...for the children of the earth

Sunday 28 March 2021

29th March 2021: Full Moon in Libra, 4th April: Mercury enters Aries


Hi everyone!

The Aries Sun is shining on us, awakening our divine ‘I am’, activating our fire, drive, ego and identity.  The urge to get moving is strong but the physical reality in the wider world is channelling all that fire into the voices of the collective who are demanding change.


In stillness, awareness and raising our voices in unison:  

Enough is enough!

The Aries Sun holds our kangaroos in stillness, like us, waiting for time to get moving.  Meanwhile, the voices at the grassroots, of the masses, grow in strength and numbers demanding divine entitlements of respect as individuals.  Peace is restored as equity and justice is restored so we seem to have a way to go yet. Nevertheless, we continue to raise our voices in whatever ‘cause’ is in our ‘brief’, our portfolio of karmic work this lifetime. 


Venus in Aries:  Awakening the warrioress within!

Here in Oz, we’ve had an awakening and outpouring of the voices of the women and their stories, a manifestation of Venus in Aries, the voice of the warrioress demanding justice. 

With Chiron in Aries close by, the spiritual wounds of identity and respect are surfacing to be acknowledged and healed for women and for men too. We’re balancing the books!

And the rain flooded the rivers and the land:  A purge

Here in Oz, we had a deluge of rain, flooding and evacuations along the eastern seaboard, of inland towns, a purging of the land, a flood the likes of which hasn’t been for at least 60 years.  The purging of emotional energies from humanity and the land continues. 


Mother Earth and the cosmos is in charge:

One farmer said ‘Mother Earth has no compassion’.  And where is our compassion for Mother Earth.  Karmic justice is without emotion, a rebalancing of imbalance which needs rectification. There is no revenge, payback. We need to remember all this as we welcome this Full Moon in Libra which is all about justice, karmic justice restoring balance and the voice of the individual.


The Equinox Reverberations:

That was quite an Equinox portal we went through with the magnetic field cracked open, geomagnetic disturbances and storms for a couple of days then continued on and off for the past week.  The Sun was activated and in turn activating ‘the sensitives’ amongst us, clearing energy fields and downloading light into our bodies. 

Equinox image: 

Geomagnetic activity at the Equinox brought to life this amazing aurora.  Looks like a phoenix to me.


21st March, the Equinox:  

Mars moved out of bounds 

Adding to the agitated energies of the Equinox

At 10 degrees Gemini

Until 23rd April Mars moves into Cancer

Until 24th May

Mars movement out of bounds in Gemini:  

The fiery warrior energy found a voice!  

Voices of anger? irritation? frustration? 

This energy enhances, expands and fuels the planetary energy which is out of bounds.  So, effectively, the fires of courage, warrior energy and battle cry were sounding as Venus moved into Aries at the same time. 


The feminine warrioress energies awakened and speaking out!

Mars in Gemini fuelled the voices of the feminine here in Oz, motivating women to come forward to ‘tell their stories’ of sexual abuse, assault and misogynistic behaviours and words within our Federal Parliament.  

Australia has been experiencing a ‘me too’ movement resulting in ongoing allegations, denials by those charged with unethical, unlawful behaviours and 40 March4Justice protests. Yes, many men were marching with women at this time and some men have been listening to and backing women in the telling of their traumas and abuse.


A huge outpouring from women in Oz: 

The Federal Government and its staff were the main focus for this ‘outing’ of unethical and immoral conduct by men. However, the extent and depth of the cries of women seemed very much the cries of the women throughout our history, throughout time, cries for respect as equals. 


Governments and seats of power:  Ongoing challenges across the world!

Yes, governments and all establishments based on the ‘old order’, the patriarchal structures that are not serving democratic principles enshrined and or desired by the wider population are being challenged across the world.  I have been reminded of Lincoln’s words defining democracy as ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’.



29th March:  Full Moon in Libra at 5.48 am AEDT 8 degrees 18 Libra

A reckoning!

Libran Moon opposite  Aries Sun:   Equity, justice and the power of one!
The Full Moon flushes out the emotional of the collective energies and the sign in which it appears indicates the nature and focus of those energies. Libra, as one of the ‘dual’ signs rules partnership, any committed one on one partnerships such as marriage. 


The Scales of Justice and Equity are out for this Full Moon!

It’s dominating message is one of justice, with its symbol showing the scales of justice needed to bring equity and balance, thus attaining harmony, peace, love and beauty.  Without justice and balance we have difficulty attaining the state of divine love.


What happened to the power of love?

The Swan is a perfect symbol for the divine Libran energies, mating for life and maintaining balance on the water appearing calm above the water while paddling below.


Issues of marriage, love and partnership come to a head!

For many, this ideal is out of reach as the issues of equity at this time seem to be tipping the scales towards expressions of individual dissatisfaction, despair and doubt about loving partnership and personal growth and expansion.


A clearance of old issues around partnerships and love!

Consider this a soul cleansing as we reach for more expanded ways of expressing love taking time to get in touch with our deep desires and personal fulfilment of who we are as a divine being.  At this Full Moon, there is likely to be some soul searching by individuals about their ‘partnerships’ and the truth in professions of love. 


Where is love? 

 With clearance of the old issues, new pathways to love are opened!

The yearning for a committed partnership of unconditional love is the dream of society ever since the concept of romantic love came into being not that many centuries ago. For many who are single, this Full Moon awakens the desire for such partnerships and with the energy of the Aries Sun, Venus and Chiron may be just the power that clears unfinished business from the memory banks offering a clearway for new perspectives.


The Aries Sun awakens our identity, our I am:  Calls to leadership of our own lives! 

The Aries team:  

Sun, Venus and Chiron all on 8 degrees Aries packing a punch!

The Sun has gathered Venus and Chiron into his energy, all sitting on 8 degrees. 

The voices of individuals are raised up with the fire of the warrior spirit, activated by the heart energy and the feminine power within each one of us.  Chiron is the ‘speaking cure’ for us all so it’s time to speak and time to listen.


Speaking from the heart:  It’s heart healing time for all!

Aries is traditionally regarded as a masculine energy but this full moon is being activated by the feminine energy, the heart energy bringing healing to the spiritual wounds of identity, the individual and the need to speak, to clear the wounds deriving from not being heard, acknowledged, honoured as a divine being with the entitlement to peace, harmony, beauty and love.


Honour the heart and love:  

Speak with love and healing power!

This is a powerful time carrying a strong message for every one of us, women and men as our ‘I am’ calls to account for imbalances within ourselves, our relationships and the wider society. We need to use this heart energy wisely so as we don’t fall into the old abyss of fight, flight or freeze, to speak from the heart with love and forgiveness for ourselves for all the times we were outside the realms of divine love. 




Sabian Symbols for Full Moon in Libra: From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com


The Full Moon:  Libra 9
This Symbol speaks of beauty, art and wisdom. An 'Art Gallery' brings treasures from our culture, our world and the world around us. Time often doesn't seem to exist in this realm - all is timeless. This Symbol can show speaking to others about abstract concepts, art and culture, often on a higher level. Quiet contemplation of art, especially if people aren't around to distract, can bring rewards on many levels. Everyday chatter that doesn't go deep or explore life's beauties can be useless and mundane but communicating on a deeper, more creative and spiritual level brings interesting insights and answers. Truth in images. Intuitive vision. Reverence for art and form. Images bringing messages. Art collections. Photographs. The art of placement. Clairvoyant messages. Portraits.


The Sun:  Aries 9

This Symbol shows the ability to focus, take in insights, analyze meaning and draw conclusions from the available information. It is likely that the whole picture is there in front of you, but you may need to interpret its meaning. With a little concentrated effort, you will be able to see things very clearly. There is the ability to observe things that others may miss. Try really tuning in and looking within for answers as you have the ability to see them with just a bit of focus. What is your unconscious mind trying to tell you? Is your gaze wide enough or too narrow? Looking ahead to see the signs. Flashes of inspiration. Tuning in and looking within for inspiration. Creative, inner visualization. Aura readings. Penetrating the mysteries. Clairvoyant abilities. Being a seer.




4th April:   Mercury enters Aries at 1.41 pm AEST

More warrior voices!

Until 19th April

Many voices, many stories:  Unification comes as we speak as one voice!

Communication takes off in the fiery sign of Aries where the focus of the conversation is ‘all about me’, identity and the individual perspective.

This could result in a lot of people talking about their point of view, perspective and opinion without listening too much to anyone else.  There is a common thread, the focus of equity, acknowledgement, respect and justice.


Finding our way through the minefield of voices!

The positive picture of this transit will be people finding a way through the minefield of information overload into their own personal perspective, viewpoint and attitudes. This is about individuals finding their brief for the road ahead.


Discovery tour, adventurous new ideas: Mercury rules the mental body

This is a mental discovery tour of our individual mind and mindsets, sorting out the wheat from the chaff, the old from the new, the dead wood from the exciting new possibilities being presented during this time.

Be discriminating and prioritise your personal list of desires, needs, hopes and dreams.

Fire power in the voice and mind:  Confidence and optimism!

Mercury is speedy and in Aries, acts with a sense of urgency and immediacy in our thinking.  Yes, impulsive, excitable and stimulating communication channels within and without.  Out of all this fired up enthusiasm we are preparing for a birthing of new directions with the New Moon in Aries in April.


Clearing the decks:  

Out with the old undermining thoughts!  The rebalancing continues!

First, we need to clear the decks with the ongoing impact of the Full Moon in Libra impacting on our lives right through to the New Moon and fuelled by the ongoing rebalancing of our lives, our perspectives and our sense of self and divine birthright.  Mars is still in Gemini, out of bounds until 23rd April which is fuelling all the talkfest and adding to the focus of bringing balance back.



Golden Oldies:

‘Heart of the Universe’ Snatam Kaur and Peter Kater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0bzK2To-3k  Full Moon in Libra


‘Everybody’s Talkin’ at Me’ “Midnight Cowboy”  Harry Nilsson with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQlmgmR4a4g for Mercury in Aries 


‘I am Woman’ Helen Reddy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6fHTyVmYp4 Aries Sun, Venus, Chiron


‘You Don’t Own Me’ Bette Midler, Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6fHTyVmYp4 Aries team and Libran Moon


‘Where is Love? Dionne Warwick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dATOCyGDWOk  for Libran love and harmony


Upcoming Dates:

12th April:  New Moon in Aries

15th April:  Venus enters Taurus


19th April:  Mercury enters Taurus
20th April:  Sun enters Taurus

That’s all folks!  Hugs all around!

Our kangaroos want to get moving but are held whether by government lockdowns, illness, the trials of the mundane world of shelter, safety, nourishment of the body, mind, heart or spirit.


We need to keep holding steady as best we can despite the ongoing turmoil in the world. Everyone’s finding their soapbox to have their say, to release the burdens of the past, the untold stories, the secrets held within that need releasing and freed in a climate of acceptance and understanding as we heal ourselves and humanity.


Is this the beginning of the end? 

It feels like that here in Oz with the fires of last Summer, the fears with the pandemic, the lockdown, the floods we’re just coming through along with the purging of Sodom and Gomorrah as the moral depravity and ethical imbalances of the masculine/feminine are freed and released by the women speaking up and the men supporting them growing in number too.


The Western world is privileged in that we can still speak up whilst our brothers and sisters are still waging war against the patriarchal structures and military controls in their country.  That is why we in the western world need to forge on with our particular issues, knowing that every step towards the consciousness of divine freedom, equity and abundance is a step forward for everyone. 


This is what this Full Moon is about with issues of equity, peace and justice coming into perspective.  The ongoing path of coming into the power of divine love, harmony and peace is still with us as we continue with our soul work for the good of ourselves and thus for the good of all.


Love and blessings as we continue to hold the balance within and maintain the qualities of divine faith, belief in ourselves as divine beings who have the patience, forbearance, persistence and of course focus on our hopes and dreams for ourselves and for humanity.  




from the chair...held by divine power



It's all about love
Divine Reunion

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