inner warrior and we’re likely to feel some of those old unevolved urges of the ‘kill or be killed’ energies of the past.  Venus in Aries is a saving grace if we choose to align our heart’s desire with the love within of our divine ‘I am’ presence. We let ourselves open to the new with trust that we have new consciousness to support us.


New exciting adventures are awakening in our hearts!

Venus in Aries urges us to throw caution to the winds, to pursue our deep desires of passion and the urge to create something new, to walk in new directions, to carve out new pathways to our own personal fulfilment.  Aries is the power of one and it is calling to us to bring forth something new from within our hearts. 


Be open to new impetus, new focus:  Anything could happen!  We’re off and running!

It doesn’t really matter what new focus is birthing within us providing it’s new, of higher consciousness which ignites excitement and our adventurous spirit. Our heart knows our yearning and is ready and waiting to deliver our deepest hopes and desires to us. We just need to stay open and receptive to new urges which grab hold of us and get us active again.


Medical Astrology:  Aries rules the head which explains the expression ‘hothead’ when impulse carries us away with the fire of something new. 


Golden Oldies:

‘One Moment in Time’ Dana Winner with lyrics  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5RIfTn5WU0


‘Morning has Broken’ Cat Stevens with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rifby1tVE8


‘Sitting’ Cat Stevens with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6BUXz8ZuHU



Upcoming Dates: 

29th March:  Full Moon in Libra at 5.48 am AEDT 8 degrees 18 Libra

4th April:   Mercury enters Aries

12th April:  New Moon in Aries

15th April:  Venus enters Taurus



That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!


Some of us are having an R & R life, riding the slipstream of those who are forging new pathways of being and thus as an integral part of the collective consciousness.  

None of us can afford to ignore the role of everyone in this huge leap forward in humanity’s growth spiritually. Honouring each other’s process is the key. We are all playing a role just being here at this time.


We cannot know the soul path of each individual aspect of our collective soul identity nor can we expect to understand the challenges they face in their lives.  We can only be here continually aligning with higher consciousness whilst treading the pathway of our everyday world of the mundane reality just to stay alive physically.


As long as we maintain our focus and commitment to the evolution of mind, heart, body and spirit to divine reunion in love, unity and oneness within and without, we are doing our part, making our contribution to it all.  


Love and blessings to us all as we stand apart, stand together united in focus, direction and now feeling the fire to light our hearts with desire and ignite new directions, pathways which offer excitement, adventure and the spirit of action.




from the chair...getting ready



It's all about love
Divine Reunion


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